Whats New Archive
August 2006-
31 August 2006
31 August 2006
Sri Lanka's War on Eelam Tamils - in the Shadow of a Ceasefire
Mahinda Rajapakse stands charged with international War
Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission finds Sinhala Security
forces guilty of executing 17 Aid Workers..
"...security forces had been present in Muttur at the
time of the killings... the government had prevented the
truce monitors from going to the crime scene to
investigate immediately after the discovery of the
bodies and ...confidential conversations with highly
reliable sources had pointed to the culpability of
security forces... The Security Forces of Sri Lanka are
widely and consistently deemed to be responsible for the
incident... the killings are one of the most serious
recent crimes against humanitarian aid workers
more |
30 August 2006
Sri Kantha responds to Comments On the Maviddapuram Temple Entry
(1968) Conflict and C.Suntheralingam
30 August 2006
International Relations in the Age of
Empire -
Much Longer? - Eduardo Galeano, 2006
30 August 2006
Tamils Rehabiliation Organisation
to include
Nagaratnam Ranjithan, President TRO, USA Speaks
about FBI Search
"We have collected about $1 1/2 million since
the tsunami and 97 percent of that money has been spent
in north and east Sri Lanka. Some of it went to New
Orleans for Katrina relief." Acknowledging that the
Tigers exercise control in north and east Sri Lanka,
Ranjithan said that TRO is required to deal with the
controlling group in order to get relief to the war and
tsunami victims there."If Sri Lanka doesn't send any
relief, if the Red Cross doesn't send relief, who will
try to help the people out? I see this as a moral
problem for me. The (Sri Lanka) authorities would like
to see us silenced and stop our organization. I have
seen the suffering and I try to do what I can to
help.TRO has been under federal scrutiny for at least a
year and a half or two - which is OK - they have to
impose their laws.... A group called
Charity Navigator evaluated us the last two years
and gave us a four-star rating both years for sound
fiscal management.... To say we are giving money to
people to buy arms, I don't know where that comes
from... We are visible, transparent and have been put
through more scrutiny than most charitable
more |
30 August 2006
Nations & Nationalism to
Nations in Cyberspace - Professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen
2006 Ernest Gellner lecture, delivered
at Asociation for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN)
Conference, London School of Economics, 27 March 2006
Internet is fast becoming a major medium for the consolidation,
strengthening and definition of collective identities,
especially in the absence of a firm territorial and
institutional base. Some of the nationalist groups that
appear to be most active on the Internet are Sri Lankan
Tamils, Kurds, Palestinians...
The most important transnational voice
for Tamil independence may be the websites TamilNet (www.tamilnet.com
) and Tamilnation (www.tamilnation.org
), which are updated frequently..."
more |
30 August 2006
Self Determination:
International Law & Practise to
Admission of New States to the International Community - Christian
"There are only very few branches of
international law which are of greater, or more persistent, interest
and significance for the law of nations than the question of
Recognition of States ... Yet there is probably no other subject in
the field of international relations in which law and politics
appear to be more closely interwoven."
29 August 2006
"...the reductionist fallacy lies not in comparing man
to a 'mechanism powered by a combustion system' but in
declaring that he is 'nothing but' such a mechanism and
that his activities consist of 'nothing but' a chain of
conditioned responses which are also found in rats. For
it is of course perfectly legitimate, and in fact
indispensable, for the scientist to try to analyse
complex phenomena into their constituent elements -
provided he remains conscious of the fact that in the
course of the analyses something essential is always
lost, because the whole is more than the sum of its
parts, and its attributes as a whole are more complex
than the attributes of its parts..."
Arthur Koestler in Janus: A Summing Up
"...Reason has a legitimate function to fulfill,
for which it is perfectly adapted; and this is to
justify and illumine for man his various experiences and
to give him faith and conviction in holding on to the
enlarging of his consciousness. But reason cannot arrive
at any final truth because it can neither get to the
root of things nor embrace their totality..."
Sri Aurobindo
28 August 2006 Tamil National
28 August 2006
Tamils - a Tran State Nation to
தமிழர் கற்க வேண்டிய பாடங்கள்
"அரசியல் அடிமைத்தனங்களிலிருந்தும், அதிகார
அடிமைத்தனங்களிலிருந்தும் தமிழர்கள் இன்னும் முழு விடுதலை
பெறவில்லை. குடிபெயர்ந்த நாடுகளில், `கூலி' என்ற பெயர்
மாறி, குடிமக்கள் என்ற நிலையைத் தமிழர் அடைந்துவிட்ட
போதிலும், அந்தந்த நாடுகளில் தமிழர் இரண்டாம் தரக்
குடிமக்களாகவே இருந்து வருகின்றனர். தமிழருடைய
இந்நிலைக்குக் காரணம், அயலார் என்று கருதுவதும்,
பழிப்பதும் தவறு. தமிழருடைய அன்றைய வீழ்ச்சிக்கும், இன்றைய
வீழ்ச்சிக்கும் காரணர் தமிழரே."
more |
24 August 2006
1. "An
idea is bullet proof ... People should not be afraid
of their Governments: Governments should be afraid of
their people "- Quote from the film
V for Vendetta, A.D.2006
2. "Look back over the past, with its changing empires
that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future,
too." -
Marcus Aurelius, circa A.D.150 |
24 August 2006
The Strength
of an Idea
Sri Aurobindo in Bande
Mataram, 1907 "The mistake which despots,
benevolent or malevolent, have been making ever since
organised states came into existence and which, it
seems, they will go on making to the end of the chapter,
is that they
overestimate their
coercive power, which is physical and material and
therefore palpable, and underestimate
the power and vitality of ideas and sentiments. A
feeling or a thought,
aspiration towards liberty, cannot be estimated in
the terms of concrete power, in so many fighting men, so
many armed police, so many guns, so many prisons, such
and such laws, ukases, and executive powers. But
such feelings and thoughts are more powerful than
fighting men and guns and prisons and laws and ukases.
Their beginnings are feeble, their end is mighty. But of
despotic repression the beginnings are mighty, the end
is feeble... But the despot will not recognise this
the teachings of
history have no meaning for him. ..He is deceived
also by the temporary triumph of his
repressive measures.. and thinks,
�Oh, the circumstances in my case
are quite different, I am a different thing from any yet
recorded in history, stronger, more virtuous and moral, better
organised. I am God�s favourite and can never come to harm.�
And so the old drama is staged again
and acted till it reaches the old catastrophe..."
23 August 2006
Tamil Eelam - a De Facto State...
23 August 2006
Tamil National Forum Sachi
Sri Kantha
On Special Agent-in-Charge Leslie Wiser Jr�s Undercover Sting
22 August 2006
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri
"There is no military solution to this conflict" - Retiring SLMM
Head Ulf Henricsson
21August 2006
Reflections to include
A Story
"One day a teacher
asked her students to list the names of the other
students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a
space between each name. Then she told them to think of
the nicest thing they could say about each of their
classmates and write it down..."
more |
21 August 2006
Tamil National Forum
1. Brian Senewiratne writes from
Australia on
the Bombing of Tamil School Children in Sri Lanka
" I can think of no country whose Government has bombed
its own orphan children in large numbers (400) or small.
What sort of people can give the orders to bomb, which
were given (according to Brigadier Athula Jayawardene)
after monitoring the area
�for years� and
�weeks of gathering intelligence, including from spies,
and analyzing the target�?
Make no mistake. It was not the rash act of some maniac
but was �carefully planned� and meticulously
executed. I would remind you of what the Defence
spokesman said, �The
bombings were precise and well targeted�.
No disagreement. I do not know who gave the orders but
the responsibility lies squarely with the
Executive President and the Commander-in-Chief of the
Armed Forces ..There is a strong case for legal action
to be taken against the GOSL..."
more 2.
Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan on
Kethesh Loganathan: the loose cannon
"Since Kethesh
Loganathan (K.L) is no longer living, I�ll not hit below
the belt in this commentary. Concurrently, I�ll also not
refrain from commenting about his scarred political
underbelly. In variance to the eulogies which have
appeared to-date, penned by anti-LTTE scribes (Dayan
Jayatilleka and D.B.S.Jeyaraj, to name a few), if he was
indeed a Tamil intellectual as presented by his
admirers, I take the view that K.L deserves a more fair
appraisal of his professional career..."
3. Sanmugam Sabesan writes from
Australia -
போருக்குள் எத்தனை அர்த்தங்கள்!
."..ஆயினும் நிலைமை கட்டுக்கடங்காமல் போவதைத்
தடுப்பபதற்காக சர்வதேசம் விடுதலைப்புலிகள் மீது மென்
போக்கு சமிக்ஞைகளை விரைவில் காட்டக்கூடும். இந்த
மென்போக்கு சமிக்ஞைகள் ஊடாகச் சர்வதேசம் தன்னை ஒரு
நடுநிலையாளனாகக் காட்டிக் கொண்டு தனது அடுத்த கட்ட
செயற்பாட்டை நோக்கி நகரக்கூடும்..."
4. Selected Writings - Fr.
Chandiravarman Sinnathurai to include
Elliptical Illusion: PEACE
Writings - Dr. Adrian Wijemanne to include
A Tribute by Neville Jayaweera
"Judging by the current trends, Wijemanne's view
that unless Tamil grievances are rapidly remedied
through negotiations, Eelam, or at least a
confederation, is inevitable, may not be so delusional
as some may think. Adrian Wijemanne may not have had his
head served on a platter, but he may yet prove to have
been the prophet of his generation."
more |
21 August 2006 Tamils in many
lands demonstrate against
Genocidal attack by Sri Lanka on Tamil School Children
Australia (1),
Australia (2), Netherlands
(1), Netherlands (2),
Netherlands (3) ,
Kovai- Sri Lanka,
France (1)
France (2),
Salem (1), Salem(2),
Finland (1)
Finland (2),
Germany (1),
Germany (2),
Germany (3),
Ottawa - Canada,
Toronto (1),
Toronto (2),
Quebec - Canada
Norway (1),
Norway (2),
Belgium ,

Dr. Arul Ranjithan, 19 August 2006...
"Sixty-three schoolgirls in children's home, killed in
screamed headlines on websites,
mind goes numb and blank and suddenly the world
makes no sense
when children's lives are snuffed out with such
cruelty and ease.
Surely it is a mistaken bombing
and Sri Lankan President will give solace to
grief-stricken families.
I wait in vain for words of sorrow and healing.
Instead minister of (dis) information says that
the children are
child soldiers....
Sixty-three schoolgirls, the
flowers of our embattled society,
Raised with love and care only Ammahs
(housemothers) can give,
A part of them will be with us forever,
And their deaths shall not be in vain.
Farwell to you our beloved children, here's
my pledge
Knowing that your ashes are mingled with our
rivers and our land,
The best memorial I can give you, is to
persevere till my end,
To enable our people to live with
freedom and dignity in
our land."
more |
19 August 2006
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam
- Sri Lanka
18 August 2006
Tamil National Forum
Orupaper on Crime & Punishment "...The
people who plan and execute these killings on behalf of
the Sri Lankan state are not crazy killers or
blood-thirsty monsters. Most of them are quite ordinary,
non-violent Sinhalese. Many of them are not Buddhist
fundamentalists. These persons belong to all social
classes; some come from poor families but others come
from middle class families and most of them are well
educated. So what makes them to do such barbaric
things? What makes other Sinhalese justify them? In
order to cope, one has to understand the core problem,
as without understanding it is impossible to cope, and
this is, that the majority of the Sinhalese sincerely
believe that the land of Lanka belongs to them.
It is their
promised land and they are the chosen people. Anyone
who is not willing to accept this fundamental principle
is an enemy and s/he should be killed or chased away.
The children of the enemy are targets too as they are
the enemy of the future. It is difficult to digest this
but it is the sad truth..."
more 2.
Sachi Srikantha suggests a
A Pit List for the President
"According to a
recent report which appeared in the Daily Mirror
(Colombo) of Aug.16, 2006, President Mahinda Rajapakse
is unhappy. This is what the news report had mentioned.
�Unhappy over undue prominence given to the LTTE in the
media, President Mahinda Rajapaksa is seriously
considering introducing a set of guidelines to all media
organizations.� I know. I know. One can feel President
Mahinda Rajapakse�s unhappiness and gripe. �Undue
prominence given to the LTTE in the media�. This has
been a vexing problem for me too. So much junk and
nonsense is being written about LTTE. So, I like to help
President Rajapakse with my pit list. Don�t misquote me
on this. It�s my pit list, and not the hit list..."
more |
18 August 2006
Introduction - அறிமுகம்:
Tamil Writers Guild "TWG is body of Tamil
writers in the English language domiciled /resident in
the UK, who have perceived a dearth of cogent and
effective response from a Tamil perspective to
misrepresentations and falsehoods in the English media
of the Tamil cause. In order to try and remedy this
situation, they have collectively agreed to reflect the
interests of the Eelam Tamil people to the best of their
knowledge and experiences and to use their conjoined
skills to advocate, advance, elucidate, inform and
educate the international public, and to rebut such
misrepresentations and falsehoods, both in writing and
orally, on any current and important matter either
appearing or deemed necessary to appear in the English
media primarily but not exclusively in the UK. .." |
17 August 2006 Tamil National Forum
to include
Sivanayagam said it 21 Years ago... Tell the World What
We Want "... Do we want a Tamil Eelam ... or a
'viable alternative' to Tamil Eelam. If it is going to
be 'viable alternative', what does that mean ? Does that
mean District Councils, Provincial Councils, Regional
Councils and Village Councils, or regional autonomy,
special autonomy or Federalism ? What do we want � Fish,
Flesh, Fowl or Pure Veg ?.. Gentlemen, it is time we
tell our friends, tell the world, and above all, tell
our own people, what we want. And tell it
publicly. Out with it, please...
It is our failure to spell out our objective that
makes the world think that it is non-achievable. The
Tamil man is known to survive many a crisis. What
is left to be proved is that we can even triumph
in a crisis."
more |
17 August 2006 International
Relations in the Age of Empire to include
B.Raman Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India on
Pak Intelligence Base in Colombo "Now (June
2004) that the Sri Lankan Government seems to have confronted India
with a fait accompli by agreeing to the appointment of a die-hard anti-
Indian sponsor of terrorism against India (Col. Wali) as the
head of the Pakistani diplomatic mission in Colombo, India has to
carefully analyse the implications of his presence in Colombo and take the
necessary follow-up action. His presence in Colombo will pose a threat
not only to India's national security, but also to stability and law and
order in Sri Lanka's Eastern Province."
more |
17 August 2006 Media & the Struggle for
Tamil Eelam
Without Borders condemns the constant harassment and
attacks on the Tamil-owned Sudar Oli press group
after a driver was gunned down yesterday in Jaffna while
delivering copies of one of its daily newspapers,
Uthayan, a police raid was carried out on the Colombo
headquarters of the group�s Sudar Oli daily, and the two
newspapers� editors had their police bodyguards
withdrawn. "The intimidation and violence against the
Sudar Oli press group is completely unacceptable," the
press freedom organisation said. "The lack of serious
investigations into the murders of Tamil employees
raises suspicions about the attitude of the authorities
towards media that do not support the war against the
Tamil Tiger armed separatists. We hold the government
responsible for anything that happens to the editors and
staff of Sudar Oli and Uthayan".
more |
16 August 2006 Tamil National Forum
to include
Sanmugam Sabesan from Australia - தேவை: புதிய பார்வையும், புதிய
16 August 2006 The
Tamil Heritage... an Ancient People
to include
The Tomb of Elara at Anuradhapura - James T. Rutnam
"Ever since the aged but valiant Elara, the Tamil king
of Sri Lanka, was struck down and killed in single
combat by the much younger Dutugemunu, the epic hero of
the national chronicle Mahavamsa, the place where Elara
fell and where his body was later cremated had been
revered at the express command of his chivalrous foe..."
more 2.
Sri Lankan Tamil Society & Politics - Karthigesu
"...The ethnic crisis of Sri Lanka has
internationalised the problem of the Tamils in Sri
Lanka. A closer study of these people has now become
essential to understand the nature of the Tamil demands,
the group tensions within the Tamil ethnos, the
political nuances that one has to be aware of, and, of
course, the attempts made to thwart the Tamil unity and
thereby lessen the intensity of the Tamil political
more |
16 August 2006
Sri Lanka's War Crimes -
The Record Speaks, yet Again:
Sinhala Air Force kills 61 Tamil school children and wounds
129: -
Truce Monitors reject Sri Lanka's cover up - " Well,
we have had monitored this place at 11 o'clock today (14
August 2006) and we found at least 10 bomb craters and also
found an un-detonated bomb at this place. And eyewitnesses
have recalled they saw 4 aircrafts. And the total number
killed is 61 officially. We haven't counted. I think the
figures are fairly accurate. And we Monitors couldn't find
any signs of military installations or weapons in this area.
So it was not a military installation as we can see."
Sri Lanka Truce Monitor Ulf Henricsson: Interview with
MTV/Srisara, 14 August 2006 |
United States fails to condemn
Chencholai killings and expresses no sympathy
to the families of the Tamil school children killed by
Sri Lanka Airforce |
Dr.Karen Parker, International Educational
Development raises question of bombing of orphanage at
Human Rights Council, Geneva "...We have
long indicated to the Sub-Commission that the United States
geopolitical interests in ports and airfields in the Tamil
areas has been a major impediment to resolving this long
conflict ... in our view the
US has given the government of Sri Lanka a �green light� to
undertake actions that violate humanitarian law
under the pretext that due to the unabated demonization of
the Tamils by Sri Lankan and US authorities, no one will
dare defend them, and in any case, no one will be able to do
anything about it. However, because now the UN independent
experts, UNICEF and UNHCR have spoken up, and because the UN
is in a process to reform its work, we hope that the
Sub-Commission, which as rightly undertaken to address
attacks against medical and other protected persons in time
of war, will inform the Council of its concerns regarding
Sri Lanka and the situation of the Tamil people and will
request that the Council act..."
more |
whilst ... Tamils
in Tamil Nadu rise to condemn Sri Lanka's targeted
killing of innocents...
Black Flags and Fasts &
Tamil Nadu Assembly unanimously condemns killing of 61
school girls |
சிங்கள வெறியர்களின் கொலை வெறி தமிழ்ச் சிறுமிகளைக் கூட விட்டு வைக்கவில்லை
முதல்வர் கருணாநிதி
- "இலங்கையின் இராணுவ நடவடிக்கைகளில்
கொடுமை நிறைந்த நிகழ்ச்சியாக குழந்தைகள் காப்பகம் தாக்கப்பட்டு
குண்டுமாரி பொழிந்து 60-க்கும் மேற்பட்ட இளஞ்சிறார்களை கொன்று
குவித்திருப்பது மனிதாபிமானம் ஒரு சிறிதும் அற்ற செயல் என்றே
கருதப்பட வேண்டியுள்ளது".
கண்டனம்: செஞ்சோலையில் கோர நர்த்தனம் ஆடிய சிங்கள அரசு ஒரு
பயங்கரவாத அரசு
more |
இனம் ஒன்று அழிவதா,
இதை நாம் பொறுப்பதா.. |
15 August 2006 International Relations
in the Age of Empire
A Lesson in Foreign Policy: When China taught Vietnam a
Lesson with US Support from Power and
Principle - Memoirs of the National Security Adviser
1977-1981 by Zbigniew Brzezinski - "..The Chinese did
not give us a precise date for the forthcoming
"educational experience" that they were planning for
Vietnam.... I developed a proposal that the United
States should criticize the Chinese for their military
action but should couple that criticism with a parallel
condemnation of the Vietnamese for their occupation of
Cambodia, and demand that both China and Vietnam pull
out their forces. I knew that such a proposal would be
totally unacceptable to the Vietnamese and to the
Soviets, and hence would provide a partial diplomatic
umbrella for the Chinese action without
associating the United States with it... The Chinese
learned in the course of the three critical weeks that
they now had a reliable friend: they could confide in
us, we could keep a secret, and our public reaction -
formally critical but substantively
helpful- was firm and consistent..."
more |
15 August 2006 Tamil National Forum
S.Sivanayagam writing in October 1985
A Lesson in 'Foreign Policy': When the Sinhalese taught
the Tamils a lesson in Ceylon "It
was the 5th April, 1956... I was journeying to Colombo
from Jaffna ...History was made in Ceylon that day. A
new sordid chapter had begun... That was the day the
"Sinhala Only" Act was passed. That was the day that
Sinhala mobs, for the first time, began to lay their
hands on Tamils with impunity. That was the day Tamil
leaders who sat in silent Gandhian non violent protest
in close proximity to the Parliament building were
surrounded by a hostile mob and set upon with stones.
That was the day when ... Sri Lankan governments began
the process of sanctioning violence against Tamils... I
had learnt my lesson on that morning of 6th April, 30
years ago,
a lesson that all Tamils continue to learn to this day
: Death by violence could come to you in Sri Lanka for
no other reason than that you are born a Tamil. That is
a terrible feeling to live with, in one's own country,
in the land of one's birth, the land in which one's
ancestors had lived, and sometimes ruled, for
more |
14 August 2006
Armed Struggle for Tamil Eelam
Reports on Armed Conflict
- Australian Tamil Broadcasting Corporation interviews
14 August 2006 Tamil Nation
Library - Eelam Section
13 August 2006
Armed Struggle for Tamil Eelam
Reports on Armed Conflict
13 August 2006
Media & the Tamil
Sri Lanka Armed Forces: the
smiling public relations image...

"'Place your trust in her,' says the caption
for this photo which is from a commercial, which is
part of a campaign being launched this week to boost
forces� morale. The campaign will run in all print
and electronic media." Report in Sri Lanka
State Controlled Sunday Observer, 13 August 2006
and the unsmiling
genocidal onslaught.... |
Place your trust
in her.... to do what? |
13 August 2006
�...We trounced them. The LTTE ran
for life. That will be the trend for the future also..�
says Sinhala Army Commander General Sarath Fonseka to
State Controlled Sri Lanka Sunday Observer, 13 August
2006 -
fearlessly treading the footsteps
trodden by Sinhala Deputy Defence Minister Ranjan
Wijeratne in 1990 and Sinhala Sri Lanka Deputy Defence
Minister, General Ratwatte in 1997.
more |
12 August 2006 International Relations
in the Age of Empire -
Galloway on Israeli Invasion of Lebanon - Interviewed by Sky News
12 August 2006 Tamil Diaspora - a Trans
State Nation
M.Karunanidhi's Tamil Nadu Government denies Permission for World
Confederation of Tamils Meeting but Court sets aside order
12 August 2006 Tamil National Forum
Sachi Sri
Kantha from Japan
On Kadirgamar, Khlestakov and Kumar Ponnambalam
"..Following his assassination (an year ago) on Aug.12,
2005, the Sinhalese apologists contributing to the
muffled mass media in Colombo profusely heaped praise to
the memory of Lakshman Kadirgamar. They oozed endearing
encomiums on Kadirgamar as the next incarnation of
Ponnambalam Arunachalam (1853-1924), a Tamil visionary
of colonial Ceylon, who had died 8 years before
Kadirgamar�s birth. Was Kadirgamar really an academic
and political heavyweight, as his eulogies in the
Colombo press touted to be? Should this be of interest
to Eelam Tamils now? For accuracy�s sake and societal
record, one cannot allow the truth to be compromised..."
Random Thoughts on K.Thurairatnam, the Point Pedro
"This is a delayed remembrance piece,
albeit one year late. I had intended to contribute this
last year to remember Kathiripillai Thurairatnam
(1930-1995). August 10th is his birth date,
and had he lived, he would have been 75 last year. He
died on September 23, 1995, and his death had passed
quietly. The assassination of then Foreign Minister
Lakshman Kadirgamar on August 12th
last year diverted my attention then to write about him.
Though one year late, I had felt a need to contribute
these random thoughts on Thurairatnam, for one
particular reason...."
more |
10 August 2006 Dravidian Temple
An Introduction:
அறிமுகம் -
Temple Mural Paintings of Tamil Nadu
- M.V. Bhaskar and K.T. Gandhirajan

comment by
tamilnation.org "M.V.
Bhaskar and K.T. Gandhirajan have made an important and
significant contribution towards helping to preserve the
heritage of the Tamil people by setting about the task
of systematically digitizing the mural paintings in the
temples of Tamil Nadu and making them freely available
at their website. Theirs is a labour of love and will be
received with affection by Tamils living in many lands
and across distant seas."
more |
8 August 2006 Tamil National Forum
Sanmugam Sabesan -
த(க)ண்ணீருக்கும் அப்பால்.... "..,தமிழீழ
விடுதலைப் புலிகள் இயக்கத்தை விட்டு கருணா பிரிந்த பின்பு
தென்தமிழீழத்தில் புலிகளின் பலம் குறைந்து விட்டது என்ற
கருத்தை அரச ஊடகவியலாளர்களும், சில அரசியல் ஆய்வாளர்கள்
பரப்பி வந்தார்கள். இன்று இந்த சமர் கருணா என்பது ஒரு மாயை
என்பதை மீண்டும் நிரூபித்து விட்டது...."
2. Oru Paper -
A Nice Little War "It is the old story about the
losing gambler: he cannot stop. He continues to play, in
order to win his losses back. He continues to lose and
continues to gamble, until he has lost everything: his
house, his wife, his shirt... it is much easier to
start a war than to finish one. President Rajapakse�s
government believes that it controls the war, but in
reality it is the war that controls them... Sri
Lankan government got carried away by the floods that
they themselves have let loose. That is what happened
this week, following the battle of Mavil Aaru...."
more |
7 August 2006
Sinhala Buddhist Chauvinism - the Record Speaks to include
6 August 2006
1. "Now they (the LTTE) are
running without their shoes. Very soon their pants will
go too. There will be no LTTE or watch posts soon. (We
will) flatten the LTTE ..The IPKF got rid of the hard
core elements. What is left (of the LTTE) is the baby
brigade of young boys and girls. They will wet their
pants when they meet my armed forces..."
Sinhala Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, Ranjan
Wijeratne, 15 July 1990
- 16 years ago
2. "...Linking of the land based
Main Supply Route (MSR) to Jaffna through Killinochchi
would be achieved by February 4, next year - I will
shake hands with Pirabaharan after we defeat him. Those
who scoff at our plans are in for a shock.." -
Sinhala Sri Lanka Deputy Defence Minister, General
Ratwatte, 14 December 1997 - 9
years ago |
6 August 2006
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka - Norwegian Peace Initiative
to include
6 August 2006 Tamil National Forum to include
4 August 2006 Armed
Struggle for Tamil Eelam -
Reports on Armed Conflict
LTTE over run
17 Sri Lanka Army Camps in Muthur - Video News
2 August 2006 Song of the Week
நடடா ராசா மயிலைக்காளை நல்ல நேரம் வருகுது..
2 August 2006 Tamil National Forum to include
1. A Concerned Tamil
from USA -
re International
Federation of Tamils letter to UNICEF on Child Soldiers "...I do
not know how the IFT can say that 'Enlisting children under the age of 18 years
by armed groups is not a breach of the Optional Protocol' when Article 4
of the Optional Protocol of the Convention on the Rights of the Child reads:
"4(1). Armed groups that are distinct from the armed forces of a State should
not, under any circumstances, recruit or use in hostilities persons under the
age of 18 years." together with
Comment by
Sanmugam Sabesan from Australia
ஹிட்லரும் மகிந்தவும் |
1 August 2006 Tamils - a Trans State
Nation to include
News &
Whats New Archives -
July 2006 |