Whats New Archive
- July 2007
31 July 2007 Reflections
"The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but
that children produce adults." -
Peter De Vries
2. "The more you listen to the voice within you, the better you
will hear what is sounding outside." - Dag Hammerskjold
3.�But he, Siddhartha,
where did he belong? Whose life would he share? Whose language
would he speak?� These words of Hermann Hesse depict Siddhartha
Gautama (Buddha) at a pivotal point in his quest to find purpose
in the world. He will soon find it, seeing one where he once saw
many, finding that the seemingly unrelated are related." quoted
Patrick Durek in The Hybrid: The Two Worlds of Asha Srinivasan |
27 July 2007
Tamil - a Trans State Nation: USA Peace Rally by Tamil Americans
- Capitol Hill, Washington updated to include -
is this madness? - Speech by Dr. Ellyn Shander M.D "
What is this madness? The war is reported as a fact sheet of
military conquests.. Very little is said about the real victims of
this war. The Tamil people who are dying in the thousands. What is
this madness?.. Land does not belong to people!! It is people that
belong to land. The Tamils belong to their land... Today I ask the
Sri lankan Government a question. If you don�t want to treat
the Tamils equally, fairly, or humanely, then what is wrong with a 2
state solution? Two States in Peace is Better than One State in War!
..Let us call today for an independent state for the Tamils before
it is too late and there are no more Tamils left in Sri Lanka.."
more and
Press Release at Conclusion of Rally |
27 July 2007
Democracy Continues, Sri lanka Style to include
Sinhala Sri Lanka Opposition competes with Sinhala Sri
Lanka President Rajapakse & makes its own naked appeal to
Sinhala chauvinism
26 July 2007
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to include
26 July 2007
International Frame of the Tamil Struggle:
The Indian Ocean Region
to include
25 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum to include
July 2007
Reflection - 24th Anniversary of

"...suffering in common unifies more than joy does.
Where national memories are concerned, griefs are of more value than
triumphs, for they impose duties, and require a common effort...A
nation is therefore a large-scale solidarity, constituted by the
feeling of the sacrifices that one has made in the past and of those
that one is prepared to make in the future..."
Ernest Renan in What is a nation? 1882 |
23 July 2007
Genocide' 83
- Tamils: a Trans State Nation: to include
22 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum to include
Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Melbourne...
ஜூலை 1983 � 23 ஜூலை 2007 � எதிர் விளைவுகள்
"1983ல் ஏற்பட்ட எதிர்விளைவுகள் போல், 2007லும் எதிர்விளைவுகள்
ஏற்படும். தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் போராட்டம் மேலும் புதிய பரிமாணத்தை
அடையும். அது சுதந்திரத் தமிழீழமாக அமையும்!"
more |
21 July 2007
�...The scientific search for the basic building
blocks of life has revealed a startling fact: there are none. The
deeper that physicists peer into the nature of reality, the only
thing they find is relationships. Even sub-atomic particles do not
exist alone. One physicist described neutrons, electrons, etc. as �.
. .a set of relationships that reach outward to other things.�
Although physicists still name them as separate, these particles
aren�t ever visible until they�re in relationship with other
particles... We live in a culture that does not acknowledge this
scientific fact. We believe wholeheartedly in the individual and
build organizations based on this erroneous idea. We create org
charts of separate boxes, with lines connecting the boxes that
indicate reporting relationships and alleged channels of
communication. But our neatly drawn organizations are as fictitious
as building blocks are to physicists. The only form of organization
used on this planet is the network � webs of inter-connected,
inter-dependent relationships... The real organization is
always a dense network of relationships.� -
Margaret Wheatley
contributed by Satyendra Chelevendra (see also Margaret J. Wheatley
Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World
) |
21 July 2007 Tamil
Armed Resistance & the Law
to include
20 July 2007
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to include
USD200 million profit
margins maintain sophisticated Tamil Tiger war - Janes Intelligence Review,
19 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum
18 July 2007 Tamil
Armed Resistance & the Law
to include
18 July 2007
Tamil Eelam - a De Facto State
18 July 2007
Tamil National Forum
Sanmugam Sabesan
writes from Australia
ஆனந்தசங்கரியை ஆள்பவர்களுக்கு��பாகம் இரண்டு
"...பதவிக்காகவும், சுயநலத்திற்காகவும் மட்டும் வாழவேண்டும்
என்றால், உங்களுடைய கடிதங்களில் சொல்லப்படுகின்றபடி வாழலாம்தான்! ஆளும்
கட்சிகளுக்கு ஆதரவாக வாழ்ந்து, சொத்துக்கள்-வாகனங்கள் போன்றவற்றை
வாங்கி, தமிழ் மக்களின் நலன்களுக்கு எதிராகக் கடிதங்களையும்
அறிக்கைகளையும் எழுதி, சுகமாக வாழ்ந்து முடித்து, வானுலகமோ, எந்த உலகமோ
போய்ச்சேரலாம்தான். ஆனால் அது நேர்மையற்ற வாழ்க்கையாகும்! வேலுப்பிள்ளை
பிரபாகரன் இதற்காகப் பிறக்கவில்லை!... ஆனந்தசங்கரி அவர்களே
சிந்தியுங்கள்! உங்களை ஆள்பவர்களை விலக்கி விட்டு வெளியே வாருங்கள்.
இல்லாவிட்டால் எட்டப்பர் பட்டம்தான் உங்களுக்கு மிஞ்சும்!.." |
17 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum
16 July 2007
International Frame of the Tamil Struggle
to include
16 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum
Srinivasan Varadarajan writes from Chennai on
J.Krishnamurthy, Rajaji and the Tamil Nation
"..If you accept the British and Christian missionary's
invasion theory and exclude Brahmins from Tamils, it will be a
Himalayan blunder first because it is not the truth; secondly
because you will have to miss the glories of Tamils such as
Kapilar, to
U.Ve Sa.,
Vishwanathan Anand and scores of others... No one community can
be excluded because every community has contributed to the glory of
our Tamil language and nationhood."
more |
15 July 2007
International Frame & Struggle for Tamil Eelam
to include
15 July 2007 Tamils
- a Trans State Nation: United Kingdom
14 July 2007
Eelam Tamil
Literature to include
திட்டம்: "ஈழத்து நூல்களையும் இதழ்களையும் ஆவணப்படுத்திப்
பாதுகாத்து அவற்றை அனைவரும் எந்நேரமும் வாசிப்பதற்கும் உசாத்துணைக்கும்
பயன்படுத்துவதற்கு இணையத்தில் இலகுவிற் கிடைக்கக் கூடியதாக வெளியிடும்
ஓர் இலாப நோக்கற்ற தன்னார்வக் கூட்டு முயற்சி." |
13 July 2007
11 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum
1. Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia
ஆனந்தசங்கரியை ஆள்பவர்களுக்கு
"..அறியாமல் பேசுபவர்களுக்குப் பதில் சொல்லலாம். தெரிந்து கொண்டு,
விடயங்களை அறிந்து கொண்டு, ஆனால் வேண்டுமென்றே அரசியலுக்காகக்
குதர்க்கமாகப் பேசுபவர்களுக்குப் பதில் சொல்ல வேண்டிய அவசியம்
இல்லைத்தான். ஆனாலும் திரு ஆனந்தசங்கரியை ஆள்பவர்களுக்குப் பதில் சொல்ல
விழைகின்றோம். ஏன்? எதற்காக?.."
2. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan -
Prancing Political Horses for Pole Positions |
11 July 2007
Tamil Nation Library - On Line Tamil Dictionaries to include
On Line German - Tamil - English Dictionary - Mayuran Rajasingam
"Online German-Tamil-English dictionary
with over 50 000 words with translation and automatic spelling
- an attempt to create a platform where users from all over the
world can share their knowledge in the field of translations. Every
visitor can suggest new translations and correct or confirm other
users' suggestions." |
10 July 2007
International Frame of the Tamil Struggle :
Indian Ocean Region
Naval Station Kattabomman, located at
"Whereas a submarine on the surface can transmit and
receive wireless messages just like a ship can, submerged submarines
can only receive wireless messages on Very Low Frequency (VLF). VLF
transmitters require huge antennae suspended high above the
ground... On 20 Oct 90, the VLF Transmitting Station was
commissioned as INS Kattabomman... on 14 May 2005, the
statue of Veerapandia Kattabomman was unveiled.. "
more |
10 July 2007
The Tamil Heritage...
9 July 2007
"சாதி மல்லிப் பூச்சரமே
சங்கத் தமிழ்ப் பாச்சரமே; எனது வீடு எனது வாழ்வு என்று வாழ்வது
வாழ்க்கையா; இருக்கும் நாலு சுவருக்குள்ளே வாழ நீ ஒரு கைதியா; தேசம்
வேறல்ல தாயும் வேறல்லா ஒன்றுதான்; தாயைக் காப்பதும் நாட்டைக் காப்பதும்
ஒன்றுதான்.. "
Pulamaipithan -
புலவர் புலமைப்பித்தன் |
8 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum
from Australia -
தமிழீழத் தேசிய விடுதலைப் போராட்டதின் சமகால நிகழ்வுகளைப்
- "...அமெரிக்கா தலைமையிலான இணைத்தலைமை நாடுகள் ஒருபுறம் இந்தியா
ஒருபுறும், சீனா ஒருபுறம், பாகிஸ்தான் ஒருபுறம், இவர்கழுக்கிடையிலான
ஒட்டுறவுகள் முரண்பாடுகள் என்னும் கலப்புக்கள் ஒருபுறம் என சமகாலம்
விரிகின்றது. இவற்றின் சூட்சுமங்களை, இவர்களால் அவ்வப்போது
வெளிப்படுத்தப்படும் நடவடிக்கைகள், கருத்துக்கள் என்பவற்றின் பின்னால்
வெளிப்படுத்தப்படாதவற்றை, சொல்ல நினைத்ததை சொல்லாமல் விட்டதை நாம்
புரிந்துகொள்ள வேண்டுமாயின் எமக்கு இவைபற்றிய வாசிப்புக்களும்
கருத்துப்பரிமாற்றங்களும் அவசியமாகும். .."
more |
8 July 2007
Sinhala Buddhist Ethno
Nationalism - Masquerading as Sri Lankan 'Multi Ethnic Civic Nationalism'
6 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum
6 July 2007
International Relations in an Emerging Multi Lateral World
outright war and both sides are choosing their weapons' - Arundhati
Roy in conversation with Shoma Chaudhury "..What we�re
witnessing is the most successful secessionist struggle ever waged
in independent India � the secession of the middle and upper classes
from the rest of the country. It�s a vertical secession, not a
lateral one. They�re fighting for the right to merge with the
world�s elite somewhere up there in the stratosphere...
to equate a resistance movement fighting against enormous injustice
with the government which enforces that injustice is absurd. The
government has slammed the door in the face of every attempt at
non-violent resistance. When people take to arms, there is going to
be all kinds of violence � revolutionary, lumpen and outright
criminal. The government is responsible for the monstrous situations
it creates..."
more |
4 July 2007 Revised:
United Kingdom & the Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include
British High Commissioner in Sri Lanka on United Kingdom's Peace Building
"(In Northern Ireland) ...the people themselves have to
feel they own the talks. The solution must be generated
by them, not produced by outsiders. The British Government and most
outsiders knew what the solution would almost certainly have to look like.
They could have drafted it in two weeks. Had they done so, it would
have failed.
The parties may have taken two years to reach the
but it was vital that they should feel ownership of the
together with additional
by tamilnation.org
"..Arrogance, manipulative or plain
stupid?.... It would have been
helpful if High Commissioner Chillcot had adopted a more transparent
approach about the strategic interests of the United Kingdom in the
Indian Ocean Region
and the critical significance of the Indian Ocean sea
lanes for trade and oil in the emerging cold war with China. [see also
Setting the Stage for a New Cold War: China's Quest for Energy Security -
PINR, 25 February 2005 ]. High Commissioner Chillcot should not
be surprised if his silence on these matters leads many to conclude that
UK's intervention in 'peace building' in Sri Lanka is directed not to secure
Sinhala interests or Tamil interests but is directed to secure British
strategic interests and the strategic interests of the trilaterals (US,
Europe, and Japan)...
The short answer to
High Commissioner Chillcot's
question 'why don�t we just pack up, go home?'
is that the United Kingdom cannot 'just
pack up, go home' and leave Sri Lanka to India or China... "
3 July 2007 United
Kingdom & the Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include
International Educational Development writes to High Commissioner of
the United Kingdom to Sri Lanka
"A situation of armed violence may
be either armed conflict or terrorism but legally cannot be both.
Armed conflict automatically invokes the Geneva Conventions.
Terrorism invokes criminal law. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Eelam are an
actual combat group, fully uniformed, occupying territory,
engaging in sustained and concerted military operations with an
identifiable chain of command and using the methods and materiel
of armed conflict. Whether the war is viewed as one in the defense
of the right to self-determination (I think it is) or a civil war,
the minimum test for a war is clearly met... Using the
�terrorism� label
against the LTTE.. creates a huge problem if one wishes to
more |
3 July 2007 Fourth
World - Nations without a State
Nations without a State in the Global Age - Report on Conference
organised by the Department of Politics, Queen Mary, University of
London & the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism
Nations without States -
where there is a strong sense of national identity, in spite of
having their territories included within the boundaries of one or
more states with which by and large they do not identify with - are
common.They have a new importance today, when established
nation-states are changing their nature in response to globalisation
more |
2 July 2007 Tamil
National Forum
Daniel David writes from Queensland, Australia
on the
Outrageous Harassment of Dr Brian Senewiratne "..Aboriginal
Australians can testify to the grabbing of their land and the
payment of peanuts as �compensation�. This has gone on for 200 years
and has brought Australia international discredit. It is outrageous
that this despicable activity still goes on and is now affecting
others, as is seen from what has happened to Dr Senewiratne... If
you would like to act, write to the Mayor, Cr Campbell Newman and
the Deputy Mayor, Cr David Hinchcliffe, expressing your sense of
outrage at this serious injustice. "
more |
1 July 2007
Sinhala Buddhist Ethno
to include
Sivaram Death Anniversary :Memorial Lecture - Lakshman Gunasekera
"..The biggest single obstacle to peace is the ideology of
Sinhala-Buddhist ethno-supremacy and the hold that this ideology has
on the Sri Lankan State... The historical imperative that confronts
us, Sinhalayo, then is not merely 'constitutional reform'. We must
look forward to building a new Republic or republics... "
more together with
Comment by tamilnation.org
"Mr.Lakshman Gunasekera's Sivaram Memorial Lecture
comes as a breath of fresh air from a Sinhala intellectual, and if
his lecture encourages more and more
Sinhala people and Tamil people to have
an honest conversation with one another, on the way forward in the
conflict in the island of Sri Lanka, the talk would have
served an useful and helpful role..."
more |
1 July 2007
News &
Whats New Archives - June 2007 |