29 April 2006
Reflections to
�One man does not assert the truth which he
knows, because he feels himself bound to the people with whom he is engaged;
another, because the truth might deprive him of the profitable position by which
he maintains his family; a third, because he desires to attain reputation and
authority, and then use them in the service of mankind; a fourth, because
he does not wish to destroy old sacred traditions; a fifth, because he has
no desire to offend people; a sixth, because the expression of the truth would
arouse persecution, and disturb the excellent social activity to which he has
devoted himself...�
Leo Tolstoy
on Truth
28 April 2006
International Relations in the Age of Empire
A Lesson in Foreign
Policy: When China taught Vietnam a Lesson with US Support -
Zbingniew Brzezinski, former US National Security Adviser "..The
Chinese did not give us a precise date for the forthcoming "educational
experience" that they were planning for Vietnam.... I developed a proposal that
the United States should criticize the Chinese for their military action but
should couple that criticism with a parallel condemnation of the Vietnamese for
their occupation of Cambodia, and demand that both China and Vietnam pull out
their forces. I knew that such a proposal would be totally unacceptable to
the Vietnamese and to the Soviets, and hence would provide a partial
diplomatic umbrella for the Chinese action without associating the United States
with it... The Chinese learned in the course of the three critical weeks
that they now had a reliable friend: they could confide in us, we could keep
a secret, and our public reaction - formally critical but
substantively helpful - was firm and consistent..."
[comment by
tamilnation.org -
If countries do not have permanent friends but only permanent
interests, and if diplomats are 'honest' men and women who lie on behalf of
their country, then it seems that diplomacy is about lying and at the same
time being credible. In the felicitous language of Zbigniew
Brzezinski, it is a matter of a judicious use of 'form' and
'substance'. It is a matter of being 'clever' - not being truthful.
But then
truth, after all, is a
pathless land - and is related to the frame through which you view the
world. It is simply that some of us may have a
different frame
through which we view the world.]
Project for the New American Century
"...American land power is the essential link in the chain that translates U.S.
military supremacy into American geopolitical pre eminence......In Southeast
Asia, American forces are too sparse to address rising security requirements
adequately... No U.S. strategy can constrain a Chinese challenge
to American regional leadership if our security guarantees to Southeast Asia are
intermittent and U.S. military presence a periodic affair. For this reason,
an increased naval presence in Southeast Asia, while necessary, will not be
sufficient... For operational as well as political reasons, stationing
rapidly mobile U.S. ground and air forces in the region will be required
...Since today�s peace is the unique product of American pre eminence, a failure
to preserve that pre eminence allows others an opportunity to shape the world in
ways antithetical to
American interests and principles...."
more |
27 April 2006
Sri Lanka Attack
on Tamil Civilian Population Centres: a War Crime "war crimes" means
intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or
against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities..."
Rome Statute of
the International Criminal Court Article 2(e)(i)

Federation of Tamils calls upon the International Community to condemn and
censure Sri Lanka's war crime & gross breach of the CFA "The
'retaliatory action' directed on civilian targets in Trincomalee-Batticaloa
areas on 25-26 April are the actions of a terrorist state intent on
terrorising the Tamil people into submission..."
Sri Lankan Air force bombs Tamil populated Muthur
"..Many areas in the region are virtually a sea of rubble after the intensive
attack. Apart from bombs dropped in six different (Sri Lanka) air force
sorties, there were at least 80 shells by the (Sri Lanka)Navy and over 160
shells by the (Sri Lanka) Army. ..The casualty toll may go up when all the
debris and rubble are cleared. ... Some of the victims had died because of
bleeding caused by the wounds.. 43,158 people from 10,718 families are
currently displaced in Trincomalee district.. A human tragedy may occur if
their needs are not met on time..."
3. Humanitarian Laws of Armed Conflict? What Laws?
Tamil Civilian
Population Centres In Trincomalee Under Non-Stop Attack by Sri Lanka Armed
Forces -
"Dr. Kohona, the Director-General of the
Sri Lanka government Peace Secretariat said the navy shelling and air strikes
should not be counted as violation of CFA. He called it a fair reply to
the suicide bomb blast earlier in the day in Colombo (on a military target).
Condoning the attack on Sampur and adjoining villages in Trincomalee... the
Sri Lanka Peace Secretariat boss called the attack by state armed forces on its
unarmed civilians, justifiable... The International community,
neighbouring India and the so-called Co-Chairs and the Diplomatic community in
Colombo have not thundered "Halt!" nor denounced the violation of the
humanitarian laws of armed conflict by the Sri Lanka State."
Rehabilitation Organisation (TRO)
Appeal for Internally Displaced
(to ICRC, UNHCR, Bilateral and Multilateral donors) for humanitarian
assistance to the War IDPs. ""..Thousands of persons from Ralkuli,
Kadakaraichchenai, Senaiyoor, Sampoor, Ilakkanthai, Sudaikuda, Paddalipuram and
Upparu in the Trincomalee district have been displaced due to the ongoing air,
sea, and ground attacks by the Security Forces of Government of Sri Lanka. The
IDPs affected by the previous week�s communal violence are also streaming into
LTTE controlled areas from the government controlled areas. The number of IDPs
has passed the 30,000 mark and continues to rise. Due to extensive and
continuous shelling and bombing the relief and rescue efforts are being severely
hampered and travel to the affected areas to carry out humanitarian work has
been nearly impossible..." |
25 April 2006 Tamil
National Forum Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia -
நாட்டுப்பற்றாளர் தினம்-அன்னை பூபதி ஒரு குறியீடு!
23 April 2006 Revised
An Overview of the
Struggle for Tamil Eelam - Nadesan Satyendra
"....If democracy means the rule of the people, by the
people, for the people, then the principle of self determination secures that no
one people may rule another...The struggle for Tamil Eelam is about giving
effect to the will of the Tamil people
expressed by their leader S.J.V.Chelvanayagam in 1975 and reinforced
by the mandate that they gave the Tamil United Liberation Front in 1977, and
reiterated in the
Manifesto of the Tamil National Alliance in 2001. It is also about
reversion of sovereignty - a sovereignty that the Tamil people enjoyed
before the British unified the administration of the island of Sri Lanka in
However, the struggle for Tamil Eelam is not about a search
for historical first causes - a search that will end in the stone age and in a
discussion about original sin. Nor is the struggle for Tamil Eelam an invitation
to engage in the politics of the last atrocity - a pursuit which leads to brave
speeches, retaliation and
more atrocities.
The struggle for
Tamil Eelam is about the democratic right of the people of Tamil Eelam to
govern themselves in their homeland - nothing less and nothing more. It is about
freedom from
alien Sinhala rule. It is not about securing benevolent Sinhala rule.
It is about securing a legal framework where two free peoples may
associate with one another in equality, in freedom and in peace. The
demand for Tamil Eelam is not negotiable. But an independent Tamil Eelam
will and indeed, must, negotiate. And here, there will be everything to
negotiate about. There is a need to telescope two processes - the emergence of
an independent Tamil Eelam and the emergence of a free,
inter dependent association of Tamil Eelam and Sri Lanka. The European
Union, structured albeit after two world wars, stands as an example of what the
Tamil people and Sinhala people in the island of Sri Lanka may be able to
achieve - but we will need to dig deep to find common ground..."
more |
22 April 2006 Selected
Writings - M.Thanapalasingham to include
20 April 2006
International Relations in the Age of Empire to include
Power & Interests News Report (PINR) -
Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC): A Potential Playground for
Power Politics - Dr. Sreeradha Datta "At the Dhaka
meeting of its Standing Committee held on April 10-11, 2006, the member states
of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (S.A.A.R.C.) agreed in
principle to admit the U.S. and South Korea as "observers." This move comes
against the background of the earlier decision taken during the summit meeting
in November 2005 to bestow a similar status to China and Japan. The European
Union has also shown its interest for a similar status. In short, major global
economic players are too eager to be formally associated with S.A.A.R.C. ... why
is there a sudden rush for "observer" status?... While all of these
extra-regional powers are economic powerhouses, their political calculations are
different and often in competition. While all of them maintain close
economic ties with India, some of them maintain political soft corners for
states that at times have adversarial relations with New Delhi. ... In short
... expansion ...also entails a new great power rivalry in South Asia..."
more |
20 April 2006
Sri Lanka's War on Eelam Tamils - in the Shadow of a Ceasefire
Sri Lanka's Shadow War - Australian SBS Dateline Presented by George Negus"...
now, in what was already a complex conflict, a new, third force has emerged.
Dubbed the 'paramilitaries', they're accused of attacking the Tamil Tigers as a
proxy force for the government. The government denies this, countering that the
so-called paramilitaries are a fiction concocted by Tiger propagandists. So
what's the real story? Here's Dateline's Aaron Lewis. And a warning that some
sequences in Aaron's report could upset some out there. ... And while the Sri
Lankan Government is either unwilling or unable to remove the paramilitaries
from this conflict, then a return to full-scale war seems inevitable.."
19 April 2006 Human
Rights & the Tamil People
19 April 2006
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka
Tamils Are Being Slaughtered How Can We Sit and Talk? -
Director-General, Peace Secretariat, LTTE
"Our people are killed; they are driven out of their traditional homes and
villages; their houses are burnt down; Tamil business establishments are
targeted; businessmen singled out for murder; the paramilitaries are on a
rampage; When all these are taking place, how could anyone expect us to proceed
to Geneva? |
18 April 2006 Tamil National Forum -
to include
Father Chandiravarman
Sinnathurai on
Thamil Tāyi - தமிழ் தாய்

"60 year old Somasuntharam Maheswary was knifed
to death by Sinhala thugs in Trincomalee on 15 April 2006. She was
attending religious duties at Nadesar Temple when a group of Sinhala thugs
dragged her from the temple premises and cut her. Her body was later found on
the road and handed over to the mortuary of the Trincomalee general hospital." -
Sri Lanka State orchestrated violence raises spectre of 1983
pogrom says Tamil National Alliance
"Haunted and hunted
There she lies in her mother soil
Knifed on the back�
Her blood spills on the ground
Murdered for the crime
Of being born a Thamil Tāyi
She falls kissing the soil
Alone; alone she dies
In the hands of the mob
It�s neither the gun nor the knife
Its racism that took her life!
She might be�
Some one�s mother or a sister
Or some one�s belov�d wife
She could even be a motherless child
But one thing for sure;
She�s a Thamil Tāyi...
For the world at large
She�s another fatality..
Just another Human rights breach
Which is better not talked about
Because she is not part of
�The power bloc�
Hypocrisy�s mental block!"
Human rights! Human wrongs!
By her death silence�
She teaches the world
NOT to keep quiet
About the plight of the
Eelam Thamils
She lies in her mother soil
As a nameless Thamil Tāyi
more |
16 April 2006 Easter Sunday
"... everyone is responsible for
everything that happens in life. When you produce peace and happiness in
yourself, you begin to realize peace for the whole world. With the smile that
you produce in yourself, with the conscious breathing you establish within
yourself, you begin to work for peace in the world. To smile is not to smile
only for yourself; the world will change because of your smile. When you
practice sitting meditation, if you enjoy even one moment of your sitting, if
you establish serenity and happiness inside yourself, you provide the world with
a solid base of peace. If you do not give yourself peace, how can you share
it with others?" -
A Contemporary Zen master quoted by Mu Soeng Sunim in
Ancient Buddhist Wisdom in the Light of Quantum Reality
16 April 2006 One
Hundred Tamils of the 20th Century
Anton S.
Balasingham to include
Adele Ann on Meeting Balasingham - "...It all began when I
married a Tamil man, Anton Balasingham, from the island of Sri Lanka, in 1978.
In that union, I married the collective consciousness and history of a people: a
man who embodied the Tamil psyche with all its strengths and weaknesses.
greatness and failings. That history took me to live in the society and culture
of one of the world's oldest Eastern civilisations: in the land of the ancient
historical origins of his people, Tamil Nadu, the Southern Dravidian state of
more |
16 April 2006 Tamil National Forum - to
14 April 2006 Good Friday
have been convicted and sentenced, a very distressing experience. But I still
believe I was right to make the stand that I did and refuse to follow orders to
deploy to Iraq - orders I believe were illegal. I am resigned to what may happen
to me in the next few months. I shall remain resilient and true to my beliefs
which, I believe, are shared by so many others... To comply with an order that I
believe unlawful places me in breach of domestic and international law,
something I am not prepared to do. The invasion and occupation of Iraq is a
campaign of
imperial military conquest
and falls into the category of criminal acts...I still have two great loves in
life - medicine and the RAF. To take the decision that I did caused great
sadness, but I had no other choice."
Doctor, RAF officer, and now war criminal - Flt Lt Malcolm Kendall-Smith on
being jailed for refusing to serve in Iraq, 13 April 2006
more |
14 April 2006 Conflict
Resolution in the Age of Empire to include
From Conflict
Resolution to Conflict Transformation: The Role of Dialogue Projects - Dr.
Norbert Ropers, Berghof Foundation "..the dialoguing skills of
official 'Track 1' diplomacy have all too often been driven into the
background by the constraints of power politics and realpolitik.
Representatives of non-official 'Track 2' diplomacy, by contrast, have
instead chosen to place communication, direct encounters and mutual
understanding centre-stage... But ... Even if comprehension and
understanding are achieved between influential persons within the framework of a
workshop or series of workshops, does the success of the whole enterprise not
rather depend on how the follow-up is managed?.. And lastly: do adherents
of the dialogue method not run the danger of fundamentally overestimating the
importance of communication in dealing with conflicts? The ultimate concerns
of most disputes, after all, are .. tangible conflicts of interest,
structural factors and the struggle for power and influence. It would seem,
then, that dialogues must be put in the context of the overall dynamics of
conflict and conflict transformation..."
more |
13 April 2006 One
Hundred Tamils of 20th Century to include
1. S. Jothiratnam
Uncle Raja's Views, as I see them "..It is not by
ignoring race and ethnic identity that racial harmony is constructed, but by
transcending the former while building upon the latter - in this construction,
it must never be forgotten that what is being encouraged is the formation of an
individual's identity within a communal context (which, even according to
Aristotle, is a psychologically desirable entity).. The ideal model of that most
elusive of quarries, multiculturalism, is not the overused, and rather
inappropriate, metaphor of the all-effacing melting pot, but rather that of the
stew pot, in which each component maintains its individual identity while
simultaneously enhancing the flavour of the whole dish..."more
2. C. Shanmuganayagam on
155th Birth Anniversary of Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan "...The
writer, who is now 86 years old, had the good fortune, as a schoolboy of 11
years, to listen to one of the last talks of Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan at the
Saiva Maha Sabha hall at Kandy in 1930. One still vividly remembers the stately
turbaned figure of the speaker beginning his English speech with a rendering of
Manickavasagar�s famous Tamil hymn: �Muthineri Ariyatha Moorkarodu
more |
13 April 2006 Tamil
National Forum to include
1.Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia
ஊடகவியலாளர் மகாநாடும், சுயநிர்ணய உரிமையும்
[together with English Translation]
2. Ivan Pedropillai
- Editor, Tamil Writer Guild, UK writes about the
Spider and the Fly � a
Cautionary Tale
"...After all these years of frustrated effort as a result of immutable
forces within the Sinhala polity, the co-chairs of the Sri Lanka and LTTE peace
talks will have to make an objective assessment of the political situation in
the country as well as the fundamental and historic factors that continue to
bedevil the current and crumbling peace agreement. It is axiomatic that the Sri
Lankan government will never allow even the agreed federalism to the Tamils,
because they will continue to be intimidated by the reactionary Sinhala Buddhist
forces prevailing in the country. Further talks with the Sinhala government will
only entrap the Tamils, just like how the spider dragged the fly up his winding
stair. .." more |
12 April 2006 Tamil
Language & Literature

to include Auvayar's
விநாயகர் அகவல்
(மூலமும் பு.பா.இரசபதி உரையும்)
11 April 2006
Tamil National Forum to include
An Exchange of Letters between
a Nephew in Colombo, Sri Lanka & an Uncle in United States about the Canadian
Ban on LTTE "..There are so many things, we as
onlookers, cannot comprehend, nor have the clout (financial or political) to
change or make a difference on such matters. Therefore, first and foremost,
it should be a person's resolve to continue whatever help one can to help our
people over there and not to get too agitated about such developments,
particularly in foreign countries... Personally, I am very sceptical about the
real impact of lobbying efforts overseas. Tamils� experience from Indira
Gandhi/Clinton to the present day, should tell us that every Ruler and Group and
country has a selfish Agenda ..."
2.Sachi Sri
Kanatha writes from Japan
Concerning Three Mules and Sister Rajani - A Rejoinder "I can
make two inferences. First, the links of UTHR (Jaffna) to JVP and its splinter
radical group has thus been established, from two independent Sinhalese sources,
who are also no LTTE sympathizers. In last January, even Susantha Goonetilleka
(a virulent anti-Tamil polemicist), whose wife was the then chief organizer of
UTHR activity, had corroborated this link. Secondly, by failing to confess on
this deceitful UTHR-JVP link for the past 16 years, Rajan Hoole and his coterie
have repeatedly attempted to hoodwink the Eelam Tamil public..."more |
4 April 2005 Tamil
National Forum
1. Father Chandi Sinnathurai writes from Tamil Eelam about
The Elephant
in the Room
expression "elephant in the room" refers to a situation where something major is
going on, it's on everyone's mind and impossible to ignore - like an elephant in
the room. But nobody talks about the "elephant" because nobody knows what to do
about it. It's along the same lines as "the emperor's new clothes." The
emperor's naked but nobody wants to be the first to say so� "
more2. Sanmugam Sabesan from Australia
about முட்டாள்கள்
தினம் - April Fools Day "தாய்மார்கள் தினம், தந்தையர் தினம், காதலர் தினம்,
மகளிர் தினம, உழைப்பாளிகள் தினம் - என்று இந்த உலகின் மனிதர்களுக்குப் பலவிதமான
தினங்கள் இருப்பது போலவே முட்டாள்களுக்கும் என்று ஒரு தினம் ஒதுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இதில் பிரச்சனை என்னவென்றால் மற்றைய �விசேட� தினங்களில் தமக்குப் பங்கிருப்பதாகக்
காட்டிக் கொள்கின்ற மனிதர்களில் எத்தனை பேர் இந்த �முட்டாள்கள் தினத்தில்� தமக்கும்
பங்கிருப்பதாக சொல்லிக் கொள்ள முன்வருவார்கள் என்பதுதான்!"..more
3. Sachi Sri Kantha from Japan -
Note to Images of Hindu Gods in Buddhist Temples by P.B.J.Hevawasam
"..The Sinhalese family name with the prefix �Pandara� or �Bandara� derives from
the medieval Hindu migrants from the Tamil Nadu belonging to the Pandaram clan
(non-Brahmanical priests), who opted to perform religious duties at the Hindu
temples. The religious and political influence of this Pandaram clan in shaping
the Sinhala Buddhist society during the past five centuries and how this
originally Tamil-speaking clan merged themselves into the Sinhalese society as
influence peddlers deserve a separate commentary..."
more |
2 April 2006
2 April 2006 Tamil
National Forum
Father Chandi Sinnathurai writes from Tamil Eelam on
Memories: A looking back (and on அறம் - Aaram and மறம் Maram)
"Dedicated to to all my dear friends and acquaintances who lost their lives in
this struggle for emancipation and especially Pirithiviraj who sat alongside me
to learn at the feet of Mathaiyasigham master, later as a teenager, and during
his struggle for sanity, killed himself by jumping-off Kallady Bridge,
Mattakalappu into the deep waters� With tears I remember each of them and
silently bow my head in honour of their memory.... 1)அறம் - Aram =
Righteousness 2) மறம் - Maram = Valour. There cannot be one without the other.
Yet they are distinct in its character and strength.... The latter without the
under girding of the first can blind us. There is equal strength in both.
Arundhati Roy quite rightly puts it into perspective:
Respect strength, never power.."
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