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Special Focus: 29 November 2004 Tamil Language & Literature to include Proposed Closure of Tamil Studies in Germany "On Wednesday, 10 November 2004, the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Cologne decided that the Cologne Institute of Indology and Tamil Studies will be closed down when the current director, Prof. Dr. D.B. Kapp, retires in February 2006. The director was informed not earlier than the night before by the dean and vice- dean about the imminent closure. Neither members of the institute nor students had been given the opportunity to present their position prior to the decision. In other words, all people concerned have been totally overrun..." more
27 November 2004 Tamil Eelam Leader Velupillai Pirabaharan's Maha Veerar Naal Address in Tamil Text and Real Audio and Excerpts in English Text
27 November 2004 Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include மாவீரர் நாள் - Maha Veerar Naal - 2004 26 November 2004 Velupillai Pirabaharan - Future Begins at 50 - A Collection of Essays and Greetings 23 November 2004
Conflict Resolution - Tamil Eelam - Sri
Norwegian Conflict Resolution Initiative to include
Uthayan Editorial
22 November 2004 Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include "மாவீரர் வார சிறப்பு நேரடி ஒலிபரப்புக்களை 21ம் திகதியிலிருந்து 27ம் திகதி வரை www.pulikalinkural.com இணையத்தளமூடாக கேட்கலாம்." 21 November 2004 Reflections to include
21 November 2004 One Hundred Tamils of the 20th Century to include V.O. Chidambaram Pillai - Kappalottiya Tamilan - - கப்பலோட்டிய தமிழன்
20 November 2004 Media & the Tamil Struggle to include New Media Institute to be built in Kilinochchi "Foundation stone for a new Media Technology Institute is to be laid in Ariviyal Nagar in Kilinochchi on Friday, 26 November, sources in Vanni said. Officials in charge of the Institute said that the Institute is intended to promote media education among the Tamil community and to train local journalists to keep current with the advances in journalism and media information technology." more 20 November 2004 Conflict Resolution - Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka - Norwegian Conflict Resolution Initiative to include 1. US Deputy Secretary Richard Armitage on 'consistency and forthrightness' - and truth? "..President Kumaratunga has been consistent and forthright in her commitment to settling outstanding issues in the peace process.. "தூங்கிறவனை எழுப்பலாம், தூங்கிறவன் போல் நடிக்கிறவனை எழுப்பவது கடினம்" more 2. Knocking at the Door? - President Kumaratunga Speaks to the BBC 16 November 2004 Human Rights: Theory & Practise to include 1. Child Soldiers? What Child Soldiers? "Summer's hottest online game, America's Army, brought to you gratis by, well, America's Army.. America's Army is a free game packed with eye-popping, first-person combat simulation that's a hit with online gamers. But it also packs a strong recruiting message for the military... The Army spent two years and more than $7-million to develop and implement the Windows game as a recruiting tool .. No question. Kids love games, and the $7.3-million price tag represents less than one-half of 1 percent of the Army's annual recruiting budget..." more 2. Child Soldiers and the Law - A Survey by Nadesan Satyendra "The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, 2002 applies a double standard - one for State Parties and another for armed groups... It appears that State parties to the Optional Protocol have found a common political interest in imposing more stringent conditions on armed groups than the State parties have cared to impose on themselves.. But the obligations which they have sought to impose on armed groups breaches the fundamental principle of equality before the law enshrined in all Human Rights instruments. Like has not been treated alike. A double standard is no legal standard - and cannot be passed of as such.." more 14 November 2004 Conflict Resolution - Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka - Norwegian Conflict Resolution Initiative to include The Words of a President concerned to negotiate with the LTTE in Good Faith?"..we have to go on with the process, because one has to be knocking at the door. Even if you know that what is beyond the door could be not very pleasant, that is the only solution... for the first time (the LTTE) has split into three. So things are changing. It is not because, I think, the personality of Prabhakaran may change... I do not expect much change from this particular leader. But movements change, other people may change, circumstances and political conjectures change. I think there is some hope.." more 13 November 2004 Tamil Nation Library - Personal Development to include Stephen R.Covey: The 8th Habit : From Effectiveness to Greatness "The 8th Habit is about finding out why you're here and helping others to do the same" more 12 November 2004 Velupillai Pirabakaran to include Condolence Message on Arafat's Death "President Arafat symbolised the national unity of the Palestinian people. He was the historical spirit behind the heroic struggle of his people for liberation. He was the source and force of inspiration, not only for the Palestinian people but for all the oppressed masses of the world..." more 12 November 2004 International Relations in the Age of Empire to include Power & Interest News Report (PINR) on The Geostrategic Implications of the U.S. Presidential Election " ...Only in the unlikely case that Washington manages to stabilize Afghanistan and Iraq in the short term will other powers think twice about probing U.S. vulnerabilities...The scenario of American empire has faded into memory and the prospect that the U.S. will eventually become a dominant regional power with some global reach becomes more probable...." more 11 November 2004 Media & the Tamil Struggle to include Contribution to Truth by Reuter Correspondent Joe Ariyaratnam in Sri Lanka "AFP reports ' Tigers give new message on reviving Sri Lanka peace talks; AP Reports 'Sri Lanka rebels convey message to govt on saving peace process'; but Reuter Correspondent Joe Ariyaratnam in Sri Lanka reports 'Peace deal with Sri Lanka govt impossible -Tigers'" "எப்பொருள் யார் யார் வாயிற் கேட்பினும், அப்பொருள் மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்பது அறிவு" more 11 November 2004 India & the Tamil Struggle: An Amoral Role - the Record Speaks... to include Two Voices but One Policy - 20 Years Later "All Lankan eggs in Indian basket?" asks Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Island and "Lanka advised to use US to checkmate India.." says Brahmin controlled Hindustan Times more 10 November 2004 Tamil National Form Selected Writings by Sachi Sri Kantha to include General Pirabhakaran in the foot-steps of General Washington " On January 8 of this year, I contributed a commentary entitled �George Washington and Prabhakaran� to the Sangam site. The first two sentences of this commentary stated, 'This year, in November, Velupillai Prabhakaran � the leader of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) reaches 50 years. Come November, there will be cautious appraisals, left-handed compliments, snide editorials and even vapid curses from his political adversaries and critics who prostrate at the feet of these adversaries.' What is presented below is a sequel to my January commentary..." more 9 November 2004 International Relations in the Age of Empire to include The Optimism of Uncertainty - Howard Zinn, 6 November 2004 "..the struggle for justice should never be abandoned because of the apparent overwhelming power of those who have the guns and the money and who seem invincible in their determination to hold on to it. That apparent power has, again and again, proved vulnerable to human qualities less measurable than bombs and dollars: moral fervor, determination, unity, organization, sacrifice, wit, ingenuity, courage, patience..." more 8 November 2004 Tamils - a Trans State Nation to include 1. Badri Seshadri from Chennai on எஸ்.பொவின் தமிழ்த்தேசியம் "அலங்கார மேடைப் பேச்சுகளினாலே, தமிழ்த் தேசியத்தை வனைந்தெடுக்க முடியாது. அடிப்படையில், அது நிபந்தனையற்ற தமிழர் சுயாதீனத்தை வலியுறுத்துவது. தமிழ்மொழி மூலம் தமிழருடைய வாழ்வையும், வளத்தையும் அரண் செய்வது; அணி செய்வது. கலை-இலக்கிய வாழ்க்கையிலே தமிழ்ப்படைப்புகள் மூலம் சுகம் பெறுவது. தமிழின் வளத்தையும் ஞானத்தையும் புதிய உச்சங்களுக்குக் கொண்டு செல்ல உதவும் அந்த மகத்தான உந்துதலுக்கும் உணர்ச்சிக்கும் பெயர்தான் தமிழ்த்தேசியம். அது தமிழர் சமூகத்தை ஊழல்களிலிருந்து மீட்கும் மந்திர சக்தி பெற்றது"...more 2. Ramalingam Shanmugalingam's Journey Down Memory Lane To Reach 'tamiz Izam' Farewell to Shan by Alex Doss "...To those of you who do not know who this man is, he is a Tamil , a Scholar who has done a lot for Tamil and the Tamil cause....Around 5:30 pm today, he passed away. I will never forget this man for the rest of my life." more 7 November 2004 Reflections
7 November 2004 Tamil National Forum - Selected Writings by D.Sivaram to include இராணுவச் சமநிலையைப் பேணுவதாயின் அரசியல் மயமாக்கல் தேவை "...நீண்டுசெல்லும் அமைதிச் சூழலில் புலிகள் தமது மரபுவழிப்படைபலத்தை சிதைவின்றி பேணுவதற்கு தமிழ் சமூகத்தை எந்தளவிற்கு அரசியல் மயப்படுத்த தயாராயிருக் கின்றார்கள் என்ற கேள்வியே இலங்கையின் இராணுவச் சமநிலையை எமக்குச் சாதகமாக வைத்திருப்பதற்கு முக்கியமானதாகிறது..." more
7 November 2004 Tamil Nation Library - Literature to include A Classified Collection of Tamil Proverbs by Herman Jensen "...But why so much ado about nothing ? Why take so much trouble about these proverbs ? What is the good of it ? Who cares for these obsolete childish things? Perhaps some old grandmother, when telling stories to women and children inside the houses who are half asleep on their mats, may make some use of them... My answer is that.. ...Whether we look to the West or to the East we find that figurative speech always has great influence over the masses..." more 6 November 2004 Reflections �To step aside from aggressive responses to problem-solving requires using some little-used skills: humility, curiosity, and a willingness to listen. Humility is a brave act - we have to admit that our approaches aren�t working and never will.....One wise educator put it this way: �Humility is admitting that I don�t know the whole story. Compassion is recognizing that you don�t know it either.�" Margaret Wheatley more 6 November 2006 Tamil National Forum - Selected Writings by D.Sivaram to include தினக்குரலும் சிவராமும் "..தமிழ் மக்கள் ஒரு தலைப்பட்சமாக மீண்டும் போரை ஆரம்பிக்கத் தேவையே இல்லை. அந்த வேலையை இப்பொழுதே சிறிலங்கா படைத்துறையின் உளவியற் போர் பணியகம் தொடங்கி முன்னெடுத்து வருகிறது. இது நாளை எம்மீது முழுமையான போராக பாயும் என்பதில் சந்தேகமில்லை... நாம் இன்று அனுபவிக்கும் உரிமைகள் அனைத்துமே பேசிப் பெற்றவையல்ல, அடித்துப் பெற்றவையே... " more 3 November 2004 International Frame of the Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include India's Credibility of Being a Regional Power Rests on Securing Lankan Peace says Avtar Bhasin, sometime Director, Historical Division, Indian External Affairs Ministry ".. Rajiv Gandhi wished to drive home the point that the IPKF�s fight in Sri Lanka was for the unity of India...There is little chance of any change coming about in the decision making process in the LTTE so long as Prabhakaran heads the organisation. And there is no chance of his being replaced in his lifetime.." more 3 November 2004 Tamil Nation Library to include Book Note on Mu Varadarajan's History of Tamil Literature together with preface by Professor T.P. Meenakshisundaran 2 November 2004 Tamil National Forum - Selected Writings by Sachi Sri Kantha to include Twenty Books on Eelam Tamils - for reference and research "This list was originally prepared by me to aid one young reader of my writings in the sangam site. Early this year, he solicited my choices for study on the history and politics of Eelam Tamils. For convenience, I have arranged my selections chronologically rather than alphabetically by the author and provide annotations highlighting the merits and probable demerits in each of my selections..." more 2 November 2004 About Us & Visitor Comments to include Jaimal Yogis, Reporter, Columbia University [[email protected]] " Dear tamilnation.org, I am a Columbia Journalism student writing a news analysis on the peace process in Sri Lanka. In this particular piece I am focusing on the future of the LTTE. The BBC referred me to you as an organization that might be able to help..." more 1 November 2004 International Relations in the Age of Empire to include Power & Interest News Report (PINR) on The Waning Influence of Neo-Conservative Strategists "..In the aftermath of the first major execution of neo-conservative strategy, that of the pre emptive war in Iraq, it has become perfectly clear that the central goals of the neo-conservative faction are deeply flawed. Not only has the outcome of the Iraq intervention resulted in the exact opposite of the faction's predicted scenarios, but it has done so in almost every way... This development would help to accelerate a global trend toward multi polarity, with each major power consolidating its interests within its region of influence..." more News & Whats New Archives - October 2004 |