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Selected Writings by Sanmugam Sabesan,
சபேசன், அவுஸ்திரேலியா
ஜனநாயகமும் பயங்கரவாதமும்
[together with English
21 February 2006
"ஜனநாயகம்-பயங்கரவாதம் போன்ற சொல்லாடல்களிலும் கருத்துருவாக்கங்களிலும் எவ்வளவு முரண்பாட்டையும், தெளிவின்மையையும் சம்பந்தப்பட்ட உலக நாடுகள் கொண்டிருக்கின்றன என்பதைச் சுட்டிக் காட்டித் தர்க்கிப்பதுவே எமது எண்ணமாகும்."
கடந்த ஜனவரி மாதம் 25ம்திகதி
நடைபெற்ற பலஸ்தீன நாடாளுமன்றத் தேர்தலில் போட்டியிட்டு
வெற்றியடைந்த ஹமாஸ் இயக்கம் கடந்த சனிக்கிழமை (18.2.2006) அன்று
பலஸ்தீன நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் புதிய அரசாங்க பதவிப் பிரமாணம்
செய்துள்ளது. அமெரிக்கா இஸ்ரேல் உட்படப் பல ஐரோப்பிய நாடுகளாலும்
பயங்கரவாத இயக்கம் என்று அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள ஹமாஸ் இயக்கம் இன்று
பலஸ்தீன மக்களினால் ஜனநாயக வழிமுறையினூடே தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள
விடயமானது பலரையும் குறிப்பாக மேற்குலகை அதிர்ச்சிக்கு
உள்ளாக்கியுள்ளது. ஹமாஸ் இயக்கத்தின் இந்த வெற்றியை அதிர்ச்சியான
விடயம், என்றுதான் சர்வதேச ஊடகங்களும் தெரிவித்துள்ளன. ஹமாஸின் கடும்போக்குக்கான காரணங்கள் நியாயமானவை என்றுதான் காலம் நிரூபித்து நிற்கின்றது. சமாதான உடன்படிக்கை மூலம் ஏற்றுக் கொள்ளப்பட்ட விடயங்களை இஸ்ரேல் அரசு நடைமுறைப் படுத்தவில்லை. பலஸ்தீன மக்கள் ஆவலோடு எதிர்பார்த்து நின்ற இயல்பு வாழ்க்கை அவர்களுக்கு கிட்டவில்லை. அத்தோடு வேலை வாய்ப்பில்லாமல் கல்வி வசதியில்லாமல் முழுமையான சமாதானத்தையும் சுதந்திரத்தையும் அனுபவிக்காமல் பலஸ்தீன மக்கள் பொறுமையின் எல்லையைக் கடக்க வேண்டி நேரிட்டது. இதேவேளை பலஸ்தீன அல்பத்தா அமைப்பின்
பலஸ்தீன அதிகார சபையின் நிர்வாகமோ ஓர் ஊழல் நிறைந்த நிர்வாகமாகச்
செயலாற்றியது. இதனால் பலஸ்தீன மக்கள் எந்தவிதமான நலனையும் பெற்றுக்
கொள்ள முடியாத நிலை ஏற்பட்டது. இதனால் பலஸ்தீன மக்கள் அல்பத்தா
அமைப்பின் மீது நம்;பிக்கை இழந்தார்கள்.
- இவ்வாறு தமிழீழத் தேசியத் தலைவர்
கடந்த 2005ம் ஆண்டு நவம்பர் மாதம் தெரிவித்திருந்தார். |
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The Hamas organisation which won in the Jan. 25th general election assumed power last Saturday (18.02.06) in the Palestine parliament. Hamas, declared as a terrorist organisation by America, Israel and the European countries, has been elected to power through democratic means by the Palestinians, causing great shock in the West. The international media too has reported this indeed is a shocking matter. A truth emerges from this: The countries of the world concerned and the international media had not been hitherto aware of the real situation in Palestine until now. This is revealed by the 'shock' that they had experienced or had to stomach. Today it has been proved that the ground reality is that, those organisations stamped as 'terrorists' by these countries, are recognised by the people as their representatives in the countries of these organisations. We wish to discuss certain important matters on the basis of this ground reality. Who are these called Hamas? Hamas is a vast organisation among the many Palestinian liberation organisations which rose up against the Israel invasion on Palestinian. Begun in 1987, one of its main aims, to fight against Israel's invasion, takes primary place. It is believed that Hamas was indirectly supported by Israel in those times as a counter force to Palestine's leader Yaseer Arafat's Palestinian Liberation Organisation. Israel, which could not accept the PLO which was relatively mild, now has to face Hamas, described as an extremist organisation. Had Israel negotiated with the PLO in the right manner this situation would not have risen. Hamas felt that any peace talk with Israel was but and act of surrender to Israel. Hamas continues to launch suicide attacks as the ultimate of its attacks. Besides, Hamas did not accept the peace pact between PLO and Israel. Time proves that reasons for Hamas hard-line attitude are justified. Israel did never implement the accepted stipulations of the peace accord. Normalcy of life, greatly hoped for by the Palestinians was denied to them. Unable to enjoy peace and independence, without employment opportunities, without facilities for education they were forced beyond the limits of their patience. Meanwhile, the administration of the Palestinian Alfata organisation's Palestinian, was totally corrupt. The people of Palestine were unable to enjoy any benefits and they lost faith in the Alfata organisation. But Hamas, while engaged in a violent struggle, launched several public welfare projects and are administrating them very efficiently. It runs an administration free of corruption. Its activities involve in looking after the basic needs of the people in Gaza strip, with the co-operation of the people, have won the praise of the Palestinians. Beyond all these, the Palestinians would have realised an important matter: Alfata does not conduct talks with Israel on the basis of strength but on the basis of weakness. There is nothing wrong in their expectations that an organisation conducting talks to win their rights should posses political and military strength. Therefore the Palestinian people, through democratic means, have delivered a judgement which shocked the Western countries and their media while it is not a matter of surprise for them who keenly observe the history of liberation struggles. Their judgement declares that their democratic representatives too are of the Hamas organisation. The leaders of the Western countries and America, declaring themselves the guardians of the high values of democracy, and stipulating conditions to Hamas without accepting the sovereign mandate of the Palestine people are but ridiculing and insulting the democratic rights of their own citizens. These leaders, refusing to accept the democratic decision of another country basically slight their own citizens' democratic decisions and values. This is a challenge to universal democracy. This could be further elaborated thus: Those stamped as terrorists by the Western world have now justified their struggle through democratic means. But the Western world countries, which proudly proclaim themselves as true democrats, are opposed to this democratic decision and this is more dangerous than the terrorism they speak of. While something that is accused as terrorism is showing its democratic face, democracy is showing its terrorist face. Then, what is terrorism? Is there a clear definition for terrorism? Are not the justified political struggles conducted along the lines of morality being branded as terrorism because of the absence of a definition to terrorism? What was said above is not about Hamas but about the Liberation struggle for Tamil Eelam! To be honest, we are not the source of this statement. It is our National Leader, Honourable Vellupillai Pirabhakaran, who is the author of this clear concept. Many views expressed by the Tamil National leader, Honourable Vellupillai Pirabhakaran in his last martyrs' day speech in 2005, are becoming the realities of today. Having clarified many matters, he had also posed the question about the term 'terrorism'. It is appropriate to observe the views of the Leader again in the context of present times. 'The international community is fully aware of the fact that we are running an efficient, self-governing administrative structure in the majority areas of the Tamil homeland, which were liberated from Sinhala military occupation by our organisation. Our administrative structure is formidable, consisting of our controlled territories with huge civilian populations, protected by a powerful military force. We have a police force and a judicial system to maintain law and order. We have also developed a complex administrative infra-structure of a shadow government. Though a large number of Tamils are still living in the military occupied Tamil region, their allegiance is with our liberation movement. The Sinhalese ruling class refuses to accept this ground reality, this political truth and attempts to belittle our liberation organisation as a 'terrorist group'. We are disappointed and sad to note that some international governments, having been influenced by this false propaganda, continue to retain our organisation on their terrorist list. Biased positions taken by powerful nations acting as guardians of the peace process, in excluding and alienating our liberation organisation as a 'terrorist outfit' and supporting the interests of the Sri Lankan state, severely affected the balance of power relations between the parties in conflict at the peace negotiations. This pro-state bias constrained our liberty to choose our own political status. This partiality finally became one of the causes for the collapse of the peace talks. There is no clear, coherent, globally acceptable definition of the concept of terrorism. As such, just and reasonable political struggles fought for righteous causes are also branded as terrorism. Even authentic liberation movements struggling against racist oppression are denounced as terrorist outfits. In the current global campaign against terror, state terrorism always finds its escape route and those who fight against state terror are condemned as terrorists. Our liberation organisation is also facing a similar plight. The world is well aware of the problems created by the Sinhala state and its obstacles and duplicity against the peace process facilitated by Norway which dragged on for the last four years. The international community knows that we have not closed the doors for peace losing patience even in the face of so many oppressions and incitements. We have proved beyond suspicion our will for peace during the four year peace process.' The National Leader of Tamil Eelam said in his 2005 November martyrs' day speech. The aim of this article is not to compare the Tamil Eelam
liberation struggle with the Palestinian liberation struggle. On
the contrary, we wished to discuss the discrepancy and the lack
of clarity the concerned world countries have about the concepts
and terminology of democracy and terrorism. We cited our
Leader's martyrs' day speech as an example to strengthen our
view. The events that take place after the victory of Hamas
prove our National Leader's views are absolutely right. We wish to point out some more matters here. Hamas has not won the election or the war by acts of giving in. On the contrary it has earned its victories on the basis of strength and struggle. Whether anyone likes it or not, Israel is forced to reconsider its invasion of Palestine only because of the resistance and struggle against the invasion by the Hamas organisation. The world countries too have realised this truth and the Western world cannot continue to dispute this! This matter could be viewed from another angle: We should imagine the reaction of the world countries had Hamas badly lost in this election; they would have cried to the heavens that democracy had won. It should also be pointed that these Western powers which
speak so much of democracy, do maintain very friendly and
cordial relationships with countries ruled by kings and not by
democracy. There are no elections held in these countries; yet
the western powers maintain friendly relationships with them.
But there had been elections in Palestine where its people have
delivered their judgement in a democratic manner; but the
Western world refuses to establish relationship with Palestine. The western world can no longer function like a bundle of
contradictions. These countries preaching sermons on democratic
traditions and values should themselves practice what they
preach. If not, the very people of these countries will find it
difficult to digest the trends of their leaders.Hamas stands as
a clear example to the fact that unnecessary pressures will not
prove useful if they go beyond a certain level. |