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Visitor Comments
Visitor Comments: 2006
From: Thedum Manithan, United Kingdom
30 December
ஐயா, I write to you on the day Saddam has
given up his ghost at the gallows of the "American Justice". When Saddam was
a dictator he was an ally of the great US. But today he alone is executed
for the crimes committed against humanity. Yet thousands upon thousands of
Iraqi civilians have died since the invasion and occupation. Who will be
charged for that crime is the bigger question. Well, all is done in the name
of democracy! Sanctity of life. What a glorious and noble principle.
I'm also moved to watch No More Tears in the near future after reading
the piece by the ex-editor of the
Sangam website. I was given the impression that No More Tears was a bad
thing and one had rough-edged words with Ondaatje. Perhaps I was badly
I admire the way in which
Rajan Sriskandarajah has dealt with the subject - both objectively and
subjectively. He has revealed the pains and struggles of middle class
youngsters particularly from Christian upbringing as Ranjani and Nirmala.
Only a few days ago I was chatting with their first cousin and even now I
can detect the pain of loss. The pain of knowing intellectual engagement and
the questioning on human rights are taboo.
Armed rebellion and Satyagraha are equally tenacious. The first empowers
you with an AK 47. As the piece says, joining the latter in comparison is
like "a cake walk" yet requires tremendous courage. Engaging in an armed
struggle however, is far from a tea party. The piece on No More Tears has
asked a very honest question (which many Tamil writers avoid asking): "Would
I have considered taking up arms, or even a jail-break? Would I have gone
back to Sri Lanka from the safety of London, after my residence was
ransacked by a visibly irritated armed-force of whatever persuasion?"
He further states: "Many of my schoolmates at that time, of the middle-class
Jaffna Tamil variety, didn�t join me in this �non-violent� political
movement. Their parents forbade them, and my �friends� simply complied. In
this context, I find two middle-class-Jaffna-Tamil-girls joining an armed
rebellion most fascinating, and in my view, most admirable."
This rips the mask of Jaffna society with finesse. What an honest piece of
writing! There are writers a plenty - propagandists and pen-pushers who have
sharpened their pens by unplugging their conscience and heart. The quest for
truth has become trivial. Many salivate for titles: intellectual class;
academic club, etc etc; any thing to get a name, SOS, sell our souls. Orwell
spoke of his early youth thus: 'I had a facility with words and a power of
facing unpleasant facts'. Who killed Ranjani is shrouded in mystery. While
others might spend time casting casuistic doubt on the concept of verifiable
truth, I think, Rajan Sriskandarajah is nearer the mark.
நன்றிமிக்க. தேடும் மனிதன்
Professor Alvappillai Veluppillai, USA,
December 2006
Today your website carries a
good article on V.Navaratnam by Sachi Sri Kantha. I have 2 comments on
the article which can enhance the value of the article.
1. Rajadurai represented Batticaloa from 1956 to 1989 (i.e. 33 years).
Why VN says that he represented it continuously for 27 years as the First MP
is a mystery. I wonder whether 27 could be a printing error for 29 years
(i.e. from 1960 to 1989). Between 1956 and 1960, Rajadurai represented
Batticaloa which was then a single member constituency. Technically he could
not be called First MP for that period.
2. Sachi's observation that KP. Ratnam and not Anandasangaree is the
senior-most Tamil politician alive (after VN) is very interesting. I recall
immediately a triangle in the legislative career of these 3 politicians.
Anandasangaree was never a Tamil nationalist. He, who claims that
Kilinochchi was his pocket borough, contested Kilinochchi as a LSSP
candidate in 1965 and lost to KP. Ratnam by a big margin. As VN became a
rebel from the FP and formed his own Self-Rule Party in 1969, the FP wanted
to defeat him and hurriedly brought the popular KP. Ratnam from Kilinochchi
to Kayts as their candidate. They succeeded in defeating VN but their new
candidate, a last minute choice, in Kilinochchi could not defeat
Anandasangaree who was nursing the constituency for years. In 1970, Sangaree
contested as a Tamil Congress candidate. Sangaree won twice in 1970 and
1977. In 1977, he was a TULF candidate. All the 13 constituencies in the
Northern Province elected TULF candidates by a big margin. So Sangaree could
not claim any special credit. VN and KPR have better claims to be Tamil
nationalists, each in their own way than Sangaree.
From: Narenthiran Kengatharam, Germany 26
December 2006
You are doing with your website very good service for the Tamil people
abroad. I was able to listen to songs which I had heard when I was a small boy.
Diese Service finde ich eine sch�ne sache f�r all die Tamilen die in der
�bersee leben.Ich bin �u�est dankbar f�r euch.
From: Thedum Manithan, United Kingdom 17 December
I had heard of
Putmaipithaan and his powerful short stories which served as acerbic
commentaries of his society. But I had not read him - not until I
accidentally punched into the TN search engine.
A literati Tamil scholar-teacher was concerned that I
was impoverished in Tamil language. He used to pass on to me well-bound
literary papers from Tamil Nadu. He thought I had some literary
potential and that I should write poetry, essays and short-stories in
Tayi moli. I remember, he once told me, some good 30 years ago, that I
should read Putumaipithan's
தெரு விளக்கு.
I spoke to him over the phone in Eelam soon after the Tsunami. He asked
me whether I have managed to read in Tamil while living in a non-Tamil
environment. I sheepishly told him "Sir, I just finished reading
Purananooru - but an English translation". He wasn't pleased and he
revealed it in his tone of voice. When I returned a few months later,
his son-in-law told me that Sarangapani sir had passed away.
After all these years of exile-sojournings, today, I read
Puthmaipitham's short story! As I read it, I am speechless. I bow in
reverence to such profound teachers of old. I'm reminded of a Biblical
phrase: "I have heard it long enough; but now I see (the point)!"
I yearn for my 'home' as I knew it - which is obviously no longer there,
but remains now as a memory - a spiritual entity, peopled only
by treasured memories. And I am grateful to Tamil Nation for being that
spiritual connexion. Mikka nandri.
From: T.Vijayaraj, USA 16 December 2006
ஐயா, தங்களின் பணி
நாமக்கல் கவிஞரின்
புத்தகங்களை வாங்கி படிக்கவும் முடியாத நிலையில் இருந்த எனக்கு இறை அருளால்
தங்கள் இணையத்தளம் மூலம் கிடைக்கப் பெற்றேன். மிக்க நன்றி.
From: Revd.Chandi Sinnathurai,
15 December 2006
beautifully penned moving
account of the late tesatin kural : Bala Annai by Mana
Tanapalacinkam is a fitting tribute. Only a week ago, I was at a
religious gathering and there some senior people (I mean in chronology)
who were talking with some concern of "Stanny's imminent demise." Some
of them had known Balasingham as their junior from his St Patrick's
days; later in Colombo as journalist, then at British Consulate in
Colombo and in the early days in London. All of them in unison echoed
the fact, in spite of their differing political shades - (he was known
to them by his middle name) that "Stanislaus was a decent human being
and a gentleman." One person referred to him as a "master mind". I
thought that was a rare and glowing tribute to a man who was in the
thick and thin of politics. Privately, I valued his sense of wry
humour. Frieds tell me of his love for animals, birds and plants. Most
mornings he is out with his beloved wife Adele, I'm told for walks and
to feed birds by the riverbank - in this case its seagulls. I hope that
Tamil Nation would publish an English version of the above mentioned
tribute. I shall conclude with the words of Mark Twain: "Manifestly,
dying is nothing to a really great and brave man." May his soul rest in
peace! Kind regards
From: Alex Wolf, Netherlands, 13 December
I am a Dutch news photographer and want to make a photo story about
the LTTE. Can you bring me in contact with a guide who can bring me
to LTTE. Or a contact person who can show me the way to travel
around Sri Lanka to meet the LTTE. Thank you very much.
Response by
Regretfully our remit does not extend to making arrangements of the
kind that you request.
From: Anne Brace, USA
12 December 2006
I discovered your site by accident. It is very interesting and well
done. You must know that Frantz Fanon is said to be descended of African
slaves, Europeans, and Tamil indentured servants. I am a
student of psychology interested in
how history and the world around us affect our emotional/mental status.
So I was looking up Fanon and found
(and some terrible and wonderful information), because you printed
his talk from 1956 to
the Congress of African writers. You didn't mention his Tamil
background, so I wanted to make sure nobody misses that detail. Peace
and solidarity. I am with a group called News & Letters.
Maybe you can take a look at our website and see if you would like to
contribute a letter or article to our paper. (www.newsandletters.org)
Response by
Many thanks for your comments. Yes, we did look at
your News & Letters website and we wish you well with your efforts.
Given the demands on our own time in relation to
tamilnation.org, we do
not know whether we will be able to contribute at the present time but
that is not to say that we do not recognise the
enduring force (and the importance) of
Fannon�s words that the building of a nation is of necessity
accompanied by the discovery and encouragement of universalising values.
"If man is known by his acts, then we will say that the most urgent thing
today for the intellectual is to build up his nation. If this building up is
true, that is to say if it interprets the manifest will of the people ... then the building of a nation is of
necessity accompanied by the discovery and encouragement of universalising
values. Far from keeping aloof from other nations, therefore, it is national
liberation which leads the nation to play its part on the stage of history.
It is at the heart of national consciousness that
consciousness lives and grows. And this two-fold emerging is ultimately the
source of all culture. "
May God Bless.
From: N V Pillai, Singapore, 30 November
I want to thank
Sachi Sri Kantha
for his contribution to the cause of Tamils in Sri Lanka. He is a perceptive
Ethirveerasingham, USA 29 November 2006
The article "Tomorrow is Maaveerar
Naal" is a precise summary with appropriate links of our struggle and
aspirations. I am sure all Tamils are grateful to
for the valuable and 'numerous' literature. I
refer your articles and the website to those whom I come in contact with who
want to and need to know about the
Tamil struggle
for self-determination. I wish you and
continue to keep abreast and look ahead in this last and most ardous lap of
our struggle.
Response by
Many thanks for your comments.
From: Mala Iyer,
[[email protected]] 27
November 2006
From: S.Nagarajan,
Radius Learning, 11
November 2006
By introduction I wish to state that I am a teacher and Professor
who earlier worked in an established University in India. I
devoted my time to create a good portal for Tamil elearning,
egovernance and ecommerce. I worked extensively on two important
open source framework - Docebo (
) and Moodle (
http://moodle.org ). Using the advantage of Unicode enhancement
in these two frameworks with latest web technology I was able to
translate the framework into Tamil. I created a prototype for you
to access and evaluate the work done with a feed back/cooperation
for further refinement. Docebo: URL
enter username - rishi, password - rishi. Change the default
language to Tamil and you are in. This framework is unique in the
sense that you have a document management system, learning
management system and knowledge management system. Kindly visit and
check the overall working of this platform. Similarly I created a
Moodle site available at http://www.eclass4u.com/moodle
Please login with the username tamilan and password tamilan. At the
top you have provision for the change of language from English to
Tamil. I thank you for your suggestions for taking my project
further to a level and standard that international Tamil community
aspires to achieve.
Response by
We have included a link to your page in our
Tamil Digital Renaissance page. We
wish you success in your efforts.
From: C Ramesh, Chennai, 11 November 2006
Vannakam. I think you will be interested in this link (
www.pulavan.com ). It is an online
Tamil-Tamil dictionary developed by Panacea Dreamweavers of Chennai (www.pdsoftware.in ).You can search
for words and meanings in Tamil using Typewriter or Romanised method.
There's no need to download any font (exception: Firefox users). You can
also add words and meanings and edit meanings contributed by other users. A
lot like Wikipedia, except that it's all in Tamil.We look forward to your
participation. If you like our site, please do spread the word around.
Endrum Anbudan
Response by
We have included a link to Pulavan On Line Dictionary in our
Learning and Teaching Tamil page. We
wish you well in your efforts.
From: Umakantha Sarma, Australia, 8
November 2006
The recent
letter from the
International Federation of Tamils calling upon the International
Community to Respond Meaningfully to Sri Lanka's Message of Terror dated
4 November 2006 is a well written summary of events explaining the situation
of Tamils and the inaction of International community which shows
shows it's partiality. My view is that this type of letters and memorandums
should be sent regularly (on weekly basis) to all mass media, news
papers,co- chairs and their ambassadors etc exposing their hypocrisy and
From: Dr. Bavan Sri-Skanda-Rajah,
Canada, 7 November 2006
Thank you so very much for publishing
my recent Toronto Star Community
Editorial with the relevant links, each, providing a self contained and
comprehensive guide - with supporting evidence � vividly describing the
tragedy that has befallen the island of Sri Lanka including the immense
suffering experienced by the Tamils. You have done a brilliant job
documenting the history of our struggle incident by incident. It is going to
help open the eyes of even the editor and my colleagues in the Community
Editorial Board of the Toronto Star. I hope it will transform the editorial
policies of the Toronto Star and help change the mind set of people. I am
truly grateful for the service you are rendering.
Response by
Mikka Nanri. Comments such as yours help to sustain us in our own
May God Bless.
Alex Pattakos, Ph.D. New Mexico,
USA 29 October 2006
I had the opportunity to visit
your web
site and found it very inspiring. Since you have dedicated space to my
mentor, Dr. Viktor Frankl, I thought
that you might be interested in knowing about my book, Prisoners of Our
Thoughts (which Dr. Frankl had personally encouraged me to write), and
meaning-centered work. In this regard, please see both:
www.prisonersofourthoughts.com and
www.globaldialoguecenter.com/alexpattakos Blessings, Alex
Response by
Many thanks for your comments. Vicktor Frankl continues to inspire
many. Actually in May 1998, it was
Victor Frankl's
little book 'Search for Meaning' which we had come across by accident a
couple of weeks earlier which finally pushed us to publish this website. The
particular words which moved us appeared in his Preface -
"Don't aim at success - the more you aim at it and make it a target,
the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot
be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side
effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or
as the by product of one's surrender to a person other than oneself.
Happiness must happen, and the same holds for success: you have to let
it happen by not caring about it. I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you
to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge. Then you will live
to see that in the long run - in the long run, I say! - success will follow you precisely
because you had forgotten to think of it..."
We wish you well with your efforts - and we were struck by Stephen
Covey's remarks in his Foreword to your work -
"With the seven magnificent principles Dr. Pattakos describes in this
important book, a kind of primary greatness is developed where character
and contribution, conscience and love, choice and meaning, all have
their play and synergy with each other. This is contrasted with
secondary greatness, described in the last chapter of this book�being
those who are successful in society's eyes but personally unfulfilled."
From the Foreword by
Dr. Stephen R. Covey - Author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
From: Revd.B J Alexander, United Kingdom,
24 October 2006
Vannakam! I would like to convey "Meth thap periya upakaram" for
hyperlinking excerpts from Bose's The Lost
Hero... The narrative and the legends (vera theera seyalkal) of Chandra
Bose and his INA gives us insights that is compatible with the Ealavar armed
struggle. The non-violent struggle of the Mahatma and the armed struggle of
the INA, both played its pivotal role - both were radical in essence and its
philosophy. And as a whole both these modes of struggle contributed to the
freedom of the peoples of the sub-continent. Quite rightly the Labour
Government of that time made calculated moves - the time was ripe for
independence - transfer of power that is; not without economic reckoning, as
always. One final point. Bose's death - "an enduring mystery". Many leaders
have died mysteriously in mid air! Each time our Vanni leadership travels on
SLAF helicopters this matter comes to haunt me. Of course, there is the
security guarantee of the co-chairs. But if things were to turn pear shaped,
there is always a cop-out clause shrouded in mystery. I cannot disguise my
From: Rajesh Iyer, 22 October 2006
off to you Sir! I had a look at your website which I got in
a search for Kalki Shri Krishnamurthy. Truly it was a scintillating
experience and in the past 6 months I was able to complete two of his novels
- Sivakamiyin
Sabatham and
Selvan. These two novels , led me thru a journey of the period of two
different Tamil monarchs (Pallavas and Cholas) ... just reading the novels I
found myself walking along with King Mamalla II attacking Pulikesi II
in Sivakamiyin Sabatham and walking with Vandiyathevan in Ponniyin Selvan to
Eelam to meet Ponniyin Selvar 'Arul mozhi varman ' . Thanks to you I
got to know about
Kanavu also.
From: Ana Pararajasingham, Australia,
17 October 2006
I must thank
for engaging, challenging and further exploring the ideas expressed in my
short piece entitled
�The Strategy
of 'Containment'. One cannot but agree with the following response by
�Why would the international community support a solution based on a union
of two states? We may need to address, up front, the strategic interests
which leads the US to oppose the emergence of an independent Tamil Eelam. We
may also need to address up front the strategic interests which leads New
Delhi to oppose the emergence of an independent Tamil Eelam. And the reasons
which impel each are different (and do not flow from a generalised statist
disdain for non state actors). We may then take the next step of showing
that a union of two states in the island of Sri Lanka will not be against
the strategic interests of any of the three international actors - and that
it is a refusal to progress such a solution which will work against those
strategic interests�
From: Saty Raghavachary, 15 October 2006
Symmetry in Threshold Design in Tamil Nadu:
Hello there! Amazing site, with a rich collection of
information and links. Please keep up the good work. Thank you for including
my 'Tile-based Kolam Patterns' research
paper in your 'kolams' page. You might also want to include this link to a
video presentation of
Kolams of South India
K.Puvana Chandra,
United Kingdom, 9 October 2005
For publishing the
journal of arumai
thangachi Gajaani enathu nandri kalantha valthukal -
எனது நன்றி கலந்த வாழ்த்துக்கள்.
The last statement of Gajaani reminds me of
something that a very senior state official told me during a
visit to the North once. When I asked him how during his inspection
tours to the area he knows when the government controlled area ends and
the so called 'uncleared area' starts he said
Thamby, I look at the cadjan fence along the lanes (olungai) and
when I see a properly thatched fence starting I know that I have
crossed into LTTE area.What ever they do they do it to perfection"
That summed it all for me and Gajaani's statement shows what underpins
the ethos of this great organisation. One day our nation will be built
on these foundations and that is and must be the hope and aspiration of
all Eelam Tamils.
Nandri vanakkam. Response by
Mikka Nanri. We ourselves can relate to that which you say - and also to
Gajaani's remarks about Kittu. We remember an occasion in 1992. At
that time we were editing the Tamil Nation fortnightly news paper. The
had published a photograph of children sitting on the floor and writing
on sheets of paper in the corridor of a 'refuge' in Batticaloa.
Kittu, who was living in London at that time, phoned the next day and
said: "Annai, that photograph of children in Batticaloa was very good.
Can you please let me know of books from which our people back at home may
learn how to take good photographs?"
Kittu was a perfectionist in all that he did - and said. The
struggle was his life. We publish below a rather poor reproduction of
the photograph which Kittu liked so much -

From: S. Rajagopalan, 30 September 2006
Vanakkam, I am very very happy that I happened to learn about your
website thro' my friend when I wanted to read about
"Periyarin Marupakkam' book by
M. Venkatesan. I will procure this book pronto. You are doing a great
job. Continue and God bless all those connected with it.
From: Ravi Ravindrarajah, Sydney, Australia, 27
September 2006
Please find the latest book (72 pages) published by the Aum Muruga
Society entitle Saiva Funeral Rites with explanation authored by N. Mahesan,
who conducts funeral rites for Saivites in Sydney. This book is written
keeping the expatriate Saivites in mind and the guidelines are easy to
follow and written on simple Tamil. Please include this publication in your
website considering it is a valuable guide for many Saivites living outside
the traditional homeland where Saiva priests are not available to conduct
the ceremony. Thanks you and best wishes.
Response by
publication does fill a
void and has now been included in the
Mikka Nanri.
From: S.M.Lingam, Canada 14 September
Vanakkam.I wish to congratulate you on your well timed and well explained
article, Black Pebbles & White Pebbles.
It is a very instructive and scholarly contribution to our liberation
struggle. You conclude by quoting Mamanithar Sivaram that we should make
every endeavour to stir people's reason, intellectual curiosity etc. I
wrote an article entitled "Quantity
Deficit & Quality Surplus" soon after the signing of the CFA emphasizing
similar and related ideas.We have to continue that process in a well
coordinated way as a concerted campaign with more commitment. I want to urge you and other writers of
your calibre to make more frequent contributions of this type so that more
of us may gain proper political awareness which may then permeate to others
too. With best wishes and many thanks.
From: S.Varatharajan, Australia 13
September 2006
What a relief to see your article
Black Pebbles & White Pebbles.
I have been really frustrated that no one is writing anything which is not
an insult to one's basic intelligence. Since
Sivaram's loss it has become
far worse. Please do write more. I am glad that you succinctly pointed out
with great clarity the nature of the US-India interactive play.
From: Reuban Nanthakumar, Australia 10
September 2006
BBC and its Flirtations with Sri Lankan
Propaganda: Thank you for the excellent work in editing and formatting
the article for your website. The
annotations and the page anchors add to the usefulness of the article and it
was also great to see that the site actually attached the photo of the
bombing as well. Your work is much appreciated.
Response by
Mikka Nanri.
From: Robin Steep, Sri Lanka, 28 August
[[email protected] ]
I am a student in Sri Lanka. I need the official mail address of
the LTTE to contact them .Can u give me. My email address:
[email protected]
Response by
Vannakam. We do not have the address that you have requested. Additionally,
we regret that our remit does not in any case extend to making the
arrangements of the kind that you have requested.
From: Kalpana Vignesha, Sydney, Australia,
27 August 2006
Dear tamilnation.org, Vanakkam. I'm in the process of writing my honours
thesis. I'm arguing against the idea that without the
Tamil Diaspora, the LTTE would cease to
exist. While I'm aware that many in the Tamil diaspora willingly contribute
to the movement for Eelam and that the LTTE has expressed its gratitude, I
think it is presumptuous on the part of certain authors to say that the
diaspora is the key link in the continuance of the conflict or to insinuate
that the Tamil diaspora are
terrorists by
proxy. Your website has been an awesome wealth of information (well
referenced as well, which is a real boon in academic research!) but I was
wondering if you could recommend any other resources (or point me to precise
parts of your absolutely huge website) that might aid in my research and
writing. Much thanks.
Response by
thanks for your comments. Regretfully, our remit does not extend to
providing the kind of assistance that you seek. We wish you well with your
research efforts.
From: Liz Gay, CNVC Trainer, Singapore
[email protected] , 21 August 2006
I was excited to stumble across your website today after connecting over
the telephone with a colleague of mine who is endeavouring to share a
process of compassionate communication with people in Sri Lanka, hoping that
through effective communication the fighting there might stop.
I am a Trainer with the international Centre for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC
at www.cnvc.org ) and am contributing right now as a coordinator for its
activities in South and East Asia/Oceania. We feel hopeful the process we
aim to live by and share, Nonviolent Communication or NVC, can support human
beings everywhere towards developing the
spiritual consciousness, personal
competence and organisational skills required for all people to get their
needs met and to resolve their conflicts peacefully.
My colleague, Chris Rajendram, mentioned that he has been having difficulty
getting materials translated in such a way that they might be shared with
the Tamil population in Sri Lanka. Also, he is short of Trainers who might
work with various groups in order to support more peaceful negotiations
taking place between people in that country.
I remain uncertain how this could be made to work, and I wondered if there
might be Tamil people living in Singapore who might enjoy an opportunity to
contribute to their brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka. You are most welcome
to check out www.cnvc.org meanwhile in order to discover more about our
movement. Warmest regards meanwhile
Response by
Vannakam. Many thanks for your email. As you may know we ourselves are based
in UK � and our own remit as a website does not extend to engaging in the
efforts that you envisage � though
we certainly agree
that a process of compassionate communication will further an
understanding of the interests which each people seek to secure and in this
way, may help to bring peoples together. One needs to truly understand the
other before one can make oneself understood by the other. At the same time
we are mindful that the ultimate concerns of most disputes are tangible
conflicts of interest, and structural factors and that dialogues must
therefore be placed in the context of the overall dynamics of conflict and
conflict settlement. We are posting your email in our Comments page so that
visitors to tamilnation.org
may contact you directly should they want to help.
From: Kohila Yanasekaran
[[email protected] ], 15 August 2006
I saw your website and was very impressed. I have a small request. I have
been trying to get the books and movies of
writer Jayakanthan
but unable to do so. My mom who went to India recently tried few bookshops
in Chennai but also not able to. Could you please tell me, where can I get
the following books and movie
1. Oru nadigai nadagam parkiral ( book and movie) 2. Oorukku nooru per ( book and movie) 3. Paathai theriyuthu paar ( movie)
Please let me know whether I can get it online or do I have to write to
someone, or do I have to write to writer Jayakanthan itself....If yes the
contact number or address. Hope you will respond to my mail and be able to
give me some details. Thanks so much...Really appreciate it.
Response by
Regretfully we ourselves have been unable to locate the information that you
have requested. The books that you refer to are listed at
but unfortunately they are currently unable to offer the titles.We are
posting your request in our comments page so that visitors to this website
who may want to assist may contact you directly. We wish you well with your
From: Muthu Kumar,
11 August 2006
Dear Tamil Nation, It�s our collective responsibility to impart our
cultural heritage to our younger generation, who are more westernized under
social compulsions. Changes are inevitable but we should never allow our own
culture, a precious pearl slip out of our hands and fall in the heap of cow
dung lying unnoticed. While appreciating the concerns of
Desiree Naidoo of the cultural
decadence in the Tamil society in South Africa, our fraternity in South
Africa is ready to show the right directions to our own younger generation.
I have forwarded the concerns of Desiree Naidoo to Tamil Federation of
Kwazulu, whose general secretary, Thiru Saths Chettiar in response to my
email has written that the South African Tamil Federation together with the
Tamil Federation of Kwazulu Natal are busy undertaking various activities to
keep our culture intact there by organizing various programs to bring
cultural unity among Tamils there.
The Federation continues with any work which affects Tamil people of
South Africa, whether it is taking up issues with the Government or trying
to sort out problems in temples. He has affirmed that while many people have
no speaking knowledge of Tamil, there are many, who do have speaking as well
as reading and writing knowledge. There are many organizations that
propagate and perpetuate Tamil culture, language and religion. He has
advised the younger generation to take sincere efforts to keep alive Tamil
language and culture there. Desiree may take the advice of Thiru Saths
Chettiar (in the right perspective and contact Tamil Federation, Kwazulu or
South African Tamil Federation for keeping alive her passion for Tamil and
culture there. Desiree must know that her voice is heard in India (
[email protected] ) and
South Africa (
[email protected] ) because of our oneness as Tamil.
From: Lucio Mascarenhas, Goa, 6 August 2006
Neither the
Aland example, nor any
other precedent can work for Ceylon due to the intransigence of the
Sinhala chauvinists. The only solution is full independence for the North &
East, and the expulsion of Sinhala colonists from there. I earnestly pray to
God for the success of the Eelam cause. As a Goan, agitating against the
illegal and criminal invasion and occupation of Goa by India, I can
understand what you are going through. We Goan patriots support you
A.Thangavelu, Canada, 4 August 2006
Response by
The confusion is understandable. But
is a translation/equivalent in
Tamil of tamilnation.org . At present domain names are in English but
Internationalised Domain Names have
recommended the following Tamil equivalents for the common English domain
name extensions -
.net =
இணை, .com =
.வணி, and .org =
.அமை and so
on. These Tamil extensions have also had the the support of the
International Forum for
Information Technology in Tamil
(INFITT). This explains the use of the term
The word இணையம்
also refers
to the internet/world wide web.
From: An American Caucasian, Pondicherry,
[ [email protected] ] 4 August 2006
Found your site last night. Although my daughter was born in Pondicherry,
I'm a Caucasian USA citizen and I was very intrigued by
Dinesh Agrawal's Demise
of Aryan Invasion Theory. It is a radically fascinating
presentation of facts - especially that Caucasians can be of all varieties of
colour tone - dark to light. Then Dravidians are Caucasians. In America,
Caucasian is synonymous with white. How do we undo convictions? How to undo
the conviction that the mighty 'fair skin means passage' in India? How to
re educate everywhere? I hope the facts about the Tamils of the Indus
Valley and upper Afghanistan attracts more research. Keep up the great work. And
while I'm at it, my husband and I want to do Tamil immersion....live in a
Tamil home, and have at least four hours a day of reading, writing and
speaking Tamil. Preferably Chennai or Pondicherry. Please just post for
feedback. Thank you.
Response by
We are posting your request in our comments page so that visitors to
this website who may want to assist may contact you directly. Meanwhile, you may find
comments on 'Who is a Tamil' of interest -
"...Dravidian as a western academic term refers to a linguistic family. To read it a
as a racial group is a logical fallacy of monumental proportions. After all,
none of the classical and pre-British colonial Tamil writers talk of of a
'Dravidian' race; so why should we? It was a 19th century European academic
fallacy to equate a linguistic group with a racial group and which has been
given up by European academics themselves; so let us not wallow in that fallacy.
Other related pages at this site include
Dravidian Problem -Dr.D.M.Rasanagaiam,
K.Nambi Arooran
on The Origin of the Non-Brahmin Movement, 1905-1920, and
Navaratna S. Rajaram and Davis Frawley on
Vedic "Aryans" and the Origins of
Civilization: A Literary and Scientific Perspective. Reviewing the latter book,
Subramaniam Thambirajah said -
" The book
poses a credible challenge to the
Aryan invasion theory
of India. Put forward by Max Muller in 1861, the theory holds that the decline and
final disappearance of the Indus valley civilisation was caused by invasion of nomadic
tribes from central Asia, the Aryans.... Ever since
the theory was propounded by Muller, it has been viewed as a fact of history, one of the
givens and hardly ever subjected to scientific investigation. The last
is precisely what this book does: treats the assertions as
theory and make it a
subject of scientific inquiry...Max
Muller�s invasion theory was based on one and only one source of evidence,
linguistic evidence...
The area of research that Rajaram and Frawley have delved into is desperately in need
of new approaches utilising a variety of methods. Unfortunately, incentives for such
original work are scarce and problems of funding and bureaucracy are ubiquitous. The world
of archaeology has been more interested in Egypt and South America than in Indology.
Research into this area is important not only to clarify and understand history but also
because human beings have an inherent need to know who they are, their origins and the
history of their forefathers..."
From: Sri Ram [
[email protected] ], Malaysia,
28 July 2006
We are a group of students from Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia planning to stage a drama on
Lord Murugan's Valli Thirumanam under the patronage of Malaysian Tamil Arts
Society. Its solely for charity purpose and to revive back the stage
play industry in Malaysia. It would be a great help for us if we could get
the stage play scripts of Valli Thirumanam in Tamil ( if there are any).
Your help is very much appreciated.
Response by
We ourselves do not have the stage play script for
Thirumanam. However, we are posting your request in our Comments page
so that visitors to this site, who may be able to help
may contact you directly. We wish you well in your efforts.
From: S Rajvee, Special Correspondent,
SUN NEWS, Chennai, 28 July 2006
Dear tamilnation, the service you are doing is wonderful. My sincere
appreciation to your team to make this a continuing success. Thank you very
much and my best wishes.
From: M.Ananthan, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Coimbatore, 27 July 2006
This mail is with respect to
Thilagam Sivaji Ganesan's life long ambition to play the role of
Periyar - one of his unfulfilled
desires. I would like dedicate this morphing picture (as Periyar) to Nadigar
Thilagam on the
5th anniversary of Nadigar Thilagam's death.on 21 July 2001. Thank you for
your understanding
From: Amie Barrodale
[[email protected] ] 27 July 2006
I am trying to put together a story for the Kids issue of
Vice magazine. We want to interview a
child who is seeking or has gained political asylum in Australia. The piece
will be done a first-person account about what they left, and what they have
found. I thought you might be able to help me get in touch with a thoughtful
and articulate child between the ages of 6 and 13. Please feel free to write
to me or call with any questions or concerns. This issue closes Friday, so
please respond at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your time.
Response by
Our remit does not extend to making the arrangements that you have
requested. However we are posting your request in our Comments page so that
visitors to this site, who may want to help may contact you directly.
From: Ravi Ravichandran, 27 July 2006
I wanted to bring to your notice Mr. Sujatha's effort to make his
novels and collection of short stories available in e-Book format. It
would be nice if you can mention this in your site. The URL is:
Response by
Many thanks for pointing this out. We have now included the link in our
Language & Literature page
and also in the
Tamil Nation Library
From: Muthu Kumar,
26 July 2006
Dear Tamilnation, I have read the
views expressed by Desiree
Naidoo of South Africa and her accolades to tamilnation.org.
Its heartening to know that
sincerely and silently transforms the hearts of Tamils, who have
hitherto adopted/adapted to the western and native culture due to
social obligations and makes them understand the beauty of Tamil
language and
culture. The result is one Desiree
today and thousands of Desirees tomorrow. I wish
all success in its efforts to bring our own ancient culture to the
door steps of every Tamil
around the
globe. I wish Desiree Naidoo good luck.
From: Sachi Sri Kantha, Japan, 24 July
I would appreciate if any of the Tamil
Nation readers can provide information on where Pundit K.P.Ratnam (MP
for Kilinochchi, 1965-1970; and consequently MP for Kayts, 1970-1983) is
located now? If anyone has relevant information, I'd like to learn about
it in this column.Response by
We will forward any replies to Mr.Sachi Sri Kantha.
From: A Visitor from US, 22 July 2006
Hello, I stumbled upon your website and am fascinated and engrossed in
it. Besides the teachings, I love the
paintings by Jayalakshmi
Satyendra. Do you have any idea as to where I could purchase
reproductions of any of them? Thank you
Response by
Many thanks for your comments and for your interest. Regretfully,
reproductions of Jayalakshmi Satyendra's paintings are not available.
Desiree Naidoo, South Africa, 21
July 2006
Dear Tamil Nation, Thank you very much for this website. I am a Tamil
female currently in Johannesburg.
Africa is such a diverse country and Tamil people such a small part of
this diversity. For this reason I feel that Tamils in South Africa have lost
so much of our culture and values. I am
ashamed that so many of us do not understand or appreciate
our language and make no effort to keep
our roots alive. I have no doubt that the
percentage of people that understand Tamil gets less and less each year.
This is a message to all the Tamils in South Africa - our language and
culture is slowly becoming obsolete. We have altered and changed our
beliefs, disrespected and ignored our language. Be proud in being Indian, be
proud to be Tamil, pass the message to your friends and instill the pride in
your children.
From: Gerard Aartsen,
Amsterdam,Netherlands, 21 July 2006
Dear Madame/Sir, Yours is a very interesting website and a rich
reference source which stretches well beyond strictly Tamil interests. I'm
sure I will visit it regularly in the future. You might also be interested
in what US author Alfie Kohn has to say about education (
www.alfiekohn.org ). See esp. his
"Caring Kids" and
students", both available online in the Articles section. What struck me
was that your online Library does not have an
Education section, esp in the light of the
number of references and pages
dedicated to this subject. Best wishes.
From: Dr. S Ranganathan,
[[email protected] ],
21 July 2006
My dear Tamilnation Brother: Tamil Vaazhga! I would like you to go to the
following link and read this interview with one Mr. Venkatesan, who is a
Dalit. What appalled me
was the contempt of
Mr. EV Ramasamy
Naicker for my mother language, Tamil. He called it a barbaric language.
I am disgusted that we, Tamilians, praise and hold him on a pedestal. And, I
also found out that his mother-tongue was not even Tamil but Kannada. I am
quoting the following taken out of Mr. EV Ramasamy Naicker�s book:
'For more than 40 years, I have been describing Tamil as a barbarous
language (Kattumirandi Mozhi) used only by barbarians. When Brahmins and
the Brahmin-dominated government wanted to make Hindi a State language,
I started, to a very limited extent, advocating the promotion of Tamil
language only to oppose the imposition of Hindi language. The only
language that ought to replace Tamil is English. What is not there in
English which can be found in Tamil Language?'
In the interests of fair play and balanced reporting, you must publish
this. Nandri, Anbudan.
From: Kalaivani d/o Kandesan, Singapore,
17 July 2006
I am Singapore University undergraduate. Your website coverage on
Thirumurai is excellent.
http://www.sasthapillaigal.com/sgthirumurai/ is a forum dedicated
to Thirumurai. It is designed by me and my friends on behalf of Thirumurai
Maanadu Singapore.
Response by tamilnation.org
Mikka Nanri. We wish you well with your Forum. We have included a link
in our Thirumurai page.
From: Stacey Al Darmaki, Kingston, United
Kingdom, 10 July 2006
I am currently conducting Phd research at Kingston University (UK) under
the guidance of Mr Philip Spencer (Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts and
Social Science). I have spent the last three years carrying out secondary
research into how the
recruitment and use of children as soldiers is affected by the type of
conflict and armed group with which they are involved (please see
research outline) and am now looking to deepen my knowledge via primary
research. I was hoping it would be possible for you to give me contact
details of organisations/indivduals who may be prepared to assist me. I
would like to set up meetings to discuss my research and complete an
in-depth questionnaire. All assistance will be acknowledged, if wished, in
any published work. I am available on
[email protected]
Response by tamilnation.org
our remit does not extend to making the arrangements that you have
requested. However, we are posting your request in our Comments page so that
visitors to this site who may want to help may contact you directly.
We wish you well with your research efforts.
From: Thuvaragan Rajah, Colombo, Sri
Lanka 4 July
I am a Sri Lankan Tamil. I really like your website. I think its awesome.
You are doing a great job with it - letting the world know the
real struggle of our freedom fight. I have
uploaded a video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvIQNz7DUqk about the terrorism in
Sri Lanka by the government forces. Keep up the good work with your site.
From: Katie Turner, Assignment Editor,
CNN [mailto:[email protected]
] , 27 June 2006
I'm looking for a contact for Anton Balasingham in the UK. CNN would like
to do a television interview with him. Best regards,
Tel: +44 (0)207 693 1670
Mob: +44 (0)7990 516 474
Response by tamilnation.org
our remit does not extend to making the arrangements that you have
requested. However, we are posting your request in our Comments page so that
visitors to this site who may want to help may contact you directly.
From: Kristin Anne Kunasingam,[
[email protected] ]
Australia, 23 June 2006
I am a student at Monash University, Australia. I am in my Honours year
at the moment and I'm doing research for my thesis regarding the
Malaysian Indians. It would like your
help in obtaining current statistics of the breakdown of Indian sub-groups
in Malaysia. As of now I only have statistics of the breakdown of Indian
sub-groups in 1970. I would really appreciate your help if you could point
me in the direction where I am able to obtain this data. Thank you
Response by tamilnation.org
We ourselves do not have the information that you have requested - apart
from the information already available in our
Tamil Diaspora - Malaysia page. However
we are posting your request here so that visitors
to this website who may be able to help may contact you directly. We wish
you well in your efforts.
From: Serge Kamalen, [
[email protected] ]
Reunion Island, 22 June 2006
I am French with Tamil origin and live in
Reunion Island. I am a biology teacher and I am am a member of ACRI
(Cultural Reunion India Association ). I learn
Tamil and I am very fond of
Tamil culture. I plan to visit
South Africa with my family from 20
July and 12 August and want to meet Tamil family in South Africa to have
exchanges. In Reunion I have met a Tamilian delegation from South
Afrika an I will be very happy to meet Tamil people in South Africa.
Maybe you can help me to success my project.
Response by tamilnation.org
We are posting your email here so that visitors to this
website from South Africa who may be able to help may contact you directly.
Additionally, our South Africa page
may provide you with some information which may be helpful.
From: Prof Dr S Ramalingam,
Tamil Nadu,
22 June 2006
I have visiting your site for quite some time and I realise you really do
some WONDERFUL service to Tamil and the Tamil community throughout the world.
Keeping all Tamils in the world updated
everyday with a lot of very useful information is really a COMMENDABLE
Response by tamilnation.org
Mikka Nanri.
From: Hiroshi Gunathilake,
Foundation for Conflict Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 19 June 2006
I would like to order 2 copies of "The
Fall and Rise of the Tamil Nation by V.Navaratnam", published by the
Tamilian Library, Montreal and Toronto - 1995 . Could you please let
me know how should I make the payment. Thanking you
Response by tamilnation.org
We ourselves do not stock or sell the books listed
on our tamilnation library pages.. You
may want to address your purchase inquiry to the address which appears in
the page
Mr.Navaratnam's book..
From: Rev B.J.Alexander, London,
United Kingdom, 8 June 2006
I was pleased to read
Velupillai's reflections. Its been quite some while I had been trying to
get hold of the following paper authored by him - 'Some notes on Maravar
Connections with Northern Illankai'. Of course, I sent an email to [email protected].
Now I know why it was returned. I
wonder whether the good professor would make it available please to the
likes of us with research inclinations to read and take note of our Maravar
ancestries. Nanri, Vannakam
From: Sachi Sri Kantha, Japan, 8 June
To my fellow Tamil readers: Recently, I have noticed a rather disturbing
trend of my contributions to
being plagiarized and posted in other websites and chat forums without
proper acknowledgement to the author and to
This need to be protested. I happened to see that segments of my thumb-nail
sketches on minor Tamil militant groups which I included in the
LTTE's 30th birth anniversary
essay posted in early May 2006, have made their way into the
Wikipedia entry on Tamil militant groups without any acknowledgment to
the original source. This is only one specific example. I have also noted
chunks of quite a couple of my previous contributions also appearing in
other chat forums, without acknowledgement to the author. I earnestly
request that those over-enthusiastic readers who carry out such 'cut and
paste' contributions, without consulting me, need to curtail such deeds. I
can understand the urge to cite some of my thoughts. But, it is far better
to think and write one's own thoughts rather than skimming from someone else
- without acknowledgement.
Professor Alvapillai Velupillai, Arizona, USA, 7 June 2006
I have been a regular reader and admirer of
I have not contributed till now on the problem of the Tamils in Lanka. I
feel that it is my duty to come out and contribute my mite for the cause of
the Tamil people. I am sending my article titled "Reflections on the shedding of Tamil blood for fifty years
in Sri Lanka" as an attachment.
Response by tamilnation.org
Many thanks for your comments and for your contribution. Mikka
From: Nagata Shojiro,
InterVision Institute, Japan 6
June 2006
is a very interesting webpage. I am very interested in Kolam and then
learned something about it and want to make a meeting/symposium in Japan
This symposium will focus to discuss and exchange the interdisciplinary
interesting issues on scientific, art, cultural etc in Folk (traditionally
culture, ethnological) art in the world. Folk art includes any designs for
textile, clothes, decorations, painting, furniture; other ornament works for
decorating, representing some stories. For example, floor painting Kolam
(Tamil Nadu, South India), Celtic knot design (Europe), sand painting Sona
(Central Africa), Nitus (Vanuatu, South Pacific Oceania), OlziiHee
(Mongolia), Chinese knots (China), Takara-mon/Mizuhiki (Japan) as well as
Arabesque design.
Most of design has geometric, periodical, cyclic, symmetrical, and recursive
properties, which possess rich religious or aesthetic features as well as
mathematical or scientific features. For example, these knot/string patterns
have some open-problems, different from Eurien Cycle, as topics in knot/link
theory yet now, or like a problem of 17 wallpapers.
These designs will be useful for modern lives as ornament works, and also
educating or training of cognitive power of the brain, for children and
handicap persons or will be a hint for understanding biological structures.
We will discuss on how to draw/create such patterns and applications in
industry or education as well.
Exhibition by authors or other presenters at the Demo corner would be
greatly welcomed, for example, real paintings, ornament works, drawing CG or
tangle objects/toys etc. Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the
above topics. Please visit Japan to attend this meeting and see Japanese
Arts - InterVision Institute at
From: Selvarajan Veerasamy, Malaysia, 2
June 2006
Thank you for hosting this website. Vannakam to all Tamilians. In
Malaysia, 90% died in the early
migration from India to Malaya due to diseases from malaria and other
reasons. The 10% who survived continued to become formidable by learning new
things from another civilization, the Chinese and the others that they came
in contact with. Still we are a second class citizen here. But in Sri Lanka,
the Tamils know what it means to exist as a nation with self respect. In
India, Tamil Nadu has become tame, an
old tiger. But the Tamils of Eelam have brought back the Tamilian's prestige
as a noble race that will not bow down to slavery (opposite to freedom) but
can be equal to any other in the world. Most of the nations that oppose the
struggle for Tamil Eelam do so
because of their own agenda. They have forgotten how they
fought for their own survival and subjugated others. Now they want to
dictate to the world how things should be. Eelam Tamils have made the Tamils
proud. I mourn
for those who have died and who have given their lives for
others to survive. But upon this sacrifice a legitimate nation will be born.
Thank You, Warmest Regards.
Kunahlan, Australia, 26 May 2006
I am a Tamil Sri Lankan who lives in
Malaysia. My grandparents immigrated
from Jaffna to Malaysia 80 years ago. I am currently studying in
and doing my honours in English literature. I am in the process of writing
an essay using your website to demonstrate how the
Tamil diaspora (focusing
on the Australian example) use new media to subvert hegemonic discourses
(represented by the 'info war' between the
Sri Lankan
army's official website and the
official website) of the civil war in Sri Lanka. I will be using your
website to show how it has allowed the Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora to affirm
'effectively' and 'subversively' their
political and
cultural identity.
I was wondering if you could provide me with some information about your
website. Mainly its history, I understand that the creators of the website (being diasporic media) must come from different parts of the world but if
you could give me some basic information and anything else you could kindly
suggest, e.g.
- Who or which group of people from which nation came up with the idea of
the website, when was it created and why ( from your personal viewpoint)? - Is there a group of people who are actively involved with the construction
and upkeep of the website who are based in Australia?
The essay is still very much in its rudimentary stages, so if you do not
mind more emails coming your way asking for more info, it would be greatly
appreciated. I chose to do the essay as I wanted to learn more about my
history and heritage. Growing up in Malaysia, the educational system did not
really favour non-Malay heritage... to say the least..... all the same...
the process of research is proving to be very enlightening as well as heart
Response by tamilnation.org
Firstly, we would like to wish you well in your research efforts
- more so because it was impelled by your felt need to learn more about the
history and heritage of the people to whom you belong.
A couple of years ago we were at a lecture by Professor
Liah Greenfield at the London School of Economics. The subject was
'Nationalism and the Mind'. She
began by relating a story.
She said that she usually commenced her discussions on Nationalism at her
University by asking her students to draw a pictogram depicting what they thought nationalism was about. She said that most
of the pictograms submitted by the students showed flags, people
with guns and so on.
Professor Greenfield then said that at the end of her discussion she would make the same request
to her students - draw a
pictogram. She said that on the second occasion
the pictogram
changes completely: the students draw a globe and little unarmed people, who
sometime say things like: �oh, my identity!�
We can understand you when you say that your search is
proving to be 'enlightening' and also 'heart wrenching'. We have been there.
itself started in a not dissimilar way. Its beginnings reflected
years of asking questions.
Every inside has an outside - and every
outside has an inside. And the relationship between the two is intrinsic
and not extrinsic. In the inside is the outside, and in the outside is the
inside. We grow to be what we are not simply by ourselves but
through our interaction with others. No man or woman is an island. The
material in
was originally intended simply as a help to give coherence and meaning to
one's own life - it was a way of writing and putting together material in a
computer so that it may be easily accessible for further reflection,
understanding and
growth. It was not originally created with the intention of being published in
the world wide web. But something that we came across whilst waiting in a
Doctor's waiting room in May 1998 had some impact on our decision to publish. It was a quote from
Victor Frankl's Man Search for Ultimate Meaning.
"...happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so
as the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause
greater than oneself or as the by product of one's surrender to a person
other than oneself. Happiness must happen... you have to let it happen
by not caring about it. I want you to listen to what your conscience commands you
to do and go on to carry it out to the best of your knowledge..."
was first published
on 10 May 1998 and we have endeavoured to listen
to what our conscience commands and to carry it out to the best of our
ability. That is not to say that we have always succeeded. We comfort
ourselves with the thought that we can learn only through our mistakes. And we
are always mindful that
words which are not related to
our deeds are not of much value.
"..The task of intellectuals in
nations without states involves the constant actualization
of the nationalist ideology to respond to the community's needs. His or her job is one of
service to society..."
Nations without States: Political Communities in a Global Age,
by Montserrat Guibernau ".
We seek to serve and the warm support that we have
received from many people from many lands during the past several years has
been humbling - and has also sustained us in our efforts.
From: Anuradha Radhakrishnan, India 26
May 2006
I have a special child who is very much interested in
Tamil. He learnt English very fast with a 'text to speech' software and
expects the same with our language also. Where can I get the Tamil text to
speech software?
Response by
Some research
has been done in this area e.g.
Thirukkural II - A Text-to-Speech Synthesis System - and this research
continues. But regretfully we ourselves do not have much more information on
current availability. Kural Software at
http://kstarsoft.com/products.htm advertises Oosai as a free Tamil Text
to Speech Engine but we ourselves have not tried it out. B. Viswanathan, Director,
who is
knowledgeable and helpful in these matters may be able to point
you in the right direction.
you may want to have a look at Learning Tamil � Cemmozhi at
http://www.letuslearntamil.com/ We wish you well with your efforts.
From: Suresh Mani, Tamil Nadu, 26 May
Vannakam, Today I accidentally came across
It is really interesting and exciting. I am
really proud to know that
Tamilians all
over the world are keeping
their culture
intact. After going through the website I am beginning to think of
visiting Fiji. .Thank you.
From: Manuel Mariampillai, Matottam a.k.a
Mannar, 24 May 2006
I listened to "Thamilikum Amilthendru Peyar" (தமிழுக்கும் அமுதென்று பேர்)
song from your website after many many years..Suffice it to say I was moved.
Especially as we grieve the
death of Col Ramanan of Batticaloa.
I also read another appreciation in the form of
an Ode to Dr Brian. I wonder
whether Tamil Nation would honour Dr Brian by including him as an honorary
Tamil and global citizen and place his name under
100 significant Thamilar. In a time
when a few Tamils are willing to pawn our goal, our gratitude should be
shown to Dr Brian in every way we can. He is genuinely a straight talking
self-less man! It from this intrinsic quality that courage emanates.
I'm a great rasikan of
Govindarajan. I wonder whether any one would know where to get a quality
recording of Parathiyar padalgal sung by him. With much appreciation.
From: N. Muthu Kumar, New Delhi,
India [[email protected]
], 23 May 2003
is more or less a life line to the Tamil people
living in this beautiful globe. Like my
relatives in South Africa, I had lost contact with my friend from
Germany. Her name is Regine Schwichtenberg. If any one from
Germany could find her email address, I
will be happy. I am sure, someone from Germany, who reads
tamilnation.org will definitely help me. Once again, I thank
for all its efforts to reunite Tamils every where.
From: M. Raghavendran, Bangalore,
India, 22 May 2006
I have visited you site, really nice one and
Kalki's PDF Collection is really good.
I appreciate if you would do the same thing with
Sandiliyan's novels.
Thanks and Regards.
From: Lakshmi
Mani, Tamil School, Aberdeen, United Kingdom 20 May 2006
I was looking through the web for some tips on Tamil language teaching,
having recently started a Tamil school in Aberdeen, UK.
Your site provides excellent and
useful information for beginner teachers like me. I thank all of you
responsible for putting this website together. We started the Tamil school
in Aberdeen with a view of teaching our children their mothertongue. It has
proved increasingly difficult to have a structured programme because of the
varying age group and capabilities of the children. The Tamil speaking
population is very minimal in Aberdeen and sometimes it feels like every
child would benefit from their own individual learning plan!! However your
website offers structured lesson patterns and useful tips. I am very happy
and grateful for being able to benefit it. I thank you all once again on
behalf of the Tamil School, Aberdeen.
From: Mariam Manuel Pillai, Matottam
a.k.a Mannar, 17 May 2006
Sir: I join with
to salute the Sinhala gentleman
Dr Brian
Senewiratne. It is by honoring a courageous, courteous and courtly man
such as him that we Tamils not only reveal our gratitude but also bow in
humility honoring 'the brotherhood of man'. An Australian-resident cousin of
mine, who happens to know Dr Brian closely said that the good doctor is also
a fighter for the rights of the Australian aborigines (among other things).
O! how I wish there will be more Brians in our community - the ones who are
deeply touched and moved by common humanity. That will be divine. May God
bless Brian Senewiratne!
From: Leslie Kanthan, Warwick, United Kingdom
May 2006
Thanks for your very many great
articles - they were very touching in both spirit and soul. I recently
had a phone conversation with
Senewiratne who informed me that he has had a lot of death
threats from various Sinhalese hardliners.
He was speaking the truth and
his point of view on the war as it is his right to, but it seems that
there are those that do not wish him to say anything that
contradicts the will of the Sinhalese people.
I thought I should write this to you, in the hope that you would give an
appreciation comment for Brian for the good work that he has done in
bringing to light, to all governments, the
atrocities being committed by
the Sri-Lankan government on our Tamil people. He suffers with us.
Response by tamilnation.org
For many decades,
Brian Senewiratne
has stood up for the Tamil cause and has given expression to his own
anguish at the suffering of the Tamil people. He has done so, despite
death threats, physical attacks on his medical office in Australia, and
vulgar abuse by Sinhala thugs. He has had the courage to openly
stand up for that which he knows to be the truth and he has been
willing to suffer for that which he believes to be right.
salutes Brian Senewiratne for his consistent, principled and
fearless stand for the rights of Eelam
From: Viswanath Natrajan
[ [email protected] ] Canada,
15 May 2006
Vanakkam and Namaskarams. I live in Toronto, Canada since 6 years.
My name is Viswanath Natrajan and have lived in Madras during 1952-1958. I
am reaching 70 this September. I have been trying to search for a wonderful
Tamil song. To my recollection it was sometime in the 50s. It goes like this
" Kadamayai Maravadey Manidha........ Amma Amma Endru Azhudhal Awal Kanneer Arayi Perugi Unnay Attriduval Immanidam Thannil Edu Ethu Uravu Ethu...." .and so on..
I dont fully remember the lyrics. Can you help me find this song and from
which film and if I can get a record or tape. This probably was an MGR
starring film. May be Sri.Kannadasan wrote the song ? I am not sure. I need
your help so that I can send this to my aged mother (91 years old) in
Coimbatore. I wanted this earlier to coincide with Mother's day, however
even if I get it anytime, it will be useful as I will make my mother proud
of my stay in this world. Regards and good wishes
Response by tamilnation.org
Regretfully, we ourselves do not have the information that you have
requested. However we are publishing your email in our comments page so that
to this website who may be able to help may contact you directly. We wish
you well in your efforts.
Chandiravarman Sinnathurai,
Tontaimannarru, 3 May 2006
Dear Editor. It was by sheer coincidence I bumped
into an article penned by your good self.
I very much appreciated the principles that are out lined in the article.
While reading one of the hyper- links re
Thimpu talks
I read the following words: "composition of the Tamil delegation -
Mr.Nadesan Satyendra and Mr.Charles Antony Das represented TELO." I must say
I was slightly taken aback! I might be wrong but I have read and heard all
things bad about such groups. But again I might have read and heard the
wrong stuff. I'll be the first to claim fallibility. God bless!
Response by tamilnation.org
On the role of TELO you may find the article
Sri Sabaratnam - Revisited
of interest.
"...Though Sri Sabaratnam was not unmindful of
India's own
foreign policy objectives and the inherent weakness of 'thongura power', he took the
view that as TELO built up its strength, it would be in a better position to push forward
its demand for Tamil Eelam. In the end, Sri Sabaratnam failed because he failed to build TELO into a disciplined,
strong guerrilla force with the capacity to withstand Indian pressure. He failed
because he failed to prevent Indian Agencies from establishing their own direct links with
TELO cadres at every level. He failed where
Velupillai Pirabaharan
succeeded. Velupillai Pirabaharan succeeded not because the LTTE had not obtained
assistance from New Delhi but because the LTTE had taken care to build its own
strength and in this way secure the integrity of the struggle. The words of
Subhas Chandra Bose about Jawarhalal
Nehru come to mind: "...If he really wants to serve..., he must first of all make sure of his
foundations. For if he doesn't take care to seek solid ground under his feet, the ground
won't seek his feet either: consequently, he will never be able to stand perpendicular
anywhere..." (Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, quoted in the Lost Hero, a Biography of
Subhas Bose by Mihir Bose, Quartet Books, 1982) "
From: Jai Sree
[[email protected] ],
3 May 2006
I am Sumathi. I am engaged in researching Tamil poets. I need some
details for Namakkal Kavinjar Ramalingam Pillai, particularly a
list of his publications. I hope you are able to help. Thanking you.
Response by tamilnation.org
You will find some information at
http://www.tamilnation.org/hundredtamils/nammakal.htm You will also
find in that page, links to 251 of his songs in tscii, unicode and pdf.
From: Murugesu Sivapalan, Professor of
Geography and Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, USA, 1 May 2006
Today I found this article in the Hindu - "3,500
Year Old Indus Script Found in Tamil Nadu" - it is an important find
in spite of the current predicament
of the Tamils in Sri Lanka. I have a lot of respect for
Mr Iravadam
Mahadevan, who has deciphered the Indus Valley Script, and also the
Tamil-Brahmi script found in cave engravings in Tamil Nadu (cf.his
Harvard University Press book).
From: Kalaimuthu Kalai [[email protected]
] 20 April 2006
Hi ... I just finished reading
Narayan Swamy's Into an Elusive Mind, and was wondering why India sent
Sikh troops into Sri Lanka as a major part of
their IPKF ... was this a
reciprocation for Tamil troops who staged the siege of the Golden Temple at
Amristar during the Akali Dal insurrection. Is there more to this?
From: Francis Baumli
[[email protected]], 16 April
I first discovered your website only a few days ago. The anecdote about,
"The Buddha Smiled," is most
interesting. Would you please answer (or attempt to answer) two questions I
have about this? First, from where did you get the quote? I note you give
translation copyright to Dharmamitra, but there is no reference to a
specific book. I would be interested in being able to obtain and read this
book. Second, do you have any idea as to why the Tamil Kalam, a Muslim nuclear
scientist, chose the words, "the Buddha has smiled," to describe that
nuclear test?
Response by tamilnation.org
The 'anecdote' quoted in "The
Buddha Smiled,"
is from the Buddhist Sutras. You will find additional information at
Kalavinka Dharma Treasury and also in
the Kalavinka page titled
Buddha's Smile . As to why
Kalam chose this particular code (if indeed it was he who chose it) must
remain a matter for conjecture. Perhaps it was the enigmatic nature of the
smile which attracted him - and the paradox of the land of
Gandhi (and non violence)developing its
own nuclear armoury. You may also find the book
Smile of the Buddha : Eastern Philosophy and Western Art from Monet to Today
by Jacquelyn Baas and Robert A. F. Thurman of interest.
"There are all manner of causes and
conditions whereby one may smile. There are those who are delighted and therefore
smile. There are those who are afflicted with anger and therefore smile. One
may feel contempt for others and therefore smile. One may witness strange events and
therefore smile. One may observe embarrassing situations and therefore smile.
It may happen that one sees strange customs from other lands and therefore smile. It
may also happen that one witnesses rare and difficult undertakings and thus is caused to
From: B. Viswanathan, Tamil Nadu, 14
April 2006
I got a call from Ed Viswanathan (
www.amiahindu.com ) from New Orleans 3 days back and it was such a
pleasant surprise. He talked for about 20 mts explaining about his book, the
touching emails he receives, the translation work going on for it in Hindi
and Indonesian languages etc. The thing is that he has passed out from REC
Calicut in 1967 (the year I was born) while I passed out from the same
institute in 1989. Its thru
that Ed Viswanathan could get to know about our senior-junior relationship.
It must be a great feeling for you to see
working out such a chain of relationships.
I gave an interview to Microsofts' Bhasha India, 2 months back when
they wished to write about me on their 'Success Stories' column. Nothing
special about it except that I am sharing it with you. :) It was a
telephonic interview and I said whatever came to my mind at that point of
time. Different times, different circumstances, different atmosphere and a
different kind of interview. :) If time permits, you can go thru at
The term 'team' wherever I have referred in my interview is my supporting
family members and friends, my gods and my 1000s of well-wishers like you.
வாழ்க வளமுடன் தாங்கள்! என் இனிய
தமிழ் புத்தாண்டு வாழ்த்துக்கள் இப்பொழுதே - உங்களுக்கும், உங்கள்
குடும்பத்தாருக்கும், நண்பர்களுக்கும். தமிழ்நேஷனின் சீரிய பணி தொடர்ந்து
பலருக்கும் நன்மை பயத்திட என்றென்றும் பிரார்த்தனைகள்.
அழியா அன்புடன், விஷி
- Vishy (
www.azhagi.com )
From: Gunapalan, Australia, 5 April 2006
I read your comprehensive coverage of the
late thespian Shivaji Ganeson. It was
wonderful and felt an immense sense of satisfaction. For Shivaji was my idol
and I take great pride of the fact he was a Tamilian as I am proudly one.
The extraordinary thing about Shivaji is his face. It moulds perfectly into
any role or character with great perfection. You can get many handsome faces
but not like Shivaji in this life time. If God needs to create a human being
to act it is Shivaji.
From: Claude Martineau,Gatineau, Quebec,
Canada 4 April 2006
Dear Editor, I salute the courage of
Fr. ChandiRavarman as he denounces
the corruption of State terrorism which will stop at nothing to make money,
even the traffic of human
parts! In Canada, it is a blessing that so many Tamils are part of our
national life and I pray that the Canadian people will rise with strong
support in favor of those Tamils who are in desperate need of compassion. .
From: Chandiravarman Sinnathurai,
Tontaimannarru, TE, 3 April 2006
Your eloquent
rebuttal to
the brain-dead Human Rights Watch through the camera lens was subtle and
smart. I also found in another page you
have published two photographs depicting that
1) every outside has an inside, and 2) every inside has an outside.
One finds that to be a superb philosophical illustration of the
existential reality especially in our conflict ridden corner of the earth.
God bless!
From: Professor Aaron Rajah, San Diego, California, 27 March 2006
Thanks for your contribution on the Human Rights Watch
report. As always your silent attack on injustice to the Tamil people was
well received by your audience.
Pictures do tell the story. In addition, as
always Professor Sachi Sri Kantha did complete his task once again by
highlighting the pit falls of the HRW report.
From: A Concerned Tamil, United Kingdom,
23 March 2006
Thank you for the
hyperlinked powerful and illuminating words in
"As it happens…".
Why are the Peace Talkers less clear in their current discourse? Is it the
sophistication of cerebral word-play which clouds our original goal? I
remember an old Tamil movie in which Cho says to his
brother-turned-politician: "Thambi, I'm sure you'll be successful in the
field of politics because now you have learnt to speak the language of
sophistication so that no one understands what you are saying". These
following words ring so true with clarity. Thimpu to Geneva...a long
walk perhaps!
"We have said this before to the international community and we say
it again, here at Thimpu, we do not plead for justice. We do not beg for
fairness. We know that justice will prevail in the end - and we have
confidence and faith in that process."
"But we do seek to engage you, in that fruitful exchange of views, so
that you may come to understand the reality that confronts both you and
us - that we, too, are a people."
"Please understand that this is no abstract theory. This is no abstract
principle. It is the existential reality of a certain consciousness of
the Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka - a consciousness that has been
shaped in the crucible of a continuing struggle."
"We say, very respectfully, and without rancour, please understand that
we too are a people and please deal with us on that basis, or not at
"We, for our part, wish to make it clear to you, that we speak at Thimpu
on behalf of the Tamil people or not at all."
From: B. Viswanathan, Director,
www.azhagi.com, Tamil Nadu, 15 March 2006
I read the mail of Mr.N. Muthu Kumar narrating how
has helped in locating his lost relatives from Durban. What a wonderful
service you have done! It was so emotional a thing to read. How happy
Mr.N.Muthu Kumar would have felt. Amazing! Please share the same happiness
you have expressed as mine too, with Mr.N.Muthu Kumar. "yaadhum oore
yaavarum kaeLir" - யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர் . anbudan
Ed Viswanathan, Author of
Am I a Hindu?, 15 March 2006
Vanakkam Tamil Nation: I accidentally stumbled upon your website and I am
impressed by the contents. Articles published on your site are thought
provoking. Keep up the good work. May God bless you in your efforts.
From: Stephen Denman, 14 March 2006
Hello There. Can you please tell me what the translation of the following
Tamil words mean - Tamil Aham, Tolkappiyam, Cilappadhikaran.
Your help would be much appreciated.
Response by tamilnation.org
First the easier ones -
Tolkappiyam is a Tamil Grammatical treatise and "at least in parts is
the earliest work in Tamil. It is a book on phonology, grammar and poetics.
" Cilappadhikaran is one
of the five great Tamil Epics. As for 'Tamil Aham', in Tamil, Aham and Puram
are the inside and outside - and they go together. Of the
eight anthologies five are on Akam, two on Puram,
and one on both. And for many Tamils, 'Tamil Aham' is an expression of the
Tamil inside in the outside.
From: Kundavi Sandrasegaran, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, 9 March 2006
Dear tamilnation.org,
You are doing a wonderful job for all our Tamilians! Keep
at it! I had been advised to say the 'Gayathri
Manthiram ' and given only the words. I am delighted to
read the word for word - meanings now in 'our ' website. It makes
a big difference to me now every time I say the Gayathri
Manthiram knowing what I am reciting - thanks to you. Mikka Nandri.
From: Vereshnee Richen,
South Africa [mailto:[email protected]],
8 March 2006
Vannakam.I am a Masters student at the University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa. I am completing this degree in the social
sciences discipline, and my thesis is entitled "The Kavadi
ritual-Performance of a changing identity" I wanted to mail you, because I
happened across this site, and am in awe at the rich content, which will
prove extremely resourceful when doing my research. I would like to know if
there is perhaps someone that I could correspond with regularly, who can act
as one of my key informants. I would appreciate the assistance from someone
whose knowledge on this particular subject matter exceeds my own.
Response by tamilnation.org Regretfully
we ourselves do not make arrangements of the kind you envisage. However we
are posting your request in our comments page so that any visitor to the
site who may want to help may contact you directly. We wish you well in your
research project.
From: Ravjee N Chandresh, Unilever, South
Africa 8 March 2006
Firstly, congratulations on a powerfully informative website. I must
admit, that the website is quite "busy" with lots of stuff, but as you work
your way around, the immense information is GREAT !!! I am a South African
of Indian (Gujarat) origin looking for information on Sage Yogaswami, in
terms of his teachings, his disciples, how/where to find a Guru from his
lineage. Thank you
Response by tamilnation.org
Many thanks for your comments.You will find some information at
Yogaswami - the Sage from Eelam and
also at Iraivan Temple,
Kauai, Hawaii - Satguru Subramuniyaswami, the founder of the Hawaii
temple was a disciple of Sage Yogaswami.
From: N. Muthu Kumar, New Delhi, India, 3
March 2006
Dear tamilnation.org, I have posted my comments felicitating the efforts
taken by you in uniting the Tamil people all around the world in the
second week of February. You have also helped
me in publishing the same along with a letter addressed in general to
Tamils. I made a request through the letter to Durban Tamils to help me in
locating my lost relatives from Durban. Your help did not go in vain. With
the grace of God, a niece of mine from USA came upon your website and
informed her father. Her father and I are the third generation of the family
and he sent an email to me. Its a miracle.The familes got separated
for five decades (50 years), thanks to the political turmoil then in South
Africa. Now we are getting ready for a reunion. Many Tamils from Durban
encouraged me in the mission of finding out my relatives, notably, Mr.
Sershan Naidoo, Mrs. Margaret Chetty, Mrs. Kamsiliya Arumugam and Mr. Saths
Chettiar of Durban. Also Mrs. Tascika Pillai of Sunday Times, South Africa.
I convey my gratitude to tamilnation.org
as well as to the above mentioned persons, without whose prayer and
sincerity, I could not have found my relatives. I wish
tamilnation.org great success and I hope
that tamilnation.org
will herald a new path for the
people of Tamil
origin all over world and make them understand our culture and the bonds
that they have with the motherland. I have no words to express my gratitude to
Response by tamilnation.org
We are truly glad and we share in your happiness. Comments such as yours, touch and
move - and sustain us in our
mission. Mikka Nanri. For the Tamil people, the world
is in many ways, a 'One World'. It
is a 'One World' not because we are not Tamils, it is a 'One World' because
we are Tamils. It is a One World, because
Tamils, living in many lands and across distant seas, our life experiences
have given fresh meaning to the words of the
Tamil poet
Kanniyan Poongundran in Purananuru (poem 192), written more than two thousand years ago -
"To us all towns are one, all men our kin. Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and
pains' relief are
from within.
Death's no new thing; nor do our bosoms thrill When Joyous life seems like a luscious draught.
When grieved, we patient suffer; for, we deem This much - praised life of ours a fragile raft
Borne down the waters of some mountain stream That o'er huge boulders roaring seeks the plain
Tho' storms with lightnings' flash from darken'd skies
Descend, the raft goes on as fates ordain.
Thus have we seen in
visions of the wise ! -
We marvel not at greatness of the great; Still less despise we men of low estate."
English Translation by
Rev. G.U.Pope in Tamil Heroic Poems
Chandi Sinnathurai, 1 March 2006
I wish to thank you for the detailed hard work you put into every
article. I actually thought the
Looking for Loopholes piece
will not see the light of day - in the diaspora media. Thank you again for
upholding free thought. With out free speech and independent thought, Eelam
will be peopled by navel gazers. I pray for the
independence of our people in the
land of milk and honey.
From: குயின்ரஸ் துரைசிங்கம்,
Canada, 27 February 2006
On Sanmugam Sabesan's
ஜனநாயகமும் பயங்கரவாதமும்:
மிகச்சிறந்த ஒரு ஒப்பீட்டாய்வு. நல்ல தமிழோட்டம், வலிய கருத்துக்கள்,
சர்வதேசத்தின்பால் தெளிவான ஆளமான பார்வை. இக்கட்டுரையை ஆங்கிலத்திலும்
சமகாலத்தில் பிரசுரிப்பதற்கு சபேசன் அவர்கள் ஆவன செய்வது காலத்தின் தேவையாக
உள்ளது. இந்தக் கட்டுரை மட்டுமல்ல, இதுபோன்ற சபேசனின் ஆய்வுகள் அனைத்தையும்,
ஆங்கிலத்திலும் பிரசுரிப்பது அவசியம் என்றே நினைக்கிறேன். நேரமும்
வாய்ப்புக்களும் மூலகாரணிகளும் இருக்கின்றதா என்பது எனக்குத் தெரியவில்லை.
ஆனால், இவற்றை ஆங்கிலத்தில் வழங்கவேண்டிய அவசர தேவை இருக்கின்றதென்பது மட்டும்
உண்மை. அதனால், இதற்காக ஆவன செய்வீர்களென நம்புகின்றேன். மீண்டும்
From: N.Balasubramaniam, GE Healthcare,
21 February 2006
From: B. Viswanathan, Tamil Nadu, 17
February 2006
After reading "Don't aim at success - the more you aim at it and make it
a target, the more you are going to miss it...." -
Victor E. Frankl, who endured years of
unspeakable horror in Nazi death camps, writing in 'Man's Search for
Ultimate Meaning'", I wish to write what I feel about success myself:
"Success should never be quantified or qualified. Success is not what
others feel about something you do but what you yourself think or not think
about it - deep deep deep within the deepest depths of your heart, probably
when you 'realise your self'. To put it more precisely, from an absolute
point of view, success does not exist. It just does not exist. As simple as
Actually, I went thru so many sections of your site - quite absorbed by your
meetings with Jiddu Krishnamurthy, the
drawings by our sister, the
Gayathri Mantra explanation and so
many wonderful quotes from wonderful people.
At a first glance at tamilnation.org,
nobody will realise that there lies an underlying treasure-house of
spiritual knowledge. Simply rejuvenating!
From: Dr B Sri Skanda Rajah, & Usha S Sri
Skanda Rajah, Canada, 16 February 2006
Reading (having seen it only recently)
Reverend Chandi
Sinnathurai�s �Eelam Encounters� made us wish we were there in Eelam.We
could almost smell the �pure� air in Kilinochchi in his writings. The
�Santhippu� episodes reveal one common thread. From the exemplary and
genuine people he interviewed and from their zeal, zest and supreme vision
one thing was certain - the country called Eelam is worth defending,
fighting and waiting for! We wish to thank the Reverend for documenting such
a real and inspiring �feel good� story and
for the unparalleled service it�s rendering to its readers! With Best Wishes
From: Nadarajah Muralitharan, Canada, 15
February 2006
I found tamilnation.org
very recently - and after that I often read it. I really appreciate your
contribution to alleviate the suffering of the Tamil people
all over the world. Please, don't give up.
From: A.K. Rajagopalan,
Nilarchal, 14 February 2006
The service done by
to Tamil and the Tamil people is great. The vast information provided by the
site is very useful.
From: B. Viswanathan, Tamil Nadu, 14
February 2006
This is Viswanathan here,
Author of 'Azhagi'
Tamil Software. First of all, my heart goes out for those
who have been kidnapped and
missing. I pray to the Lord Almighty that things return to normalcy and
peace prevails. Secondly, thanks for
about ALL Tamil software which no other site does. This shows your
broadmindedness and my hats off to you for such an attitude. Wishing peace
From: Raja Kotravan, Tamil Nadu,
India, 13 February 2006
I have read your articles at
and they are extremely good. I would like to express my good wishes for the
wonderful job you have been doing. I like my language. I am proud to be a
Tamilian. Please continue your wonderful work for the people who are still
under the illusion that Sanskrit is the mother language of all others.
From: Salime, France, 13 February 2006
I would like to congratulate you for the tremendous effort you have made
on your site for Tamil culture. I am a Tamil
living in France. I have created a website about India in French
www.inde-en-ligne.com I
would like to show French people the richness of Tamil culture in various
domains. India is not only the North, they should discover the south as well
and especially the state of
Recently, in France, we were lucky to see the first musical about India - �Bharati�.
They talked about various traditions of India (Varanasi, Sikh, Krishna,
Kalaripayat) but nothing from Tamilnadu. At least, the sacred classical
dance of Bharathanatyam could have been mentioned. I was a bit upset but the
overall performance was fabulous. Many things come from the Dravidians:
Ayurveda, Yoga,
Carnatic Music,
(something which interest me a lot). It is in coming to a foreign country
that I realized how rich is/was my country of origin.
From: N. Muthu Kumar, New Delhi,
India [[email protected] ],
13 February 2006
It is a wonderful effort of
to bring Tamils living in many lands for decades under one umbrella and help
them understand Tamil culture. With the pace
of technology, all Tamils have the opportunity to read and understand the
feelings of every other Tamil. I have some thing to tell to
Tamils living in South Africa to help
me to find out my relatives with whom we have had no communication for
decades. I sincerely hope somebody will help me to find out my relatives
there. Details are given as under:-
" This message is from distant India. I earnestly seek your help in locating
the paternal cousins of my mother, who is deceased now. Her cousins were
living in No.47, North Street, Durban, Natal Province, South Africa in 1955.
They are Mr. K. Muthu Pather, Mr. K. Ganesa Pather, Mr. Nataraja Pather and
Mrs. Yogambaltillaikannu, who were living at No. 46, North Street, Wuslum,
Durban Natal Province of South Africa in the year 1955 or before. You may
also spell PATHER or PATHAR. We belong to the family and most of its members
are goldsmiths or gold jewelers.
My mother, Mrs. Valliammal Natarajan, who was alive till 1985, had a
dream of meeting her cousins once again in her life time. Her elder brother,
Mr. Mr.Sasthayan Achary was also deceased now. Mr. Ganesa Pather had visited
India in early 1950s. During the political turmoil in South Africa, we were
not able to contact them. With the advent of internet, there is hope and
possibility to find them, if not the paternal cousins of my mother but their
children, who may be at their 40s or 50s. If I cannot locate the family,
website of any Tamil cultural association from the city of Durban will be of
immense help or a person of Tamil origin who has association with Tamil
Language/Tamil People could be of great help to me. Any E-mail address of
the aforesaid associations/individuals will be sufficient. I am trying
various people for this cause.
The story begins here: - Mr. Krishnan Achary, who left India on mentally
depressive mood after the death of his first wife while delivering his first
child. He belonged to Navalkadu of Kanyakumari district presently in Tamil
Nadu, Southern India. Mr. Krishnan Achary, who left for South Africa later
married a lady namely, Amirtham of Karaikal of Tamilnadu and has got 3 boys
and one daughter Yogambal Thillaikannu. When Ganesha Pathar visited India in
early 50's, my mother Valliammal, who was unmarried then, was living with
her brother Mr. Sasthayan Achary alias Chellappan Achary in
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. My maternal grand-father Muthuswamy Achary and
Grandma Lakshmiammal were living in Thiruvananthapuram, presently the
capital of Kerala. I am the grandson of Mr.Muthusamy Achary, who is now
deceased as also my mother Valliammal and maternal Uncle Chellappan Achary
(who retired as a Director in Govt. of Kerala).
Now only we children of third generation are living. Kindly help me to
locate my relatives. Some of the other names of the family that I remember
are Ms. Indrani and Mr. Thirumurthy (both are Doctors) and Mr. Thangavel,
Pasupathi, Annapoornam are some other members of the family. "
From: Mark Mackintosh, Managing Editor TED,
[email protected] , 8 February
TED, the Dutch newspaper for teenagers, would like to know whether you may
be able to put us in touch with young Tamils in Sri Lanka (up to age 25).
Following the peace treaty negotiations, we would like to ask them by phone
or email what life is like for them right now in Sri Lanka. In doing so, we
aim to educate our young Dutch readership about the little known history of
your native country and people. The interview will appear in our February 16
edition. Here are some of the questions we would like to ask:
- What, for you, defines Tamil identity? - What do you like most about your country? What do you dislike? - How has the unrest in Sri Lanka affected your life? Can you give us a
specific example or tell a particular story? - What are your hopes for your country and people?
TED is a free, independent weekly. It is distributed every Thursday at 300
high schools and railway stations across the Netherlands. Total circulation
averages 150,000 with an estimated readership of close to half a million. As
such, it is the most important free print medium for teenagers in the
country and an important teaching tool for teachers.Our
deadline is Friday night! For back issues, see
Response by tamilnation.org Regretfully,
our remit does not extend to making the arrangements that you have
requested. However, we are posting your request in our comments page so that
visitors to this site who may want to help may contact you directly.
From: Dr.M.Bala Tharumaningam,
7 February 2006
Vanakkam! We here at Malaysia Tamilisai Mandram appreciate your work on
Tamil Music at your website. We have created a link to your site for our
members to visit your site.
Response by tamilnation.org
Mikka Nanri. We wish you well with your efforts at
Malaysia Tamilisai
From: Kanaka Cadambi, Pune, India, 6
February 2006
I am interested in procuring an English translaton of the Thirukkural. I
would prefer a book that will give me only the translation and not any
explanations. Could you recommend any? How could I procure one?
Response by tamilnation.org
Vannakam. You will find some books listed in our
Thirukkural page. G.U.Pope's
Translation and Weavers Wisdom are two books that come to mind. The links to
amazon.com also appear in our Thirukural page. We wish you well in your
From: G.M.Rajendran, Tiruchirapalli,
Tamil Nadu 3 February 2006
Sirs, I have gone through your site. Simply Excellent. I could visualise
how much effort your group of people must have put in for collecting the
data and constructing the website. Keep it up. My best wishes.
Response by tamilnation.org
Many thanks for your comments and support. Mikka Nanri.
From: Anastasia Taylor-Lind
[[email protected]], United Kingdom, 30 January 2006
I am a British photojournalist and am writing to ask for your assistance.
I am currently producing a long term photographic documentary about women
guerrilla soldiers around the world. After having recently spent a month
living with the women soldiers of the PKK in Iraqi Kurdistan, I would be
very interested to visit Sri Lanka to document the lives of the Tamil Tigers
women soldiers, and in particular the Black Tiger,
Birds of Freedom unit. I
would be grateful of any advice you can offer me, or any contact you could
offer to the group.Many thanks for your time and best wishes.
Response by tamilnation.org
our remit does not extend to making arrangements of the kind that you have
requested. However we have posted
your request in our Comments page so that any visitor to this site who may
want to help may get in touch with you directly. We have seen
some of
your work on the web and the
notices you have received. We wish you well in your efforts.
From: V�ronique Brun
[[email protected] ],
29 January 2006
Bonjour, Je suis enseignante en France et j'ai parmi mes �l�ves des
enfants d'origine tamoule du Sri Lanka. Leur maman me semble bien
seule.Existe-t-il en France une association o� elle pourrait trouver de
l'aide? une radio en langue tamoule ? Merci de tout renseignement !
Good afternoon, I am a teacher and some of my pupils come from Sri Lanka ;
they are Tamil and their mother seems very lonely. Do you know of some
organization where she could find help and information ? Is there a radio
she could listen to? Thank you for your help
Response by tamilnation.org
Regretfully, we ourselves do not have the information you request.
However we have posted your request in our Comments page so that any visitor
to this site who may want to help may get in touch with you directly.
From: Stephen Denman
[[email protected]
], 26 January 2006
Hello There. I need your help. Please can you give me some specific
references in any Tamil Dravid text that clearly refers to Kumarikhenda
(Dragon Land of Immortal Serpents) as I cannot find anything on the
internet. Your help would be very much appreciated.
Response by tamilnation.org
Regretfully, we ourselves do not have the information you request. However
you may want address your query to either
Agaththiyar Discussion List moderated by Dr. Jaya Bharathi
or the
Discussion List moderated by
Raveen S. Nathan - they may be able to help.
Additionally, we have posted your request in our Comments page so
that any visitor to this site who may be able to help may get in touch with
you directly.
From: Yamuna Vittal, 17 January 2006
is a marvellous resource. I recently discovered it and the scale of
the enterprise is amazing. Thanks for putting these great works on the web.
It's been a long time since I read
Naladiyar in school - 8th grade, I think and I still remember the
similes. I am afraid my Tamil isn't good enough to understand most of these
texts. Do you have any pointers to where I could find the meaning of the
cheiyyul, either in Tamil or English? If you are in the process of adding
this to your site and could use a volunteer, please contact me. I would love
to contribute to this effort. Thanks again.
Response by tamilnation.org
Vannakam. Many thanks for your comments. Regretfully, we ourselves do not at
the present time have any pointers to where you may find the meaning of the cheiyyuls in English or Tamil. As you probably know, Project Madurai
is an open, world-wide initiative devoted to the preparation & free distribution
of ETexts of Tamil Literary Works and it is led by Dr.K.Kalyanasundaram in Switzerland
and Kumar Mallikarjunan in USA. If you would like to contribute to any of
their ongoing projects, the person to contact is Dr.Kalyanasundaram in
Switzerland. His email address is available in the
Project Madurai Introductory
Page. You may also want to consider joining the Project Madurai Yahoo
Group at "http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pmadurai"
From: Professor Aaron Rajah, San
Diego, California, U.S.A to R Gnana-Ratnam,
Writers Guild, London, UK - copied to
January 2006
I do not represent
I did write an article "
open letter to the US ambassador from Professor Aaron Rajah, San Diego,
California, USA". The letter was sent to the US ambassador in Sri Lanka
via certified mail from California, in addition it was also faxed to the US
ambassador in Sri Lanka. So far as
is concerned, we consider that it is our Harvard University. Harvard University
does not solicit applicants, if the ambassador wanted the other side of the
story he was only a "google" away... Waiting for one person to deliver
freedom to a "nation under siege" may be, perhaps, a long night. Yes,
we need your help. Thanks for visiting our Harvard University. P.S. The
above comments do not reflect the opinion of
and truly reflect mine.
A visitor from California, USA, 12
January 2006
Your comments and article on
Jeffrey Lunstead, is nothing but brilliant. I hope other
websites will have the courage to publish it (including a Tamil and
Sinhala translation) so that both Tamils, Sinhalese, and the global
citizens in Cyber Space, will be able to better educate themselves.
From: Thilaganathan Segaran, United
Kingdom, 11 January 2006
I love the website and appreciate the labour of love that it must be.
Please keep it up as this is a fantastic resource for the
Tamil people of the world.
R Gnana-Ratnam [
[email protected] ] Tamil
Writers Guild, London, UK, 11 January 2006
Have you actually sent or faxed this article
States Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Jeffrey Lunstead: The Return of the Ugly American? to the American Embassy in Colombo and the State Dept. in
Washington? Else you have been barking at the wrong tree (audience wise) as
I doubt that the US Ambassador will come to this site to read it, thus
rendering your valuable time spent on this ineffective. However, I
personally share your grief and am sure all the Tamils will, but the key is
to make others grieve for Tamils. Regards
Response by tamilnation.org
Regretfully, our remit does not extend to 'pushing' our views by faxing or emailing the American
Embassy or the US State Department or for that matter any other agency or person.
We believe that there are Tamil organisations (better equipped than
us) who may be engaged in that task. Having said that,
does receive around forty thousand visits
each week and these include visits by governmental and non governmental agencies
and organisations.
Whilst we understand the sentiments that you have expressed, we
ourselves do not see our purpose as one of making others grieve for
Tamils. Our Mission remains...
... to nurture the
togetherness of more than 70
million Tamil people,
living in many lands and across distant seas - a
growing togetherness rooted in a
shared heritage, a
rich language and
literature, and a
vibrant culture - a growing togetherness
consolidated by
and suffering and given
fresh impetus by the
revolution - a growing togetherness given purpose
and direction by a determined will to live in
equality, in
freedom and in
peace with
their fellow beings and
contribute to an
one world, unfolding
from matter to life to mind ...
And, we continue to believe in
that which was said at Thimpu in 1985, some twenty years ago -
"We have said this before to the international community and we say it again, here at
Thimpu, we do not plead for justice. We do not beg for fairness. We know that justice will
prevail in the end - and we have confidence and faith in that process..."
Here, we are encouraged by the words of
Harold Pinter in his Nobel Lecture on
7 December 2005 -
"... despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving,
fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth
of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves
upon us all. It is in fact mandatory."
And we are guided by the words of
Gandhi - "Whatever you do may be insignificant, but it is very important that
you do it."
From: Srinivasalu.G, Italy, 4
January 2006
My salutations to the scholars like
Dr. C.R.Krishnamurthy.
Keep up your service to the Tamil Nation.
tamilnation.org is a very
inspiring site.
From: Sandra Jordan, Foreign
Correspondent, The Observer/Channel 4 TV,
[email protected] 3
January 2006
Hello, my name is Sandra Jordan, I am a reporter for The Observer
newspaper and Channel 4 TV in London. I am very interested in doing a report
on Sri Lanka, on the situation of the Tamil people since the tsunami, on the
new post-election political landscape, the state of the ceasefire and the
future role of the Norwegian peace negotiators. I would like the most
accurate possible briefing and wonder if it would be possible to interview
Mr Anton S. Balasingham? I am based in London and would be very grateful if
you could put me in touch with Mr Balasingham.You can check out some of my
past work on the Observer website (www.observer.co.uk
) though recently I have been concentrating on documentaries for Channel 4's
Unreported World and Disptaches strand. Many thanks. Mobile: +44 7771 776284
Response by tamilnation.org Regretfully,
our remit does not extend to arranging interviews. However we have posted
your request in our Comments page so that any visitor to this site who may
want to help may get in touch with you directly.
also earlier Visitor Comments:
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