Whats New Archive
- March
2007 -
31 March 2007
Tamils: a Trans State Nation - Australia to include
Thillainadarajah Jeyakumar
- A Good & Honest Human
Funeral Arrangements
மாமனிதர் தில்லைநடராஜா ஜெயக்குமார் - உன் நண்பன்,
M.Thanapalasingham, Sydney, Australia, 30
March 2007 ""நண்பனாய், மந்திரியாய், நல்லாசிரியனாய், பண்பிலே
தெய்வமாய் பார்வையிலே சேவகனாய் ,எங்கிருந்தோ வந்து " எம்மிடையே
வாழ்ந்து உறவாடி வழிகாட்டிய நல்லமனிதன் இவன்.... என் இனிய நண்பனே,
அன்பானவனே உன் நினைவுகள் என் மனதில் திரையெறிந்த வண்ணம் இருக்க
விடைபெறுகின்றேன். உன் நண்பன், தனபால்"
திரு. தில்லை ஜெயக்குமாருக்கு "மாமனிதர்" விருது: தமிழீழ தேசியத்
தலைவர், வே. பிரபாகரன் அறிவிப்பு
சென்ற ஜெயக்குமாரைப் பற்றி தமிழீழ விடுதலைப் புலிகளின் அரசியல்துறைப்
பொறுப்பாளர் சு.ப.தமிழ்ச்செல்வன் வழங்கிய நினைவுப்பகிர்வு
Remembering Mamanithar Jeyakumar - Nadesan Satyendra ...
"..A struggle for freedom is
no evening tea party. But, a struggle for freedom also produces its
heroes and heroines � men and women who have displayed strength,
ability and courage far beyond the call of duty. Thillainadarajah
will always remain in our memories as one of the heroes
of the struggle of his people for freedom. I respectfully
salute Jeyakumar's
sustained contribution to the cause of his people during
these many years - sustained through many trials and
29 March 2007
International Frame of Tamil Struggle for Freedom to include
28 March 2007 Conflict
Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka to include
Sri Lanka's Double Talk... |
"Ready for talks, we can have it tomorrow"
says Sri Lanka Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogolagama, AP Report, 28
March 2007 --- "No talks with Tigers - there can be no more
negotiations" says Dayan Jayatilleka, Advisor to President
Mahinda Rajapaksa, PTI Report, 28 March 2007 |
....in pursuance of a Single Policy.... அவலத்தின் ஊடாக ஓர்
அரசியல் நகர்வு... |
28 March 2007 Tamil
Eelam Struggle for Freedom to include
27 March 2007
New Delhi & the Tamil Eelam Struggle for Freedom to include
LTTE Air Strike -
An Assessment,
South Asia Analysis Group (SAAG), 27 March 2007
together with
"Mr.Raman is right to point out that "unilateral action only
against the LTTE without simultaneous action against the Rajapakse Government
will prove counter-productive." It may be that Mr.Raman is only too aware
of something which
Professor Johan Galtung said recently -
"..But imagine it happens:
is flattened,
Mr P is dead,
dissolved. Will the Tamil
dream of a Tamil Eelam die? Of course not. It will be revived, and
new cycles of violence will occur. And probably
new CFAs. And possibly the same mistake,
ceasefire with peace, using it as a sleeping pillow to do
Again it may be that Mr. Raman is not
unmindful of the story line in the
Marlon Brando film
...The struggle of the people of Tamil Eelam is not about the LTTE (or about
what the LTTE may have or may not have done) - the struggle of the
people of Tamil Eelam is
about freedom
from alien Sinhala rule. Mr.Raman is right to point out that "the LTTE
has considerable support from the Sri Lankan Tamils - in Sri Lanka as well
as abroad." But Mr.Raman may want to recognise that that support has come
about because of the steadfast commitment of the LTTE to the goal that
Thanthai Chelva articulated so eloquently in 1975.."
Air Raid on Katunayake Air Base - Col R Hariharan, Retired Head of Intelligence,
IPKF, together with comments by
and a
Response by Jayantha Gnanakone, USA |
27 March 2007 Tamil National Forum
26 March 2007
25 March 2007 Armed
Struggle for Tamil Eelam:
Reports on Armed Conflict
Katunayake Military Airbase Bombed by LTTE Air Wing
"Two attack air-craft belonging to Liberation
Tigers carried out bombing raids at the Sri Lanka Air Force airbase
at Katunayake at 12:45 a.m. early morning Monday and returned safely
to Vanni, military spokesperson of the LTTE, Irasaiah Ilanthiraiyan
told TamilNet...Mr. Irasaiah Ilanthirayan Military Spokesperson of
the Tigers said: "The attack is not only pre-emptive but also to
safeguard our people from
indiscriminate bombing
by the SLAF...."
24 March 2007
Tamil Armed
Resistance & the Law
to include
Law of
Armed Conflict at the Operational & Tactical Level _ Canadian Joint
Doctrine Manual, 2005
Collection of Documents on the Law of Armed Conflict - Edited by the
Directorate of Law Training, Canada, 2005
Tse-tung on On Protracted War,
May 1938 "...The enemy is
strong and we are weak, and the danger of subjugation is there. But
in other respects the enemy has shortcomings and we have advantages....
China's war is progressive, hence its just character. Because it is a
just war, it is capable of arousing the nation to unity... Not
that we would not like a quick victory; everybody would be in favour of
driving the "devils" out overnight. But we point out that,
in the absence of certain definite conditions, quick
victory is something that exists only in one's mind and not in objective
reality, and that it is a mere illusion, a false theory. "
more |
23 March 2007
International Relations in the Age of Empire
to include
Pakistan's Strategic Goals and the Deteriorating Situation in
Afghanistan -
"...Islamabad is working to prevent India from expanding its
influence in Afghanistan. It has refused to allow the passage of
goods and aid from India to Afghanistan. Plans to build a gas pipeline
linking Iran, Pakistan and India are progressing slowly. In recognition
of the role of India and Pakistan on Afghanistan's stabilization, the
United States has urged India toward acknowledging some of Pakistan's
concerns, and has avoided pushing the Indian military to play a
peacekeeping role in Afghanistan to avoid exacerbating Pakistani
sensitivities. India, however, is also a key partner for Washington
in the region..."
22 March 2007
22 March 2007 Tamil
National Forum to include Sanmugam Sabesan from Australia
தீர்த்துக் கட்டுதலும்!
22 March 2007
International Frame of the Struggle for Tamil Eelam -

Tricks |
1. United States
Proclamation by Mayor of Somerville, Sister City of Trincomalee,
Eelam (Naval Base), 22 June 1981 "..The harbor of Trincomalee
is one of the wonders of nature and is a strategic area in the Indian
Ocean; and Trincomalee had been a purely Tamil area along with
Jaffna, Mannar, Vavunia, Batticaloa and Ampara, until the administrative
fusion with the Sinhalese country"
2. United States
Proclamation of Eelam Day by Edward J.King, Governor of
Massachusetts, 16 May 1979
3. United States
Congress Resolution calling for recognition of self determination of
Eelam Tamils - Hon. Mario Baggio of New York in the US House of
Representatives, 8 May 1980
United States
Resolution of
US Massachusetts House of Representatives Calling for the Restoration of
the Separate Sovereign State of Tamil Eelam, June 1981 together with
comment by
United States "..The U.S. has long supported
the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. The U.S. does not envision or
support the establishment of another independent state on this island."
US Under Secretary of State, Thomas R. Pickering
Press Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 29 May 2000
6.United Kingdom
Narayan Swamy reporting for IANS, (Indo-Asian News Service, a New Delhi
based wire service)
- "Britain can play a larger role in peace process by reaching out
to the Tamil Tigers at 'lower levels'" - Sri Lankan Foreign Secretary
Palitha Kohona
more |
21 March 2007
Fourth World - Nations without a State
to include
Salmond, Scottish National Party Leader
On Scotland and the "English Question" "The 18th-century
Union is past its sell-by date. What we both (Scots and English)
need now are the political and economic powers to make our nations work,
to tailor policies to suit our different circumstances, and to speak for
ourselves in Europe and the wider world -while acting together where our
interests converge... As our world has become more complex and
inter-connected, the need for nations to be independent with a direct
say in regional and global affairs has become more important.. The
political imperative to share the same state for reasons of building a
large domestic market, or great power projection, is a fundamentally
outdated 19th-and 20th-century concept..."
more |
20 March 2007 Tamil
National Forum
1. Arujna - Editorial, Oru Paper
& Siege "Nation building often means political
unification of territory: think of Italy or Germany. Sri Lanka is
imposing on the Tamils the very reversed process, hoping to reduce them
into numerous separate groups with no collective interests,
consciousness and institutions thus breaking their will and capacity to
resist. This is what the GOSL and the international community imply
by "rehabilitation and massive economic development". "
2. Kenneth Walsh from USA -
Freedom is a matter of choice
3. A Visitor from USA on
Hard Talk & Kathir together with response by
tamilnation.org |
19 March 2007
Sir Robert Grainger Ker Thompson (1916�1992) KBE,
CMG, DSO, MC, a British soldier and counter-insurgency expert in Defeating
Communist Insurgency: Experiences from Malaya and Vietnam
"...There are many who will criticise the harshness of the measures
which may have to be used. This is a mistaken attitude. What the peasant
wants to know is: Does the government mean to win the war? Because if
not, he will have to support the insurgent. The government must show
it is determined to win. Only in that way will it instil the
confidence that it is going to win...The blame for the harshness of
the measures can be placed squarely on the insurgent.. There should
be in the whole of the government's approach an
adroit and judicious mixture of ruthlessness and sympathy.. As an
example of a ruthless measure it is worth quoting the case of a village
in Malaya of about 3000 inhabitants. This was a very bad area...Having
given the inhabitants a choice between the government and the
communists, and having failed to make any headway by appealing to or
persuading them to cooperate, the government surrounded it with several
battalions at dawn one morning and moved the whole village out. Everyone
in it, men, women and children, went into detention. All the houses
were razed to the ground and crops destroyed. This did not cause
a public outcry because the effectiveness of the result...silenced all
criticism.'' |
19 March 2007 Revisited
Sri Lanka's
Unwinnable War - Nadesan Satyendra, more
than 13 years ago in December 1993 "....Instead of reading out
chunks of Robert Thompson to his restive Parliamentary colleagues, Prime
Minister Wickremasinghe may have more usefully heeded the words of his
own Cabinet Minister,
Thondaman in March 1992: ''If you mean defeating the LTTE, it could
in my opinion be equated
to defeating every single Tamil in the North-East. One thing is
clear. You cannot isolate the LTTE from the rest of the Tamil people.
Wiping out the LTTE means wiping out the Tamils. Until there are Tamils
there will be a LTTE hard-core. Remember that the LTTE... is seeking to
the aspirations of the Tamil people..'' That is why Sri Lanka's war
against the LTTE is unwinnable... In Sri Lanka, the Government has
adopted a 'Malaysian style' approach, without the Malaysian style
political solution. Unlike the British (who quit Malaysia), the Sri
Lankan Government has as yet failed to see the need to.. quit the Tamil
homeland." more |
18 March 2007 Tamil
National Forum to include
1. R.S.Kathir on
�Hard Talk� program with Sri Lanka�s Foreign Minister Rohitha Bollogama
together with comment
by tamilnation.org
"BBC Allan Little's
comparison of the President Rajapakse regime to that of Pincochet of
Chile was telling. Having said we may need to remind ourselves of the
not so independent role played by the BBC in relation to the conflict in
the island ...The notion of a �liberal� national news media is one of
the most enduring and influential political myths.."
2. Sachi Sri Kantha on
Stalin�s Antipathy and a Missed Opportunity in 1950s: An Opinion
together with
by tamilnation.org
"Sachi Sri Kantha is right to point out that though Ceylon gained
independence on 4 February 1948, admission to the United Nations was
delayed for more than seven years - until
14 December 1955....The
eventual admission of Ceylon to the UN was the result of a 'block' deal
between the then 'super powers'. On 14 December 1955, together
with Sri Lanka, 15 other states also gained admission. They were -
Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
Jordan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nepal,
Portugal, Romania, Spain. Some of these states belonged to the Soviet
Bloc and the others to the 'Western' Bloc. In December 1955, Ceylon was
led by the strongly West leaning Prime Minister Sir John Kotelawala..."
3. V. Siva Subramaniam on
War on 'Terrorism': Fundamental Concepts Re-Examined - Sri Lankan Case
I avoid writing on political topics but the sufferings of our kith and
kin compel me to write this piece... Recently I lost my eldest sister
who was a role model to our family. When she passed away there was no
way, given the conditions there, I could have gone to her funeral. More
tragic - we were cut off (telephone) that we could not know when the
funeral was to be, to convey our sorrow... Although what I write will
not make a difference I still feel I should put my thoughts down.
This article I dedicate to her memory. Though I am 75, my emotional pain
comes through here. There must be many others like me in this position.
together with
by tamilnation.org
"..We truly share your pain. As you say there are many others like you
in 'this position' and in the pain that we share together is a growing
togetherness - a togetherness that is rooted in the past, consolidated
by the suffering of the present and given direction by our aspirations
for a future where not only we but our children and our children's
children may live, not in luxury, but in equality and in freedom..."
more |
18 March 2007
Struggle for Tamil Eelam
17 March 2007 Sri Lanka
Accused at United Nations
League for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples (LIDLIP), on
Humanitarian and Political crisis in Sri Lanka - "The international
community, including human rights organizations, favour the state. Thus,
despite being signatory to the two 1966 Conventions on Human Rights and
having ratified the 4th Geneva Convention, successive governments of Sri
Lanka are responsible of collective punishment of the Tamils, of having
indiscriminately bombarded schools, refugee camps, and churches, of
having blocked food and medical supplies to the population in the
Northeast. Still, despite respective reports no action is taken. By
contrast, when eventually sanctions followed rhetorical condemnations,
the LTTE was criminalized as terrorist organization, whereas nobody
accused Sri Lanka of state terrorism. On the contrary, Sri Lanka has
been elected to sit on the new Human Rights Council."
more 2.
International Educational Development (IED) on
genocidal crisis in Sri Lanka "We have long been shocked at the
policies of Sinhala-dominated governments to encourage large-scale
relocation of Sinhalas into traditional Tamil areas. �the ultimate
objective of Mr. Rajapakse�s advisors is to reduce the Sri Lankan Tamils
to the status of the Red Indians of Sri Lanka kept confined to certain
reserves as museum pieces. A more anti-Tamil group of hard line advisors
Sri Lanka has not had since the Tamils rose in revolt in 1983..."
International Educational Development (IED) on
Children and armed conflict
"...We are aware of the political agenda of various actors
relating to this highly controversial measure and that this issue has
been exploited in relation to certain armed conflicts, most especially
in Sri Lanka. In the armed conflict there, over-emphasis on a relatively
small issue in the context of the devastation this war has rained on
mostly Tamil children has allowed a genocidal catastrophe to be
sidelined over quibbling on names and numbers of combatants, many of
whom are admitted to be age seventeen..."
International Federation of Tamils -Report
to the President of the Human Rights Council on Sri Lanka: The Human
Rights and Humanitarian Crisis in the North - East "Most of
the extra-judicial killings have been committed by the SLAF and its Para
military groups like the EPDP (the leader of this group is a cabinet
member of the current GoSL) and Karuna Group. The Chief of the Sri
Lankan Army (SLA) Lt. Gen.Fonska is one of the �accused� in the killings
in Jaffna in the mid-90s. With absolute impunity, he reached the top job
in the SLA . It is widely believed that under his overall command, the
SLA intelligence wing took the law into its hands."
more |
17 March 2007 Sri
Lanka's War on Eelam Tamils
...in the Shadow of a Ceasefire
16 March 2007
1."...Sir Robert Thompson, the
British expert who studied anti-guerrilla operations in Malaya ...felt
that "there should be a proper balance between the military and the
civil effort".. According to these American and British specialists, the
ideal combination of repression and
concession was represented by the policies of President Magsaysay,
who successfully quelled the Communist-Huk rebellion in the Philippines
in the early 1950s. Famous for his policy of "all out force
and all out friendship", Magsaysay
used 'force' in the shape of ruthless suppression against the
Communist rebels and their landless peasant followers, and 'friendship'
in the shape of some land reforms and concessions directed towards the
middle and rich peasants and the petty bourgeoisie..."
Sumanta Banerjee in India's Simmering Revolution, 23 years ago, 1984
2. �I stressed that there can be no military
alone to the conflict,�
Foreign Secretary Ms Margaret Beckett on what she told Sri Lanka Foreign
Minister Mr. Bogollagama, 23 years later, 14 March 2007 |
16 March 2007
International Frame of Tamil Struggle for Freedom to include
Naxalite attack in Central India
- BBC Report -
"The death toll in the attack on security forces by Maoist rebels in
central India (on 15 March 2007) has risen to 55... The militants are
known as Naxalites after the district where their Maoist-inspired
movement was born in the late 1960s. They have become so powerful in
some districts they run their own parallel administrations and justice
systems...Analysts talk about the emergence of the Red Corridor, a great
swathe of Maoist militancy which stretches all the way from the border
with Nepal, south through India to the sea..."
UK Foreign
Secretary : �there can be no military solution alone to the
together with comment
by tamilnation.org |
15 March 2007
International Frame of Tamil Struggle for Freedom to include
Viswanathan Rudrakumaran on
Tamils' Quest for Statehood in the context of the Birth of New States in
the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia" "In short, the principle of
territorial integrity protects a state only against invasion of its
borders and not against internal rebellion... Lord Robert Cecil once
justly observed that the main cause of recurrence of wars was precisely
the permanent freezing of state frontiers. In a recent New York Times
article, human rights activist Yelena Bonner (widow of Andrei Sakharov)
writes that "the inviolability of a country's borders against invasion
from the outside must be clearly separated from the right to statehood
of any people within a state's borders."
Sudha Ramachandran - China moves into India's back yard
"...the significance of Hambantota to China
lies in its proximity to India's south coast and on the fact that it
provides Beijing with presence midway in the Indian Ocean. The Indian
Ocean is a critical waterway for global trade and commerce. Half the
world's containerized freight, a third of its bulk cargo and two-thirds
of its oil shipments travel through the Indian Ocean. It provides major
sea routes connecting Africa, the Middle East, South Asia and East Asia
with Europe and the Americas and is home to several critical chokepoints
such as the Strait of Hormuz and the Strait of Malacca...."
grants LKR 51 million for petroleum exploration in Sri Lanka |
14 March 2007 Tamil
Music -
தமிழ் இசை
to include
Papanasam Sivan A four part video documentary on Sangeetha
Kalanidhi Papanasam Sivan (1890-1973) featuring Semmangudi Srinivasa
Iyer, M.S. Subbulakshmi |
13 March 2007 Tamil
National Forum Sanmugam Sabesan on
கப்பல் ஓட்டிய
தமிழனும், கள்ளக் கடத்தல்காரனும் [also in Real Audio]
13 March 2007
International Relations in the Age of Empire
Ballistic Missile Defense (B.M.D.) Debate Heats Up in Europe - Dr.
Federico Bordonaro "...The Pentagon plans to establish radar bases
in the Czech Republic and interceptor missiles in Poland... Some high
ranking Russian military officers evoked surprise as they declared that
Moscow would be prepared to target American Ballistic Missile Defense
(B.M.D.) facilities in Central and Eastern Europe if they are installed,
and that Russia will have the capability to destroy them..."
more |
12 March 2007 Nations &
Nationalism to include
12 March 2007
International Frame of Tamil Struggle for Freedom to include
views Tamil Nadu as 'gateway state' connected both to the east
and the west "Lt Gen (retired) Dan Christman, senior vice
president (international affairs) in the US Chamber of Commerce leading
a 38 member delegation to Tamil Nadu: "Tamil Nadu is a
gateway state for international business as it connected both to the
east and the west. US-India defence relationship has been improving.
US companies are getting acquainted with India's rather intricate
procurement arrangements and educate their counterparts here about our
(US) systems... about our new, sophisticated US military equipment. This
is an area of significant commercial promise..."
2.B. Muralidhar Reddy in the Hindu:
Another U.S. base in the Indian Ocean? - Acquisition and Cross-Servicing
Agreement & the Indo Sri Lanka Accord
- " The provisions of the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement
(ACSA) cannot be described as being detrimental to New Delhi's interests
in the current phase of its relations with Washington. However, in a
possible new context India has every reason to be concerned about the
pact. A brief summary of the nature of the agreement will illustrate
this. India, from a long-term perspective, has every reason to be
concerned about the ACSA between the U.S. and Sri Lanka.. The fact it
took so long for Colombo to join the ACSA club is illuminating. "
3. Commander G S Khurana, Indian Navy -
Shaping Security in India�s Maritime East:Role of Andaman & Nicobar
".. With the stakes too high to resort to war, an extra-regional state
could coerce India through soft power (backed by military capability) to
achieve its interests and a favourable balance of power. These complex
and amorphous security challenges necessitate a rework of strategy and
mobilisation of suitable assets on the part the Indian policy-makers."
more |
11 March 2007
"Common sense tells us that there are seven cardinal
principles of trust we should keep in mind: Trust is not blind -
Trust needs boundaries - Trust demands learning - Trust is
tough -
Trust needs bonding - Trust is not and never can be an
impersonal commodity -
Trust requires leaders....
Charles Handy in "How do you manage people
who you do not see" more |
7 March 2007 United
States & the Tamil Struggle to include Professor Aaron Rajah
Ambassador Blake Vs US State Department
(Round One)
together with
Comment by tamilnation.org
March 2007 International Women's Day -
Sanmugam Sabesan on சர்வதேச மகளிர் தினம் - பெண்ணியம் - கற்பு - தமிழ்ப்பெண்
5 March 2007
Tamil Armed Resistance & the Law:
What is Terrorism? to
5 March 2007 Tamil
National Forum - Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan
On Tigers, China, Rajapakse & 'Development'
- Deft Dancing on the �D� Word
5 March 2007 Reflections
4 March 2007 Tamils - a
Trans State Nation to include
Conference Announcement:
Success" - World Tamil Business Leaders Conference, 2 - 4 November 2007, Sydney,
3 March 2007 Reflections
"...All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when
able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem
inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far
away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out
baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him. If he is
secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior
strength, evade him. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to
irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant.If he is
taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate
them.Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not
expected. These military devices, leading to victory, must not be
divulged beforehand. Now the general who wins a battle makes many
calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought. The general who
loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many
calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much
more no calculation at all! It is by attention to this point that I can
foresee who is likely to win or lose. "
Sun Tzu on the
Art of War |
2 March 2007 United
States & the Tamil Struggle to include
"Sri Lanka has in
President Rajapakse a strong leader" - U.S. Ambassador Robert Blake
together with comments by
2 March 2007
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka to include
Lanka's Endangered Peace Process and the Way Forward" - Publication by
Centre for Just Peace and Democracy (CJPD)
central axiom of the International Community that there is no military
solution to Sri Lanka�s conflict has been asserted time and again. The
strategies pursued by the stakeholders (the GoSL, LTTE and the
Co-Chairs) have led to the collapse of the CFA and endangered the peace
process... As the first
few years of the CFA have amply demonstrated, it is possible to silence
the guns. But history cannot be undone. In order for a credible and
viable peace process to evolve, there will have to be attitudinal
shifts, not just on the part of the GoSL and the LTTE, but also the
international community. The initial optimism produced by the CFA
foundered amongst what, in hindsight is plain to see, was a hurried
effort in containing the LTTE.�
more |
2 March 2007
Tamil Digital Renaissance
to include
Nadu gets dual-boot Win-Linux desktops "The Indian state of Tamil
Nadu has finalized a tender for 40,000 Lenovo desktops which can be
installed with both Novell's Suse Linux and Microsoft's Windows XP
Starter Edition. According to C. Umashankar, managing director of
Electronics Corporation of Tamil Nadu (Elcot), the desktops will be
deployed across schools and government departments in the state. Elcot
is Tamil Nadu's state-owned IT supplier. " |
1 March 2007
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka to include
1 March 2007 Media & the
Tamil Struggle to include
Why do they threaten us ? ask Thilakaratne Kuruwita Bandara, Chief Editor,
Maubima and Ruvan F. Guruge, Director Editorial Board together with comment
News &
Whats New Archives - February 2007 |