Special Focus:
29 December 2004
Pirabaharan, Leader of Tamil Eelam to
on Tsunami Disaster in Tamil with English Translation
"My beloved and respected Tamil
people, Our homeland has faced an unprecedented major
disaster and is submerged in deep sorrow today. .. In the
island of Sri Lanka, the sea belt coast from Jaffna to Galle
and especially our homeland territories became targets of
Nature�s fury resulting in massive destruction of life and
property. The devastation caused by this tidal surge has
exacerbated the sufferings of our people already affected by
a war that continued for over twenty years and has torn
asunder our nation. I convey my feeling of attachment,
consolation and deepest condolences to our people who have
lost their beloved and dearest, and undergoing unbearable
sorrow and pain."
more |
29 December 2004
Disaster & The Tamil People:
Tamil Eelam -
Tamil Nadu
to include
Rehabilitation Organisation Media Release, Press Conference
at Swiss TRO Headquarters, Geneva "Tamils
Rehabilitation Organisation...has grave concerns that our
ability to respond in a timely manner is being hindered by
excessive administrative, bureaucratic and control
requirements imposed. We are going through a critical phase
of the relief efforts to address the impact of the
unparalleled calamity caused by Tsumani. Urgent response is
of paramount importance to arrest further deterioration of
this tragic situation. This is particularly so because
relief channelled through the Government of Sri Lanka has
not reached the people of the northeast of the Island... "more
Helping Hands in Sri Lanka � But When in the NorthEast? -
Alex Doss
"Several donor countries like the
United States, Germany, Japan, and Australia have pledged
aid to the countries effected by this destructive tsunami.
However, in Sri Lanka, where exactly are these funds going
to? Why hasn�t any funds reached the NorthEast as of yet?
LTTE political wing leader SP Tamilchelvan told BBC
Tamilosai that, �international aid is going mainly to the
affected regions in the south.� As of now he is still
waiting for a response from the government of Colombo in
regards to the issue..." |
28 December 2004
Tamil Centre for Human Rights to
Tsunami - Northeast death toll rises to 12200 - No relief or
assistance received from government or international
community "...TCHR sources
have so far confirmed the death toll in the North East as
12,200 and the injured as more than 11,100. The death figure
is likely to increase as the rescue and recovery operations
are still underway in the affected villages in the North,
East.....The Colombo media, especially TV and daily
newspapers in English and Singhalese have failed to give a
breakdown of the casualty and fatality figures, thus in
effect putting a news block on the tragic reality as
experienced in the North East. They also pointed out
that the international help rendered to Sri Lanka has not
reached the affected people in the North East... As the
government help failed to reach the North East areas, the
Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation � TRO, which is presently
helping the victims round the clock, is
appealing for international help.Their urgent
requirements to attend to the immediate phase are : Food
items including milk powder, precooked for 80,000 families -
3 meals for two weeks; clothing for women and children;
medicine -paracetamol, anti biotics, dressings, suture
material, disposable syringes etc; water purification
tablets and water containers; 25,000 temporary shelters and
50 medical tents; non food items includes kitchen utensils,
a hundred thousand mats and portable generators..."more |
27 December 2004
Diaspora - a Trans State Nation
to include
Tamils Rehabilitation Organisation - Urgent Appeal for
Humanitarian Assistance: 8000 Dead and 500,000 Displaced
in northeast of the Island of Sri Lanka
"...The present resources available to TRO are nowhere near
sufficient to meet the huge crisis that has arisen and we
are faced with the prospect of an ever increasing toll of
the dead, outbreak of epidemics as the dead lie in open
fields and waterways, shortage of food and a continued
denial of basic living needs for a half a million people.
Assistance channelled through the Government of Sri Lanka
has failed to reach the displaced in the northeast. It is
only through the immediate, unstinted and generous support
of the Tamil diaspora that we will be able to surmount the
humanitarian crisis that has arisen. The Tamils
Rehabilitation Organisation calls upon Tamils in each
country to join with the efforts by the branch of the TRO in
their country in this urgent task. Those individuals who
wish to help directly may also do so on line through our
ஈழம் வடக்குக்கிழக்கில் 6000 பொதுமக்கள் உயிரிழப்பு
(27.12.2004) -
500 000 மக்கள் இடம்பெயர்வு -
அவசர மனிதாபிமான உதவிகளை வழங்கிடுவீர்! -
தமிழர் புனர்வாழ்வுக் கழகம், கிளிநொச்சி -
"ஒவ்வொருநாடுகளிலும் உள்ள தமிழர் புனர்வாழ்வுக் கழகத்தின்
கிளைநிறுவனங்கள் ஊடாக ஒருங்கிணைக்கப்பட்டு மேற்கொள்ளப்படும்
இவ் அவசர பணிகளில் இணைந்து செயற்படுமாறு அனைத்து மக்களையும்
புனர்வாழ்வுக்கழகம் கோரியுள்ளது."
more |
25 December 2004 -
Christmas Day -
அன்பும் சிவமும் இரண்டென்பர்
அன்பேசிவமாவது யாரும் அறிகிலார்
அன்பே சிவமாவது யாரும் அறிந்தபின்
அன்பேசிவமாய் அமர்ந்திருந்தாரே

22 December 2004
Culture &
the Tamil Contribution to World Civilisation
to include
Tamil Refugees Rehabilitation Organization (TRRO) Presents
Drama on War Widows in Tamil Eelam
22 December 2004
Struggle for
Tamil Eelam
to include
21 December 2004
India & the Tamil Struggle to
M.Thanapalasingham from Australia -
ஈழத்தமிழர்களின் சுயநிர்ணய போராட்டமும் � பேசாப்பொருளை பேச
நான் துணிந்தேன் "இந்தப் போராட்டம்
Hindu பத்திரிகை கூறுவது போல் சலுகைகளுக்கான
போராட்டமல்ல. இந்திய ஆட்சியாளர்கள் எண்ணுவது போல் இதற்கான
தீர்வு அதிகார பரவலாக்கமோ மட்டுப்படுத்தப்பட்ட அல்லது
ஆகக்கூடிய சுயாட்சியுமன்று.
சுயநிர்ணயத்தை கூட்டவோ குறைக்கவோ மட்டுப்படுத்தவோ முடியாது.ஏனெனில்
இந்தப் போராட்டம் அந்நிய சிங்கள ஆட்சியில் இருந்து விடுதலை
பெறுவதற்கான சுதந்திரப் போராட்டமாகும். இதனை எந்த வழியிலாவது
அடைந்தே தீருவோம் என்பதில் தமிழ் மக்கள் உறுதியுடன்
இருக்கின்றனர். இதற்காக அவர்கள் கொடுத்த விலைகள் ஏராளம். "
more |
19 December 2004
Eelam Tamil Literature to
அழியா நிழல்கள்: ஒரு கவிதைத் தொகுப்பு - M.A.Nuhuman
"... எனது அனுபவங்களையும், உணர்வுகளையும் சிந்தனைகளையும் நான்
கவிதைகளாகப் பரிவர்த்தனை செய்கின்றேன் அவ்வளவுதான். நான் ஒரு
சாதாரண மனிதன்; எனது கவிதைகளும் சாதாரணமானவை..."
ஏழாண்டு இலக்கிய வளர்ச்சி - மு. தளையசிங்கம் "...தமிழ்
இலக்கிய உலகில் மு.த. எழுதிய ஏழாண்டு இலக்கிய வளர்ச்சி ஓர்
மைல்கல்லாகவே நிற்கிறதென்றால் அது மிகைப்பட கூற்றாகாது.
அந்தளவுக்கு அதன் முக்கியத்துவம் பல பக்கம் கொண்டது..."
முகம் கொள் - கி.பி. அரவிந்தன்
"...நட்பு, நேசம், தோழமை, காதல், கனிவு, மனிதம் என்பவற்றையும்,
அவலமுற்று தொய்த மனத்தின் ஆறாப் புண்களையும் எனக்கு பரிச்சயமான
சொற்களுக்குள் புகுத்திவிடலாம் எனும் துணிபு. இச்
சொற்களுக்குள் அவை வசப்படவில்லையாயின் அது என் மொழியறிவின்
பற்றாக் குறையே. வெட்கம் கொள்கிறேன்..."more |
18 December 2004
to include
Nostradamus to
Alvin Toffler, individuals and organisations have long
been obsessed with trying to see the future. The goal is to
somehow get advance warning of "what will be".... (However)
The goal is not to speculate on what might happen but to
imagine what you can actually make happen... You can't
be a revolutionary without a revolutionary point of view...
You have to become your own seer, your own guru, and your
own futurist.. A fresh way of seeing is often more valuable
than sheer brainpower..."
Gary Hamel in Leading the Revolution |
18 December 2004
Dravidian Temple Architecture
to include
writes from Malaysia on
The Disappeared Mandapam of Madurai "This
is a story about a Mandapam - a stone pavilion; a mandapam
which had found a place in history, heritage, religion,
architecture, and mythology. It was a land-mark of a
beautiful city and was also an integral part of a festival
based on a beautiful legend. It was called 'annak kulzi
mandapam' Let me tell you that beautiful legend..."
more |
17 December 2004
Nation Library - Eelam Section
to include
Sachi Sri Kantha's Book Review of -
Rendering Unto Caesar: Memoirs of a Sinhalese Bureaucrat
by Bradman Weerakoon "...Of the millions of Sri Lankans
born in the 20th century, Bradman Weerakoon is
the only guy to be blessed uniquely. He was blessed for the
first time in the year of his birth (1930), when his police
officer father Edmund R.Weerakoon christened the name of
legendary Australian cricket batsman Donald Bradman to him.
... Bradman Weerakoon was blessed again �
the only Sri Lankan - to serve nine Sinhalese
politicians who held the nominal executive power from 1954
to 2004...." |
17 December 2004
International Relations in the Age of Empire
to include
Testing the Currents of Multipolarity - Dr.
Michael A. Weinstein "The tendency toward a multipolar
configuration of world politics, in which a number of
regional power centers compete for hegemony over their
spheres of influence within a framework of international
agreements and institutions, is a long term process
involving incremental gains and losses for the major
players... The drift toward multipolarity has been confirmed
by the E.U.'s move to lift its arms embargo on China,
Brazil's success in starting a South American Community as
an alternative to the F.T.A.A., India's opposition to U.S.
arms sales to Pakistan, the Franco-German combine's refusal
to support the training mission in Iraq, and Euro-Arab
insistence on coupling the Palestine issue to democratic
more |
16 December 2004
Tamil National
to include
Sri Kantha's Tribute to M.S.Subbulakshmi "M.S.Subbulakshmi
(the supreme musician of 20th century Tamil Nadu and
known to millions simply by her initials M.S. ) bid farewell
to us on December 11th at the age of 88...Since 12th of
December I have been reading the eulogies to M.S. in
the internet, which she well deserved. In these days of word
inflation, even correspondents and editorialists heap
adjectives abundantly to show their appreciation. The music
produced by M.S. doesn�t need all these adjectives. Couple
of words would suffice, to describe her talent perfectly;
�great� and its superlative form �greatest�..."
more |
15 December 2004
India & the Struggle for Tamil Eelam
to include
Ana Pararajasingham
writing in the Indian Think Tank, 'South Asia Analysis
Group' suggests
India�s Sri Lanka Policy: Need For A Review
�'It appears evident, then, that the Indian
State failed to take the political force and mass appeal of
Tamil nationalism seriously If the violence and perfidy of
the Sri Lankan State had given rise to Tamil nationalism in
the first place, the popular commitment to Eelam was
cemented and solidified by the Tamils bitter experience with
the Indian State.' The current policy of supporting the
unity and integrity of Sri Lanka while not addressing the
spectre of Tamil nationalism will therefore have to be
construed as a policy not much different from that which
resulted in the physical intervention by India in support of
Colombo. The question that needs to be asked is how
realistic is it for the Indian Government to persist with
such a policy when ground realities have changed
significantly during the intervening period."
more |
12 December 2004
Language & Literature
to include
Cultural Guerrilla Warfare in Tamil Eelam: Aspects of Tamil
Resistance Literature - V.Geetha "..The culture of
resistance in Sri Lanka that grew out of the Tamil People's
struggles for their traditional homeland of Eelam sought to
respond to the genocidal assault on Tamil language and
culture through various strategies of defiance and
subversion. The cultural realm was thoroughly transformed in
the process and soon, a 'literary and aesthetic
guerrilla warfare' came to be, whose instances of protest
and resistance may be regarded as the articulations of a
Resistance Literature. It is this Resistance Literature
that will be the object of my understanding here. At this
moment in history, when the Tamils of Sri Lanka are, fast,
becoming a dispossessed people, clutching at the cruel and
intangible fact of homelessness in diaspora, it seems
important and urgent that we seek to remember and
commemorate our immediate shared past. For the anxieties
of history require this of us and so in anticipation of
Tamil Eelam..." |
10 December 2004
Tamils: a
Trans State Nation
to include
The Tamil Migration Cycle 1830 - 1950 -Christophe Z Guilmoto
"Tamil migration abroad was the largest regional
component of Indian emigration during the colonial era. More
than 1.5 million ethnic Tamils from south India were
enumerated in 1931 in other (mainly British) colonies where
they had poured in during the previous one hundred years.
8 December 2004
International Relations in the Age of Empire to
Tell me no lies:
How Silent are the 'Humanitarian' Invaders of Kosovo?
- John Pilger, 2004 "..Muted by the evidence of the
Anglo-American catastrophe in Iraq, the international
"humanitarian" war party ought to be called to account for
its largely forgotten crusade in Kosovo...Lies as great as
those of Bush and Blair were deployed by Clinton and Blair
in their grooming of public opinion for an illegal,
unprovoked attack on a European country..."
more |
8 December 2004
Diaspora - Canada
to include
Rhodes Scholar Ashwini Vasanthakumar
- 'her thesis, entitled "Speaking for the Homeland:
the Political Activism of Tamils in Toronto" dealt with the
question of whether Tamils living in a different part of the
world can claim to represent the people of their homeland
through activism'
8 December 2004
Tamils: a Trans State Nation - Tamil Nadu
to include
7 December 2004 Tracking
the Norwegian Peace Initiative in the island of Sri Lanka -
Peace Process? What
Peace Process?
Sri Lanka rejects LTTE's Offer for Talks & vows to
strengthen its armed forces
"We will strengthen the armed forces in terms
of men, material, ideas and weapons," Wickremanayake
(Minister for Public Security) said during a debate on the
defence budget which goes up by eight per cent in the 2005
budget... Parliament today (6 December 2004) approved the
defence ministry spending of 56.29 billion rupees ($541
million), up from 52.08 billion rupees this year. "
Massive rise in Sri Lankan firepower
"Sri Lanka�s armed forces substantially
expanded their offensive capability after the ceasefire
agreement with the Liberation Tigers was signed in February
2002.. The Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) has doubled its
manpower and acquired twenty new aircraft, while the Army
(SLA) has tripled its tanks and doubled its artillery
firepower says Brian Blodgett, a career United States Army
intelligence officer and an adjunct professor with the
American Military in a book titled "Sri
Lanka�s military: The Search For A Mission""
"We are being pushed again in to the war era" says
Federation of Public Organizations of Vavuniya District in
letter to President Kumaratunga
"...on 25.11.2004, in
Vepankulam, Vavuniya, in a commemorative event organized by
the people of that village, the Sri Lankan government forces
attempted to take away the national flag of Tamils, which
had been hoisted there, by crashing an armored vehicle in to
it. The army fired indiscriminately into the people, when
they rose up in anger protest. The Vavuniya Head of the
Political Wing, who heard about the incident in which many
people sustained serious injuries, informed SLMM in person,
and went to the place of incident. He was kept at gun point
by an army major and some soldiers. His hand phone,
motorbike key and some documents were seized. A gun was
thrust on his forehead, while death threats and obscenities
were made against him in Sinhalese..."
Counter proposals not conducive to peace says Vanni MP
"Clear evidence of Sri Lanka
Government's complicity in many violence incidents point to
violations of the CeaseFire Agreement (CFA) by the Security
Forces. The Government's main interest seems to be to
portray the situation as peaceful with the aim of getting
access to the promised aid. The entrenched political rivalry
between the main political parties, United national party,
and ruling coalition that includes the Sri Lanka freedom
party (SLFP), Janatha Vimukthy peramuna (JVP)) are serious
impediments to the furtherance of the peace process"
Sri Lanka must start talks based on ISGA say Jaffna NGOs
"If peace and goodwill are to
prevail, the Government of Sri Lanka should come forward to
discuss without delay the Interim Self-Governing Authority
(ISGA) proposals put forward by the LTTE. The proposals
represent the collective will of all NorthEast Tamils," said
Rev. Father Jeyakumar on behalf of the consortium of NGOs at
a meeting held Monday in Nallur, Jaffna. Academics from the
South who were on a fact finding mission to Jaffna also
participated in the meeting..."
"Impending disaster is SL President's own making"- Jaffna
"'There is no ethnic problem in this Country, LTTE
leader has referred to Tamil Home Land in his Hero's Day Speech. But
historically there is nothing known as Tamil Homeland or Tamil area,''
says the Hela Urumaya. It blares out such slogans having reached the
zenith of Buddhist Sinhala Chauvinism, and makes futile endeavour to
bury historical truths. 'It is from this position the Janatha Vimukthi
Peramuna (JVP), another political entity which is soaked in
Buddhist-Sinhala chauvinism, speaks out..."
more |
6 December 2004
Digital Renaissance to include
Tamil Educational Project in Information Technology for
Homeland நோக்கம்:
தாயகத்திலுள்ள பின்தங்கிய பிரதேச மாணவர்களுக்கு
கணனிக்கல்வியைக்கற்பித்தலும் தொடர்ந்து மேம்படுத்தலும்.
7th Tamil Internet Conference, Singapore - Special Issue of
Min Manjari -
உலகத் தமிழ்த் தகவல்
தொழில் நுட்ப மன்றத்தின் இதழ்
December 2004
Tamils: a Trans State Nation - Tamil Nadu
to include
Bharathiraja moved by LTTE's sacrifices "..the
people of Tamil Nadu had made great achievements but they
were dwarfed by those of the LTTE..."
5 December 2004
takes the lead in South Asia arms purchase
"...The US has already offered
to sell the P-3C Orion naval reconnaissance aircraft to
India. The aircraft is equipped with the latest avionics and
equipment systems...The US has also offered Perry class
frigates and Sea Hawk helicopters to New Delhi. India's
special operations forces are seeking to purchase
chemical and biological protection equipment from Washington
as well. But most significant is the US offer to sell
Patriot missiles to India..."
5 December 2004
Tamil Nation
to include link to
struggle of the people of Tamil Eelam has brought out an
ocean of literature, documentaries and films. While fighting
sponsored terrorism, the artists of Tamil Eelam have
been creating a wealth of publications. At the moment, these
publications are not widely available either to the Diaspora
community or to any scholars. It is our aim to make these
publications widely available to everyone who is
interested..." |
5 December 2004 Tamil
Nation Library to include
Sri Lanka's Military: The Search for a Mission by Brian
Blodgett, July 2004
4 December 2004
International Tamil Conferences to
3 December 2004
International Relations in the Age of Empire
to include
Power & Interest News Report (PINR) on the Lessons of
Romania "....As in all lagging states that are
transitioning from state-dominated or relatively statist
economies to globalized capitalism, Romania is characterized
by a deep social division between those who believe that
their lives will improve by integrating into the new
competitive arena and those who fear -- often with good
reason -- that they will not be able to compete
successfully. The same divide is present in more
economically advanced states, but, in them, the sector of
the population that fears that it will be left behind by
globalization is relatively small, allowing politics to be
based on multiple issues, of which the globalization divide
is one among many. Lagging states do not have that luxury
and their societies tend to become polarized along the lines
of would-be haves and anxious have-nots... "more
Noam Chomsky on the 2004 US Presidential Election
"... politics remains 'the shadow cast by big business
over society,' as America's leading social philosopher, John
Dewey, described the results of "industrial feudalism" long
ago. Deceit is employed to undermine democracy, just as it
is the natural device to undermine markets. And voters
appear to be aware of it. ...The world is pretty awful
today, but it is far better than yesterday, not only with
regard to unwillingness to tolerate aggression, but also
in many other ways, which we now tend to take for granted.
There are very important lessons here, which should always
be uppermost in our minds - for the same reason they are
suppressed in the elite culture..."
more |
2 December 2004 Velupillai
Pirabakaran to include
M.Thanapalasingham at Leader for All Seasons Book Release in
Melbourne, Australia
"You can't be neutral in a moving train!
என்னும் நூலை எழுதிய
Howard Zinn என்னும் அமெரிக்க வரலாற்று ஆசிரியர் the
struggle for justice should never be abandoned because of
the apparent overwhelming power of those who have the guns
and the money and who seem invincible in their determination
to hold on to it. That apparent power has, again and again,
proved vulnerable to human qualities less measurable than
bombs and dollars"� எனக் கூறி அந்த மனிதப்பண்புகளாக
அவர் குறிப்பிடும் moral fervor, determination, unity,
organization, sacrifice, wit, ingenuity, courage, patience
அனைத்தையும் எங்கள் தலைவர் உள்வாங்கியுள்ளார். .."
more |
News & Whats New Archives -
November 2004