
Thiruvasagam - English Translation by Rev.
G.U. Pope
Hymns 1 to
10 -
Hymns 11
to 51 [also in PDF: Hymns1 to 10 - Hymns 11 to
51] |
Reverend G.U.Pope - Preface to
English translation of
Thiruvasagam,1900 |
Thirukural English
Translation and Commentary - by Rev Dr G U Pope,
Rev W H Drew, Rev John Lazarus and Mr F W
Ellis |
The Soul's
in Sanskrit, Mukti or Moksha - Rev G.U Pope's Last
Sermon, 26 May 1907 |
About Dr. G. U. Pope in
Tamil Heroic Poems published by International
Institute of Tamil Studies, 1997 |
The Late Rev. G.
U. Pope, M.A., D.D., - "Student of Tamil" - The
Siddhanta Deepika or The Light of Truth Vol.
III. Feb. 1908. No. 11 pp. 336-338 |
Rev. Dr. G. U. Pope - From
the Daily Post of Bangalore, 28 January.
1882 |
A Tamil
Student's Headstone in a Cemetery - I.
Shanmuganathan (Nathan) Former Editor
Thinathanthi), 1999 |
Books by
G.U.Pope *
indicates link to online
*The Tiruvacagam
or, Sacred Utterances of the Tamil Poet, Saint and
Sage (Hardcover) |
* Naladiyar of Four Hundred
Quatrains in Tamil First Published Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1893 |
*Sacred Kural of Tiruvalauva
Nayanar English Translation |
*A compendious
Tamil English dictionary (A handbook of the Tamil
language) |
*A Compendious
English Tamil Dictionary: A Handbook of the Tamil
Language |
*Catalogue of the
Tamil Books in the Library of the British
Museum |
*Tamil Poetical
Anthology with Grammatical Notes and
Vocabulary |
*A Tamil Prose
Reader : Adopted to Tamil Handbook |
*A handbook of
the ordinary dialect of the Tamil
language |
*A first
catechism of Tamil grammar |
*Extracts from
the Tamil Purra-porul venba-malai and the
Purra-nannurru |
*Tamil Poetical
Anthology - with Grammar Notes and
Vocabulary |
Tamil Language &
Reverend G.U.Pope
"Student of Tamil"
George Uglow Pope was born on 24
April 1820 in Prince Edward Island in Nova Scotia.
His family migrated to England when he was an
infant. Even as a child he cultivated many a
language. He left for South India in 1839. It was
at Sawyerpuram near Tuticorin that "the
Student of Tamil" bloomed into a scholar of Tamil,
Sanskrit and Telugu. Pope setup several schools and
taught Latin, English, Hebrew, Mathematics and
Philosophy. As he was a martinet he was always in
trouble. Of him Bishop Caldwell said:
"The chief drawback to his
success was the severity of his discipline which
led, after a succession of petty rebellions, to
his withdrawal".
Pope believed in the theory:
"Things have tears". He worked with the motto:
"Conscience within and God above". He completed his
translation of Tirukkural on September 1, 1886.
"Sacred Kural" contains introduction, grammar,
translation, notes, lexicon and concordance. It
also includes the English translation of F.W.Ellis
and the Latin Translation of Fr. Beschi. It is a
tome of 436 pages.
He had, by February 1893,
translated Naaladiyaar. His magnum opus, the
translation of Tiruvachakam appeared in 1900. Of
this he says:
"I date this on my eightieth
birthday. I find, by reference, that my first
Tamil lesson was in 1837. This ends, as I suppose
a long life of devotion to Tamil studies. It is
not without deep emotion that I thus bring to a
close my life's literary work".
The much coveted Gold Medal of the
Royal Asiatic Society was awarded to him in 1906.
He passed away on 12 February 1908.
The services of this great soul to Tamil and
Saivism defy reckoning by weights and measures. In
his last days he was a mature Saiva Siddhanti, with
his faith as ever rooted in Chiristianity. He
delivered his last sermon on May 26, 1907.
What he himself felt about it, is
extracted hereinbelow. It is
reproduced from the Light of Truth, Vol. VIII,
February 1908, No. 11, page 327.
Soul's Emancipation [In Sanskrit, Mukti or
The Last
Message from Rev. Dr. G.U.Pope M.A,
In forwarding us a copy of his last Sermon
preached in Balliol College Chapel on May
26,1907, with all best Christmas wishes, Dr.Pope
wrote to us as follows in his Autograph which
will interest all Indian lovers of this old Tamil
veteran Scholar and Savant.
26 Walton Bell Road,
Oxford, Dec.25, 1907.
My dear friend,
In the heart of this my last sermon, lie truths
that harmonize with all that is best in
Tiruvachagam and Siva-nyanam(Siva-gnana
I am very old. May the Father bless you and
Ever truly your friend
The best explanation of the Saiva Siddhanta
doctrine of Mutti, or the Soul's final emancipation
from embodiment (erlosung von den weltlichen
banden-Seligkeit), is found in the treatise called
Siva-piragacam by the same great sage
Umapathi(1.38, &c.) and has been
translated(though from a very imperfect MS.) by Mr.
Hoisington(American Oriental Soc. Journal 1854).
This is a commentary on the Siva-gnana-bodham.
Mr.J.M.Nallasami, a learned Saivite of Madras, has
recently published a translation of
Siva-gnana-bodham, with valuable notes, which is a
most useful compendium.
Ten faulty (or imperfect) theories of this
consummation, so devoutly wished for by all Hindus,
are enumerated in these works, or in the
commentaries on them:-
(1) There is the bliss aspired to by the Lokayattar
('Worldlings'. This is simply grosss sensual
enjoyment in this world. These heretics are
continually attacked in the Siddhanta books.(see
Sarva-darcana-sangraha (Trubner's Series).) They
were atheistic Epicureans, followers of Charvaka
(Note XIV).
(2) There is the cessation of the five Kandhas.
This is the Buddhist Nirvana, and is always
considered by Tamil authors to be mere
annihilation. The South-Indian view of Buddhism is
illustrated in Note IX(Sarva-darcana-sangraha,
(3) The destruction of the three(or eight)
qualities is pronounced to be the final
emancipation by some Jains, and by the teachers of
the atheistic Sankhya system. This would reduce the
human Soul to the condition of an unqualified mass,
a mere chaos of thought and feeling.
(4) There is the cessation of deeds by mystic
wisdom. This is the system of
Prabhakara(Sarva-darcana-Sangraha, p.184). The
deeds mentioned are all rites and services
whatsoever. The devotee becomes in this case, so
the Saivite urges, like a mere image of clay or
(5) 'Mukthi' is represented by some Saiva sectaries
as consisting in the removal from the Soul of all
impurity as a copper vessel is supposed to be
cleaned from verdigris by the action of mercury.
There is a good deal of abstruse reasoning about
the pollution aforesaid. 'Copper is not really in
this sense purified by the removal of the green
stain on its surface; the innate weakness of the
metal is in its constant liability to this
defilement. Gold is never coated by such impure
matter. Copper will always be so; it is, as it
were, congenital. Now these sectarians preach that,
by the grace of Shivan, the innate corruption of
the Soul may be removed, from which will
necessarily follow permanent release from all
bonds'. This seems to resemble very closely the
Christian idea of the sanctification of the souls
of men by divine grace infused. The Siddhanta,
however, insists upon it that for ever, even in the
emancipated state, the power of defilement, the
potentiality of corruption, remains(i.e. 'Pacam is
eternal'). This corruption cannot, it is true,
operate any longer in the emancipated condition:
but it is still there,-dead, unilluminated, the
dark part of the Soul, turned away from the central
light, like the unilluminated part of the moon's
orb. Personal identity, and the imperfections
necessarily clinging to a nature eternally finite,
are not destroyed even in Mutti.
(6) Another class of Saiva sectaries taught that in
emancipation the body itself is transformed,
irradiated with Shivan's light, and rendered
immortal. This system supposed that intimate union
with shivan transmuted rather than sanctified the
(7) There is then the system of the Vedantis, who
taught that the absolute union of the Soul with the
Infinite Wisdom, its commingling with the Divine
spirit, as the air in a jar becomes one with the
cirumambient air when the jar is broken, was Mutti.
But here personality is lost.
(8) The doctrine of Palkariyam(followers of
Bhaskara) is, that in emancipation there is an
absolute destruction of the human Soul, which is
entirely absorbed in the supreme essence.
(9) There were some Saivities who taught that in
emancipation the Soul acquires mystic miraculous
powers; that in fact, the emancipated one is so
made partaker of the divine nature and attributes,
that he is able to gain possession of and exercise
miraculous powers, which are called the eight
'Siddhis'. Persons professing to wield such magical
powers are not unfrequently found in India, and
there is in them very often a bewildering mixture
of enthusiasm and fraud.
(10) There were also some who taught that in
emancipation the Soul becomes, like a stone,
insensible. This stationary, apathetic existence,
if existence it can be called, is the refuge of the
Soul from the sufferings and struggles of
In opposition to all these faulty theories, the
true doctrine of emancipation is thus defined: When
the Soul, finally set free from the influence of
threefold defilement through the grace of Shivan,
obtains divine wisdom, and so rises to live
eternally in the conscious, full enjoyment of
Shivan's presence, in conclusive bliss, this is
EMANCIPATION, according to the Siddhanta
philosophy. (See T.A.P.75 in NOTE VI).
About Dr.
G. U. Pope in Tamil Heroic Poems,
Dr.G.U.Pope, published by International Institute
of Tamil Studies, 1997
*This article was found out
from among the collections made by the late
Tiruvaranganar, the elder brother of Thiru V.
Subbiah Pillai.
*His chief works include three
graded Tamil grammars, the last of which is a
full treatment of the subject in
A list of his chief works is
given at the
end of this Sketch.
That a man should
devote the greater part of his life to the study of
the literature of his own land is really praise
worthy. But that a man should devote the whole of
his life to a foreign language and its literature
is simply marvellous and awe-inspiring. He must be
one of the Heroes.
Yet this was the case with some
of the earlier European missionaries in India,
beginning perhaps with Beschi, and ending with Pope.
Of these, Pope spent longer time than others for
the cause of Tamil, which was, at the time he
arrived in India, in a state of neglect, in spite
of the noble efforts of Beschi and the earlier
European scholars. Pope tried to kindle in the
hearts of the Tamilians a love of the "noble
language," as he called it. His zeal for Tamil can
be gathered from the following words from his
preface to his English translation of Tiruvasagam - "The speech of
a dying people may, perhaps, be allowed to die. But
this cannot be said of the Tamil race. Heaven
forbid ! Let the Tamilians cease to be ashamed of
their vernacular."
Memories of much less important
people have appeared in cartloads, but Dr. Pope's
long life has not a longer record of it than would
cover half a dozen pages. His eldest son, J. V.
Pope seems to have promised to write his father's
life. Whether he has done so is not known. The
Tamilians, for whom Pope did so much have not done
much for his memory, though, we can be sure, his
works will be a lasting monument for
George Uglow Pope was the son of
a Scottish merchant named John Pope trading with
Nova Scotia. He was born on April 24th,
While still a lad, he attended a
missionary meeting in Oldham street where a
clergyman who was going out as a missionary spoke
about his intention of going to Madras to labour
among the Tamils. Somehow this caught the Fancy of
the youthful listener who determined to offer
himself as a missionary to the Tamilians when he
would be of age. He started learning Tamil
forthwith. His acquaintance with Tamil began when
he was seventeen, and, in the preface to his translation of
Thiruvasagam, he says,
"I date this on my eightieth
birthday. I find by reference that my first Tamil
lesson was in 1837. This ends, as I suppose, a
long life devoted to Tamil studies. It is not
without deep emotions that I thus bring to a
close my life's literary work."
Such was his love for his
adopted language.
When he started for India in his
nineteenth year as a Wesleyan missionary, he was
proficient enough in Tamil to be called the
'Pandit' by his ship-mates. When he arrived in
Madras, it is said, one of those who came to
welcome him was a fisherman, who, on being
questioned by Pope in Tamil, eloquently, answered
in such beautiful 'Tamil that Pope could not
understand much of it. This acquaintance with pure
Tamil, and that from such a humble source,
strengthened his determination to learn all about
Tamil, and to be able to speak the tongue as
fluently as a native. He used to say that to seek
for and find a noble language and to dedicate one's
life to the study of it is the best life-work a man
could wish for. With this in mind, he sought the
best 'Tamil scholars of the day, and gathered an
amount of knowledge of Tamil which was of immense
use to him in his retirement, when he compiled most
of his works.
After working in the Weslyan
Mission for two years, he joined the S. P. G. and
was sent to Sawyerpuram as a lay missionary in
1841. He was ordained deacon in 1843 and priest in
1844, and superintended the Sawyerpuram 'District'
which then comprised the Sawyerpuram, Puthiamputhur
and Pudukottai circles.
He was not a passive scholar.
His energy and love of work knew no bounds and the
results will be seen to this day. In 1843 he
started a 'Seminary' at Sawverpuram with a view to
train mission agents and clergymen. The Seminary
flourished and became Second Grade College in
1880-at present a High School. The University of
Oxford appreciated its work as early as 1818, and
contributed liberally towards the formation of the
library within its walls.
Besides being a great Scholar,
Dr. Pope was a master disciplinarian and an ideal
teacher. In spite of his small stature he was a
terror among sluggards, but beloved by his pupils
in general. His ideal was to care for the dullest
boy and to bring him up to the average. The Rev, J.
Schoffter, afterwards Principal of the U. M.
College was a student under him, and people still
repeat Dr. Pope's motto -Good food, Good teaching,
Good caning.
In Sawyerpuram, he devoted a
large portion of his leisure to learning Tamil and
acquired enough knowledge of it, to begin a series
of Tamil grammars in 1850. He could speak Tamil as
a Tamilian, and his respect for Tamil manners and
customs was equally great, as will be seen from the
following anecdote from "செந்தமிழ்ச்
He and the Rev. T. Brotherton of
Nazareth were great friends and he used to visit
Mr. Brotherton often. Once on his way to Nazareth,
feeling thirsty, he halted in Pannaivillai. He went
straight to the house or the Mission Schools'
Superviser Mr. Gnanavuir Piilai, and ending him
absent, began to chat with Mrs. Gnanavuir-'Where
has விசாரணைப்
gone; are all well at home?' etc. in true Tamil
manner and requested her to bring some water in a
The lady brought some in a bright செம்பு.
He took it and poured water into his throat saying
that he would not outrage the scruples of his
Vellala hostess by unmannerly sipping it. Then he
put the chembu upside down in the approved Tamil
manner, requesting the lady to convey his
compliments to the விசாரணைப்
and took leave.
In 1850 he left for England and
returned the next year to take charge of the S. P.
G. work at Tanjore. There he established the famous
St. Peter's College (which is also a High School
now). There he came in touch with the great Tamil
Pandits of Tanjore, Kumbakonam and other places,
and was able to devote more time to Tamil
literature. He left Tanjore in 1860, and after
serving in Bangalore and Ootacamund as Head of the
European Schools there, retired in 1880. In Ooty
the European school was established by him, and is
said to have had, under his management as big a
reputation in South India as Bishop Corrie's School
at Simla.
After his retirement, he spent
his whole time in the study of Tamil, and did much
research work in that direction. He was appointed
Professor of Tamil in the Balliol College at
Oxford. There he taught Tamil to young missionaries
and I. C. S. candidates who were to work in
Tamilnad. He was given the honorary degrees of M.
A. and D. D. by Oxford and Lambeth ( the Abp of
Canterbury) respectively, in appreciation of his
scholarship and work.
He also wrote a Tamil "History
of India" for the use Of students, and dedicated it
to the 'friends and countrymen of my dear Little
Rajah'. He translated into English part of Abbe Du
Bois 'the People of India'. The translation was
completed by Mr. Henry Beauchamp under the
direction of the Government of Madras
After his retirement in 1880, he
began to compile an exhaustive Dictionary of Tamil
which he left unfinished. Its excellence was so
great that the Oxford University passed it on to
the Madras University. It has taken the Madras
Lexicon committee over a dozen years and has cost
thousands of rupees and yet the work has been
considered quite unsatisfactory. One man's works
needing several men to finish it 'unsatisfactorily'
shows what Dr. Pope was. He rendered into English
verse many Tamil Poems. His translation of
Thirukural has been admired for its close
conformity, even in detail, to the original. It is
still the standard English Translation of the
Sacred Kural, and so are his other translations
also. The Naladiar also was rendered into English
by him, and the versification has been even more
admired than Kural.
He regularly contributed to
various Journals essays on the Language and Culture
of the Tamils as well as translations of various
Tamil poems of which he had a large store in his
library. Among such contributions were stanzas from
Purananooru. He also wrote in Tamil prose the story
of மணிமேகலை,
lives of Sekkilar and Thirugnanasambandar &c.
Puraporul Venba Malai (புறப்பொருள்
மாலை) was translated
by him and was published in 'The Tamilian
Antiquary.' His translation of Palamoli Nanooru
has not been published.
All his translations contain
excellent introductions in which the literary
value, time, etc. of the subject have been fully
discussed. Full grammatical notes and indexes also
are appended to them. In his introductions he
compares the Hindu and Tamil thoughts and
Philosophy with- those of Christians. This has at
times received much criticism from Hindu
It seems he did not write much
on purely religious topics. The one book of that
kind in existence is the 'Scripture Doctrine'
in Tamil published in 1848. Being written during
the early days of his acquaintance with Tamil, the
language used is rather quaint, which failing does
not occur in his later works.
Perhaps his last work was his
Scholary translation of Thiruvasagam which he
published on his eightieth birthday. It has, as
usual, a full introduction and exhaustive notes. He
writes in his introduction why he took such a
difficult work in hand at such an advanced
" Some years ago, when this
publication was hardly projected, the writer was
walking with the late Master of Balliol College
(Dr. Jowett) in the Quadrangle. The conversation
turned upon Tamil legends, poetry and philosophy.
At length, during a pause in canversation, the
Master said in a quick way peculiar to him, " you
must print it." To it the natural answer was
'Master, I have no patent of immortality, and the
work will take very long.' I can see him now, as
he turned round-while the moonlight fell upon his
white hair and kind face,-and laid his hand upon
my shoulder, saying, "To have a great work in
progress is the way to live long. You will live
till you finish it." I certainly did not think
so then, though the words have often come to my
mind as a prophesy, encouraging me when weary;
and they have been fulfilled while he has passed
When Dr. Pope began his serious
study of Tamil, some one told him that poverty was
the lot of every Tamil poet and scholars. Though
Dr. Pope did not suffer from poverty, neither did
he enjoy affluence due to his capacity, and
willingly sacrificed his genius for
After a 'long and useful' life
of 88 years, he died in Feb. 12th, 1908 and one of
his last requests was to have his tomb decorated
with the words 'a student of Tamil.'
Of his children, the eldest, Mr.
John V. Pope became Director of Public Instruction
in Burma. His second son, Leiut Col T. H. Pope of
I. M. S. was head of the Govt. Opthalmic Hospital
at Madras. The third was A. W. U. Pope, who was
Traffic Manager in Various Indian Railways. He was
a keen volunteer officer as well as a very able
Railway man, and was made a C. I. E. He left India
to become General Manager of the Imperial Railways
of China, a post which he held with distinction
during the Great war.
Memorials to Dr. Pope are not
numerous; and if we except the Pone Memorial High
School at Sawyerpuram and the Pone's Library within
its walls, perhaps none exists. But what he did for
Tamil will ever live in the hearts of Tamilians;
who are indebted to him, more than to anybody else
for making others see the greatness of
A list of the Chief Works of Dr.
1. கிறுஸ்துவத்
2. A first catechism of Tamil
Grammar. இலக்கண
- முதற்
3. A second catechism of Tamil
4. A larger Grammar of the
Tamil language in both its dialects Ed. 2.
5. A Tamil Poetical Anthology
with Grammatical notes Pond vocabulary Ed 2
6. A Handbook of the ordinary
dialect of the Tamil language. Ed 1.
7. Do. Part 11. key to the
Exercises with notes on Analysis.
8. Do. Part III. Compendious
Tamil - English Dictionary.
9. Do. Part IV. An
English-Tamil Dictionary.
10. Do. Part V. A Tamil Prose
Reader adapted to the Handbook.
11. A History of India.
12. The 'Sacred Kural' of
Tiruvalluva Nayanar with introduction, Grammar,
Translation and Notes, Lexicon and concordance
18. The Naladiyar or Four
Hundred Quartrains in Tamil with introduction,
Translation and Notes, Critical, Philosophical
and Explanatory, to which is added a concordance
and Lexicon with authorities from the oldest
Tamil writers (1893)
14. The Tiruvasagam or a
Sacred Utterances" of the Tamil Poet, Saint and
Sage Manikka Vasagar. Text notes translation etc,
complete (1900)
15. இங்லிலாண்டு
History of England (1858.)
16. First Lessons ih Tamil or
An Introduction to the common Dialect of that
language. Ed 5. (1891).
Rev. Dr. G.
U. Pope - From the Daily Post of Bangalore,
28 January. 1882
We are reminded by the
announcement of a meeting to be held this afternoon
in the Cubbon Hall of the rapidly approaching
departure from Bangalore of the Rev. Dr. Pope, a
gentleman who, as educationist, scholar, and
priest, has long occupied a position of the highest
eminence in our midst, and whose reputation as an
Orientalist, earned by his native land. Dr. Pope
has well nigh completed the forty third year of his
residence in India, a period which has witnessed
the marvellous development of British influence in
the country whose history he has told so
When Mr. G. U. Pope a lad of
nineteen years arrived at Madras, it was as a
Missionary connected with the Wesleyan Methodist
Society ; and, after having officiated for a short
time as pastor of the English congregation
worshipping in the chapel in Popham's Broadway, he
was transferred to Cuddalore, and engaged in
distinctively missionary work. In 1841, religious
conviction led him to join the Church of England,
with a view to seeking holy orders ; and he was
sent to Sawyerpuram as a catechist, and ordained by
Bishop Spencer in 1843. Here he became the founder
of the Sawyerpuram Missionary College, an
institution in which nearly two hundred young
Nadars were trained to be schoolmasters,
catechists, and pastors.
After continuous labour at this
post till 1849, he went to. England on furlough,
and travelled all over the country advocating the
cause of the Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel. He returned to India in March 1851 and was
stationed in Tanjore, where, his health giving way,
in 1857, he resigned his connection with the
S.P.G., and found, in the "learned leisure" of
school-master's life, what we venture to describe,
as his most appropriate sphere.
On withdrawing from the mission,
he established a Grammar School at Ootacamund,
attracted by the delightful climate of that
sanitorium and induced to believe that it afforded
a promising site for an institution which offered
to the sons of gentlemen, the advantages of a
pre-university education.
In this hope he was not
disappointed; and the people of Ooty still cherish
towards him a warm and friendly interest, and
remember him with the gratitude due to one who
thoroughly identified himself with the place as a
public teacher and an earnest pastor. In addition
to his scholastic duties, he held the offices of
Sunday morning lecturer at St. Stephen's Church,
and Chaplain to the European prison.
He established in Ootacamund the
"Ootacamund Grammar School and College" which was
one of the first public Schools in the Kingdom. In
it, were educated, many of the sons of the highest
officials in India, who in the present day are
holding positions of trust and confidence in the
highest ranks of the service of 'Government. This
School was closed in Christmas 1870.
It was in January 1871, that Dr.
Pope came to Bangalore as Principal of the Bishop
Cotton School This institution, when he took charge
of it, was merely the germ of what it has become
under his fostering care. Mr. Reynolds, its first
master, and the Rev. Mr. Dubois, who came from the
Diocesan School in Bombay and presided over it for
about a year prior to his appointment as
Head-master of Bishop Corrie's Grammar School in
Madras, were gentelmen possessing some
recommendations, but scarcely qualified to advance
the status of a school in which Dr. Pope discerned
the potential elements of a successful seminary of
the higher education.
It was not long ere he saw his
way to develop the Grammar School into a College ;
and the Principal became the Warden. Within a few
months of his arrival-in August of the same year-he
found an outlet for his energy and ability as
preacher and pastor, in the charge of All Saints'
Church, where he has ministered gratuitously ever
since. In 1873, the Bishop invited him to undertake
the additional duty of Chaplain of the Fort Church
; and these varied offices he has continued to
conduct to the satisfaction of all who have
attended on his ministrations or received their
education at his hands.
It is only possible, within the
limits of a newspaper article, to indicate by the
titles of his principal works the current of Dr.
Pope's literary activity. For the sake of
convenience, we shall arrange these under three
heads-linguistic, historical, and theological. It
is as one of the most learned of Dravidian Scholars
that Dr. Pope is most widely known beyond the
sphere of his educational and clerical
His "Tamil Grammar," used in
every Vernacular school, was subsequently expanded
into "A Second Tamil Grammar", and this again into
"A Third" including the "Namur'. Most young
civilians in Madras are familiarly acquainted with
the "Handbook, of Tamil", with key, now in its
fourth edition.
Some knowledge of Dr. Pope's
command of the dialects of Southern India may be
derived from his translation of the "Sermon on the
Mount", into four Dravidian Iangaages ; anti a
singular example of linguistic ingenuity ana
research is afforded by his "Toda Grammar-the only
one ever published-which formed an appendix to
Colonel Marshall's "History of the Todas", and
threw a flood of unsuspected light on the -dialect
of this strange tribe. Under the same division may
be placed his articles on "Kural" in the Indian
Antiquary. Nor must we omit to mention the sound
and accurate learning displayed in his series of
editions of the Latin text-books prescribed by the
Madras University, which have made the study of the
language of European scholarship a source of
pleasure and delight to many an awakening
Dr. Pope's historical works
include his "History of India" for the use of
schools and colleges, which has passed through two
editions, and has earned wide spread popularity,
and the warm encomiums of the Press. It is to his
laborious enterprise and indefatigable energy that
the reading public of the present day owe their
knowledge of the work of the Abbe Dubois, the
Mysore missionary, on the characters, manners, and
customs of the people of India.
The manuscript is in French, in
two massive volumes, written by the Abbe himself,
and was purchased by the East India Company in 1806
for two thousand pagodas, and translated and
published in English ten years later. Dr. Pope's
edition appeared in Madras, in 1862, and contains a
photograph of the Abbe taken from an oil painting
in the Madras Literary Society. The work dates
chiefly to Southern India, but has been described
as "the most comprehensive and minute account
extant in any European language of the manners of
the Hindoos." Under the head of Dr. Pope's purely
religious publications. must be placed his volume
of sermons. "Many and Great Dangers", and various
pamphlets, addresses, and sermons.
Dr. Pope has been intimately
connected during the whole of his career, with the
Madras University, of which he was appointed a
Fellow in 1859 ; and the record of his labours as a
working member of that body is too voluminious for
insertion here. In 1864, he received from the
Archbishop of Canterbury the degree of Doctor of
Divinity. as a recognition of his learning, and
chiefly to his contributions to Tamil scholarship.
He was elected a member of the Leipzic Oriental
Society in 1870, the same year in which that honour
was conferred on Dr. Lightfoot, now Bishop of
Durham ; and two years later he became a member of
the Royal Asiatic Society. We cannot doubt that
that still higher attestation of his merits is yet
to come and that his declining years will be
brightened by further intellectual
It is an educationist that
to-day's meeting proposes to honour him ; and it is
perhaps in that capacity that he will be longest
and most lovingly remembered in Bangalore. During
his career in Ootacamund he trained for
professional work many youths who are now holding
good positions in this country, and ever at home,
as officers in the army, barristers, medical men,
engineers, and in other honourable post, and we
hope for equally tangible results from his labours
But it is not by such tangible
results that the work of a true teacher can be
adequately tested. It is the formation of
character, the inspiration with noble desires, the
thousand fold influence of the daily intercourse of
a master with pupils which constitute the only
satisfactory proof of :rue educational work ; and
it is in the grateful memories of those who owe to
him moral motives and a literal culture that Dr.
Pope- has built for himself a "monument more
durable than brass".
As a churchman he has been a
staunch upholder of -big Church theories, while
ever ready to concede the amplest liberty to those
whose views differ from his own. His pulpit
addresses and his speeches, on religious subject..
at clerical conferences and elsewhere have been
distinguished by a forcible and fluent style
tempered by logical discrimination and a correct
taste. The preacher, like the poet, is born, not
made; and the Popes are a family of preachers.
Apart from his ecclesiastical associations, he will
be long remembered of his active co-operation in
every public undertaking of a laudable character;
and, though our owl relations with him are of brief
duration and of a comparatively distant kind, we
cannot but regret the departure of one who never
grudged advice and aid to any good work.
The Late Rev. G. U. Pope, M.A.,D.D., -
"Student of Tamil" - The Siddhanta Deepika or
The Light of Truth Vol. III. Feb. 1908. No. 11 pp.
It. is with the deepest sorrow,
we record the passing away of this great Tamil
Scholar, Missionary and Saint on the 12th February
of this year. Though we have never set our eyes
upon him, his name was familiar to us to most Tamil
students from our youth, as Poppayyar, but since
the publication of Sivagnanabotham, we have been in
close correspondence, and we feel his loss most, as
that of a personal friend. But the loss to the
Tamil land and literature is immense.
He loved the Tamil people and
their literature. He was the greatest living
scholar, among the living or the dead and in spite
of the vast amount of work actually accomplished he
was still projecting and engaged in other work till
the last days of his life.
"Palamoli I have copies,
translated and finished lexicon : but I cannot
get the old commentary. My Tanjore Mss differs
widely from Subbaroyachetti's."
So he wrote to us. He was
engaged in revising the Kural and he wrote to say
that he could double its value to Tamil students.
He had undertaken also the bringing out of a big
His MAGNUM OPUS was of course
his translation of Tiruvachagam. When we were in
Chidambaram during the last Arudra week, we
attended various assemblies where these sacred
Hymns were chanted, and Dr. Pope's name was.
mentioned and remembered with love and reverence
and so we wrote to him also in our very last
letter. And his name is certain to go down to
posterity connected with the sacred work. He was
engaged in this work from before 1897 and on 20th
October, 1900 he wrote -
' I am now comparatively free;
for my great work is entirely out of my hands,
and commands a good degree of approbation; but
will have no sale to speak of in Europe. Copies
will be sent to all the Universities, great
institutions and a certain number of
distinguished literary men. This will answer my
purpose, which is to show conclusively that men
must understand systems before they attack them,
and_ that missionaries especially have much to
learn in regard to South Indian religion; and my
book will enable all Europeans who desire it to
acquire this knowledge..."
"Of course I have my own
convictions as you and my other valued Tamil
friends have theirs; but in what I have written I
have confined myself to such literary criticism
as yourself may, in the main, agree with. Had I
taken a different line. I might have secured much
more support here from a certain section of the
He was anxious about the
pecuniary aspect of this publication, and he
"I shall not derive any
pecuniary profit whatsoever from the book, though
Scholars like Max Muller have been abundantly
enriched as a reward for their Sanscrit studies.
Tamil should not bring misfortune to those who
study it."
And we are sorry, to say that in
spite of what we ourselves, and the publishers of
this magazine did in this matter, his edition was
not all sold and he must have been put to
considerable loss, and our belief that our Tamil
people have not been sufficiently grateful to him
we give below the following extracts from his
"I am exceedingly delighted
with the admirable likeness of yourself which is
in my study and my friends are always duly
introduced to it.
It strikes me that my Kural '
and Naladiyar might with profit be reproduced in
India in a much cheaper form. Give me your view
on this subject. I will hope to send you a list
of my publications, and a sketch of my life, as
you asks soon. Whenever I die " A student of
Tamil" will be inscribed on my
I cannot close this letter
without saying how much I am indebted to you for
kindly sympathy, and for real assistance in your
published writings which you will see I have more
than once referred to in my book. I always read
with interest and profit the 'Light of Truth'
I am carefully examining your
Translations in the 'Light of Truth '.
Next April 24th will be his 80th
birth day, and he dated his Tiruvachagam on his
80th birthday, and we cannot do better than quote
his almost pathetic words with which he records his
life's work.
"I dated this on my eightieth
birthday 24th April 1900. I find, by reference
that my first Tamil lesson was in 1837.. This
ends, I suppose, a long life or devotion to Tamil
studies. It is not without deep emotion that I
thus bring to close my life's literary
Not only did he live to finish
this great work, but he has lived usefully for
several years beyond it. He was honoured by the
English University and Societies for his Tamil
learning, while our own University ignored him. The
last great honour that was done to him was when in
the last year, the Indian Secretary The Rt. Hon'ble
John Morley presented him with a gold medal and
eulogised him in fitting terms.
The readers of this magazine
will be familiar with many of his miscellaneous
writings : " The Poets of the Tamil land."
'Translations from the 'Puraporul Venbamalai " the
Purananuru' and Stories from the
The secret of his success lay,
as some of his old Sawerpuram Students have told
me, is his indomitable will and earnestness of
purpose and thoroughness in carrying out whatever
he undertook, whether as a teacher, ..preacher or
writer. He was saintly in his character and life
and as one old Pandit put it if he was born in the
old days, he would have been catalogued with the 63
Saints. His services to the Saivite Religion and
Siddhanta Philosophy are incalculable as he was the
first to bring, its importance to the light of the
English-speaking. world. May his soul rest in
A Tamil Student's Headstone in a
Cemetery - I. Shanmuganathan (Nathan) Former
Editor Thinathanthi), 1999
"G. U. Pope's life has captivated me most among the
several blessed Tamil savants I read about. Born an
Englishman, this great personality breathed Tamil and
felt like a Tamil. G. U. Pope was born on 24-4-1820
in a hamlet in Edwards Island in the Canadian
neighborhood. He came to Tamil Nadu as a Christian
missionary in 1839, and lived in the service of Tamil
and very early, he was highly influenced by the
excellence of the Tamil language. He published such
great works as Tholkapiyam. Nannool, and made
classical Tamil easier to English students, while
Tamil students could afford means for a more
comprehensive and fruitful study of the classics. He
translated into
English, Thirukkural, Naladiyar, Thiruvasagam,
Thirukkural was translated into other languages
before Pope. English translators did only partial
translations. Rev. Pope deserves the credit for
researching and producing a noteworthy full
translation of Thirukkural . He spent a greater part
of his fortune to publish rare Tamil books.
In his Preface to the English Publication of
Thirukkural, G. U. Pope wrote on the excellence of
"Tamil is a sophisticated unique language, with a
rich vocabulary. It is the mother of all South Indian
languages, Tamil literature was designed to create
high moral standards, ethical codes and Thirukkural
is a great example of that. It is in a land of people
with very high ethical codes and who nurture human
discipline that such moral books are created and
could be created. Thirukkural is as clear as an
unpolluted spring. Yes! Thirukkural, the unique book,
has come to remove the impurities of this world.
'Within a short time of my learning Tamil, I
commenced translating Thirukkural , for the benefit
of Europeans. It took several years to complete the
translation and I offer my gratitude to God for the
final result."
Pope's love for Tamil and Thirukkural is abundantly
clear from such expressions. Pope returned to England
in 1882, having lived in Tamil Nadu for approximately
42 years. He accepted a Professorship at Oxford
University, to teach Tamil and Telugu.
He received the coveted Gold Medal given once in
three years for meritorious service and to mark the
Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria in 1906. He wrote
to the editor J. M. Nalla Samy Pillai of "Siddhantha
Deepika" on October 20, 1900, requesting that after
his death, the inscription on his headstone should be
"A Tamil Student" - and at least a portion of the
cost to erect such a headstone should come with
donations from wealthy and influential Tamils."
Pope died on February 11, 1908. Professor
Selvakesavaraya Mudaliyar, of the Tamil Department of
Chennai Pachchayappan College, collected funds
according to Pope's last wish and dispatched to
London towards the headstone.
What is happening to the Tombstone? Many of us
cherish the idea of visiting this tombstone if we got
a chance to go to London. M. P. Somasuntharam (Somu)
" the well known writer, All India Radio fame for
many years, and the successor to editor KALKI at
"KALKI," was able to locate where Pope was buried in
1961 and paid his respects.
M. P. Somu wrote in his book 'akkaryc cImy" as
"My several inquiries regarding the exact location of
Pope's tombstone in Oxford from several of my friends
in London came out blank. During my search in a book
on Englishmen of great achievements, I learnt that
Pope was buried in the Saint Sepulcher Cemetery on an
old street called Walton in Oxford. I chose the
holiday a Sunday to visit the site. Young M.
Gopalakrishnan accompanied me. We reached Oxford
around 12.00 noon. Finally we reached the Saint
Sepulcher Cemetery, from direction given on our
request, only to find the two gates were locked. It
was a great disappointment. We approached a cigarette
vendor across the street for information. An old lady
was taking care of business. She sensed our sadness
from our demeanor, told us with great affection,
"Friends! I sympathize with you. They have closed the
cemetery now. There are 4000 tombstones here and
interment of 12,000 bodies. They have closed this
place for lack of any more burial grounds."
Just imagine my disappointment at such news.
"Friends", the gentle lady advised. I can understand
from your sadness, one of your forefathers is buried
here. Do one thing; the Cemetery caretaker lives at
the entrance to the cemetery. Tell him that you have
come to pay respects to one of your forefathers and
see what happens."
We got permission from the caretaker to enter the
cemetery, having spoken thus, "The one sleeping under
is not only my forefather; but also forefather to
every Tamil and every South Indian."
It was not an easy matter to identify Pope's tomb
from among 4000 of them. Since the cemetery was not
in use, there was neither a Register nor a list of
the tombs. M. Gopalakrishnan and I went in two
directions looking for Pope's name. The caretaker
joined us in the search.The learned Pope's soul must
have taken sympathy with our quandary.
Because, from a bush in some remote corner of the
cemetery the caretaker shouted "Pope." We ran to the
spot in the front entrance to the right, below a yew
tree, covered with dense vegetation was a large
brush. Under which a marble slab, once the bush was
cleared, showed very faint inscription. We dipped our
handkerchief in the water Gopalakrishnan fetched in a
vessel, and started rubbing the slab. The following
inscription showed very clearly:
"George Uglow Pope D.D. of South India sometime
lecturer in Tamil and Telugu in the University and
chaplain of Balliol College, Oxford, born 24th April
1820. Died 11th February 1908. This stone has been
placed here by his family and by his Tamil friends in
South India in loving admiration of his life long
labours in the cause of oriental literature and
I was excited reading these words! It was not Pope's
family alone that erected this tombstone. I read that
written portion that said his friends from South
India over and over again. The mere mention that he
was a South Indian and Tamil donations were also
involved in erecting the tombstones are words that
should be engraved gems in Tamil history, don't you
agree? It is on those very words; jungle bush is
spreading now!His wife is buried next to him.
Goplakrishnan and I, on behalf of Tamils, paid our
homage to both while circling the tombs in our
typical Tamil fashion. The caretaker watching us
developed a renewed devotion. He also paid his
respects in the Christian tradition.
"My friend! Please do not let the bush spread on this
tomb. This is the tomb of one of our forefathers.
There are thousands of us, his progenies, living in
South India. Future visitors to this site should not
go through the same ordeal we have gone through. From
time to time smear with oil and keep these letters
shining. You will be blessed for your good deed. My
fellow countrymen will be grateful." With these
words, we also showed him our appreciation." These
are Somu's words." |