Special Focus:
28 February 2005 Spirituality & the
Tamil Nation -
Mannikkavasagar's Thiruvasagam - 8th Thirumurai
to include
Release of IIlayaraja's
Thiruvasagam -a symphony based on Manickavasagar's Tamil
verses on CD "...My aim was not to provide a new dimension
to the Tamil epic or to try and display my talents as a
musician. I wanted to take such treasures like
Thiruvasagam to the younger generation, and make them aware
of the rich traditions and culture in Tamil Nadu.."
more |
27 February 2005
One Hundred
Tamils of 20th Century - Professor C.J.Eliezer
to include
of a Tribute by Nadesan Satyendra at the Remembrance Meeting in
London in March 2001
27 February
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam-Sri Lanka
Tracking the Norwegian Conflict Resolution Initiative
to include
The Sangha & its Relationship to the Peace Process in Sri
Lanka - A Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign
Affairs by Iselin Frydenlund
"In the opinion of many monks, a
decentralized political structure – for example, along
federal lines – would contradict two basic tenets of
Buddhist teaching: Sri Lanka as a sacred land and the
Sinhala people as the protectors of Buddhism. This
Sinhala Buddhist ideology is powerfully promoted by
Buddhist pressure groups, which represent a numerically
small yet influential part of the Sinhala electorate.
The present study shows that previous peace processes in
Sri Lanka have been spoiled by various Buddhist pressure
groups that have opposed all attempts to devolve power
and to make concessions to the ethnic minorities. Such
groups are of considerable importance owing to their
easy access to the privately controlled Sinhala media,
and furthermore because they are organized across
internal divisions within the Buddhist monastic order,
the Sangha. In addition, several of the pressure groups
draw their members from both monks and laypeople, and
they are often associated with particular political
26 February 2005
Tamil Language &
to include
தமிழ்தான் தமிழருக்கு முகவரி! - அக்னிப்புத்திரன்,
Contributed by A.Thangavelu from Canada "...தமிழுக்கு வெளிப்
பகையை விட உட் பகைதான் எப்போதும் அதிகம். ..தமிழ்ச் சமூகம் தன்
அடையாளத்தை இழந்து விடக் கூடிய ஆபத்தான நிலையைக் கருத்தில்
கொண்டுதான் தமிழ்ப் பாதுகாப்பு இயக்கம் அதை மீட்ப்பிக்கும்
பணியில்தான் ஈடுபட்டு வருகின்றது. ஆங்கிலத்தைப் பயன்படுத்தக்
கூடாது என்று யாரும் கூறவில்லை ...(ஆனால்) ஒருவருக்குப் பெற்ற
தாய் எவ்வளவு முக்கியமோ அதுபோல ஒருவனுக்கு அவன் தாய் மொழி
மிகவும் அவசியம்.."
more |
26 February 2005
Tamil Heritage -
Tamils are an Ancient People t o
Dr.S.Jayabarathi from Malaysia
Valari - An
Unique Weapon of the Tamils -
25 February 2005
Spirituality & the Tamil Nation to
இராமலிங்க அடிகள் - வள்ளலார் - rAmalinga atikaL -
VaLLalAr "...It appears that
ThirumUlar (திருமுலர்)
planted the seeds for the personification of the indivisible
Sivan (Supreme Being) as love (அன்பும்
சிவனும் இரண்டென்பர் அறிவிலார்);
ThAyumAnavar (தாயுமானவர்)
nurtured these ideas to evolve the concept of equanimity of
all religions with his theory of SitthAn^tha Samarasam
(சித்தாந்தசமரசம்) ; rAmalingar (இராமலிங்கர்) made
them bear fruits with his philosophy of VEdhAn^tha
SitthAn^tha Samarasa SanmArkkam (வேதாந்த சித்தாந்த சமரச
more |
25 February 2005
Tamil National Forum to include
Sangarapillai Sampanthar, United Kingdom about Benny Hinn - " I had
not heard of Pastor Hinn, as he is called, until I came to Bangalore. There
was a lot of coverage and advertisements about his forthcoming Festival of
Blessings... One thing about prayer has always bothered me. Heaven must
surely be a better place than this world and Hell a worse place, though no
one to my knowledge has come back to tell us that. If that is so, why should
one pray to be cured of illnesses to prolong one’s stay in this world?
Should not the prayer be “Oh Lord, take me unto you as quickly as possible”?
Could it be that those who pray for good health and longevity are not truly
convinced that there is a better place for them to go to? Hence their desire
not to want to leave the place they know for an unknown and unknowable
Heaven but to want their situation here and now to be improved..."
Sanmugam Sabesan from Australia
on the
Third Anniversary of the Ceasefire in the Island of Sri
Lanka -
புரிந்துணர்வு ஒப்பந்தம் தந்த “புரிந்துணர்வு” என்ன?
23 February 2005
Tamil Heritage -
Tamils are an Ancient People to
Pallava Grantha Inscriptions of South East Asia - (c.7th century
onwards) contributed by Dr.S.Jayabarathi from Malaysia
21 February 2005
for Tamil Eelam
to include
மலரும் என்று, தனி நாடு கிடைக்கும் என்று.. இசை - தயாரிப்பு:
2. Tsunami
Disaster & the People of Tamil Nadu to include
Tsunami and the Ugly Relic of the Varna System
- V.B.Rawat "..Unfortunately, this
Tsunami, on whose destruction we all are crying, have not been
able to demolish the most powerful and destructive system of
caste in India. Perhaps, we need a stronger Tsunami to destroy
the ugly relic of caste system and racial discrimination from
our society. "
3. Tsunami
Disaster & the People of Tamil Eelam to include
Report from the NorthEast - Arjunan Ethirveerasingam and
Qualitative Assessment of Psycho-Social Issues Following the
Tsunami - Report prepared on behalf
of the Mental Health Task Force in Disaster - Dr Kate Danvers,
Prof. Daya Somasundaram, Dr S. Sivayokan, Dr Sivashankar
20 February 2005
Tamil Nation
Library - Eelam Section
to include
Book Review by M.Thanapalasingham from
Australia -
விழுதாகி வேருமாகி
.....போரியல் பதிவுகள்
"..தமிழ் ஈழமக்களின் சுயநிர்ணயப் போராட்டத்தின்
புறநிலைக்காரணிகளால் வடிவெடுத்த ஆயுதப்போராட்டத்தின் போரியல் பதிவுகளாக
லெப்.மாலதி படையணியின்
விழுதாகி வேருமாகி என்னும் போர்க் காவியம், போரியல் பதிவுகள், தமிழ்
மொழிக்கு புதியவை.
போரின் நாயகர்களான போராளிகளினால் எழுதப்பட்டது என்ற புதுமை ஒருபுறம்,
அதுவும் பெண்கள் படை அணியின் போரியலை, போர் நிகழ்வுகளை பெண் போராளிகளே
எழுதியுள்ள அற்புதம், விழுதாகி வேருமாகி என்னும் நூலாகும்...கேணல்
விதுஷாவின் மொழியில் கூறுவதாயின் "வரலாற்றை ஆக்கியோரின் வரலாறு " ஆகவும்
இந்நூல் அமைகின்றது..."
19 February 2005
From Matter to
Life to Mind... An Unfolding Consciousness
to include
19 February 2005
Diaspora - A Trans State Nation
பொங்கு தமிழ்
to include
18 February 2005
Tamil National Forum -
Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia
18 February 2005
Tamil Language &
Literature to include
T.Jeyakantan and his Short Story Collections in Unicode
"...JK is probably one of the greatest
post-independence Indian intellectuals and creative writers
in any Indian language, and ranks among the best in the
world. He has affirmed through his life and writings a broad
and noble humanism, deep spirituality, nobility and courage,
true patriotism and a fearless pursuit of intellectual
values and truth wherever these may lead him..." |
16 February 2005
Tamil National Forum to include -
16 February 2005
Eelam & Muslims
to include
Restored ancestral Tamil-Muslim affinity and solidarity is
the need of the time -
Abdul Jawath
and Muslims, principally by virtue of their mother
tongue and historical habitation of the East with
togetherness, have a commonality when it comes to
sharing power and enjoying freedom with equality in this
island and therefore we must make use of this
opportunity of restored ancestral Tamil-Muslim affinity
and solidarity that has been achieved now to strengthen
the ties between the two communities” said Mr.Abdul
Jawath, Vice President, Federation of Mosques and Muslim
Institutions, Kattankudy in a meeting on 14 Feb 2005
with the Head of the LTTE Political Division and other
senior commanders at Kokkaticholai in Batticaloa..."
15 February 2005
Tamil Language & Literature to include
பட்டுக்கோட்டை கல்யாணசுந்தரம் -
Pattukottai Kalyanasundaram: 1930 - 1959 - Biographical
Sketch, Complete Works and Online Audio Links
வளரணும், அறிவும் வளரணும்
அது தாண்டா வளர்ச்சி..."
14 February 2005
Tamils - a Trans State Nation
Tsunami Disaster Appeal to include
Tsunami Destruction in Tamil Eelam - Power Point Presentation
12 February 2005
Tamil Nation
Library - Eelam Section to include
Sri Lanka: Witness to History - A Journalist's Memoirs,
1930-2004 by S.Sivanayagam -
Book Launch in London
- you may buy this book online at:
was to me a year that was full of anxieties. I was 74
and had fallen victim to Myeloma as well; cancer of the
bone marrow, the doctors said. Cancer is a word that has
an unpleasant connotation to many ears, so I took
comfort in the fact that it was a musical sounding
affliction anyway. Besides, I seemed to have developed,
among other ailments, what is known as Writer's Cramp.
Having to live with constant deadlines could be
agonising, but living without them, rust could settle on
the mind. Life was getting torn between conflicts. There
was the need to see this book in print but there were
also immigration laws and visa problems to worry about.
Above all, there was a compelling yearning to escape
from the synthetic life of the West and its unfriendly
winters. Get back to the land of your birth, said my
inner self, however sordid the state of the land is. A
man's life, after all, should end where it began..."
11 February 2005
to include
"....I look up at the pictures on my
desk, next to the computer - pictures of my
grandchildren. I see the future looking back at me from
those photographs and I say, "Father, forgive us, for we
know not what we do." And then I am stopped short by the
thought: "That's not right. We do know what we are
doing..." Bill Moyers in No Tomorrow
10 February 2005
International Tamil
First International Conference Seminar of Tamil Studies, 1966 to
Elite Formation in 19th Century South India - An
Interpretative Analysis - Robert Eric Frykenberg
"Colloquial English 'for polite discourse and social
mixing' became a mark of social standing among emerging
elite groups.. Madras Presidency, oldest of the
Company presidencies in India, gained a reputation for
corruptness and for being 'different'. This was a
stigma which was never quite erased. ...As she expanded
from a coastal enclave into a vast territory of 132,000
square miles, twenty huge districts stretching across
the peninsula...she evolved her own Anglo-Indian
social order. The extent of indigenous
participation in the conquest and dominion of the
(East India) Company is often forgotten..."more
9 February 2005 One
Hundred Tamils of 20th Century -
Naa Govindasamy to include
Tribute at 7th Tamil Internet Conference,
Singapore, December 2004
- நா.கோவிந்தசாமி என்ற முன்னோடி"
உலகில் ஆங்கிலத்துக்கு
அடுத்தபடியாக தமிழ்மொழியில் தான் அதிக அளவில் இணையத்
தளங்கள். மனம் குதூகலிக்கிறது. இணையத்தில் முதலில் தமிழை
வலம் வரச் செய்த பெருமை யாருக்குரியது தெரியுமா? தமிழை
இணையத்தில் உதிக்க வைத்த பெருமை, சிங்கப்பூருக்குரியது.
தமிழர்கள் வாழும் பல நாடுகளுக்குக் கிடைக்காத பெருமை
சிங்கப்பூருக்குக் கிடைக்கக் காரணமாயிருந்தவரை இணைய உலகில்
வலம் வரும் எவரும் மறந்துவிட முடியாது. அவர் -
அமரர். நா.கோவிந்தசாமி!..more
6 February 2005
to include
"Until you do what you believe in,
you don't know whether you believe it or not."
- Tolstoy
4 February 2005
Commemorating Sri Lanka's 'Independence Day'
Sachi Sri Kantha from Japan revisits Kathiravelupillai's
Eelam Statement, 1973
2. Professor
Neil Devotta, Hartwick College, Oneonta, NY
in the
Journal of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and
From ethnic outbidding to ethnic conflict: the institutional bases
for Sri Lanka's separatist war"
".. Beginning in the mid-1950s Sri
Lanka's politicians from the majority Sinhalese
community resorted to
ethnic outbidding as a means to attain power and in
doing so
systematically marginalised the country's minority
Tamils... parties in power seek to promote dubious
conflict resolution only to be checkmated by the
respective opposition which typically claims that the
proposed solutions are bound to eventually dismember the
island. This has especially been evident in the past
decade as the Bandaranaikes' daughter, President
Chandrika Kumaratunga. has tried to accommodate some
Tamil demands when the coalition she leads has had a
majority in parliament but then sings a different tune
when her opponents control parliament. .."
Whats New Archive -
January 2005