Special Focus:
31 January 2005
New Delhi & the Tamil
Struggle - An Amoral Role to
Tsunami & the "Killing" of Pirapaharan
- Karuna, Ram's Hindu, Lanka Truth, Asian Tribune,
B.Raman, & Chandrika Kumaratunga - a RAW commitment to truth?
"... Speaking to our reporter yesterday (14
January 2005), Karuna Amman said more than 500 top level cadres of the Wanni
Tiger organization died when tsunami waves battered the coastal belt in Sri
Lanka on 26th December and among them were Prabhakaran and Pottuamman.
Prabhakaran�s body was found on the 12th at about 11.30 a.m. A group of
Tiger members who had been searching for his body using a few boats that
survived tsunami waves found the body said Karuna. Though the body was in a
decomposed stage the Tiger members were able to recognize it as that of
Prabhakaran�s. My associates in Wanni had informed me that top Tiger leaders
who have survived tsunami had been looking for Prabhakaran for the last few
31 January 2005
Tamil National Forum
Selected Writings by M.Thanapalasingham to include
31 January 2005
Tamil Nation Library -
Eelam Section
to include
Pirapaharan: Leader for All Seasons -
Review by Parasakthi Sundaralingam - பராசக்தி சுந்தரலிங்கம்
"இத்தலைவனின் சொற்களில் ஆவேசமும் உண்டு
அன்பும் உண்டு. நிதானமும் உண்டு தீர்க்கதரிசனமும் உண்டு.
'உள்ளத்தில் உண்மையொளி உண்டாயின் வாக்கினிலே ஒளியுண்டாம்"
என்று அன்று பாரதி பாடிய கவிதைக்கு இத்தலைவன் இலக்கணமாக
31 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans State Nation
Tsunami Disaster Appeal
to include
Sampavi Parimalanathan, an Australian Tamil , writes
on her return from North-East Sri Lanka - Death, Destruction &
Discrimination [The writer is a Student
Volunteer from one of the Universities in Sydney, who originally
went to Sri Lanka to help in the hospitals]
"..I have just returned
from my stay in tsunami affected Northeast Sri Lanka,
having been there from the day the tsunami hit.The
images of the people and their suffering are still clear
in my mind. Their cries for help, their wails, their
mourning still ring loudly in my ear. Words cannot
describe the extent of the damage the people I have seen
have experienced. I have lost count of the number of
orphans I have come across, the number of mothers who
have watched as their infants were snatched from their
fingers by the waters, and the number of husbands � the
bread winners � with no family to feed...I write this
from experience. I was there amidst the atrocity. I saw
the discrimination. I witnessed the injustice..."
28 January 2005
On Holocaust Day
"...The opposite of love is not hate,
it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's
indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's
indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's
indifference..." Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor,
writer and Nobel Prize Laureate |
26 January 2005
New Delhi & the Tamil
Struggle - An Amoral Role to include
S.Sivanayagam on 'Rumour-mongering, Sinhala Chauvinism and
Hindu's Ram'
"..Reports of the "death" of Mr.
Pirabakaran are nothing new. But what is surprising is the
number of people in high places who have been deriving a
morbid pleasure in wishing that Mr. Pirabakaran were
dead.Who are these people in high places? The President of
Sri Lanka, Madame Chandrika for instance. .. At a time when
the whole of Sri Lanka was reeling under the biggest
disaster the country had known...how did these people
occupying such seats of responsibility lose their sense of
humanity to relish the prospect of the Tamil leader�s death,
even it were the 'dreaded' Pirabakaran? The case of the
editor of a leading Indian newspaper � The Hindu �Ram
by name, is even more shameful. ..."
more |
26 January 2005
Struggle for Tamil Eelam:
Democracy Continues, Sri Lanka Style
to include
Sieg Heil, Kumaratunga! - Sri Lanka Sunday Leader on
President Kumratunga's announcement 'No Elections for Five
Years' "...Speaking at Hambantota last Wednesday,
President Chandrika Kumaratunga ...(said) 'There will be
no elections for five more years'.... knowing full well
that her six-year term is billed to end November next.
Tsunami or no tsunami, Kumaratunga is widely expected to
leave no stone unturned in seeking a constitutional
amendment to facilitate her continued existence in politics.
Faced with a constitutional impasse, Kumaratunga has been
widely predicted to seek extra-constitutional means of
remaining in office. Few however, had expected her, like her
mother before her, simply to call off elections and sit
tight regardless of procedural nicety..."
more |
26 January 2005
Tamil Music
on the Web Revised
சொந்தத் தாய்மொழிச் சொல்லில் இசையைக் கேட்க இச்சை கொள்வதே
'தமிழிசை' என்பதன் தத்துவ மாகும்..." -
Nammakkal Kavingar
"..In consideration of the tremendous
original contribution of the ancient Thamizh people to the
development of isait Tamizh, the least we can do to
recognize their efforts is to present their ideas in a
simple form which can be understood by ordinary people. Mere
references to mutthamiz (முத்தமிழ்) alone is not adequate to
convince the world that Thamizh music traditions go way back
to the fifth century A.D. or even earlier..."
Dr.C.R.Krishnamurthy on இசைத் தமிழ்: |
25 January 2005
to include
"Only connect!...Only connect the prose
and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love
will be seen at its height.
Live in fragments no longer. Only connect, and the beast
and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to
either, will die."
E.M.Forster -
Howards End |
24 January 2005
International Relations in the Age of Empire
to include
Power & Interest
News Report (PINR)
Warning to
Washington: 'Project 2020' - Dr. Michael A. Weinstein
"..On January 13, the United States National Intelligence
Council (N.I.C.) released the report of its "2020 Project,"
which is aimed at describing the possible configurations of
world politics fifteen years from now.... "At no time since
the formation of the Western alliance system in 1949 has the
shape and nature of international alignments been in such a
state of flux." Although it shuns geostrategy scrupulously,
the report realistically and precisely does the necessary
preliminary work of describing the emerging world balance of
power. Its major conclusion is that China and India...
will be "new major global players"
that "will transform the geopolitical landscape, with
impacts potentially as dramatic as those in the previous two
centuries. "
[note by
The US
National Intelligence Council
is the US Intelligence Community's (IC's) center for
midterm and long-term strategic thinking and functions
with the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - and the
report on its "2020 Project" is a
public report]
23 January 2005
Tsunami &
Tamil Eelam to include
23 January 2005
Relations in the Age of Empire to
Stand for Justice & Peace - ZNet "...At the
start of the Iraq War, ZNet posted a web page featuring what
we called the We Stand Statement. The statement quickly
inspired over 90,000 online signatures as well as 25,000
more collected in pen and ink by the Zapatistas in Mexico.
Responding to Bush's second inauguration, to the on-going
war in Iraq, and to injustice more broadly, we have put the
We Stand statement back online...."
'I stand for internationalism. I
oppose any nation spreading an ever expanding network of
military bases around the world and producing an arsenal
unparalleled in the world...I stand for equity. I don't
think the U.S. or any other country should seek
empire.... I stand for solidarity. I stand for and with
all the poor and the excluded. Despite massive
disinformation millions oppose unjust, illegal, immoral
war, and I want to add my voice to theirs...I stand for
peace and justice and, more, I pledge to work for peace
and justice...'
22 January 2005
Struggle for Tamil Eelam
Democracy, Sri Lanka Style
21 January 2005
One Hundred
Tamils of the 20th Century to
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar - The Man who �Dwarfed� the Stars
Banquet Speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1983 - "..
I learnt the poem when I was a boy of twelve some sixty and
more years ago; and the following lines have remained with
me ever since:
'Where the mind is without fear and
the head is held high; Where knowledge is free;
Where words come out from the depth of
truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms
towards perfection; Where the
clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the
dreary desert sand of dead habit; into that haven of
freedom, Let me awake.'
20 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans State Nation
Tsunami Disaster Appeal
Tsunami & an Outpouring of Poems - Kavithaikal -
சுனாமி கவிதைகள்
to include
கடலே - Kaviarasu Vairamuthu
யார் மேல் குற்றம்?
- கருணாநிதி, தி.மு.க. தலைவர்
கழுகிறங்கும் கடற்கரை
- புதுவை
18 January 2005
Reflections to include
"...The meaning of our existence is not
invented by ourselves, but rather detected...What matters,
therefore, is not the meaning of life in general, but rather
the specific meaning of a person's life at a given
moment...We can discover this meaning in life in three
different ways: (1) by doing a deed; (2) by experiencing a
value; and (3) by suffering...Everything can be taken from a
man but the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's
attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's
own way..."
Victor Frankl, suvivor of Auswitchz, in 'Man's
Search for Unltimate Meaning' |
17 January 2005
Tamil National Forum
Selected Writings by M.Thanapalasingham to include
சாகாவரம் பெற்ற அமெரிக்க சுதந்திரப் பிரகடனமும்,
ஈழத்தமிழர்களின் சுயநிர்ணயப் போராட்டமும்
"அமெரிக்க சதந்திர பிரகடனத்தின் தர்மமே தமிழ்
மக்களின் சுதந்திரப் போராட்டம். அமெரிக்க மக்கள் சுதந்திரம்
பெற்றமைக்கு இந்த தர்மமே காரணம். ஈழத் தமிழ் மக்களும் வெற்றி
பெறுவர் ஏனெனில்...
அடிப்படையில் நாம் ஒரு உறுதியான அத்திவாரத்தில்
நிற்கின்றோம். எமது போராட்ட இலட்சியம் நியாயமானது. சர்வதேச
மனித அறத்திற்கு இசைவானது. எமது மக்கள் தன்னாட்சி
உரிமைக்கு உரித்தானவர்கள். தனி அரசை அமைக்கும் தகுதி
பெற்றவர்கள். சர்வதேச சட்டத்தின் அடிப்படையில் இந்த
உரிமையை எவரும் நிராகரித்துவிட முடியாது "
ஈழ தேசியத்தலைவர் திரு வே. பிரபாகரன்.
வாழ்வதனைச் சூது கவ்வும் தர்மம் மறுபடி வெல்லும் எனு
மியற்கை மருமத்தை நம்மாலே உலகம் கற்கும்......"
போராட்டத்தின் தர்மம் அது தரித்துள்ள காண்டீபம் காலத்தை
மாற்றிக்கொண்டிருக்கும் காட்சிகள் எம் கண்முன்னே விரிகின்றது."more
17 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans State Nation
Tsunami Disaster Appeal
to include
meets with disaster management planners "Although our people
have suffered through severe hardships, we are shocked by the scale
of destruction and loss of lives tsunami has inflicted on our
community within a short period of time. Our people were displaced
several times and suffered losses to their property
by the actions of the Sri Lanka Army during the past several years.
While this period where the destruction to the Tamil homeland was
inflicted silently without the knowledge of the international
community can be called tsunami-one, December 26th disaster,
tsunami-two, has brought additional destruction... At the same time
I urge the expatriate community to do everything necessary to help
the people affected by the disaster. We should not wait for aid
and relief from the international agencies but start immediately to
bring hope and confidence to our affected people.We should not allow
our people to become a community that is dependent on international
aid..." |
17 January 2005
Tamil Diaspora - a
Trans State Nation
to include Fourth
anniversary of Pongu Thamil Declaration held in Jaffna
17 January 2005
Relations in the Age of Empire
to include
US special forces operate 'inside Iran'
Sri Lanka to sign 150 million dollar arms deal with
16 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans State Nation
Tsunami Disaster Appeal
to include
15 January 2005
Relations in the Age of Empire
Goes to Heaven - Andre Vltchek
"....Shortly after the tsunami hit the
coast, GAM (Free Aceh Movement) declared a ceasefire. Few
days later there were reports that Indonesian military
continued with its operations. Sporadic exchanges of fire
erupted in several places of Aceh. With no shame and no
hesitation, the President of Indonesia began accusing GAM of
breaking the ceasefire..."
14 January 2005
Human Rights and
Humanitarian Law
to include
13 January 2005
Disaster & Tamil Eelam
to include
12 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans
State Nation:
Tsunami Disaster
Tamil Eelam
to include
An appeal by a Student Volunteer from USA - Vithya
"Three weeks ago, I had planned to
visit Sri Lanka with 52 other students from all over the
world to do some service work in the war torn areas. And
for the first few days of my trip, I actually managed to
visit a few orphanages and spend some time with the
children and those who have become disabled due to the
war. But on December 26, my optimism on the country's
restoration from war all changed in a second...The
people of the Tamil administered areas in Sri Lanka have
suffered for 20 years in war, being displaced out of
their homes, being injured, and losing loved ones. The
cease fire, which has been the past 3 years, has finally
put a light at the end of the tunnel allowing them to
finally start rebuilding their lives. And in a few
minutes, it was all taken away from them again...If you
wish to contribute to the relief, please do so through
Tamil Rehabilitation Organization
http://www.trousa.org/ or International
Medical Health Organization
http://imhousa.org . And please do not think that
you may not have enough. Anything is worth something. It
only costs 10 cents to buy a bar of soap and less than a
dollar for satisfying meal. "
Sri Lanka: ADB, JBIC, World Bank to Visit Tsunami Affected
North "The country directors of the Asian
Development Bank (ADB), World Bank and senior officers of
the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), will
visit the North East on 13 January as a part of the ongoing
coordinated needs assessment for rebuilding the tsunami
affected parts of Sri Lanka.The team of officers will meet
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam�s political chief, S.P.
Thamilselvan and will visit the much affected Mullaitivu to
assess first hand the damage to the area."
Engaging Rebels in Reconstruction Efforts - Zachariah
Cherian Mampilly, University of California, Los Angeles
"The Tamil areas of Sri Lanka and the Aceh province of
Indonesia, both sites of violent separatist movements, were
also two of the most affected areas. Casualty and damage
figures for these areas are slowly trickling out, but their
status as rebel held territories limits the speed with which
information about each emerges and, more dangerously, the
potential for timely reconstruction efforts. Surprisingly,
it is not the lack of authority in these areas, but long
standing norms about the role of recognized governments that
is the greatest hindrance to rebuilding..."
12 January 2005
warfare is based on deception. Hence, when
able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces,
we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the
enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make
him believe we are near... Feign disorder, and crush
him...If he is in superior strength, evade him.... Pretend
to be weak, that he may grow arrogant...Attack him where he
is unprepared, appear where you are not expected... The
general who loses a battle makes but few calculations
beforehand. Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and
few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at
all! It is by attention to this point that I can
foresee who is likely to win or lose. "
Sun Tzu on the Art of War, One of the oldest
Military Treatises in the World |
11 January 2005
Disaster & Tamil Eelam to include
Mystery; a Response to the Hindu Editorial by Sachi Sri
Kantha "I read with amusement your editorial
[Jan.11] which had a caption, 'Where is Prabakaran?'. The
simple answer is, he is in Eelam. He has been in Eelam since
1987, after returning from the "house arrest" in New Delhi
arranged by the then Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and
his then prime advisor J.N.Dixit....Tamils will never forget
that since 1987, Prabhakaran has led the LTTE forces against
the Sri Lankan army and Indian army, while living among them
in Eelam. Eelam populace can distinguish well journalists
from India [amongst whom the the
House of
Hindu counts as one], who show faked anguish and
pseudo-sympathy in words to their plight and to their
2. B
Raman, Additional Secretary (retired), Cabinet Secretariat,
Government of India on Tsunami & LTTE "One finds it
difficult not to form an impression that many Sinhalese feel
that the tsunami has had a brighter side in that it has
taught a lesson to the Tamils and the LTTE. Even Kumaratunge
and her colleagues seem to feel that the tsunami has brought
the LTTE to its knees and this is the time to teach it a
lesson...The LTTE is a ruthless organization and
was the
ruthless terrorist leader in the world. One need not
shed any tears over his death, if he is really dead..."
R.Cholan from USA writes to President Kumaratunga
"I got all choked up when I heard of your
announcement to adopt a �Tamil� child orphaned by the
tsunami. What a wonderful gesture it is, for the �ethnic�
Sinhalese president of the country to adopt an �ethnic�
Tamil child, at a time when the country is torn apart
precisely by this �ethnic� difference. Your secretary�s
statement that it is a �personal decision� and not a
�political� one, adds to the nobility of your
decision...Please adopt a Tamil child, Ms. Kumaratunga, but
be sure to raise that child as a Tamil."more
Fragile State: In Sri Lanka, Aid To Tamils Deepens Political
Tensions say James Hookway and Jay Solomon in Wall Street
Journal "Ethnic
Tamils from around the world are mobilizing to respond
to Sri Lanka's humanitarian crisis. Yet the speed and
success with which the Tamil diaspora has acted also
presents an unusual political risk for the country..."more
Tsunami & Sri Lanka: Emerging Realities Brian Senewiratne
"..Even in the face of a national disaster, ethnic and
political considerations are never too far away in Sri
Lankan thinking, in particular in the minds of the Sinhalese
politicians of all parties. The best example of this is a
recent statement by President Chandrika Kumaratunga that the
Tamil Tigers had lost too many cadres in the tsunami
disaster to resume the armed struggle. This is an outrageous
comment from a national leader whose country has been
decimated. Faced with a national crisis from an
unavoidable natural disaster, all that the President could
do was to focus on what �benefit� it could be towards
settling her political problems..."more |
11 January 2005
Tamil National Forum
Selected Writings by M.Thanapalasingham to include
அனர்த்தமும் கொபி அனான் போக முடியாமல் போன தேசமும்
"ஞாயங்கள் என்ன சொல்கிறது? விழ விழ எழும்
உறுதிகள் என்ன சொல்கிறது? பதியொடு படரா மக்களும் புலம் பெயர்ந்து
வாழும் தமிழ் மக்களும் இந்த அனர்தத்தால் மேலும் உறுதி கொண்டு
நிற்கும் செயல்பாடுகள் எதைக் கூறுகின்றது? இன்றோ இந்த பிணைப்பில்
புலம்பெயர்ந்து வாழும் இளம் தலைமுறையும் தம்மை
இணைத்துக்கொண்டுள்ளமை எதைக் காட்டுகிறது? இதுதான் தமிழ் தேசியம்...
ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் சபையின் செயளாளர் நாயகத்தை நாம் வரவேற்க அந்த
சபையில் தமிழர் தேசம் தொங்கிக்கொண்டு இருப்பதால் முடியாது. அவர்
அடுத்தமுறை வரும்போது தமிழர் தாயகத்திற்கு வருவதை யாரும் தடுக்காது
அவராக வரும் வாய்ப்பை நாம் ஏற்படுத்தவேண்டும். அந்த வருகை
அழிவைப் பார்வையிட அல்ல. அழிவில் இருந்து கட்டப்பட்ட ஆக்கத்தை
பார்த்து வாழ்த்துவதாக இருக்கவேண்டும் என்பதே தமிழ் மக்களின்
சங்கல்பமாகும். ஏனெனில்......
" இலட்சியத்தால் ஒன்றுபட்டஇ எழுச்சி கொண்ட
மக்களை, எந்த ஒரு சக்தியாலும் ஒடுக்கிவிட முடியாது"
தமிழ் ஈழ தேசிய
தலைவர் திரு வே. பிரபாகரன். "
2.English Translation by Phillip Pragasam of
இந்தியாவும் ஈழத்தமிழர்களின் சுயநிர்ணய போராட்டமும் � பேசாப்பொருளை பேச
நான் துணிந்தேன் -
India And the Struggle for Self determination of the Eelam
Tamil People - I dare to speak the unspeakable
9 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans
State Nation:
Tsunami Disaster
Tamil Eelam

Kofi Annan hails LTTE-led relief efforts
"UN Secretary General, Mr. Kofi Annan, hailed the relief
efforts led by the Liberation Tigers in the wake of the
Asian tsunami of December 26th and expressed his
disappointment over the Sri Lankan governments veto of his
plans to visit LTTE held areas devastated by the waves, when
he met Tamil parliamentarians Sunday. "I commend the
LTTE and the
for the very good work they have been doing", he told the
Colombo blocks Kofi Annan from touring LTTE held areas - UN
officials "Annan was quoted as saying: "I am here on a
humanitarian mission. I would like to visit all the areas,
but as you know I am here as a guest of the government and
they set the itinerary". UN officials told Reuters that they
had been striving to convince the government, but to no
avail. " |
8 January 2005
About Us & Visitor
Comments to include
Request by
Sometime Assistant Director, Counter-Terrorism Policy for
the Office of the US Secretary of Defense ".. I'm
writing about the women of the LTTE and have found several
references to statements by Pirabakaran and other Tamil
leaders about the role of women in the LTTE, but I can't
find the actual statements. Where should I look for official
LTTE doctrine on/about women?.." and response by
more |
7 January 2005
International Relations in the Age of Empire
to include
Geostrategy: Playing a Waiting Game - Dr. Michael A.
Weinstein"...Despite the growth and proliferation of
international and transnational political organizations, the
basis and framework of world politics remain the
configuration and distribution of power among states, each
one applying a strategy to realize the interests perceived
by its decision makers...At present, China is what historian
John Gittings calls a "status-quo
power that often punches below its weight in international
That is a realistic position for a
power to take that expects its situation to improve over
time, as it builds up its economy and military to full
potential. For the moment, Beijing's interests
are best served by adopting a "defensive" posture and a
foreign policy geared to promoting stability. That is likely
to change to a more assertive stance the more that China's
power resources increase.
more |
7 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans
State Nation:
Tsunami Disaster
Tamil Eelam
to include
Rehabilitation Organisation - Coordination & Support
Centre, Tsunami Disaster Management Unit (DMU)
"To address the immediate and
life-threatening relief and rehabilitation needs of those
affected by the Tsunami in the NorthEast of Sri Lanka,
the Tamils Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) has set up a
Disaster Management Unit (DMU) at its head office in
Colombo. Our objective is to co-ordinate all emergency
relief work in the NorthEast and we have many dedicated
employees and volunteers working around the clock. The DMU
is structured to address urgent needs and maximize
efficiency and we have identified and established the
following divisions: Medical, Logistics & Procurement,
Communication & Media, Data collection & management, Finance
/ Administration. The DMU is fully functional and has been
delivering emergency relief items to affected areas in the
NorthEast from day one of the disaster. "
Donate Now
Even Govt divides survivors on caste, says it�s practical -
Grim Reality of Tamil Nadu's Caste Divisions
"Doors are being slammed in the face of Dalit survivors
here�and the Government is quietly doing some of the
Yesterday, The Indian Express reported how Dalits from
63 affected villages are facing the brunt of the powerful
Meenavar fishermen (a Most Backward Class): being thrown out
of relief camps, pushed to the rear of food and water lines,
not being allowed to take water from UNICEF facilities and
in some cases not even being allowed to use the toilet.
Now it�s been learnt that the Government, instead of
ensuring justice, was reinforcing this divide�both caste and
India's "untouchables" gather dead in Nagapattinam, Tamil
Nadu "They are the
"untouchables"; the lowest of the low in India's ancient
caste system. No job is too dirty or too nasty, and they are
the ones cleaning up the rotting corpses from last week's
killer tsunami.The overwhelming majority of the 1,000 or so
men sweating away in the tropical heat to clear the poor
south Indian fishing town of Nagapattinam, which bore the
brunt of the giant wave, are lower caste dalits from
neighboring villages.Locals too afraid of disease and too
sickened by the smell refuse to join the grim task of
digging friends and neighbors out of the sand and debris.
They just stand and watch the dalits work." |
7 January 2005
Conflict Resolution:
Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka: Tracking the Norwegian Conflict Resolution
to include
7 January 2005 Tamil
National Forum -
writings by Sanmugam Sabesan Updated
6 January 2005 Tamil
National Forum
Selected Writings by M.Thanapalasingham to include
A Response to Dayan Jayatilleke -
பேய் அரசு செய்தால் பிணம் தின்னும் சாத்திரங்கள்
"இயற்கையின் ருத்திரதாண்டவத்தில்கூட அரசியல் லாபம் தேடும்
சிங்கள அரசின் பிரதான அங்கமாக சிங்கள பத்திரிகையாளர்களும்
சிங்கள ஊடகங்களும் செயல்படுவது தமிழருக்கு தெரியாத ஒன்றல்ல.
இருந்தாலும் மற்றையவர்களைப் போலன்றி
டயான் யெயதிலகா பச்சையாக இனவெறி கக்கவில்லை. இவரது
மெத்தபடிப்பு இதற்கு காரணமாகலாம். இயற்கையின் அனர்த்தத்தால்
பெரிதும் பாதிக்ககப்பட்ட தமிழ் மக்களும் இத்தேசத்தவரே என்ற
அடிப்படையில் சிங்கள அரசு நிவாரண பணிகளை மேற்கொள்க வேண்டும்
என்ற பாணியில் இவர் எழுதி இருப்பது
ஆடு நனைகின்றது என்று ஓநாய்
அழுததற்கு ஒப்பாகும்..."
more |
5 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans
State Nation:
Tsunami Disaster &
the Tamil People:
Tamil Eelam
to include
An Australian
Tamil writes from North-East Sri Lanka - Sent on Friday
31 December 2004
"I am writing to you from
North-East Sri Lanka, one of the areas hit by the massive
tsunami on December 26th. I initially came here to do
voluntary work at hospitals, however, since the natural
disaster, I have been roaming the streets, talking to
survivors and helping with some aid work. All I see is
absolute devastation. Local schools overflow with displaced
people. Mourners cry in huddled groups. There are families
where only 3 out of 20 people have survived. So far I have
met 105 families where a loss of more than 10 people per
family has occurred. Stories of the water grabbing babies
from their mothers' grip, stories of small children being
trapped underneath collapsing buildings, stories of entire
orphanages being engulfed by the sea still swirl in my
head... It has been five days since
the tsunami, and I am yet to see any Sri Lankan Government
personnel arrive to assess the situation at any of the areas
in the North East province that I have been to. Yet, branded
as 'terrorists' by many nations, the LTTE are risking their
own lives, searching the seas for bodies whilst warning
calls go out for another tsunami..."
more |
4 January 2005
to include
"..A nation is a soul, a spiritual
principle. Two things, which in truth are but one,
constitute this soul or spiritual principle. One lies in the
past, one in the present...
A heroic past,
great men,
glory (by which I understand genuine glory), this is the
social capital upon which one bases a national idea. To have
common glories in the past and to have a common will in the
present; to have performed great deeds together, to wish to
perform still more-these are the essential conditions for
being a people. One loves in proportion to the sacrifices to
which one has consented, and
in proportion to the ills that one has suffered...More
valuable by far than common customs posts and frontiers
conforming to strategic ideas is the fact.. of having
suffered, enjoyed, and hoped together...
I spoke just now of 'having
suffered together' and, indeed,
suffering in common unifies more than joy does. Where
national memories are concerned, griefs are of more value
than triumphs, for they impose duties, and require a common
effort... A
nation is a
grand solidarity constituted by the
sentiment of sacrifices
which one has made and those that one is disposed to make
again... "
Ernest Renan in What is a nation?, 1882 |
3 January 2005
Tamils - a Trans
State Nation:
Tsunami Disaster &
the Tamil People:
Tamil Eelam -
Tamil Nadu
updated to include
Efficient Military Machine Started Aid within Minutes
Arthur Max, Associated Press
"...Veterans of a long guerrilla war, the
Tamil rebels who control northern Sri Lanka moved with
military precision to help victims of the Indian Ocean
tsunami. The speed and efficiency of the massive
humanitarian operation showed an administrative capability
that underscored the rebels' demand for Tamil independence
from the Sinhalese-dominated southern part of Sri Lanka.
Within minutes of the disaster, soldiers of the Liberation
Tigers for Tamil-Eelam, or LTTE, were evacuating survivors
and pulling bodies from the still-roiling water, said
villagers and aid workers. In a well-practiced drill, squads
set up roadblocks to control panic and prevent looting.
Others requisitioned civilian vehicles to move the injured
to hospitals. Many donated blood. Teams with digital cameras
and laptops moved into disaster zones to photograph the
faces of the dead for later identification, then swiftly
cremated or buried the corpses... Meanwhile, in the south,
the government was struggling to cope while politicians
argued over who was in charge. From the field came isolated
reports of corruption and hijacking of relief trucks."
more |
1 January 2005
Conflict Resolution:
Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka: Tracking the Norwegian Conflict Resolution
to include
Sinhala Columnist Dayan Jayatilleke in the Asian Tribune on
the Impact of the Tsunami on the Peace Process
"..Velupillai Prabhakharan threw down the gauntlet in his
November 27th Mahaveera day speech, and if press reports and
the grapevine are to be believed, President Kumaratunga
threw in the towel at the SLFP�s Central Committee meeting
on December 20th, announcing her decision to negotiate on
the basis of the ISGA. It is still possible to see some
merit in her new stand: there is a world of difference
between agreeing to negotiate, even on the basis of the
ISGA, and actually agreeing to set it
up. It is possible in the course of
negotiations to advance issues such as the decommissioning
of LTTE heavy weapons under international auspices, which
would be acceptable to the international community but not
so to the Tigers... Who will better harness the power of
that quake (the tsunami) - the Sri Lankan state, to build a
united country, or the Tigers, to accelerate separation?...
If relief and reconstruction are done right, we can, with
the international community,
restructure while we construct...We now have the
world�s unprecedented attention, solidarity, sympathy and
support. Conceived in pain and tragedy, this moment is
unique, historic and precious..."
more |
1 January 2005
Tamil National Forum
to include
On New Years
M.Thanapalasingham from Australia writes on புத்தாண்டும்
"...இன்று பாரதியின் சபதங்களும்,
பாரதிதாசனாரின் கனவுகளும் ஈழத்தமிழ் மண்ணில்தான் புதுயுகம்
ஒன்றிற்கான களத்தினை அமைத்துவிட்டு இருப்பதை காண்கின்றோம்...
ஆயிரம் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பின்னால் வீரமும், தன்னம்பிக்கையும்,
கொண்ட மக்கள் கூட்டம் தமிழ் மக்களிடையே வலம்வருவதை
காண்கின்றோம். இவர்களே புதுயுகத்தின் மாந்தர்கள். போரும்
புலம்பெயர்வும் பல இழப்புக்களுடன் கூடியதாயினும் அது
புத்தாயிரத்தில் தமிழர் வல்லபங்களை உலகிற்கு பறைசாற்றி
நிற்கும் வீரயுகமாக விளங்குகின்றது..." |
News & Whats New Archives -
December 2004