Rebuilding America's Defenses
Strategy, Forces and
Resources for a New Century
A Report of The Project for the New American
September 2000
Authors and Project
"...American land power is
the essential link in the chain that
translates U.S. military supremacy into
American geopolitical preeminence...
Elements of U.S. Army Europe should be
redeployed to Southeast Europe, while a
permanent unit should be based in the
Persian Gulf region...In Southeast Asia,
American forces are too sparse to address
rising security requirements adequately...
No U.S. strategy can constrain a Chinese
challenge to American regional leadership
if our security guarantees to Southeast
Asia are intermittent and U.S. military
presence a periodic affair. For this
reason, an increased naval presence in
Southeast Asia, while necessary, will not
be sufficient; as in the Balkans, relying
solely on allied forces or the rotation of
U.S. forces in stability operations not
only increases the stress on those forces
but undercuts the political goals of such
missions. For operational as well as
political reasons, stationing rapidly
mobile U.S. ground and air forces in the
region will be required...
...Since today's peace
is the unique product of American
preeminence, a failure to preserve that
preeminence allows others an opportunity to
shape the world in ways antithetical to
American interests and
principles...Global leadership is not
something exercised at our leisure, when
the mood strikes us or when our core
national security interests are directly
threatened; then it is already too late.
Rather, it is a choice whether or not to
maintain American military preeminence, to
secure American geopolitical leadership,
and to preserve the American
Full Report in PDF
Key Findings
I. Why Another Defense Review?
II. Four Essential Missions
III. Repositioning Today's Force
IV. Rebuilding Today's Armed Forces
V. Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force
VI. Defense Spending
Project Participants
The Project for the New American
Century was established in the spring of 1997. From
its inception, the Project has been concerned with
the decline in the strength of America's defenses,
and in the problems this would create for the
exercise of American leadership around the globe
and, ultimately, for the preservation of peace.
Our concerns were reinforced by the
two congressionally-mandated defense studies that
appeared soon thereafter: the Pentagon's
Quadrennial Defense Review (May 1997) and the
report of the National Defense Panel (December
1997). Both studies assumed that U.S. defense
budgets would remain flat or continue to shrink. As
a result, the defense plans and recommendations
outlined in the two reports were fashioned with
such budget constraints in mind. Broadly speaking,
the QDR stressed current military requirements at
the expense of future defense needs, while the
NDP's report emphasized future needs by
underestimating today's defense
Although the QDR and the report of
the NDP proposed different policies, they shared
one underlying feature: the gap between resources
and strategy should be resolved not by increasing
resources but by shortchanging strategy. America's
armed forces, it seemed, could either prepare for
the future by retreating from its role as the
essential defender of today's global security
order, or it could take care of current business
but be unprepared for tomorrow's threats and
tomorrow's battlefields. Either alternative seemed
to us shortsighted. The United States is the
world's only superpower, combining preeminent
military power, global technological leadership,
and the world's largest economy.
Moreover, America stands at the
head of a system of alliances which includes the
world's other leading democratic powers. At present
the United States faces no global rival.
America's grand strategy should aim
to preserve and extend this advantageous position
as far into the future as possible. There are,
however, potentially powerful states dissatisfied
with the current situation and eager to change it,
if they can, in directions that endanger the
relatively peaceful, prosperous and free condition
the world enjoys today. Up to now, they have been
deterred from doing so by the capability and global
presence of American military power.
At present
the United States faces no global rival.
America's grand strategy should aim to
preserve and extend this advantageous
position as far into the future as possible.
But, as that power declines,
relatively and absolutely, the happy conditions
that follow from it will be inevitably undermined.
Preserving the desirable strategic situation in
which the United States now finds itself requires a
globally preeminent military capability both today
and in the future. But years of cuts in defense
spending have eroded the American military's combat
readiness, and put in jeopardy the Pentagon's plans
for maintaining military superiority in the years
ahead. Increasingly, the U.S. military has found
itself undermanned, inadequately equipped and
trained, straining to handle contingency
operations, and ill-prepared to adapt itself to the
revolution in military affairs. Without a
well-conceived defense policy and an appropriate
increase in defense spending -
the United States has been letting its ability to
take full advantage of the remarkable strategic
opportunity at hand slip away.
With this in mind, we began a
project in the spring of 1998 to examine the
country's defense plans and resource requirements.
We started from the premise that U.S. military
capabilities should be sufficient to support an
American grand strategy committed to building upon
this unprecedented opportunity. We did not accept
pre-ordained constraints that followed from
assumptions about what the country might or might
not be willing to expend on its defenses.
In broad terms, we saw the project
as building upon the defense strategy outlined by
the Cheney Defense Department in the waning days of
the Bush Administration. The Defense Policy
Guidance (DPG) drafted in the early months of 1992
provided a blueprint for maintaining U.S.
preeminence, precluding the rise of a great power
rival, and shaping the international security order
in line with American principles and interests.
Leaked before it had been formally approved, the
document was criticized as an effort by "cold
warriors" to keep defense spending high and cuts in
forces small despite the collapse of the Soviet
Union; not surprisingly, it was subsequently buried
by the new administration.
Although the experience of the past
eight years has modified our understanding of
particular military requirements for carrying out
such a strategy, the basic tenets of the DPG, in
our judgment, remain sound. And what Secretary
Cheney said at the time in response to the DPG's
critics remains true today: "We can either sustain
the [armed] forces we require and remain in a
position to help shape things for the better, or we
can throw that advantage away. [But] that would
only hasten the day when we face greater threats,
at higher costs and further risk to American
The project proceeded by holding a
series of seminars. We asked outstanding defense
specialists to write papers to explore a variety of
topics: the future missions and requirements of the
individual military services, the role of the
reserves, nuclear strategic doctrine and missile
defenses, the defense budget and prospects for
military modernization, the state (training and
readiness) of today's forces, the revolution in
military affairs, and defense-planning for theater
wars, small wars and constabulary operations. The
papers were circulated to a group of participants,
chosen for their experience and judgment in defense
affairs. (The list of participants may be found at
the end of this report.) Each paper then became the
basis for discussion and debate.
Our goal was to use the papers to
assist deliberation, to generate and test ideas,
and to assist us in developing our final report.
While each paper took as its starting point a
shared strategic point of view, we made no attempt
to dictate the views or direction of the individual
papers. We wanted as full and as diverse a
discussion as possible. Our report borrows heavily
from those deliberations. But we did not ask
seminar participants to "sign-off" on the final
report. We wanted frank discussions and we sought
to avoid the pitfalls of trying to produce a
consensual but bland product. We wanted to try to
define and describe a defense strategy that is
honest, thoughtful, bold, internally consistent and
clear. And we wanted to spark a serious and
informed discussion, the essential first step for
reaching sound conclusions and for gaining public
New circumstances make us think
that the report might have a more receptive
audience now than in recent years. For the first
time since the late 1960s the federal government is
running a surplus. For most of the 1990s, Congress
and the White House gave balancing the federal
budget a higher priority than funding national
security. In fact, to a significant degree, the
budget was balanced by a combination of increased
tax revenues and cuts in defense spending. The
surplus expected in federal revenues over the next
decade, however, removes any need to hold defense
spending to some preconceived low level.
Moreover, the American public and
its elected representatives have become
increasingly aware of the declining state of the
U.S. military. News stories, Pentagon reports,
congressional testimony and anecdotal accounts from
members of the armed services paint a disturbing
picture of an American military that is troubled by
poor enlistment and retention rates, shoddy
housing, a shortage of spare parts and weapons, and
diminishing combat readiness. Finally, this report
comes after a decade's worth of experience in
dealing with the post-Cold War world. Previous
efforts to fashion a defense strategy that would
make sense for today's security environment were
forced to work from many untested assumptions about
the nature of a world without a superpower rival.
We have a much better idea today of what our
responsibilities are, what the threats to us might
be in this new security environment, and what it
will take to secure the relative peace and
stability. We believe our report reflects and
benefits from that decade's worth of
Our report is published in a
presidential election year. The new administration
will need to produce a second Quadrennial Defense
Review shortly after it takes office. We hope that
the Project's report will be useful as a road map
for the nation's immediate and future defense
plans. We believe we have set forth a defense
program that is justified by the evidence, rests on
an honest examination of the problems and
possibilities, and does not flinch from facing the
true cost of security. We hope it will inspire
careful consideration and serious discussion. The
post-Cold War world will not remain a relatively
peaceful place if we continue to neglect foreign
and defense matters. But serious attention, careful
thought, and the willingness to devote adequate
resources to maintaining America's military
strength can make the world safer and American
strategic interests more secure now and in the

Key Findings
This report proceeds from the
belief that America should seek to preserve and
extend its position of global leadership by
maintaining the preeminence of U.S. military
forces. Today, the United States has an
unprecedented strategic opportunity. It faces no
immediate great-power challenge; it is blessed with
wealthy, powerful and democratic allies in every
part of the world; it is in the midst of the
longest economic expansion in its history; and its
political and economic principles are almost
universally embraced. At no time in history has the
international security order been as conducive to
American interests and ideals. The challenge for
the coming century is to preserve and enhance this
"American peace."
Yet unless the United States
maintains sufficient military strength, this
opportunity will be lost. And in fact, over the
past decade, the failure to establish a security
strategy responsive to new realities and to provide
adequate resources for the full range of missions
needed to exercise U.S. global leadership has
placed the American peace at growing risk. This
report attempts to define those requirements. In
particular, we need to:
U.S. military forces:
• defend the American
• fight and decisively win multiple,
simultaneous major theater wars;
• perform the "constabulary" duties
associated with shaping the security environment
in critical regions;
• transform U.S. forces to exploit the
"revolution in military affairs;"
To carry out these core missions, we need to
provide sufficient force and budgetary
allocations. In particular, the United States
SUPERIORITY, basing the U.S. nuclear deterrent
upon a global, nuclear net assessment that weighs
the full range of current and emerging threats,
not merely the U.S.-Russia balance.
today's force to roughly the levels anticipated
in the "Base Force" outlined by the Bush
Administration, an increase in active-duty
strength from 1.4 million to 1.6 million.
to 21st century strategic realities by shifting
permanently-based forces to Southeast Europe and
Southeast Asia, and by changing naval deployment
patterns to reflect growing U.S. strategic
concerns in East Asia.
SELECTIVELY, proceeding with the F-22 program
while increasing purchases of lift, electronic
support and other aircraft; expanding submarine
and surface combatant fleets; purchasing Comanche
helicopters and medium-weight ground vehicles for
the Army, and the V-22 Osprey "tilt-rotor"
aircraft for the Marine Corps.
as the Joint Strike Fighter, CVX aircraft
carrier, and Crusader howitzer system that would
absorb exorbitant amounts of Pentagon funding
while providing limited improvements to current
capabilities. Savings from these canceled
programs should be used to spur the process of
military transformation.
DEFENSES to defend the American homeland and
American allies, and to provide a secure basis
for U.S. power projection around the world.
way for the creation of a new military service -
U.S. Space Forces - with the mission of space
MILITARY AFFAIRS" to insure the long-term
superiority of U.S. conventional forces.
Establish a two-stage transformation process
• maximizes the value of
current weapons systems through the application
of advanced technologies, and,
• produces more profound improvements in
military capabilities, encourages competition
between single services and joint-service
experimentation efforts.
gradually to a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8
percent of gross domestic product, adding $15
billion to $20 billion to total defense spending
Fulfilling these requirements is
essential if America is to retain its militarily
dominant status for the coming decades. Conversely,
the failure to meet any of these needs must result
in some form of strategic retreat. At current
levels of defense spending, the only option is to
try ineffectually to "manage" increasingly large
risks: paying for today's needs by shortchanging
tomorrow's; withdrawing from constabulary missions
to retain strength for large-scale wars; "choosing"
between presence in Europe or presence in Asia; and
so on. These are bad choices. They are also false
economies. The "savings" from withdrawing from the
Balkans, for example, will not free up anywhere
near the magnitude of funds needed for military
modernization or transformation. But these are
false economies in other, more profound ways as
well. The true cost of not meeting our defense
requirements will be a lessened capacity for
American global leadership and, ultimately, the
loss of a global security order that is uniquely
friendly to American principles and prosperity.

Defense Spending
Use of the post- Cold War "peace
dividend" to balance the federal budget has created
a "defense deficit" totaling tens of billions of
dollars annually.
What, then, is the price of
continued American geopolitical leadership and
military preeminence?
A finely detailed answer is beyond
the scope of this study. Too many of the force
posture and service structure recommendations above
involve factors that current defense planning has
not accounted for. Suffice it to say that an
expanded American security perimeter, new
technologies and weapons systems including robust
missile defenses, new kinds of organizations and
operating concepts, new bases and the like will not
come cheap. Nonetheless, this section will attempt
to establish broad guidelines for a level of
defense spending sufficient to maintain America
military preeminence.
In recent years, a variety of
analyses of the mismatch between the Clinton
Administration's proposed defense budgets and
defense program have appeared. The estimates all
agree that the Clinton program is underfunded; the
differences lie in gauging the amount of the
shortage and range from about $26 billion annually
to $100 billion annually, with the higher numbers
representing the more rigorous analyses.
Trends in
Defense Spending
For the first time in 15 years, the
2001 defense budget may reflect a modest real
increase in U.S. defense spending. Both President
Clinton's defense budget request and the figures
contained in the congressional budget resolution
would halt the slide in defense budgets. Yet the
extended paying of the "peace dividend" - and the
creation of today's federal budget surplus, the
product of increased tax revenues and reduced
defense spending - has created a severe "defense
deficit," totaling tens of billions of dollars
The Congress has been complicit in
this defense decline. In the first years of the
administration, Congress acquiesced in the sharp
reductions made by the Clinton Administration from
the amount projected in the final Bush defense
Since the Republicans won control
of Congress in 1994, very slight additions have
been made to administration defense requests, yet
none has been able to turn around the pattern of
defense decline until this year.
Even these increases were achieved
by the use of accounting gimmicks that allow the
government to circumvent the limitations of the
1997 balanced budget agreement.
Through all the accounting
gimmicks, defense spending has been almost
perfectly flat - indeed, the totals have been less
than $1 billion apart - for the past four years.
The steepest declines in defense spending were
accomplished during the early years of the Clinton
Administration, when defense spending levels fell
from about $339 billion in 1992 to $277 billion in
1996. The cumulative effects of reduced defense
spending over a decade or more have been even more
severe. A recent study by the Center for Strategic
and International Studies, Avoiding the Defense
Train Wreck in the New Millennium, compared the
final Bush defense plan, covering 1994 through
1999, with the defense plan of the Clinton
Administration and found that a combination of
budget changes and internal Pentagon actions had
resulted in a net reduction in defense spending of
$162 billion from the Bush plan to the Clinton
plan. Congressional budget increases and
supplemental appropriations requests added back
about $52 billion, but that spending for the most
part covered the cost of contingency operations and
other readiness shortfalls - it did not buy back
much of the modernization that was deferred.
Compared to Bush-era budgets, the Clinton
Administration reduced procurement spending an
average of $40 billion annually. During the period
from 1993 to 2000, deferred procurements - the
infamous "procurement bow wave" - more than doubled
from previous levels to $426 billion, according to
the report.
The CSIS report is but the most
recent in a series of reports gauging the size of
the mismatch between current long-term defense
plans and budgets. The Congressional Budget
Office's latest estimate of the annual mismatch is
at least $90 billion. Even the 1997 Quadrennial
Defense Review itself allowed for a
$12-to-15-billion annual funding shortfall; now the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to news reports,
are insisting on a $30-billion-per-year increase in
defense spending. In 1997 the Center for Strategic
and Budgetary Assessments calculated the annual
shortfall at approximately $26 billion and has now
increased its total to $50 billion; analyst Michael
O'Hanlon of the Brookings Institution pegs that gap
at $27 billion, at a minimum. Perhaps more
important than the question of which of these
estimates best calculates the amount of the current
defense shortfall is the question of what costs are
not captured. All of these estimates measure the
gap between current defense plans and programs and
current budgets; they make no allowance for the new
missions and needs of the post-Cold War world. They
do not capture the costs of deploying effective
missile defenses. They do not account for the costs
of constabulary missions. They do not consider the
costs of transformation. Nor do they calculate the
costs of the other recommendations of this report,
such as strengthening, reconfiguring, and
repositioning today's force.
In fact, the best way to measure
defense spending over longer periods of time is as
a portion of national wealth and federal spending.
By these metrics, defense budgets have continued to
decline even as Americans have become more
prosperous in recent years. The defense budget now
totals less than 3 percent of the gross domestic
product - the lowest level of U.S. defense spending
since the Depression. Defense accounts for about 15
percent of federal spending - slightly more than
interest on the debt, and less than one third of
the amount spent on Social Security, Medicare and
other entitlement programs, which account for 54
percent of federal spending. As the annual federal
budget has moved from deficit to surplus and more
resources have become available, there has been no
serious or sustained effort to recapitalize U.S.
armed forces.
As troublesome as the trends of the
past decade have been, as inadequate as current
budgets are, the longer-term future is more
troubling still. If current spending levels are
maintained, by some projections, the amount of the
defense shortfall will be almost as large as the
defense budget itself by 2020 - 2.3 percent
compared to 2.4 percent of gross domestic product.
In particular, as modernization spending slips
farther and farther behind requirements, the
procurement bow wave will reach tsunami
proportions, says CSIS: "By continuing to kick the
can down the road, the military departments will,
in effect, create a situation in which they require
$4.4 trillion in procurement dollars" from 2006
through 2020 to maintain the current force.
After 2010 - seemingly a long way
off but well within traditional defense planning
horizons - the outlook for increased military
spending under current plans becomes even more
doubtful. In the coming decades, the network of
social entitlement programs, particularly Social
Security, will generate a further squeeze on other
federal spending programs. If defense budgets
remain at projected levels, America's global
military preeminence will be impossible to
maintain, as will the world order that is secured
by that preeminence.
Budgets and
the Strategy Of Retreat
Recent defense reviews, and the
1997 Quadrennial Defense Review and the
accompanying report of the National Defense Panel
especially, have framed the dilemma facing the
Pentagon and the nation as a whole as a question of
risk. At current and planned spending levels, the
United States can preserve current forces and
capabilities to execute current missions and
sacrifice modernization, innovation and
transformation, or it can reduce personnel strength
and force structure further to pay for new weapons
and forces. Despite the QDR's rhetoric about
shaping the current strategic environment,
responding to crises and preparing now for an
uncertain future,
If defense spending remains at
current levels, U.S. forces will soon be too old or
too small. the Clinton Administration's defense
plans continue to place a higher priority on
immediate needs than on preparing for a more
challenging technological or geo-political future;
as indicated in the force posture section above,
the QDR retains the two-war standard as the central
feature of defense planning and the sine qua non of
America's claim to be a global superpower. The
National Defense Panel, with its call for a
"transformation strategy," argued that the
"priority must go to the future." The twowar
standard, in the panel's assessment, "has become a
means of justifying current forces. This approach
focuses resources on a lowprobability scenario,
which consumes funds that could be used to reduce
risk to our longterm security."
Again, the CSIS study's
affordability assessments suggest the trade-offs
between manpower and force structure that must be
made under current budget constraints. For example,
CSIS estimates that the cost of modernizing the
current 1.37 millionman force would require
procurement spending of $164 billion per year.
While we might not agree with every aspect of the
methodology underlying this calculation, the larger
point is clear: if defense spending remains at
current levels, as current plans under the QDR
assume, the Pentagon would only be able to
modernize a little more than half the force. Under
this scenario, U.S. armed forces would become
increasingly obsolescent, expensive to operate and
outclassed on the battlefield. As the report
concludes, "U.S. military forces will lose their
credibility both at home and abroad regarding their
size, age, and technological capabilities for
carrying out the national military strategy."
Conversely, adopting the National
Defense Panel approach of accepting greater risk
today while preparing for the future would require
significant further cuts in the size of U.S. armed
forces. According to CSIS, a shift in resources
that would up the rate of modernized equipment to
76 percent - not a figure specified by the NDP but
one not inconsistent with that general approach -
would require reducing the total strength of U.S.
forces to just 1 million, again assuming 3 percent
of GDP were devoted to defense spending. Thus, at
current spending levels the Pentagon must choose
between force structure and modernization.
When it is recalled that a
projection of defense spending levels at 3 percent
of GDP represents the most optimistic assumption
about current Pentagon plans, the horns of this
dilemma appear sharper still: at these levels, U.S.
forces soon will be too old or too small. Following
the administration's "live for today" path will
ensure that, in some future high-intensity war,
U.S. forces will lack the cutting-edge technologies
that they have come to rely on. Following the NDP's
"prepare for tomorrow" path, U.S. forces will lack
the manpower needed to conduct their current
missions. From constabulary duties to the conduct
of major theater wars, the ability to defend
current U.S. security interests will be placed at
growing risk.
In a larger sense, these two
approaches differ merely about the nature and
timing of a strategy of American retreat. By
committing forces to the Balkans, maintaining U.S.
presence in the Persian Gulf, and by responding to
Chinese threats to Taiwan and sending peacekeepers
to East Timor, the Clinton Administration has,
haltingly, incrementally and often fecklessly,
taken some of the necessary steps for strengthening
the new American security perimeter. But by holding
defense spending and military strength to their
current levels, the administration has compromised
the nation's ability to fight large-scale wars
today and consumed the investments that ought to
have been made to preserve American military
preeminence tomorrow.

The reckoning for such a strategy
will come when U.S. forces are unable to meet the
demands placed upon them. This may happen when they
take on one mission too many - if, say, NATO's role
in the Balkans expands, or U.S troops enforce a
demilitarized zone on the Golan Heights - and a
major theater war breaks out. Or, it may happen
when two major theater wars occur nearly
simultaneously. Or it may happen when a new great
power - a rising China - seeks to challenge
American interests and allies in an important
By contrast, a strategy that
sacrifices force structure and current readiness
for future transformation will leave American armed
forces unable to meet today's missions and
today's peace is the unique product of American
preeminence, a failure to preserve that
preeminence allows others an opportunity to shape
the world in ways antithetical to American
interests and principles.
The price of American preeminence
is that, just as it was actively obtained, it must
be actively maintained. But as service chiefs and
other senior military leaders readily admit,
today's forces are barely adequate to maintain the
rotation of units to the myriad peacekeeping and
other constabulary duties they face while keeping
adequate forces for a single major theater war in
An active-duty force reduced by
another 300,000 to 400,000 - almost another 30
percent cut from current levels and a total
reduction of more than half from Cold-War levels -
to free up funds for modernization and
transformation would be clearly inadequate to the
demands of today's missions and national military
strategy. If the United States withdrew forces from
the Balkans, for example, it is unlikely that the
rest of NATO would be able to long pick up the
slack; conversely, such a withdrawal would provoke
a political crisis within NATO that would certainly
result in the end of American leadership within
NATO; it might well spell the end of the alliance
terminating the no-flyzones over Iraq would call
America's position as guarantor of security in
the Persian Gulf into question; the reaction
would be the same in East Asia following a
withdrawal of U.S. forces or a lowering of
American military presence.
The consequences sketched by the
Quadrennial Defense Review regarding a retreat from
a two-war capability would inexorably come to pass:
allies and adversaries alike would begin to hedge
against American retreat and discount American
security guarantees. At current budget levels, a
modernization or transformation strategy is in
danger of becoming a "no-war" strategy. While the
American peace might not come to a catastrophic
end, it would quickly begin to unravel; the result
would be much the same in time.
The Price of
American Preeminence
As admitted above, calculating the
exact price of armed forces capable of maintaining
American military preeminence today and extending
it into the future requires more detailed analysis
than this broad study can provide. We have
advocated a force posture and service structure
that diverges significantly both from current plans
and alternatives advanced in other studies. We
believe it is necessary to increase slightly the
personnel strength of U.S. forces - many of the
missions associated with patrolling the expanding
American security perimeter are manpower-intensive,
and planning for major theater wars must include
the ability for politically decisive campaigns
including extended post-combat stability
operations. Also, this expanding perimeter argues
strongly for new overseas bases and forward
operating locations to facilitate American
political and military operations around the
At the same time, we have argued
that established constabulary missions can be made
less burdensome on soldiers, sailors, airmen and
Marines and less burdensome on overall U.S. force
structure by a more sensible forward-basing
posture; long-term security commitments should not
be supported by the debilitating, short-term
rotation of units except as a last resort. In
Europe, the Persian Gulf and East Asia, enduring
U.S. security interests argue forcefully for an
enduring American military presence. Pentagon
policy-makers must adjust their plans to
accommodate these realities and to reduce the wear
and tear on service personnel. We have also argued
that the services can begin now to create new, more
flexible units and military organizations that may,
over time, prove to be smaller than current
organizations, even for peacekeeping and
constabulary operations.
Even as American military forces
patrol an expanding security perimeter, we believe
it essential to retain sufficient forces based in
the continental United States capable of rapid
reinforcement and, if needed, applying massive
combat power to stabilize a region in crisis or to
bring a war to a successful conclusion. There
should be a strong strategic synergy between U.S.
forces overseas and in a reinforcing posture: units
operating abroad are an indication of American
geopolitical interests and leadership, provide
significant military power to shape events and, in
wartime, create the conditions for victory when
reinforced. Conversely, maintaining the ability to
deliver an unquestioned "knockout punch" through
the rapid introduction of stateside units will
increase the shaping power of forces operating
overseas and the vitality of our alliances. In sum,
we see an enduring need for large-scale American
But while arguing for improvements
in today's armed services and force posture, we are
unwilling to sacrifice the ability to maintain
preeminence in the longer term. If the United
States is to maintain its preeminence - and the
military revolution now underway is already an
American-led revolution - the Pentagon must begin
in earnest to transform U.S. military forces.
The program we advocate - one that
would provide America with forces to meet the
strategic demands of the world's sole superpower -
requires budget levels to be increased to 3.5 to
3.8 percent of the GDP.
We have argued that this
transformation mission is yet another new mission,
as compelling as the need to maintain European
stability in the Balkans, prepare for large,
theater wars or any other of today's missions. This
is an effort that involves more than new weaponry
or technologies. It requires experimental units
free to invent new concepts of operation, new
doctrines, new tactics. It will require years, even
decades, to fully grasp and implement such changes,
and will surely involve mistakes and
inefficiencies. Yet the maintenance of the American
peace requires that American forces be preeminent
when they are called upon to face very different
adversaries in the future.
Finally, we have argued that we
must restore the foundation of American security
and the basis for U.S. military operations abroad
by improving our homeland defenses. The current
American peace will be short-lived if the United
States becomes vulnerable to rogue powers with
small, inexpensive arsenals of ballistic missiles
and nuclear warheads or other weapons of mass
destruction. We cannot allow North Korea, Iran,
Iraq or similar states to undermine American
leadership, intimidate American allies or threaten
the American homeland itself. The blessings of the
American peace, purchased at fearful cost and a
century of effort, should not be so trivially
Taken all in all, the force posture
and service structure we advocate differ enough
from current plans that estimating its costs
precisely based upon known budget plans is unsound.
Likewise, generating independent cost analyses is
beyond the scope of this report and would be based
upon great political and technological
uncertainties - any detailed assumptions about the
cost of new overseas bases or revolutionary
weaponry are bound to be highly speculative absent
rigorous net assessments and program analysis.
Nevertheless, we believe that, over time, the
program we advocate would require budgets roughly
equal to those necessary to fully fund the QDR
force - a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of
gross domestic product. A sensible plan would add
$15 billion to $20 billion to total defense
spending annually through the Future Years Defense
Program; this would result in a defense "topline"
increase of $75 billion to $100 billion over that
period, a small percentage of the $700 billion on
budget surplus now projected for that same period.
We believe that the new president should commit his
administration to a plan to achieve that level of
spending within four years.
In its simplest terms, our intent
is to provide forces sufficient to meet today's
missions as effectively and efficiently as
possible, while readying U.S. armed forces for the
likely new missions of the future. Thus, the
defense program described above would preserve
current force structure while improving its
readiness, better posturing it for its current
missions, and making selected investments in
modernization. At the same time, we would shift the
weight of defense recapitalization efforts to
transforming U.S. forces for the decades to come.
At four cents on the dollar of America's national
wealth, this is an affordable program. It is also a
wise program.
Only such a force posture, service
structure and level of defense spending will
provide America and its leaders with a variety of
forces to meet the strategic demands of the world's
sole superpower. Keeping the American peace
requires the U.S. military to undertake a broad
array of missions today and rise to very different
challenges tomorrow, but there can be no retreat
from these missions without compromising American
leadership and the benevolent order it secures.
This is the choice we face. It is not a choice
between preeminence today and preeminence tomorrow.
Global leadership is not
something exercised at our leisure, when the mood
strikes us or when our core national security
interests are directly threatened; then it is
already too late. Rather, it is a choice whether
or not to maintain American military preeminence,
to secure American geopolitical leadership, and
to preserve the American peace.

Co-Chairmen: Donald Kagan, Gary Schmitt, ,
Principal Author: Thomas Donnelly
Roger Barnett,
U.S. Naval War College;
Alvin Bernstein, National Defense University;
Stephen Cambone, National Defense University;
Eliot Cohen, Nitze School of Advanced
International Studies, Johns Hopkins
Devon Gaffney Cross, Donors' Forum for
International Affairs;
Thomas Donnelly, Project for the New American
David Epstein, Office of Secretary of Defense,
Net Assessment;
David Fautua, Lt. Col., U.S. Army;
Dan Goure, Center for Strategic and
International Studies;
Donald Kagan, Yale University;
Fred Kagan, U. S. Military Academy at West
Robert Kagan, Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace;
Robert Killebrew, Col., USA (Ret.);
William Kristol, The Weekly Standard;
Mark Lagon, Senate Foreign Relations Committee;
James Lasswell, GAMA Corporation;
I. Lewis Libby, Dechert Price & Rhoads;
Robert Martinage, Center for Strategic and
Budgetary Assessment;
Phil Meilinger.,U.S. Naval War College;
Mackubin Owens, U.S. Naval War College; Steve
Rosen, Harvard University;
Gary Schmitt, Project for the New American
Abram Shulsky, The RAND Corporation;
Michael Vickers, Center for Strategic and
Budgetary Assessment;
Barry Watts, Northrop Grumman Corporation;
Paul Wolfowitz, Nitze
School of Advanced International Studies, Johns
Hopkins University;
Dov Zakheim, System Planning
The above list
of individuals participated in at least one
project meeting or contributed a paper for
discussion. The report is a product solely of
the Project for the New American Century and
does not necessarily represent the views of the
project participants or their affiliated