International Relations
India's New-Found
Harsh V. Pant, King's College,
in Outlook India, 24 March 2009
"Clearly, the new Administration in
Washington has little time for New Delhi. India,
however, needs to put its own house in order before
crying hoarse over the changing winds in
Washington... The tragedy, however, is that the
current Indian political class seems utterly
incapable of providing the kind of leadership that
this moment in India's history demands."

"Whoever controls the Indian Ocean dominates
Asia. This ocean is the key to the seven seas
in the twenty-first century, the destiny of the
world will be decided in these waters." US
Rear Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan quoted by Cdr.
P K Ghosh in Maritime Security Challenges in
South Asia and the Indian Ocean, 18 January
".. the world
is not rotating on the axis of human justice.
Every country in this world advances its own
interests. It is economic and trade interests
that determine the order of the present world,
not the moral law of justice nor the rights of
people. International relations and diplomacy
between countries are determined by such
interests. Therefore we cannot expect an
immediate recognition of the moral legitimacy
of our cause by the international community."
Velupillai Pirabaharan, Leader of Tamil
Eelam, Maha Veera Naal Address -
November 1993
[see also Nadesan
Satyendra on US - India - China: Changing Dynamics
& an Emerging Bi Polar World - a 10 minute read, 23
February 2009 "New Delhi will want to recognise
that despite its best efforts it cannot prevent the
continued presence of US and China in Sinhala Sri Lanka
(in what New Delhi regards as its backyard) and that
India's strategic interests in an emerging bi polar
world may be best served by the creation of an
independent Tamil Eelam rather than by preventing its
formation. Steadfastly defending the inviolability of
territorial boundaries of existing states, regardless
of how and when they were determined may not be the
path to a stable world order. There is a need to defend
the very real values that a people stand for and speak
from the heart to the hearts of those people. A
people's struggle for freedom is also a nuclear energy
and India may need to adopt a more 'principle centred'
approach towards struggles for self determination in
the Indian region. A myopic approach, apart from
anything else, may well encourage the very outside
'pressures' which New Delhi seeks to exclude.
India is realizing it's difficult to be
out of the limelight after getting used to it. For the
last eight years under the Bush Administration, India
occupied a pride of place in the strategic calculus of
the US. India was wooed as a rising power, it was seen as
a pole in the emerging global balance of power, it was
acknowledged as the primary actor in South Asia,
de-hyphenated from Pakistan, and then it was given what
it had long desired -- a de facto status as a nuclear
weapon state. From a problem state that could never say
yes, India emerged as a state that the US could do
business with. It was all too good to last for long. And
now one of the architects of the US-India strategic
partnership during the Bush period, Shyam Saran, who was
the Indian Prime Minister's Special Envoy during the
negotiations over the nuclear pact, is asking India to
hedge its bets in light of what he views as Sino-US
strategic convergence.
Clearly, the new Administration in
Washington has little time for New Delhi. From a nation
that was just a few weeks back seen as an emerging power
that can provide answers to global problems, India is now
viewed primarily as a problem that the Obama
Administration needs to sort out. It is instructive that
the only context in which Obama has talked of India yet
is the need to sort Kashmir out so as to find a way out
of the West's troubles in Afghanistan. Most
astonishingly, the Obama Administration has asked India
to make the first move towards peace in the region by
pulling back troops from its Pakistan border. This is
just so that the US can get more Pakistani support when
it decides to launch a bigger military offensive in
Afghanistan in a few months time. The talk of a strategic
partnership between the two democracies, meanwhile, has
all but disappeared. The new Administration is so busy
fighting day to day battles that it has little time for
grand strategy.
Moreover, whatever foreign policy hands it has displayed
so far reveal an Administration that actually has little
time for friends. Growing emphasis on US ties with China
has alarmed Japan. A letter to Russia suggesting a
bargain whereby the US would not go ahead with missile
defence in return for Russia helping to convince Iran not
to pursue nuclear weapons programme has alarmed Poland
and Czech Republic. An eagerness to negotiate with Iran
has alarmed the Gulf States and Israel.
Asia is clearly emerging the new pivot of US foreign
policy but it doesn't look like India has a place in the
new priorities. When Clinton decided to make Asia her
first destination as Secretary of State, the original
Policy Planning Staff transition memo apparently
suggested that India should be included in the itinerary.
But it was an idea not deemed worthy of execution.
The Bush Administration had started looking at India as
part of the larger Asian strategic landscape. The new
Senior Director of East Asia, Jeff Bader, who will now be
looking at India is a China expert and knows little about
India and/or South Asia. While the previous
Administration's love-fest with India was driven by Bush
himself, Obama seems to have little interest in South
Asia beyond the obvious in getting US troops out of
Afghanistan at the earliest. Hillary Clinton was seen as
the great hope for India, but it was she who made it
clear early on that the most important bilateral
relationship in the world is the US-China relationship.
Richard Holbrooke went to India as part of his effort to
carve a new policy for Afghanistan and howsoever Indians
would like to think that India and the US share a common
interest in tackling terrorism and extremism from the
turbulent territory between the Indus and the Hindu Kush,
the US has so far been lukewarm to the idea of involving
India in its larger strategy towards Afpak.
Meanwhile, the appointment of Ellen O. Tauscher as the
Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and
International Security will have implications for India
on the proliferation front. She has described India as a
"country with a dismal record of non-proliferation" which
had been "denied access to the market for three decades
and for good reason."
What this sudden change in tone from Washington indicates
is that despite what the media and strategic elites in
India would have liked to believe, India is nowhere near
the kind of profile that China today enjoys in global
polity. While China has been enjoying double digit growth
rates for the last two decades, the Indian story is not
even a decade old. Moreover, the tragedy is that the
Indian government's inability to responsibly manage the
economy when the going was good may have put India's
future growth prospects at risk. Defying initial
expectations that India can remain immune from the global
economic slowdown, the Indian economy is witnessing a
downward trajectory with the Asian Development Bank
warning that India's large fiscal imbalance poses
daunting challenges of economic management before the
nation in the coming years.
Meanwhile, the chaos that passes for foreign policy in
Delhi does a great disservice to Indian aspirations. The
dithering in New Delhi over the US-India nuclear deal
made it clear that the Indian polity stands divided on
fundamental foreign policy choices facing the nation.
Left in the fray are serious doubts emerging about the
nation's ability to leverage the present economic and
strategic opportunities to its advantage. India's
response after the Mumbai terror attacks may have
garnered some kudos for the restraint but it also
revealed a nation that is happy to outsource its security
to other powers, denting Indian military credibility from
which it will not be easier to recover anytime soon.
Even as Indian elites have been talking of a chimerical
Chindia, China has been expanding its global presence
from Africa to Latin America and even in India's own
backyard. China is today viewed indispensable in solving
global problems from North Korea and Iran to the
financial turmoil. The NATO is reportedly even planning
to ask for China's help in Afghanistan. The fact remains
that India is of little help to the US in addressing its
immediate foreign policy priorities. Yet, it would be
exceedingly short-sighted of the Obama Administration to
ignore India in searching for a balance of power in Asia.
India, however, needs to put its own house in order
before crying hoarse over the changing winds in
Washington. Global reassessment of India is primarily
predicated on its recent economic rise, but India's rise
will remain incomplete in the absence of a credible
vision with a larger purpose. It's that vision that India
needs right now. The rest, including the Obama
Administration, will follow on its own. The tragedy,
however, is that the current Indian political class seems
utterly incapable of providing the kind of leadership
that this moment in India's history demands.