
Tamil Eelam Struggle for
Freedom - the International Frame |
Indian Ocean Region |
Independent States Come into Being - A Case
Study of Israel |
Template for peace is inclusion
-Paul Keating, 23 August 2008 |
Capitalism's Self-inflicted
Apocalypse -Michael Parenti, 18 January
2009 |
Meaningful Capitalism: Change We Can
Believe In - Alex Pattakos, 17 December
2008 |
On Socialism for the Rich - Bellamy
Foster, 10 October 2008 |
Understanding Politics & Wall
Street - Who is Henry Paulson?, 23 September
2008 |
On Boom &
Bust - UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown
- Speech to Labour Party Conference, 2000 together
with Lee Kuan Yew's Remarks on 25 September
2008 |
Global Priority: Feed the Markets,
Starve the Hungry - Devinder Sharma, 22
September 2008 |
Behind The Costly Fannie/Freddie
Mortgage Bailout: A Silent Dependence On Foreign
Money, Not Just Oil - Danny Schechter, 8 September 2008 |
Understanding Financial Mania and
Systemic Risk - 'Leveraged Buy Outs', 'Private
Equity', 'Hedge Funds' - An interview with
Damon Silvers, June 2007 |
the Age of
Barack Obama, Torture, and Habeas
Corpus: Unsurprised but Shocked Nonetheless - Paul
Street, 21 April 2009 |
The Denial of Poverty and
Empire - Saul Landau, 16 November
2008 |
US Presidential Election,
2008 |
The Anti-Empire
Report - William
Blum, 10 September
2008 |
War Made Easy - The
Movie |
Wouldn't it be nice to live
in an ideal world with no violence and brutality -
Andre Vltchek, 17 April 2008 |
Strategic Focus: U.S. Military
Footprint, Courtesy Foreign Policy in Focus, 2
March 2008 |
"You Can't Lump All Terrorists
Together" - Hillary Clinton, 23 October
2007 |
Warns that Bolivia is Being Destabilized by U.S. -
Just as Venezuela, 10 September
2007 |

America, America, War Paar Ada! Audio
Video Presentation, August 2007 |
Shift Happens - "Look back
over the past, with its changing empires that rose
and fell, and you can foresee the future, too."
- Marcus
Aurelius A.D.169 |
The unipolar moment of US supremacy has passed
- Timothy Garton Ash, 24 January
2007 |
Venezuela President Hugo Chavez Speech to the
United Nations, 16 September 2006 |
UN Imperialism:
unleashing entrepreneurship in the developing
world -
Paul Cammack, Manchester Metropolitan University,
December 2006 |
Thank you, President Bush - Paul Coelho, 11
March 2003 |
Dictators |
Audio Visual
Noam Chomsky on the Pessimism of the Intellect and
the Optimism of the Will - BBC
Interview |

How Much Longer? - Eduardo Galeano,
2006 |
India - An
Empire in Denial
India Bans Communist Party
of India -Maoist (CPI-M) , 22 June
2009 |
India's New-Found Irrelevance -
Harsh V. Pant, 23 March 2009 |
Center Stage for the Twenty-first
Century - Power Plays in the Indian Ocean - Robert
D. Kaplan, 1 March 2009 |
US - India - China: Changing Dynamics -
the Dollar Courts the Yuan, 21 February
2009 |
Hunger in India States
Alarming, 14 October 2008 |
Divisions on the Rise in India -
Manmohan Singh, 13 October 2008 |
Bush signs
US-India nuclear bill
8 October 2008 |
US approves
Indian nuclear deal, 2
October 20008 |
Why Indians
Succeed in countries Ruled by Whites, 14
September 2008 |
Whither India? Two Views - Top Down and
Bottom Up, 14 September 2008 |
Empires Don't Build Rivals - Justin
Podur , 5 August 2008 |
China hails Sonia's 'milestone' visit,
for better ties, 27 October 2007 |
60 Years of
Independence: India�s Foreign
Policy Challenges - Shyam Saran, 30 August
2007 |
Indian economic policy
is hijacked by a small elite - Mani Shankar Iyer , Minister for Panchayati
Raj at the
Confederation of Indian
Industry, 3 May
2007 |
US House of Representatives allows
export of civilian nuclear fuel to India, 9
December 2006 |
"India's N-Deal only with the
- says US Envoy Nicholas Burns,
1 March 2008 |
India takes the
lead in South Asia arms purchase
The Buddha Smiled, Nadesan
Satyendra, 1998 |
United States, India & Pakistan -
Stephen Cohen, 1997 |
Irritants to Calibration, Nadesan
Satyendra, 1993 |
Good Bye, Non Alignment!, Nadesan
Satyendra,1993 |
India & US - the
Calibrated Approach,
Nadesan Satyendra,1992 |
the Multi Lateral World
Chinese identify Tamils
conducive in breaking up India, 11 August
2009 |
Shanghaied - new
international institution threatens U.S.
interests, 30 April 2004 |
A Lesson in Foreign Policy: When China
taught Vietnam a Lesson with US Support -
Zbingniew Brzezinski |
Russia &
the Multilateral World |
On the Collapse of the Soviet Unuion -
Yegor Gaidar, 19 April 2007 |
On the Unipolar World - Vladimir
Putin, President of Russian Federation, 10
February 2007 |
Russia recognised independence of South Ossetia
and Abkhazia - Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russia,
Financial Times, 28 August 2008
Georgian Dogs Of August - Or Shmucks Of Our Time
-Saul Landau, 27 August 2008 |
Russia's Upside in the Georgia Conflict
- Boris Kagarlitsky, 22 August 2008 |
Russo-Georgian War and the Balance of Power -
George Friedman, 12 August 2008 |
United States, Russia &
Pravada |
Has A Rival - The British Foreign Office Lectures
Us On Human Rights - John Pilger, 1 December
2008 |
The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The
Lies Of Today - John Pilger 6 August
2008 |
Hiroshima & Nagasaki "How could
I ever forget that flash of light! In a moment
thirty thousand people ceased to be ..."
Toge Sankichi: Hibakusha (A-bomb
survivor) |
The Second Super Power - James
F.Moore, 2003 "...There is an
emerging second superpower, but it is not a
nation. Instead, it is a
new form of international player, constituted by
the �will of the
people� in a global social
movement..." |
Art, Truth & Politics - Harold
Pinter, Nobel Lecture, 2005
"I believe that despite the
enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving,
fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to
define the real truth of our lives and our
societies is a crucial obligation which devolves
upon us all. It is in fact mandatory." more |
US special
forces operate 'inside Iran' |
Project Syndicate - an international
association of 244 newspapers in 114 countries,
devoted to bringing distinguished voices from
across the world to local audiences
everywhere... |
The Age of Empire in
England |
Revisionist TV history of Britain's
empire is an attempt to justify the new imperial
order - Wilson, 2003 |
On the Invasion of
Forget Yugoslavia - John Pilger , 16 August
2008 |
Kosovo: The global significance
of independence - Bruce
Fein, 24 February
2008 |
Kosovo's 'Supervised
Independence', 17 February 2008 |
and EU ready to recognize Kosovo Independence -
if Serbia does not agree
on role of the province, 24 September
2007 |
How Silent are the 'Humanitarian'
Invaders of Kosovo? - John Pilger, 2004
"..Muted by the evidence of the Anglo-American
catastrophe in Iraq, the international
"humanitarian" war party ought to be called to
account for its largely forgotten crusade in
Kosovo...Lies as great as those of Bush and Blair
were deployed by Clinton and Blair in their
grooming of public opinion for an illegal,
unprovoked attack on a European country..."
more |
NATO, Kosovo & Tamil Eelam,
Nadesan Satyendra, 1999 |
Understanding Kosovo, Nadesan
Satyendra, 1998 |
About the War
in Vietnam - Vietnam
is a Country - not a War
A Lesson in Foreign Policy: Tonkin Gulf Lie
which Launched Vietnam War |
Ho Chi Minh & Lydon
Johnson - Exchange of Letters , February
1967 |
Japan's Cheque Book
Diplomacy, Nadesan Satyendra, 1992 |
Z-Net : A Community of
People Committed to Social Change |
Internationalist |
Third World
Traveler |
Democracy Now |
Blogs "..If
you look carefully, you will notice some new
features in these blogs. First, there is a 'blog of
blogs', a blog amalgamating all of the znet blogs
in one place..." |
Rand Organisation
Defence Institute of International Legal
Studies |
The Project for the New American
Century |
Think Tank Without
Walls |
International Hemispheric Resource
Centre |
Project Against the Present Danger -
Standing in Defense of International Law,
International Cooperation, and
Multilateralism |
New World of Ideas, Analysis, & Policy Options
for America |
Institution |
Heritage Foundation |
Cato Institute |
The World
Bank |
Knowledge at Wharton - Business
Insights |
Special Report on U.S. Foreign Military
Training: Global Reach, Global Power, and Oversight
Issues - Lora Lumpe, Foreign Policy In Focus,
May 2002 |
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations, 1961 |
Federation of American Scientists
".. Our founders were members of the Manhattan
Project, creators of the atom bomb and deeply
concerned about the implications of its use for the
future of humankind. FAS is the oldest organization
dedicated to ending the worldwide arms race and
avoiding the use of nuclear weapons for any
purpose..." |
Power & Interest News
Reports "The Power and
Interest News Report (PINR) is a global
organization that provides analyses of conflicts
and other international events. We are currently
independently funded giving us the freedom to
analyze objectively. PINR seeks to provide insight
into various conflicts, regions and points of
interest around the globe. We approach a subject
based upon the powers and interests involved,
leaving the moral judgments to the
reader." |
Gateway to Astronaut
Photography of the Earth |
The White
House |
George W.
Bush |
American Foreign Policy
Council |
US State Department - Patterns of Global
Terrorism Reports |
Institute for War &
Peace Reporting |
Foreign Policy - the Magazine of Global
Politics |
Janes's Information
Group |
International Institute of Strategic
Studies |
Center For Strategic
& International Studies |
Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) |
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic
Studies |
for Security Studies and Conflict
Research |
Canadian Institute of
Strategic Studies |
Center for Strategic Studies,
Belgrade |
Center for Defense
Information |
International |
South Asia
Intelligence Review
South Asia Terrorism
Portal |
Institute of Peace and
Conflict Studies, New Delhi |
Indian Armed Forces |
Danish Institute of
International Affairs |
Swedish Institute of
International Affairs |
Royal Institute of
International Affairs |
Canadian Institute of
International Affairs |

Library - International
in the age of empires
"Just because you don't take
an interest in politics doesn't mean politics
won't take an interest in
you."- Pericles, 430
"We have no eternal allies
and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests
are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it
is our duty to follow." - British Foreign Secretary, Lord
Palmerston (1784-1865)
" Imperialism is an
institution under which one nation asserts the
right to seize the land or at least to control
the government or resources of another
people."- John T. Flynn
don't seek empires. We're
not imperialistic. We never have been. I can't
imagine why you'd even ask the question." US
Defence Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, questioned by
an al-Jazeera correspondent, April 29,
"No one can now doubt the word
of America" US
President George W. Bush, State of the Union,
January 20, 2004 (quoted in Empire
"...All oppressed nations want
independence. Everything is subject to
change...In the past, Britain made war on us many
times. Britain, the United States, Japan, France,
Germany, Italy, tsarist Russia and Holland were
all very interested in this land of ours. They
were all our teachers by negative example and we
were their pupils..."US Imperialism is a Paper Tiger - Mao
Tse Tung, 1956
"...We don't want anyone to
own another person as a slave. We don't want
anyone to employ wage slaves, either. Nor do we
want anyone to politically coerce and repress
others, to fold, spindle, or mutilate others, to
rape, or to deny, defy, or crucify
others..." Michael
"Remember this: We be many
and they be few. They need us more than we need
them. Another world is not only possible, she is
on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her
breathing." Arundhati Roy
The Age of Imperialism - an
Online History of the United States
"...The idea of manifest destiny
gained popularity in the 1830s and 1840s. (The
term was coined in 1845 by newspaper columnist
John L. O'Sullivan.) As people began settling the
western territories, wresting control of the land
from the original Native American inhabitants,
many Americans came to believe that it was their
nation's "manifest destiny" to possess all of the
North American continent. Later in the century,
this idea easily gave way to larger dreams of
expanding America's influence around the
The Genocide of the American
�The most ultimately
righteous of all wars is a war with savages,
though it is apt to be also the most terrible and
inhuman. The rude, fierce settler who drives the
savage from the land lays all civilized mankind
under a debt to him. American and Indian, Boer
and Zulu, Cossack and Tartar, New Zealander and
Maori, - in each case the victor, horrible though
many of his deeds are, has laid deep the
foundations for the future greatness of a mighty
people. The consequences of struggles for
territory between civilized nations seem small by
comparison. Looked at from the standpoint of the
ages, it is of little moment whether Lorraine is
part of Germany or of France, whether the
northern Adriatic cities pay homage to Austrian
Kaiser or Italian King; But it is of incalculable
importance that America, Australia, and Siberia
should pass out of the hands of their red, black,
and yellow aboriginal owners, and become the
heritage of the dominant world
races.� The Winning of the West
Vol. 4 The Indian Wars Page 56 by President
Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt more
Imperialism the Highest Stage of
Capitalism - V.I.Lenin, 1916
" its economic essence
imperialism is monopoly capitalism. This in
itself determines its place in history, for
monopoly that grows out of the soil of free
competition, and precisely out of free
competition, is the transition from the
capitalist system to a higher socio-economic
order... Monopolies, oligarchy, the striving
for domination and not for freedom, the
exploitation of an increasing number of small or
weak nations by a handful of the richest or most
powerful nations - all these have given birth to
those distinctive characteristics of imperialism
which compel us to define it as parasitic or
decaying capitalism..." more
The flag
follows the dollar and the soldiers follow the flag
- Major General Smedley Butler, Unites States
Marine Corps, 1933
"War is just a racket. A racket
is best described, I believe, as something that
is not what it seems to the majority of people.
Only a small inside group knows what it is about.
It is conducted for the benefit of the very few
at the expense of the masses. I believe in
adequate defence at the coastline and nothing
else. If a nation comes over here to fight, then
we'll fight. The trouble with America is that
when the dollar only earns 6 percent over here,
then it gets restless and goes overseas to get
100 percent. Then the flag follows the dollar
and the soldiers follow the flag.
I wouldn't go to war again as I have done to
protect some lousy investment of the bankers.
There are only two things we should fight for.
One is the defence of our homes and the other is
the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is
simply a racket.
There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that
the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger
men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to
destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war
preparations, and a "Big Boss"
It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt
such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I
spent thirty-three years and four months in
active military service as a member of this
country's most agile military force, the Marine
Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from
Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during
that period, I spent most of my time being a high
class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall
Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a
racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.
I suspected I was just part of a racket at the
time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members
of the military profession, I never had a thought
of my own until I left the service. My mental
faculties remained in suspended animation while I
obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical
with everyone in the military service.
I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe
for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make
Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National
City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped
in the raping of half a dozen Central American
republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The
record of racketeering is long. I helped purify
Nicaragua for the international banking house of
Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard
that name before?). I brought light to the
Dominican Republic for American sugar interests
in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that
Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
During those years, I had, as the boys in the
back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back
on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a
few hints. The best he could do was to operate
his racket in three districts. I operated on
three continents." more
The day is not far off when we are going to have to
deal in straight power concepts - George
Kennan, Director of Policy Planning of the U.S.
Dept. of State, State Department Briefing,
1948 -
"...we have about 50% of the
world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population.
This disparity is particularly great as between
ourselves and the peoples of Asia. In this
situation, we cannot fail to be the object of
envy and resentment. Our real task in the
coming period is to devise a pattern of
relationships which will permit us to maintain
this position of disparity without positive
detriment to our national security. To do so, we
will have to dispense with all sentimentality and
day-dreaming; and our attention will have to be
concentrated everywhere on our immediate national
objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we
can afford today the luxury of altruism and
For these reasons, we must observe great
restraint in our attitude toward the Far Eastern
areas. The peoples of Asia and of the Pacific
area are going to go ahead, whatever we do, with
the development of their political forms and
mutual interrelationships in their own way. This
process cannot be a liberal or peaceful one. The
greatest of the Asiatic peoples - the Chinese and
the Indians - have not yet even made a beginning
at the solution of the basic demographic problem
involved in the relationship between their food
supply and their birth rate. Until they find some
solution to this problem, further hunger,
distress, and violence are inevitable. All of the
Asiatic peoples are faced with the necessity for
evolving new forms of life to conform to the
impact of modern technology. This process of
adaptation will also be long and violent. It is
not only possible, but probable, that in the
course of this process many peoples will fall,
for varying periods, under the influence of
Moscow, whose ideology has a greater lure for
such peoples, and probably greater reality, than
anything we could oppose to it. All this, too, is
probably unavoidable; and we could not hope to
combat it without the diversion of a far greater
portion of our national effort than our people
would ever willingly concede to such a
In the face of this situation we would be better
off to dispense now with a number of the concepts
which have underlined our thinking with regard to
the Far East. We should dispense with the
aspiration to �be
liked� or to be regarded as the
repository of a high-minded international
altruism. We should stop putting ourselves in
the position of being our brothers' keeper and
refrain from offering moral and ideological
advice. We should cease to talk about vague and -
for the Far East - unreal objectives such as
human rights, the raising of the living
standards, and democratization. The day is
not far off when we are going to have to deal in
straight power concepts. The less we are then
hampered by idealistic slogans, the
better..." more
Military Industrial Complex, Farewell Speech,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961
"... we have been compelled to
create a permanent armaments industry of vast
proportions. Added to this, three and a half
million men and women are directly engaged in the
defense establishment. We annually spend on
military security more than the net income of all
United States corporations... The total influence
- economic, political, even spiritual - is felt
in every city, every State house, every office of
the Federal government.... In the councils of
government, we must guard against the acquisition
of unwarranted influence, whether sought or
unsought, by the military industrial
complex...The potential for the disastrous
rise of misplaced power exists and will
persist. We must never let the weight of this
combination endanger our liberties or democratic
processes. We should take nothing for granted.
... Only an alert and knowledgeable
citizenry can compel the proper meshing of
the huge industrial and military machinery of
defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so
that security and liberty may prosper
States? Sovereignty? The Dilemmas of
Capitalists in an Age of Transition - Immanuel
Wallerstein , 1997
"... interference by one state in the affairs
of another is common currency, and the entire
corpus of international law (admittedly a weak
reed) represents a series of limitations on
outward sovereignty. In any case, strong states
notoriously do not reciprocate fully recognition
of the sovereignty of weak states. So why is such
an absurd idea put forth?
...The sovereignty of the states - their
inward and outward sovereignty within the
framework of an interstate system - is a
fundamental pillar of the capitalist
world-economy. If it falls, or seriously
declines, capitalism is untenable as a system. I
agree that it is in decline today, for the first
time in the history of the modern world-system.
This is the primary sign of the acute crisis of
capitalism as an historical system. The
essential dilemma of capitalists, singly and as a
class, is whether to take full short-run
advantage of the weakening of the states, or to
try short-run repair to restore the legitimacy of
the state structures, or to spend their energy
trying to construct an alternative
system. Behind the rhetoric, intelligent
defenders of the status quo are aware of this
critical situation. While they are trying to get
the rest of us to talk about the pseudo-issues of
globalization, some of them at least are trying
to figure out what a replacement
system could be like, and how to move things
in that direction. If we don't want to live in
the future with the inegalitarian solution that
they will promote, we should be asking the same
question..." more
Thomas Friedman,
"A Manifesto for the Fast World", New York
Times Magazine, March 28, 1999
"As the country that benefits
most from global economic integration, we have
the responsibility of making sure that this new
system is sustainable.. The hidden hand of the
market will never work without a hidden fist -
McDonald's cannot flourish without
McDonnell-Douglas, the designer of the F-15.
And the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for
Silicon Valley's technologies is called the US
Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps....The
global system cannot hold together without an
activist and generous American foreign and
defense policy. Without America on duty, there
will be no America Online...
There is a saying in Silicon Valley that
"loyalty is just one mouse-click away." But you
can take that too far. Execs there make boasts
like: "We are not an American company. We are
I.B.M. U.S., I.B.M. Canada, I.B.M. Australia,
I.B.M. China." Oh, yeah? Then, the next time
I.B.M. China gets in trouble in China, call Jiang
Zemin for help. And the next time Congress closes
another military base in Asia, call Microsoft's
navy to secure the sea lanes of the Pacific. And
the next time Congress wants to close more
consulates and embassies, call to
order a new passport. This doesn't mean America
needs to be involved everywhere all the time.
There are big, important places and there are
small, unimportant places. Diplomacy is about
knowing the difference between the two, and
knowing how to mobilize others to act
where we cannot or should not act alone.."
Rebuilding America's Defenses - Project
for the New American Century, 2000
"...American land power is the
essential link in the chain that translates U.S.
military supremacy into American geopolitical pre
eminence... Elements of U.S. Army Europe should
be redeployed to Southeast Europe, while a
permanent unit should be based in the Persian
Gulf region...In Southeast Asia, American forces
are too sparse to address rising security
requirements adequately... No U.S. strategy can
constrain a Chinese challenge to American
regional leadership if our security guarantees to
Southeast Asia are intermittent and U.S. military
presence a periodic affair. For this reason, an
increased naval presence in Southeast
Asia, while necessary, will not be
sufficient; as in the Balkans, relying solely
on allied forces or the rotation of U.S. forces
in stability operations not only increases the
stress on those forces but undercuts the
political goals of such missions. For
operational as well as political reasons,
stationing rapidly mobile U.S. ground and air
forces in the region will be required...
..Since today�s
peace is the unique product of American pre
eminence, a failure to preserve that pre eminence
allows others an opportunity to shape the world
in ways antithetical to American interests and
principles...Global leadership is not something
exercised at our leisure, when the mood strikes
us or when our core national security interests
are directly threatened; then it is already too
late. Rather, it is a choice whether or not to
maintain American military pre eminence, to
secure American geopolitical leadership, and to
preserve the American peace..." more
Military-Industrial Complex Revisited, 1999-2002
- William D. Hartung, Foreign Policy in
"...Contrary to initial
expectations, the military-industrial complex did
not fade away with the end of the cold war. It
has simply reorganized itself. As a result of a
rash of military-industry mergers encouraged and
subsidized by the Clinton administration, the
"Big Three" weapons
makers�Lockheed Martin, Boeing,
and Raytheon�now receive among
themselves over $30 billion per year in Pentagon
contracts. This represents more than one out of
every four dollars that the Defense Department
doles out for everything from rifles to
rockets...President Eisenhower�s
warning about the "acquisition of unwarranted
influence" by the military-industrial complex is
as relevant today as it was in 1961. Despite the
dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the breakup of
the Soviet Union, the U.S. military budget is
higher today than it was when Eisenhower gave his
military-industrial complex speech in 1961"
The Enemy Within - Gore Vidal,
"...Joseph Schumpeter in 1919,
described ancient Rome in a way that sounds
eerily like the United States in 2001: 'There
was no corner of the known world where some
interest was not alleged to be in danger or under
actual attack. If the interests were not Roman,
they were those of Rome's allies; and if Rome had
no allies, the allies would be invented. The
fight was always invested with an aura of
legality. Rome was always being attacked by
evil-minded neighbours.' We have only outdone the
Romans in turning metaphors such as the war on
terrorism, or poverty, or Aids into actual wars
on targets we appear, often, to pick at random in
order to maintain turbulence in foreign lands..."
Noam Chomsky on
Dominance and its Dilemmas, 2003
"The new imperial grand strategy
presents the US as a revisionist state seeking to
parlay its momentary advantages into a world
order in which it runs the show, a unipolar world
in which no state or coalition could ever
challenge it as global leader, protector, and
enforcer. These policies are fraught with danger
even for the US itself...Violence is a
powerful instrument of control, as history
demonstrates. But the dilemmas of dominance are
not slight..."" more
Arundhati Roy
in Confronting Empire, 2003
" is a myth that the free
market breaks down national barriers. The free
market does not threaten national sovereignty, it
undermines democracy. As the disparity between
the rich and the poor grows, the fight to corner
resources is intensifying. To push through their
"sweetheart deals," to corporatize the crops we
grow, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and
the dreams we dream, corporate globalization
needs an international confederation of loyal,
corrupt, authoritarian governments in poorer
countries to push through unpopular reforms and
quell the mutinies.
Corporate Globalization - or
shall we call it by its name? - Imperialism -
needs a press that pretends to be free. It
needs courts that pretend to dispense justice.
Meanwhile, the countries of the North harden
their borders and stockpile weapons of mass
destruction. After all they have to make sure
that it's only money, goods, patents and services
that are globalized. Not the free movement of
people. Not a respect for human rights. Not
international treaties on racial discrimination
or chemical and nuclear weapons or greenhouse gas
emissions or climate change, or - god forbid -
So this - all this - is "empire."
This loyal confederation, this obscene
accumulation of power, this greatly increased
distance between those who make the decisions and
those who have to suffer them....Our fight, our
goal, our vision of Another World must be to
eliminate that distance. Remember this: We be
many and they be few. They need us more than we
need them. Another world is not only
possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I
can hear her breathing." more
Parecon -
Life after Capitalism - Michael Albert
"The structure of capitalism is flawed. The
motor that powers it cannot but vastly increase
the disparity between the poor and the rich
globally and within countries as well. Parecon is
a brave argument for replacing that flawed
machine and offers a much needed -- more
equitable, democratic, participatory --
alternative economic vision." more
Behind the Invasion of
Iraq - Aspects of India's Economy - December
"Readers of Aspects will no
doubt be surprised at the fact that we have
chosen to bring out a special issue apparently
not on any aspect of India�s
political economy, but on the impending US
assault on Iraq. However, we believe the two -
India�s political economy and
the most important current world development -
are connected, and as the current offensive drive
unleashed by the US worldwide proceeds, the
implications for our region will become clearer.
Even as the US prepares to launch a massive
assault on Iraq, it has declared India to be its
most important military ally in the Asian
region (not including west
Asia)�this despite the fact that
it has three bases in Pakistan at the
moment... Not only is the US increasingly
dependent on West Asian oil for its own
consumption; its capture of West Asian oil is
also intended to secure its supremacy among
imperialist powers. The global crisis of
overproduction is showing up the underlying
weakness of the US real economy, as a result of
which US trade and budget deficits are galloping.
The euro now poses a credible alternative to
the status of the dollar as the global reserve
currency, threatening the US�s
crucial ability to fund its deficits by soaking
up the world�s savings. The
US anticipates that the capture of Iraq, and
whatever else it has in store for the region,
will directly benefit its corporations (oil,
arms, engineering, financial) even as it shuts
out the corporations from other imperialist
countries. Further, it intends to prevent the
bulk of petroleum trade being conducted in euros,
and thus maintain the dollar�s
Howard Zinn in My Country: The
World, May 2003
"Our government has
declared a military victory in Iraq. As a
patriot, I will not celebrate. I will mourn the
dead -- the American GIs, and also the Iraqi
dead, of which there have been many, many more. I
will mourn the Iraqi children, not just those who
are dead, but those who have been be blinded,
crippled, disfigured, or traumatized, like the
bombed children of Afghanistan who, as reported
by American visitors, lost their power of
When a government recklessly expends the lives
of its young for crass motives of profit and
power (always claiming that its motives are pure
and moral ("Operation Just Cause" was the
invasion of Panama and "Operation Iraqi Freedom"
in the present instance) it is violating its
promise to the country.... With the war in Iraq
won, shall we revel in American military power
and, against the history of modern empires,
insist that the American empire will be
beneficent? The American record does not justify
confidence in its boast that it will bring
democracy to Iraq.
Should Americans welcome the expansion of the
nation's power, with the anger this has generated
among so many people in the world? Should we
welcome the huge growth of the military budget at
the expense of health, education, the needs of
children, one fifth of whom grow up in
I suggest that a patriotic American who cares for
his country might act on behalf of a different
vision. Instead of being feared for our
military prowess, we should want to be respected
for our dedication to human rights. Should we
not begin to redefine patriotism?... Should we
not begin to consider all children, everywhere,
as our own?.. Tom Paine used the word "patriot"
to describe the rebels resisting imperial rule.
He also enlarged the idea of patriotism when he
said: "My country is the world. My countrymen are
mankind." ...
Arundhati Roy on Public Power in the Age
of Empire
" There is no discussion taking place in the
world today that is more crucial than the debate
about strategies of resistance. And the choice of
strategy is not entirely in the hands of the
public. It is also in the hands of sarkar. After
all, when the U.S. invades and occupies Iraq in
the way it has done, with such overwhelming
military force, can the resistance be expected to
be a conventional military one? (Of course, even
if it were conventional, it would still be called
terrorist.) In a strange sense, the U.S.
government's arsenal of weapons and unrivalled
air and fire power makes terrorism an
all-but-inescapable response. What people lack in
wealth and power, they will make up with stealth
and strategy. In this restive, despairing
time, if governments do not do all they can to
honor non violent resistance, then by default
they privilege those who turn to violence. No
government's condemnation of terrorism is
credible if it cannot show itself to be open to
change by to non violent dissent...
US and
Europe going head-to-head on World Economic
Dominance - G.Heard, 2003
"Why is George
Bush so hell bent on war with Iraq? Why does his
administration reject every positive Iraqi move?
It all makes sense when you consider the economic
implications for the USA of not going to war with
Iraq. The war in Iraq is actually the US and
Europe going head to head on economic leadership
of the world."
The Optimism of Uncertainty - Howard Zinn,
November 2004
"..the struggle for justice should never be
abandoned because of the apparent overwhelming
power of those who have the guns and the money
and who seem invincible in their determination to
hold on to it. That apparent power has, again and
again, proved vulnerable to human qualities less
measurable than bombs and dollars: moral fervor,
determination, unity, organization, sacrifice,
wit, ingenuity, courage, patience - whether by
blacks in Alabama and South Africa, peasants in
El Salvador, Nicaragua and Vietnam, or workers
and intellectuals in Poland, Hungary and the
Soviet Union itself. No cold calculation of the
balance of power need deter people who are
persuaded that their cause is just....We don't
have to engage in grand, heroic actions to
participate in the process of change. Small acts,
when multiplied by millions of people, can
transform the world.."" more
Gorbachev hits out at US over
nuclear weapon arsenals, Hindustan Times 21
April 2005
"...The United States
has come in for strong criticism from former
Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev for advising
other countries against acquiring nuclear weapons
while refusing to destroy its own arsenal. In his
first public appearance at the UN since his
historic "glasnost" address to the General
Assembly in 1988, Gorbachev said the United
States was "hypocritical" over nuclear armaments
and not prepared to eliminate its own such
"I think Russia is ready to cooperate. Now the
question is, is the United States -- the only
remaining superpower -- ready to do this? I think
not myself," he said at a function at United
Nations headquarters where he presented the
Cranston Peace Award to CNN founder Ted Turner.
"I think the United States is sick. It suffers
from sickness, disease of being the victor and it
needs to cure itself," he said. He advised
Washington against suggesting that other
countries have no need for nuclear weapons while
it retains a large arsenal itself. "They say
other people don't need it, but what kind of law
is this that they are advocating? It's the law of
the jungle," he said.
After receiving the award, instituted by the
Global Security Institute, Turner suggested a
ten-year plan to make the world free of nuclear
"Every country that has nuclear weapons should
undertake to reduce the arsenal by ten per cent
each year. That way the balance of power will
remain the same and at the end of ten years,
there would be no nuclear weapons left," Turner
Turner, who had established the UN Foundation
with his $1 billion contribution to support
United Nations goals, was honoured on Wednesday
for his "outstanding work to end threats posed by
nuclear weapons, his advocacy for sustainable
development and his visionary leadership in
Turner said it was "hypocrisy" for the US with
30,000 nuclear weapons to ask other countries not
to have them.
"I don't think we have ever said anything about
Israel's nuclear weapons and I don't see how we
can say anything about anybody when we have got
so many ourselves," he said.
Earlier, addressing a press conference, Turner
said he was an "abolitionist." "I believe we
ought to get rid of all (those weapons) as
quickly as we can," he said, adding that while
perhaps nothing could stop nations from
"cheating" and building one or two weapons but
they would not destroy the world. "After we get
rid of all those weapons, the next step would be
to preserve the environment," he said.
Gorbachev said he continued to stand by his
position, and that of late US President Ronald
Reagan, that no one could win a nuclear war."That
being the case, weapons must be substantially
reduced and eliminated. Military doctrines need
to be reviewed and trust between all interested
parties needed to be restored," he
Condoleezza Rice brings reality
check on India-U.S. ties - Siddharth
Varadarajan in the Hindu, 16 March 2005
"In publicly expressing
her concerns about the Iran-India gas pipeline
during her press conference here on Wednesday,
the visiting United States Secretary of State,
Condoleezza Rice, made it clear that India's energy security and the
Indo-U.S. "strategic partnership" will matter
less to Washington than its policy of isolating
and undermining the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Dr. Rice also dropped a broad hint that the
Indian aspiration for a greater role in
international affairs would be better served not
through reform of the United Nations, and a
permanent seat in the Security Council, but
through ad hoc U.S.-led multilateral initiatives
such as the controversial and short-lived "core
group" set up by Washington in the wake of last
year's tsunami.
For the first time since India and the U.S.
inaugurated their "strategic partnership," then,
it is evident that on the two key issues
animating policymakers here, energy security and
a greater role for India in a multipolar world,
Washington is keen on defining the rules and
setting the limits and that there is little
congruence of interest.
While both India and the U.S. agree that today's
world is no longer the world of 1945, the change
that each country perceives is radically
different. New Delhi sees the rise of a number of
new powers, itself included, who need to be
accommodated in a formal power structure.
Washington, however, sees only the rise of its
own strength, untrammelled by the presence of any
rival power. India wants the U.N. Security
Council to reflect the change that it believes
has occurred. But the Bush administration
believes the U.N. system has to be reformed to
accommodate the reality of U.S. power and that if
this does not happen, the U.N. itself will be
made irrelevant..."
India: The Poverty of Progress -
Chandasi Pandya 1 August 2005
Silicon Valley companies are based on 'know
what.' They know the market, they know the
technology and they know what products to make to
earn money. (India�s) Coolie
Valley companies are based on 'know how.' They do
the software coding for other companies that have
the 'know what.' If you tell them what to do,
they know how and will do it for
you.� The Asian
�coolies� of
the late 1800s and early 1900s came to the U.S.,
Australia, New Zealand and the West Indies as
laborers, doing the physical, backbreaking work
westerners didn�t want to do.
... In this new century, India�s
tech workers are coming to be seen as nothing
more than glamorized coolies (rich coolies, but
coolies still). For the global corporate sector,
India is just one large back office, not a
formidable economic force such as China or even a
political nuisance such as Pakistan." more