Whats New Archive
- June 2007
28 June 2007 Tamil
National Forum
Sachi Sri Kantha writes on
Anointed Federalists and Anandasangaree
"I write this commentary to rebuke the recent self-serving
opportunistic pronouncements and bloated promotional gigs of
Mr.Veerasingham Anandasangaree which had appeared in the Colombo and
Chennai newsmedia projecting himself as the sane voice of
Federalism. Should one care about the sophomoric antics of an
over-the-hill politico, who never shed some sweat and blood for the
cause of Federalism in Sri Lanka and Eelam during his active
political career spanning from 1960 to 2004?. I, for one, do care
since it is not fair to the real Tamil Federalists, who stood for
election on the federal platform and got elected as peoples
representatives among the Tamil-speaking people including Muslims of
Eastern Province between 1952 and 1970 in six general elections.
Quite a number of these Tamil federalists (elected MPs and
foot-soldiers) suffered political harassment, hooligan attack,
detention, house arrest and property loss for their political
conviction on federalism. Thus it is insulting to the memories of
these activists to allow an impostor like Anandasangaree, to blabber
banalities as a die hard federalist.."
more |
27 June 2007
"...We will win because we will never lose! There can never be
defeat if a man refuses to accept defeat. Wars are lost in the mind before they
are lost on the ground. No nation was ever defeated until the people were
willing to accept defeat." -
General George S Patton
"..What counts is not necessarily the size of the dog in the fight -
it is the size of the fight in the dog." -
Dwight D Eisenhower
"What was Mr.Chelvanayagam's achievement?
About 450 years before the Christian era the Carthaginian armies
invaded Italy and defeated the Romans in every battle; but
Cincinnatus, the Roman Dictator would not give up. And the Roman
Senate passed a resolution thanking him, because 'he had not
despaired of the republic'. The logic was 'if he did not despair,
why should we?'. The Tamils of Ceylon, in like manner,
looked upon
this gaunt and haggard man, stricken by disease, who could
hardly walk and could hardly speak above a whisper, who through a
life of continued failure and disappointment, yet had not despaired;
and they asked themselves, the question, 'if he did not despair, why
should we?' This then is Chelvanayagam's achievement: That
he has taught the Tamils of this country to believe in themselves."
- Late Rt.Rev.S.Kulendran, Bishop of Jaffna, Church of South India |
27 June 2007 Tamil
National Forum
writes from United Kingdom "I
found the book Half of a Yellow Sun
Response by tamilnation.org
" We have some understanding as to why the book did touch you - as indeed it
will many Tamils from Tamil Eelam...
2. Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia
வர்த்தமானியூடாகவும் வன்முறைகள் " " கடந்த 10-06-07 அன்று
வெளியாகிய, சிறிலங்காவின் அரச வர்த்தமானியின் ஊடாக, மகிந்த ராஜபக்சவின்
சிங்கள-பௌத்தப் பேரினவாதச் சிந்தனை, மீண்டும் ஒரு முறை
வெளிப்பட்டிருக்கிறது. ...தமிழ் மக்களின் பாரம்பரிய மண்ணைப்
பறிப்பதற்காகச் சிறிலங்கா அரசுகள் தொடர்ந்து மேற்கொண்டு வருகின்ற
பேரினவாதச் செயற்பாடுகளின் நீட்சிதான், இந்த வர்த்தமானி
more |
26 June 2007 Nations
& Nationalism: What is a Nation to include
Association for the Study of
Ethnicity and Nationalism,
18th Annual Conference, 2008 on "Nationalism, East and West:
Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood" - Call for Papers
"It has long been standard in the field of nationalism studies to
classify nations according to which principle serves to unify the
nation. The distinction between the Western, political type of
nationalism, and Eastern, genealogical nationalism as systematised
by Hans Kohn in 1945 has been used, extended and adjusted by
scholars of nationalism to conceptualise a framework of �inclusive�
nationalism based on citizenship and territory and �exclusive�
nationalism based on common ethnic ties and descent. This conference
seeks to assess the continuing relevance of this dichotomy in its
various forms: its contribution to theoretical work on nationalism,
its usefulness for historical interpretation and its value for
contemporary policy-making."
more |
26 June 2007 Tamil
National Forum
24 June 2007
International Frame & the Struggle for Tamil Eelam
24 June 2007 Tamil
Language & Literature
22 June 2007 Tamil
Nation Library -
War & Armed Conflict
to include
Law and the Use of Force by National Liberation Movements - Heather
A Wilson, Oxford University Press, 1990 (currently member of
US Congress) "This book examines two branches of the international
law of armed conflict as they apply to national liberation
movements. First, it explores the idea that national liberation
movements may legitimately resort to the use of force to secure the
right of their peoples to self-determination. Second, it examines
the application of the humanitarian law of armed conflict in wars of
national liberation...`It is an absorbing, well-documented and
extensively annotated work ... ..is to be recommended as a reference
and historical guide to all those who are interested in the
subject.' "
more |
22 June 2007
Terrorism & The Rule of Law
U. Olalia, Phillipino Human Rights Lawyer and Current President,
International Association of People�s Lawyers on
The Status in International Law of National Liberation Movements and
their Use of Armed Force "...It is submitted by way of
legal opinion that national liberation movements, their alleged
members and participants cannot be validly regarded as criminals or
terrorists insofar as international law and international political
and diplomatic perspectives are concerned... Apart from the
mud-slinging, the tragedy is that states are in open violation of
their jus cogens and erga omnes obligations to defend the
principle of self-determination. And also, very sadly, not
enough people know sufficiently both the
law of self-determination
and the
law of armed conflict
to properly redirect the dialogue...�
the rule of law: the policy and practice of proscription - Ben
Hayes, Statewatch Analysis "...
"Proscription" is a legal sanction that criminalises the named
"terrorists". However, the criminal courts are all but excluded from
what is a highly politicised process that obviously has very serious
implications for those who may be included on the "terrorist
lists"... Resistance is ... defined as "terrorism" by tyrannical and
occupying states,
while the international community shows solidarity not with the
oppressed, but the oppressor, in a framework geared toward the
global criminalisation of all "terrorists". ..The process of
proscription takes place in a secret realm which has marginalised
democratic institutions and sidelined the judiciary. Those
outlawed as "terrorists" have little possibility of a fair hearing
at which they can challenge the evidence against them and the laws
being used."
more |
22 June 2007 Tamil
Digital Renaissance to include
21 June 2007
"Ethnic cleansing is about assimilating a people. It is about
destroying the identity of a people, as a people. And it often
occurs in stages. The preferred route of a conqueror is to achieve
his objective without resort to violence - peacefully and
stealthily. But when that fails, the would be conqueror turns to
murderous violence and genocide to progress his assimilative
against Sri Lanka
2. ".... suffering in common unifies more
than joy does. Where national memories are concerned, griefs are of
more value than triumphs, for they impose duties, and require a
common effort.
A nation is
therefore a large-scale solidarity, constituted by the feeling of
the sacrifices that one has made in the past and of those that
one is prepared to make in the future..."
What is a nation? - Ernest Renan, 1882
21 June 2007 Tamil
National Forum
Sanmugam Sabesan
writes from Australia
ஹிட்லர்களின் கருதுகோள்!
"நீங்கள் யார் எங்களைக் கேட்பதற்கு- நாங்கள்
இப்படித்தான் செய்வோம் - என்று முன்பு தமிழர்களுக்குச் சிங்களம்
சொல்லியதை, இன்று சிங்களம் உலகிற்கும் சொல்கின்றது. சிங்களத்திற்குப்
புத்தி புகட்டப்படும்போது, அது மேற்குலகின் அறிவுக்கண்ணையும் திறக்கக்
கூடும். அதைத்தவிர வேறு வழியிருப்பதாகத் தெரியவில்லை."
more |
21 June 2007 Media &
the Tamil Struggle to include
18 June 2007
�..Do you have the patience to wait till your mud
settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the
right action arises by itself? The master doesn�t seek fulfilment.
Not seeking, not expecting, she is present and welcomes all
things...� - Lao Tzu
�Courage and patience are qualities�one needs very
badly when�placed in difficult circumstances�. But above all
else, what is most needed in a community which considers itself to
be ill-treated at the hands of others, is the virtue of love and
charity.. There is hardly any virtue in the ability to do a good
turn to those who have done similarly by us. That even criminals do.
But it would be some credit if a good turn could be done to an
opponent.� -
Mahatma Gandhi |
14 June 2007
Culture & the Tamil Contribution to World
Civilisation to include
Tamil Culture - its past, its present and its future with special reference
to Ceylon -
Xavier S. Thani Nayagam, with front note by
Sachi Sri Kantha
13 June 2007 International
Frame & the Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom
13 June 2007 The
Indian Ocean Region - A Story Told with Pictures to include
String of Pearls:Meeting the Challenge of China�s Rising Power Across the
Asian Littoral - Lt.Col. Christopher J. Pehrson, USA "
The geopolitical strategy dubbed the �String of Pearls� is
arising as foreign oil becomes a center of gravity critical to China�s
energy needs. China�s rising maritime power is encountering American
maritime power along the sea lines of communication (SLOCs) that connect
China to vital energy resources in the Middle East and Africa... |
Each �pearl� in the �String of Pearls� is a
nexus of Chinese geopolitical influence or military presence. Hainan Island,
with recently upgraded military facilities, is a �pearl.� An upgraded
airstrip on Woody Island, located in the Paracel archipelago 300 nautical
miles east of Vietnam, is a �pearl.� A container shipping facility in
Chittagong, Bangladesh, is a �pearl.� Construction of a deep water port in
Sittwe, Myanmar, is a �pearl,� as is the construction of a navy base in
Gwadar, Pakistan. ... The �pearls� extend from the coast of mainland China
through the littorals of the South China Sea, the Strait of Malacca, across
the Indian Ocean, and on to the littorals of the Arabian Sea and Persian
Gulf. China is building strategic relationships and developing a capability
to establish a forward presence along the sea lines of communication (SLOCs)
that connect China to the Middle East."
more |
12 June 2007 Tamils
- a Trans State Nation
10,000 Tamils March towards United Nations - 'Recognise Independent Tamil
Eelam State' [including
speeches in real audio]
"We have not come to this symbolic place to beg
for the inalienable rights of our people," said Shan Thavarajah, co
president of the Swiss Tamil Forum. "We have come to urge the U.N to
exert pressure on its member state, the Sri Lankan government, to
adhere to international standards of human rights enshrined in the
international law. And we urge solidarity from the world community,
as our brothers and sisters are taking the struggle for independence
forward in our homeland."
சுவிஸ் ஜெனீவாவில் நடைபெற்ற 'வெல்க தமிழ் - 2007"
நிகழ்வில் வாசிக்கப்பட்ட பிரகடன அறிக்கையின் ஒரு பகுதி
11June 2007
Tamil National Forum to include
9 June 2007
International Frame & Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom -
the UNP and the SLFP
Ceylon Prime Minister, Sir John Kotelawala (United
National Party) at Bandung, 1955 "...My own
solution for Formosa was that she should be handed over to the
Formosans themselves, and not allowed to pass under the dominion of
either China. I had understood that, historically, Formosa had had
an independence of her own, and that she no more belonged to China
than Ceylon did to India... In the course of my observations (at
Bandung) I said: '.. if we are united in our opposition to
colonialism, should it not be our duty openly to declare our
opposition to Soviet colonialism as much as to Western imperialism?'
I finished amid silence. Then the silence broke. Chou En-lai got up
in marked agitation and said that, as I had made references to
Communist colonialism, he reserved the right to make a statement and
that he would do so on the following morning...Nehru came up to me
and asked me in some heat, 'Why did you do that, Sir John? Why did
you not show me your speech before you made it?' .. the only obvious
reply I could make was, 'Why should I? Do you show me yours before
you make them?'.."
Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace
- UN General Assembly Resolution 2832 (XXVI),
16 December 1971 "The item "Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a
Zone of Peace" was included in the agenda of the 26th General
Assembly in 1971 at the initiative of Sri Lanka (SLFP
led Srimavo Bandaranaike Government) ... At the Ad Hoc
Committee on Indian Ocean, 451st Meeting (PM) on 26 July 2005 the
representative of China "called for common efforts for countries
inside and outside the region ... to establish the Zone of Peace
at an early date. To that end, the major Powers outside
the region should eliminate their military presence in the Indian
Ocean region." more
'China, a benign and sincere friend of Sri Lanka' - (SLFP
led Peoples Alliance) Sri Lanka Foreign Minister Lakshman
Kadirgamar, at the unveiling of the bust of the late Premier
Chou En Lai at the BMICH on 9 April 2005
"...This great hall, a work of art and a thing of
beauty, in which we welcome today the Prime Minister of the People's
Republic of China, His Excellency Wen Jiabao, is the most visible
and dramatic testimony to the age old friendship between the people
of China and the people of Sri Lanka. The offer to build this hall,
entirely at China's expense, was a spontaneous gesture of goodwill
on the part of the former Chinese Prime Minister Chou En Lai...We
believe that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic
of China.Sri Lanka has expressed its support for China's recent
anti-secessionist law. It is in the light of these considerations
that Sri Lanka observes with admiration China's steady, peaceful
ascent to the summit of economic power. "
more |
8 June 2007 Tamil
National Forum
A.Thangavelu writes from Canada
Ranil Wickremasinghe & the UNP"...There are a few Tamils who
seem to have an insatiable love for Ranil Wickremesinghe and who
accuse the LTTE/LTTE advisors for not allowing Thamil voters to
caste their votes for Ranil Wickremesinghe. They conveniently forget
what the Thamil people suffered under UNP governments The attacks of
1983 took place under the UNP. The
of the Northeast is the brainchild of DS Senanayake, Dudley
Senanayake and Gamini Dissanayake. (In January 2002)... Prime
Minister (Ranil Wikremasinghe) responded (to a Buddhist Bhikkhu
delegation) saying "We have never accepted the (Tamil) homeland
concept... the homeland concept will never be accepted...We have
always clearly expressed our stand on this issue...." I
reiterate what I have been saying for many years. It is slow death
or death in instalments for Thamils under the UNP. The SLFP is an
open enemy. Mahinda Rajapakse as president is unwittingly helping
the division of the country
as today's expulsion of hundreds of Thamils from Colombo to North
and East shows."
more |
8 June 2007 Indictment Against Sri Lanka
to include
Sri Lanka deports Tamils from Colombo to Tamil Eelam "...as
they were forced out of Colombo, many of the Tamils may have asked
if they were citizens of Sri Lanka or Tamil Eelam..."
M.R. Narayan Swamy, Author of Inside an Elusive Mind - Prabhakaran

Tamils ordered to vacate lodges in Pettah, 31 May 2007
500 Tamils expelled in 8 buses from Colombo, 7 June 2007
தமிழர்கள் பலவந்தமாக வெளியேற்றப்பட்டது தொடர்பாக மேலக மக்கள்
முன்னணியின் பொதுச்செயலாளர் வழங்கிய நேர்காணல், 7 June 2007
Expulsions �a disgrace to humanity� - NGOs, 8 June 2007
Evicted Tamils Arrive in North - BBC, 8 June 2007
U.S. calls on Sri Lanka to stop removal of Tamils but fails to call
for return of evicted Tamils to Colombo, 8 June 2007
Sri Lanka Supreme Court issues
temporary order to suspend eviction, 8 June 2007
Facilitating voluntary departure of Tamils says Sri Lanka
Government, 8 June 2007
Evicted - Professor Aaron Rajah, San Diego, California, 8 June
மகிந்தவின் கொழும்பு நடவடிக்கைக்கு விடுதலைப் புலிகள் கண்டனம், 8
June 2007
more |
8 June 2007 Tamil
Diaspora - a Trans State Nation
6 June 2007
International Frame & Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom
At 6th
International Institute For Strategic Studies Shangri-la Dialogue in
Singapore -
India and China: Building International Stability - Lt Gen Zhang
Qinsheng, Deputy Chief of the General Staff, People's Republic of
China " The Chinese defence policy is
characterised by the following: first, it is for self-defence.
China shall never fire the first shot. Such an approach is
consistent with the ancient Chinese thought to use caution before
getting into a war - use force only for a just cause, put people
first, and cherish life. Second, it aims for
independent defence. We would secure the country with our own
capabilities, without joining any form of military alliance with
any countries..."
At 6th
International Institute For Strategic Studies Shangri-la Dialogue in
Singapore -
Securing Regional Waters, How Much Progress? - Rohitha
Bogollagama, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka "I
wish to appeal to those of you associated with the defence
establishments in your respective countries who would possibly
better appreciate
the difficult
struggle faced by my country as well as the security
ramifications to the world and to the global community that I have
outlined to ensure that your Governments remain seized of the
complexities the Government of Sri Lanka faces in continuing to keep
the LTTE under check... " together with
... "Given that Sri Lanka Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama was
speaking in Singapore, perhaps, he should have been more
mindful of the assessment of Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kwan
Yew in 1998 - '... (In Ceylon) One-man one-vote led to the
domination of the Sinhalese majority over the minority Tamils ...
And the country will never be put together again.'... "
more |
5 June 2007 Tamils:
a Trans State Nation: South Africa to include
4 June 2007 Tamil
National Forum to include
3 June 2007
International Relations in an Emerging Multi Lateral World - The Indian
Ocean Region: A Story Told with Pictures to include
2 June 2007 Reflections
" To create new knowledge.. to encourage everyone
to choose accountability for the whole requires each person to make
the business his own. This means throwing oneself into work with
hands, head and heart. Such leaps of faith do not occur because
they are demanded. They only occur when they are personal acts of
choice... The heavy hand of demand will not create an
organisation that�s distinguished by resourcefulness, inventiveness,
or imagination.....If we want to give birth to a workplace that
chooses, supports and sustains individual accountability, we must do
at least three things. First, we must engage people in radically
different ways. Second, we must forsake our utilitarian thinking
about change in favour of inviting engagement as the means of
creating change. And, finally, we must deliberately let loose
the reins of power and commit to a broad and deep distribution of
business literacy and accountability through out the workplace."
Joel P. Henning
Reflection by tamilnation.org
That which Joel Henning said of the workplace is also true, perhaps
even more so, of liberation organisations, if they are to succeed in
their goal of national liberation - and for 'broad
and deep distribution of business literacy ' one may read ' broad
and deep distribution of political literacy'. War after all is a
continuation of politics with the admixture of other means. |
2 June 2007
United States
& the Tamil Freedom Struggle to include
Professor Aaron Rajah on
Blake starring
News &
Whats New Archives - May 2007 |