Tamils - a Nation without a State

South Africa -
- an estimated 250,000 Tamils live in South Africa -
about 70% in Kwazulu-Natal
�Tamil plight like era of apartheid in SA�
Report by Tabelo Timse in
South African Herald, 5 June 2007
The plight of Tamil-speaking Sri Lankans was heard
in Port Elizabeth yesterday when the representative of the Tamil
Nation Alliance (Tamil Tigers) in the Sri Lanka parliament spoke to
various organisations and concerned individuals.
Manickavasagar Kanagasabapathy Eelaventhan visited the city as part
of his global tour to create an awareness on the plight of the Eelam
�South Africa must be made aware of what�s happening in our country.
South Africa would be able to make a positive contribution to our
cause, especially since it is part of the security council in the
UN,� he said.
The UN charter justifies third-party intervention in situations of
genocide and the right to resist oppression.
Eelaventhan compared the situation in Sri Lanka to that of South
Africa during the apartheid era, but said the injustice and
discrimination against Tamil people was far worse.
More than 600 000 Tamils living in Jaffna were virtually living in
an open prison, where people were subjected to starvation and denied
medical care and basic services, he said.
The army had deliberately obstructed humanitarian help from reaching
affected areas and aid workers and media were also harassed.
Eelaventhan said Tamil women and children were killed and raped.
People disappeared daily.
Political activists were killed by the Sri Lankan intelligence
bureau and para-military groups, he said.
�There is a calculated move by the Sri Lanka government to totally
wipe out the Tamil nation in the country.
�The Tamil nation is facing cultural genocide, physical liquidation
and economic strangulation,� he said.
During his tour, which started two months ago, Eelaventhan has met
ministers, governmental officials, opposition parties and
non-government organisations.
Valli Ragavelloo, a member of the ANC in East London and a human
rights activist, said she was concerned about Eelaventhan�s safety
when he returned home as five other political activists had been
The Tamil Tigers have requested advocate Roshan Pillay, who
sympathises with the freedom fighters, to facilitate meetings with
President Thabo Mbeki and the African Union. |