I want to congratulate National Peace Council for holding this
timely symposium and for posing the question: after two decades of war and 5
years of the CFA, what next? I also want to commend NPC for inviting such a
range of important religious, political, civil society and other leaders to
share their thoughts because all of you collectively represent a powerful
constituency for peace. It is also an honor for me to speak after my friend
Norwegian Ambassador Brattskar, who together with his country has done so much
to promote peace in Sri Lanka.
Ladies and gentlemen, much ink has been spilled about the recent
changes in President Rajapakse�s cabinet and the situation in the North and
East, but one central fact remains. Sri Lanka now has an
important opportunity finally to achieve peace and that opportunity must be
seized. President Rajapakse has a strong majority in Parliament. His party, the
SLFP, is in the final stages of crafting a power-sharing proposal that will then
be shared with the All Party Representative Committee, under the capable
leadership of Professor Vitharana.
The APRC then will bear a solemn responsibility to develop a
proposal of its own that meets the aspirations of the Tamil, Muslim and
Sinhalese communities. If the proposal is a credible one, there is strong reason
to believe that it will attract the support of sufficient UNP members of
Parliament to give the President the votes he needs to amend Sri Lanka�s
The United States calls on the SLFP and the APRC to proceed as
quickly as possible with their important work. If a credible power-sharing
proposal emerges from the APRC, Sri Lanka has in President Rajapakse a strong
leader who can use his very
considerable political skills and
trust that his supporters repose in him to help fashion the southern
consensus that has eluded previous governments.
Comment by tamilnation.org
A strong leader
fashioning the "southern" consensus 'that has eluded previous
Such a consensus can then form the basis for renewed peace
talks and an end to the conflict.
Comment by tamilnation.org
Southern "consensus building" over several decades -
...One of the essential elements that
be kept in mind in understanding the Sri Lankan ethnic conflict is that,
since 1958 at least, every time Tamil politicians negotiated some sort
of power-sharing deal with a Sinhalese government - regardless of which
party was in power - the opposition Sinhalese party always claimed that
the party in power had negotiated away too much. In almost every case -
sometimes within days - the party in power backed down on the
agreement..." - (Professor
Marshall Singer, at US Congress Committee on International Relations
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific Hearing on Sri Lanka November
"...Beginning in the mid-1950s Sri
Lanka's politicians from the majority Sinhalese community resorted to
ethnic outbidding as a means to attain power and in doing
systematically marginalised the country's minority Tamils...parties
in power seek to promote dubious conflict resolution only to be
checkmated by the respective opposition which typically claims that the
proposed solutions are bound to eventually dismember the island"
Neil Devotta in From ethnic outbidding to ethnic
conflict: the institutional bases for Sri Lanka's separatist war, 2005
A national peace will not only bring an end to the fighting that
has left more than 30,000 dead, and hundreds of thousands displaced from their
homes, it will help improve the
human rights situation,
propel the Sri Lankan economy to new heights, and create a virtual cycle of
prosperity and peace.
Comment by tamilnation.org
The vision of 'properity and peace' reasonates
with the words in the
U.S. State
Department's Annual Human Rights Report to Congress released on February
1985 barely
18 months after
Genocide '83
"Sri Lanka is an open,
working, multiparty democracy. Citizens elect their
president, members of parliament, and local government officials
by universal adult suffrage. All laws including acts extending
the state of emergency, must be approved by the Parliament...
The Constitution guarantees the independence of the judiciary,
and lawyers and judges are held in high esteem."
"...The progressive destruction of the
political process in Sri Lanka has led to both domestic and international
tolerance of an enormous amount of violence by the government (regardless of
party affiliation) against its citizens. Increasingly, it seems that the
government of Sri Lanka is accountable to no one - not its citizens, and not
its foreign counterparts who rubber-stamped the recent parliamentary
elections. In Sri Lanka's current political climate, power seems to be
determined by the number of thugs a given politician has at his/her disposal..."
Lanka's Elections 2000: Fear and Intimidation Rule the Day - An Observer's
Report - Laura Gross
and gentlemen, Sri Lanka must not let this chance pass. The United States,
together with its Co-Chair partners and friends such as India, stand ready to do
everything we can to encourage and help Sri Lanka seize this historic
Comment by tamilnation.org
But apparently not 'friends such as China'. After all, it
would be somewhat naive to imagine that Ambassador Blake had somehow forgotten
geo political interests of the country
that he has the honour to serve - so well. See also -
Sri Lanka President
Mahinda Rajapakse leaves for China, 25 February 2007 "Among the
Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) to be signed during the President's visit are
Hambantota Port development project, Oil exploration in the Western coast,
student exchange, cultural co-operation, agriculture, corporate and economic
co-operation, eye donation and co-operation in urban development and water
supply. "
"China fear" to
"China fever" - Pallavi Aiyar, 27 February 2006
China's Strategy of
Containing India - Dr. Mohan Malik, 6 February 2006
India's Project
Seabird and the Indian Ocean's Balance of Power, 20 July 20005
China's Submarine
Base in Maldives, 8 May 2005
undertakes construction of Hambantota Port, 11 April 2005
Thank you.
National Peace Council Donors
Academy for Educational Development (AED)
British High Commission
Danish Development Co-operation Office (DADECO)
Development Alternative Inc (DAI)
Embassy of Japan
European Union (EU)
Facilitating Local Initiatives for Conflict Transformation (FLICT), a
project implemented through the German Agency for Technical Co-operation
National Democratic Institute Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)
Asia Foundation