30 September 2005
பொங்கு தமிழ் - Pongu Thamil
யாழில் நடைபெற்ற பொங்கு தமிழ் நிகழ்வின் ஒலித்தொகுப்புக்கள்
தமிழ்த் தேசியக் கூட்டமைப்பின் யாழ். மாவட்ட நாடாளுமன்ற உறுப்பினார்
கஜேந்திரகுமார் பொன்னம்பலம்
ஆற்றிய உரை.
International Federation of Tamils to Yarl Pongu Thamizh...
"..அன்பு பொங்கும் யாழ் பொங்குதமிழ் சமூகமே!, உங்கள் பொங்கு
தமிழ் எழுச்சி எட்டுத்திக்கும் பரவும் வகை செய்வோம்!
இலங்கைத்தீவின் வடக்குக்கிழக்குத் தமிழீழத் தாயகம்
பொங்குதமிழின் எழுச்சியினால் சிவந்து கிடப்பதை உணர்வுடனும்,
உரிமையுடனும் போற்றி, இன்றைய யாழ் பொங்குதமிழ் எழுச்சி வெற்றி
பெற அனைத்துலக தமிழ் சமூகம சார்பில்
வாழத்துகின்றோம்...தமிழர்களின் தாகம் தமிழீழத் தாயகம்.."
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30 September 2005
International Frame of Struggle for Tamil Eelam -
European Union Declaration to include
ஐரோப்பிய ஒன்றியமும் விடுதலை புலிகளும்
- Thinakural Editorial
30 September 2005
Against Sri Lanka
to include
29 September 2005
Mannikkavasagar's Thiruvasagam - 8th Thirumurai:
மாணிக்க வாசகர் அருளிய திருவாசகம் to include
Keeran - Six Lectures on
lecture 1
lecture 2
lecture 3
lecture 4
lecture 5
lecture 6
28 September 2005
Tamils - a Trans State Nation:
Pongu Thamizh in Tamil Eelam & Around the World Gathers Momentum ...
to include
27 September 2005
International Frame of Struggle for Tamil Eelam
- to include
European Union Declaration condemning Terrorism in Sri Lanka
together with response by International Federation of Tamils
27 September 2005
National Forum - Sanmugam Sabesan to include
பதினேழும், நவம்பர் இருபத்தியேழும்!
25 September 2005
Lanka:Time is Running Out - Nadesan Satyendra,
26 years ago on 13 October 1979
"..What does it matter who arrived first?
Or is it the position that those who arrived later should be
dumped into the sea? Or for that matter are the late
arrivals to be discriminated against on the ground that they
are late arrivals? Does it matter that some are regarded as
invaders, and some others as settlers? Are we to visit the
sins of the so called invaders on their descendants born
centuries later and on generations yet unborn? Or is it that
the descendants of these invaders have inherited a certain
propensity towards invasive habits and should therefore be
kept in a state of semi-subservience? Is that the path to a
united Sri Lanka? ...The pursuit of historical first causes
leads us only to pre historic man... In a
Parliamentary Democracy where political parties vie with one
another to bid for the support of the people at the broadest
common denominator, the highest bidder no doubt wins but
often, the long term losers are the people themselves... in
the end, everything depends on what the people of Sri Lanka
themselves want to do - and time is running out..."
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25 September 2005
Tamil Nation
Library - Eelam Section
to include
Evolution of an Ethnic Identity, The Tamils in Sri
Lanka: C 300 BCE to 1200 CE - Dr. K. Indrapala:
Book Review by Parasakthy
Sundharalingam "...Prof. Indrapala�s book has
come at a critical period in the history of Sri Lanka, when
the two ethnic groups are at the "parting of ways" Is
it a harbinger of peace or has it arrived rather late?..
He says: 'My aim here is to explore the past in order to
understand how the Tamils of Sri Lanka (as well as the
Sinhalese) came to be what they are. Their political claims
that led to the current conflict are to be judged in terms
of accepted universal Human Rights and not in terms of their
past in the Island. The deeper one delves into Sri Lankan
history, the more will one find how much the Tamils and
Sinhalese have shared history and culture and common
descent.' "
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24 September 2005
23 September 2005
Conflict Resolution: Sri Lanka - Tamil Eelam to include
Sri Lankan State neither has the will nor the ability to
negotiate with the LTTE in good faith - Tamil National
Alliance "Under Article 2 of the agreement captioned
"Measures to restore normalcy," the GOSL agreed to several
important conditions. Namely, to vacate all school buildings
and return them for the intended use; the return of all
other public buildings to their intended use; to review the
security measures and set-up of checkpoints, particularly in
densely populated cities and towns, in order to introduce
systems that will prevent harassment of the civilian
population; to lift all restrictions on day and night
fishing except in certain designated areas. To date, the
GOSL is yet to comply with these provisions despite three
and a half years having lapsed since the signing of the CFA.
As a result, hundreds of thousands of civilians are unable
to resettle and continue to languish as refugees in camps
under miserable condition, and are unable to freely pursue
their livelihood...In the meantime, the disarming of
paramilitary forces as mandated by the Article 1.8 of the
CFA by the GOSL did not take place..
Rising Challenge - Tamil Guardian "...Whereas to the
international community and the island�s minorities,
federalism is not division, to the Sinhala
ultra-nationalists bearing Mahinda Rajapakse aloft, it most
certainly is. Even if Ranil Wickremesinghe wins � an
increasingly unlikely proposition � the Sinhala nationalists
will yet undermine the peace process. The ignominious fate
of the Post-Tsunami Operational Management Structure
(P-TOMS) is likely to befall every advance in the peace
Agreement between JVP and Sri Lanka Prime Minister &
SLFP Presidential Nominee, Mahinda Rajapakse
"It is hereby declared that the Post-Tsunami Operational
Management Structure which was signed between the Government
of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tamil Tiger Eelam (herein
after referred to as LTTE) on the 24th June 2005 shall
not be reactivated, enforced or implemented in whatsoever
manner ... it is agreed hereby not to grant Interim
Self-governing Authority or any such political or
administrative structure to LTTE or to hold negotiations
with LTTE on that basis...."
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22 September 2005
One Hundred
Tamils of the 20th Century - Subramaniam
to include
on 75th Birth Anniversary by International Federation of Tamils
- "ஆங்கில ஊடகராக, சிவா ஐயா,
உலக ஊடக நீர்ப் படுகையில் கலங்கரைச் சுற்றொளி பாய்ச்சிய பெருமைக்கு
உரியவராவார். அகவை 75ஐ இந்த மாதம் நிறைவு கண்டிருக்கும் இந்தத்
தமிழ்த் தேசிய உணர்வாளர், தமிழீழத் தேசிய விடுதலைப் போருக்கு உலக
சமத்துவ ஆதரவையும் மானுட தர்ம நியாயத்தையும் அனைத்துலக மட்டத்திலே
திரட்டித்தரும் பணியில் முனைப்பாக ஈடுபட்டவர். .."
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22 September 2005
Reflections to include
quoting Velupillai Pirabakaran at Leader for All Seasons
Book Release in Melbourne, Australia, November 2004 -
"வரலாறு என்பது மனிதனுக்கு அப்பாற்பட்ட ஒரு தெய்வீக
சக்தியன்று. அது மனிதனின் தலைவிதியை நிர்ணயித்துவிடும்
சூத்திரப் பொருளுமன்று. வரலாறு என்பது மனித செயற்பாட்டுச்
சக்தியின் வெளிப்பாடு. மனிதனே வரலாற்றைப் படைக்கின்றான்.
மனிதனே தனது தலைவிதியை நிர்ணயிக்கின்றான்."
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21 September 2005
Tamils - a Trans State Nation:
Thamizh in Tamil Eelam & Around the World to include
20 September 2005
International Relations in the
Age of Empire to include
Intelligence Brief: Norway - Dr. Michael A. Weinstein "Norway's
political landscape underwent a seismic shift in the
September 12 elections, in which the center-left Red-Green
coalition gained a majority of seats..Given the sharp
increase in support for both the center-left and the
populist right, the verdict of the elections was a judgment
against the market model championed by Washington and
London, and in favor of the social model..."
more |
20 September 2005
Conflict Resolution: Sri Lanka - Tamil Eelam to include
of the Tokyo Donor Conference - Statement issued US Embassy in Colombo
"..The future of Sri Lanka lies in the hands of the people of Sri Lanka. The
forthcoming elections are a time of political choice in Sri Lanka. It is natural
that there will be vigorous debate on the best way forward in the peace process.
The Co-Chairs look to all parties to refrain from violence and from statements
and acts that could undermine progress toward the peaceful resolution of the
conflict after the elections..."
Election In Sri Lanka: Tweedledum & Tweedeldee? - Sam
Rajappa in the Statesman ".. The disarray in the SLFP
and the People�s Alliance has only sharpened the
polarisation in Sri Lankan polity. Taking advantage of the
situation, Wickremasinghe, the UNP candidate, has exposed
his Sinhala mindset by promising to usher in a
Prarakaramabahu era if voted President. Prarakaramabahu was
a Sinhala king credited with unifying the country by the
sword. For the non-Sinhala, non-Buddhist people of Sri
Lanka, the choice is between tweedle-dum and tweedle-dee..."
more |
18 September 2005
"...In all regions of the world conflicts
turn violent over the desire for full control by state
governments, on the one hand, and claims to
self-determination (in a broad sense) by peoples,
minorities or other communities, on the other. Where
governments recognise and respect the right to
self-determination, a people can effectuate it in a peaceful
manner. Where governments
choose to use force to crush or prevent the movement, or
where they attempt to
assimilationist policies against the wishes of a people,
this polarises demands and generally
results in armed conflict. The Tamils, for example, were
not seeking independence and were not using violence in the
1970s. The government response
to further deny the Tamil people equal expression of their
distinct identity led to armed confrontation and a war
of secession..."
UNESCO International Conference of Experts,
Barcelona 1998 |
17 September 2005
Conflict Resolution: Sri Lanka - Tamil Eelam to include
President Kumaratunge & Mr.Jayantha
Dhanapala in US September 2005 - A Search for Justice
or Power?
Sri Lanka Peace Process:
Role of the International Community
- Jayantha
Dhanapala - US Congressional Briefing, 8 September 2005
together with comments by

Response to Jayantha Dhanapala - Victor
Rajakulendran from Australia
Dhanapala: Defending the Indefensible
- Ana Pararajasingham from Australia
International Community and Sri Lanka: Playing a Modest Hand
Better - Teresita C. Schaffer, US Congressional
Briefing, 8 September 2005
Sri Lanka Peace Process: Problems & Prospects -
Jayantha Dhanapala at Asia Society, 12 September 2005
Main Stream Exrtremism - Peace Process faces Difficult
Future - Tamil Guardian, 12 September 2005
ஜயந்த தனபாலவின்
- Thinakural, 13 September 2005
For Larger Freedoms: Pursuit of Peace in Sri Lanka -
President Chandrika Kumaratunga at Asia Society, New York,14
September 2005
the United Nations General Assembly: President
Chandrika Kumaratunga - Vulnerable Democracies & Terrorism,
15 September 2005
Recognising the Lankan Peace Process? Role of the
International Community - LTTE Peace Secretariat, 16 September 2005
An embodiment of antimony - Thamilchelvan on Kumaratunga's
speeches in New York, 17 September 2005 |
15 September 2005
Tamils - A
Trans State Nation: Australia to include
Virginia Judge MP (Strathfield) speaks out on Sri Lanka:
Civil, Political and Economic Rights, 15 September
2005 "...Before I left Sydney, the editorial advisor and
head of the Australian Bureau of the Asian Tribune alleged I
was carrying nearly $100,000,00 cash into Sri Lanka. If
true, this would have meant I had broken Australian law as
well as placing my life in danger. I believe this was a
covert effort to try to scare me from visiting Sri Lanka.
Thankfully I did not fall for this pathetic attempt and I
was able to witness for myself the suffering of this proud
people as well as their determined efforts to rebuild their
community. The Tamils are a resilient people. I observed
that in a remarkable three year period the Tamils developed
a virtual state within the north and north-east of Sri
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14 September 2005
Tamil National Forum
Sachi Sri Kantha
writes from Japan
On the Notoriety and Nitty Gritty of Hit Lists
"... As for any commodity, hit lists are of
two types; the real and the fake. Simple common sense
dictates that if the LTTE indeed has a hit list, it cannot
continue to be a lively organization, if its purported hit
list is in the files of every media organization ..
Fake hit lists are very much in demand in the political
theater... (and) are mostly manufactured by lazy crooks in
the media, from the feeds of underground skunks..."
more |
12 September 2005
Conflict Resolution: Sri Lanka - Tamil Eelam
to include
Main Stream Exrtremism - Peace Process faces Difficult
Future "..The past few years of comparatively stable - at least in
the south - peace and international engagement have not invoked a spirit of
compromise in the Sinhala polity. On the contrary, mindsets have not changed at
all. The unkind and unwarranted criticism levelled at Norway is a case in point.
The Tamils are grateful for Norway�s diplomatic intervention, not because of any
latent bias, but because it was a sincere effort to end the war. ..
�Impartiality� in southern lexicon � unfortunately for Norway - means hostility
to the Tamil struggle. We note, with some interest, that not once has Mr.
Wickremesinghe risen to defend the Norwegians� indefatigable efforts against the
JVP�s bile..."
more |
8 September 2005
Tamil National Forum
Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia
தனமா? - சீ-தனமா?
"...தமிழ்ப் பெண்ணைப் பூச்சூடிப் -
பொட்டு வைத்து -பொன் நகையால் அலங்கரித்து - பட்டு உடுத்தி,
பாட்டெழுதி மெட்டமைத்து, போற்றிப் பாடிப்புகழ்ந்து வந்தாலும்
�பெண்அடிமை� என்ற பிற்போக்குவாதச் சிந்தனையின்
அடிப்படையில்தான் எமது தமிழ்ப் பெண் இனம் வாழ்ந்து(?)
வந்திருக்கிறது. அப்படிப்பட்ட சமுதாயச் சீர்கேட்டுக்
கொடுமைகளின் வெளிப்பாடு ஒன்றுதான் கட்டாயச் சீதனத்தின்
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4 September 2005
"War does not determine who is right -
only who is left" - Bertrand Russell, quoted in New
Internationalist, August 2005 |
3 September 2005
Democracy, Sri Lanka Style
to include
J. S. Tissainayagam -
De Constructing Lakshman Kadirgamar �the best foreign
minister the country ever had.�
"..Kadirgmar was not a tortured soul uncomfortable with
Sinhala hegemony as well as Tiger militarism and wracked by
shades of intellectual doubt as to where he belonged. He
pitched his camp firmly among the forces interested in
debilitating the self-respect and power-base of Tamils,
hoping perhaps that eventually a rump Tamil leadership could
come to some sort of accommodation with the Sinhalese. This
is why after his death the Venerable Ellawela Medananda
thero can call him �the best foreign minister the country
ever had.�
3 September 2005
Relations in the Age of Empire to include
Behind the Invasion of Iraq - Revised
"The euro now poses a credible alternative to the status of
the dollar as the global reserve currency, threatening
the US�s crucial ability to fund its deficits by soaking up
the world�s savings. The US anticipates that the capture
of Iraq, and whatever else it has in store for the region,
will directly benefit its corporations (oil, arms,
engineering, financial) even as it shuts out the
corporations from other imperialist countries. Further,
it intends to prevent the bulk of petroleum trade being
conducted in euros, and thus maintain the dollar�s supremacy...."
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1 September 2005
Awards, Reviews &
Listings to include
1 September 2005
Tamil Nation
Library - Politics
to include
Tommy Koh (Editor), Li Lin Chang (Editor)
The Little Red Dot: Reflections by Singapore's Diplomats
"...there is a saying that diplomats must listen twice as
much as they talk because we are in the business of
understanding and collecting information and not giving it
away. Silences in a conversation, especially in a one-on-one
situation, put great pressure on both parties to break the
embarrassing silence. I have learnt over time to resist the
temptation in order to encourage the other. It led to many
interesting conversations..."
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