Sri Lanka Style...
"...The progressive destruction
of the political process in Sri Lanka has led to both domestic
and international tolerance of an enormous amount of violence by
the government (regardless of party affiliation) against its
citizens. Increasingly, it seems that the government of Sri
Lanka is accountable to no one - not its citizens, and not its
foreign counterparts who rubber-stamped the recent parliamentary
elections. In Sri Lanka's current political climate, power
seems to be determined by the number of thugs a given politician
has at his/her disposal..."
Lanka's Elections 2000: Fear and Intimidation Rule the Day - An
Observer's Report - Laura Gross
சிலர் சிரிப்பார், சிலர் அழுவார்,
நமது மக்கள் அழுதுகொண்டே வாக்கழிப்பார்கள்
16 July 2009 |
Sri Lanka's Lawlessness - Basil
"A minister of the Sri Lankan government has publicly
claimed responsibility for the assassination of slain newspaper editor
Lasantha Wickrematunge and for the serious injuries caused to another well
known journalist, Poddala Jayantha. Yet no action has been taken against
14 July 2009 |
International Bar Association Human Rights Institute
Alarmed by Publication of Lawyers Names on Sri Lanka Defence Website
Lord Goodhart, who led the IBAHRI fact-finding mission to Sri Lanka, said, �The delegation was assured by the government officials it met with in Colombo that the �Who are the Human Rights Violators� article would be removed from the website. It is therefore extremely disappointing to see that not only has this not been done, but that the Ministry of Defence continues to publish articles which leave lawyers open to an increased threat of attack�. �Governments are required by international law to protect and promote the independence of lawyers and to ensure that they are able to perform their professional functions without intimidation or harassment�, said Justice Richard Goldstone, IBAHRI Co-Chair. �The IBAHRI urges the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defence to refrain from publishing any potentially inflammatory rhetoric against lawyers and to withdraw both the �Who are the Human Rights Violators?� and the �Traitors in black coats?� articles immediately.�
9 July 2009 |
Sri Lankan Tamil parties participate in sham local elections
26 June 2009 |
Sri Lanka Stages
Sham Local Elections
"..Having destroyed the last pockets of LTTE resistance, President Mahinda
Rajapakse has called the elections for August 8 to provide a democratic fa�ade
for a permanent military occupation and deflect criticism at home and
internationally of his criminal war. In the final months of the conflict, thousands of civilians were killed and tens
of thousands were injured as the army indiscriminately bombarded the remaining
LTTE-territory. Up to 300,000 Tamil civilians who fled the fighting are being
held in detention centres.The very existence of these huge internment camps near Vavuniya and Jaffna makes
a mockery of Rajapakse�s claims to be bringing �democracy� to the north. While
the government is flouting the constitutional and legal rights of hundreds of
thousands of detainees, it will hold an �election� in the nearby towns under the
control of the security forces."
26 June 2009 |
Sri Lanka astrologer
arrested for predicting President Rajapaksa's ejection from office |
21 June 2009 |
Sri Lanka President
Rajapaksa seeks extended term without elections |
1 May 2009 |
Justice in Retreat: A report on the independence of
the legal profession and the rule of law in Sri Lanka - An International Bar Association Human
Rights Institute Report
"The IBAHRI is disturbed by several reports of lower court judges being
arbitrarily threatened with removal from the bench or with baseless disciplinary or criminal proceedings.
These threats appear to have been carried out in some circumstances and have forced resignations in
others. The judiciary is currently vulnerable to two forms of political
influence: from the Government and from the Chief Justice himself. The
nature and degree of influence oscillates between the two and depends on the
relationship between them at the time."
17 December 2008 |
Sri Lanka President threatens Supreme Court judges |
19 July 2008 |
Sri Lanka Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka On Democracy and
the Beginning of the End |
1 June 2008 |
LTTE 'can
only be defeated by the guns, men and women of the Sri Lankan armed
forces' - Sri Lanka Ambassador Dayan Jayatilleka |
25 May 2008 |
Mahinda sticks to the Tiger he can handle |
27 December 2007 |
Tamil National Alliance to Challenge Proposed Batticaloa Poll |
12 December 2007 |
Sri Lanka para military holds Tamil Members of Parliament as
hostages and threatens MPs from voting against President Rajapakse's
budget |
21 November 2007 |
Attack on Sinhala Opposition Sri Lanka Sunday Leader - Multi Ethnic
Plural Society? |
18 November 2007 |
Members of Parliament threatened - not to vote against tomorrow�s
budget |
11 November 2007 |
The Karuna Affair - Sonali Samarasinghe in
the Sunday Leader
"I suggest let the government get
rid of Karuna, a liability and work with Pillayan and his men
who are more popular in the east than Karuna," Rajasingham had
proposed. The President according to the minutes then makes a
damning comment. States the minutes sent by Rajasingham on
Rajapakse's response; "HE said that he will take up the matter
with his defence people and do the needful."
28 October 2007 |
On Mahinda, JVP, International Community et al
Dr.Vickramabahu Karunaratne,
General Secretary, Nava Sama Samaaja Party ,
- Summary Translation of the Irudina
8 August 2007 |
Regime Change...
"MPs offered US$ 1million to vote against Government" says Home
Affairs Minister Karu Jayasuriya in Sri Lanka Parliament |
4 August 2007 |
Sinhala Policeman Assaults Hindu Pilgrims at Kathirgamam in
Southern Sri Lanka |
26 July 2007 |
Sinhala Sri Lanka Opposition competes with Sinhala Sri Lanka
President Rajapakse & makes its own naked appeal to
Sinhala chauvinism
24 April 2007 |
It is Just a Few Animals that Run the Farm - S. Jayahanthan
Sri Lankan state is not run by President Mahinda Rajapakse and the
parliament but instead by President Mahinda Rajapakse and his two
brothers, Gothabaya and Basil. It is like a farm having been taken
over by the animals from human beings with the humans left ejected
and now standing in the periphery. It reminds one of George Orwell's
classic, Animal Farm written in 1945..."
14 February 2007 |
Sinhala Politicians fall out, truth may out? - Sacked Sri Lanka
Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera & President Mahinda Rajapakse |
6 February 2007 |
Ranil: SLFP-UNP pact over, dark times ahead
�The Cabinet of Ministers have become
an international joke;
democracy is weakened; the decision making in the government
has been
limited to few. The role of the Parliament has been
de-valued,� Mr. Wickremsinghe said.
�The UNP thus finds it impossible to work with
the government in finding a solution to the issues referred to
in the MOU when the Government has broken this MOU.�
31 January 2007 |
BBC Report: Jumbo Cabinet pushed for Space
"The 53-member Sri Lankan cabinet is reported
to have postponed its first meeting because there is nowhere big
or secure enough for so many dignitaries. The official
reason for the postponement was "logistical difficulties".
But press reports almost unanimously conclude that the real
reason is because there is no room big enough for the country's
super-sized cabinet."
13 December 2006 |
Hatters Tea Party |
10 December 2006 |
'President faces new opposition' fears Sinhala owned Sri Lanka
Sunday Times |
20 November 2006 |
Why not
adhere to democratic values in all matters, big or small? - Simple
Simon in Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Daily Mirror |
18 October 2006 |
Sri Lanka's Illiberal 'Democracy' |
9 February 2006 |
of political power led to Judges resignations says Sri Lanka State
Bar |
13 January 2006 |
Free Media Movement
calls for Immediate Investigation into Complaint by Sunday Leader
Editor of threats by Sri Lanka President Rajapakse
"The seriousness of a mere allegation that the
President has allegedly used abusive and threatening language
against a senior Editor sends shock waves in the media community
and serves as a sombre reminder of the insecure and dangerous
situation that journalists in Sri Lanka have to face. The FMM
strongly defends the right to criticise stories published by
media provided all such criticisms are made within a democratic
framework. It behoves those holding the highest offices in Sri
Lanka to set an example by adhering to accepted democratic norms
and principles and help build a progressive media culture in Sri
6 January 2006 |
A confused, desperate President Rajapakse in political cuckooland -
Oru Paper Editorial
"..The President�s biggest blind spot
appears to be centred down the word �unitary�. He hugs the
word to his bosom as if it is some manthram needed to save the
Sinhala nation. Addressing a Press conference before his
departure to India, he said he wanted to study the Indian model
of devolution of power; as if he could not study it from
Colombo. ... The Tamils who are running their own government in
another part of the country have reason to laugh over President
Rajapakse�s great desire to grant them �maximum devolution�
through a unitary form of government..."
1 January 2006 |
to kill Head of Media Organisation |
27 November 2005 |

President Mahinda Rajapakse at
on 27 November 2005 |
23 November 2005 |
Anura Bandaranaike &
Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse

கண்ணோடு கண் நோக்கின்,
வாய்ச் சோற்களின் பயன் என்ன? |
22 November 2005 |
புலிகளின் அழுத்தத்தினால்தான் தமிழ் மக்கள் வாக்களிக்கவில்லையா? -
க.வே.பாலகுமாரன் |
21 November 2005 |
Centre for
Monitoring Election Violence (CMEV) Interim Report on Presidential
Elections 2005 |
20 November 2005 |
The South has Spoken - Statement by Australasian Federation of
Tamil Associations
"..By boycotting the presidential
election which pitted the openly chauvinistic Mahinda Rajapakse
against the equally anti-Tamil, Ranil Wickramasinghe, the Tamil
people have allowed the Sinhala South to have its say... The
overwhelming majority of the Sinhalese have thus voted for the
man who denies .. the Tamil people's right to self
19 November 2005 |
2005 Presidential Elections - Interim Report
Peoples Action for Free and Fair Elections
19 November 2005 |
Union Observation Mission - Preliminery Statement on Presidential
Elections 2005 |
17 November 2005 |
Live Coverage of Sri Lanka Presidential Election Results by
Sinhala controlled Lanka Academic |
17 November 2005 |
ஜனாதிபதி தேர்தலில் தமிழ்
மக்களின் ஒட்டுமொத்த வெறுப்பு - Tamilchelvan in BBC தமிழோசை |
16 November 2005 |
Lanka's Presidential Election: Why the Tamils did Not Vote -
Arthur Rhodes, AsiaMedia Contributing Writer |
14 November 2005 |
Brian Senewiratne on
Party State in Sri Lanka:Political Ideology - Anti Tamil
"...Recent revelations have confirmed that
there may be several political parties in the Sinhala South, but
only one ideology � being anti-Tamil. There is the right wing
United National Party (UNP), the supposedly socialist Sri Lanka
Freedom Party (SLFP), the so-called �Marxist� Janatha Vimukthi
Peramuna (JVP), the Marxists of yester-year, the Lanka Sama
Samaga Party (LSSP), the political party of not-so-clean-shaven
men in yellow robes, the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU), and many
more of their ilk. In reality they are all different names for
one party policy � anti-Tamil. .."
6 November 2005 |
News First
Advertisement Hoarding in Colombo on the Presidential Elections
6 November 2005 |
Presidential Elections:Two Voices but a Single Thought... "How best
to conquer and rule" |
29 October 2005 |
தேர்தலும் தமிழ் மக்களும் - சா.ஆ.தருமரத்தினம் |
29 October 2005 |
தமிழ் இனத்தை அழித்துக்கட்ட உறுதி பூண்டுள்ள மகிந்த -
மா.க.ஈழவேந்தன் M.P. |
29 October 2005 |
ஆண்டவன் உலகத்தின் முதலாளி...? |
24 October 2005 |
Systematic and widespread police torture in Sri Lanka says
Asian Legal Resource Centre
"Police in Sri Lanka often operate, not like
professional law enforcement agents, but thugs or gangsters, and
this gang behaviour is often displayed through abuse, use of
violence and torture"
17 October 2005 |
Armed men enter
Colombo weekly press, set fire, warn employees
"Free Media
Movement condemns the arson attack, which took last night on
printing press of the Sunday Leader and Irudina weeklies. This
attack threatened not only press freedom but also free and fair
election environment in the country. FMM as a co convener of
Centre Monitoring Election Violence is very much concerned that
violence against media should not be allowed to continue in the
context of upcoming presidential election on 17th November..."
15 October 2005 |

Buddhists monks of the all monk political party
National Heritage
[ Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU)] arrive at a special
convention held to express their support to Sri Lankan Prime
Minister and the presidential candidate of the ruling coalition,
Mahinda Rajapakse, in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Saturday, Oct. 15,
2005. Monks urged Rajapakse to protect the unitary state of the
country once he is elected as the president of the country. (AP
Report, 16 October 2005)
29 September 2005 |
Tamils &
Christians Short-Changed Again? - Amrit Muttukumaru |
1 September 2005 |
Kadirgamar - �the best foreign minister the country ever had.�
J. S. Tissainayagam |
10 July 2005 |
Continues, Sri Lanka Style - Government in gridlock as CBK plays for
time |
13 June 2005 |
Buddhist Monks
in Political Protest Demonstration (in the Streets of Colombo) Against
Tsumai Aid Deal for Tamil Areas

17 May 2005 |
threats and escalation of violence in Sri Lanka says Asian Human
Rights Commission
"..The increase in death threats and
intimidation to activists and journalists in Sri Lanka are
alarming. In particular, there is concern that the situation may
degenerate into that similar to the terror of the late 1980s.The
law enforcement authorities have lost all semblance of control,
with extrajudicial killings and death threats being made
23 January 2005 |
Heil, Kumaratunga! - Sri Lanka Sunday Leader on President
Kumratunga's announcement 'No Elections for Five Years'
"...Speaking at Hambantota last Wednesday,
President Chandrika Kumaratunga ...(said) 'There will be no
elections for five more years'.... knowing full well that
her six-year term is billed to end November next. Tsunami or no
tsunami, Kumaratunga is widely expected to leave no stone
unturned in seeking a constitutional amendment to facilitate her
continued existence in politics. Faced with a constitutional
impasse, Kumaratunga has been widely predicted to seek
extra-constitutional means of remaining in office. Few however,
had expected her, like her mother before her, simply to call off
elections and sit tight regardless of procedural nicety..."
22 January 2005 |
Government's call for unity is an empty ballyhoo,
says JVP, Dominant Coalition Partner of Government - Two
Voices but One Policy a.k.a. Bad Cop, Good Cop Routine?
"Mounting an all-out attack against President
Chandrika Kumaratunga's leadership, major coalition partner of
her Freedom Alliance government, radical Janatha Vimukthi
Peramuna (JVP) has said on Friday that the call by the
government leadership for national unity was an "empty
ballyhoo". Describing the United People's Freedom Alliance
(UPFA) government's leadership as the "emperor without clothes',
a senior member of the JVP, who is also the Minister of Small
and Rural Industries, K.D. Lal Kantha has urged the people not
to expect the present government leadership to rebuild the
nation and also "not to expect the 'big people' to tell them
this home truth"...Although President Chandrika Kumaratunga has
set up several Task Forces to handle relief, rehabilitation and
reconciliation program aftermath the tsunami, she has not
included a single JVP member or supporter to any of them, a
decision widely seen as a move to sideline or cut the always
rhetoric JVP to size..."
20 January 2005 |
Kumaratunga's stand to extend her term of office,
undemocratic and opportunistic, says UNP
"President Kumaratunga, seizing the tsunami
disaster as an opportunity to extend her presidential term, is
behaving in an undemocratic and opportunistic manner, charged
the main oppostion United National Party (UNP) Parliamentarian
Prof. G.L.Peiris at a press conference held in Sinhala at the
Oppositon Leader's residence Thursday. Stating that there is no
change in UNP's stand that the Presidential election should be
held December 2005, he said relief work need to be carried out
independently with full transparency according to workplans
agreed with involvement of all parties. He also charged that the
United People Freedom Alliance (UPFA) government is attempting
to utilize the funds for its own agenda without involving and
initiating discussion with the opposition."
16 June 2004 |
Statement by John Cushnahan Chief Observer EU Election Monitoring
Mission - Elections, April 2004 |
8 June 2004 |
Sri Lanka's parliament adjourned for July 20 after
disruption |
8 June 2004 |
Pandemonium in parliament, two monk MPs injured,
6 June 2004 |

"A shaken
Deputy Minister Sripathi Suriyaarachchi talking to supporters who gathered
at his Kelaniya office after yesterday�s noon attack that killed two of his
bodyguards." Sri Lanka Sunday Times, 6 June 2004
2 April 2004 |
Union Observation Mission Final Report - Elections April 2004 |
15 February 2004 |
Lakshman Gunasekera in Deconstructing Democracy, Sri
Lanka style
"... I got the feeling that the Sinhalas did
not want to know too much about what
their armed forces were doing to suppress the irritant that was
the burgeoning Tamil insurgency. There was implicit popular
endorsement of such cruel repression. After all, the JRJ and
subsequent regimes that continued the suppression of the
Tamil struggle for self-determination were elected by the
people, especially the Sinhala people. Just as much as the
people of the United States are partly responsible for the
government they elected (despite the voting gimmickry in
Florida) and, therefore, for its actions including its
crudely imperialist strategy in Iraq
and rest of West Asia, so are the Sinhalas responsible for their
elected governments. And the people must, therefore, bear both
the sorrows and joys that result from the rule of their elected
leaderships, both Presidential and Governmental..."
2 November 2000 |
European Union Observer Team Reports - General
Elections 2000
"...(At the Sri Lanka General Election
in October 2000)...most of the pre-election violence for
example in Anuradhapura and Kandy was initiated by (President
Kumaratunga's) PA (People's Alliance). And these were not
isolated, single cases - one may well speak of some kind of
pattern. We collected a great body of evidence which all
testify the very harassment and open intimidation of for example
UNP supporters by PA supporters, both before and on the polling
day... In terms of the pre-election period, the PA did not stick
to the 48 hours of silence, but went on campaigning, even the
night before the elections. The road and buildings on the way to
the polling stations were covered by fresh PA posters, political
campaign material etc.
14 October 2000 |
Report by Centre for Monitoring Election Violence -
General Elections 2000
"...It is CMEV�s considered assessment that
taken as a whole the 2000 General Election was significantly
marred by violence and election-related violations. In addition,
the ongoing offensive in the Jaffna peninsula, as well as the de
facto deprivation of voting rights to approximately 250,000
Tamil voters in so-called uncleared areas in the North-East
Province has resulted in the election being a fraud in this
province. In the rest of the country, 35 of CMEV�s monitors and
observers were threatened and intimidated by supporters of the
People�s Alliance. The incidents reported on election day
include 07 murders, which brings the total number of deaths
during the election period to 73..."
24 October 2000 |
Sri Lanka's Elections
2000: Fear and Intimidation Rule the Day - An Observer's Report -
Laura Gross
"...The progressive destruction of the
political process in Sri Lanka has led to both domestic and
international tolerance of an enormous amount of violence by the
government (regardless of party affiliation) against its
citizens. Increasingly, it seems that the government of Sri
Lanka is accountable to no one - not its citizens, and not its
foreign counterparts who rubber-stamped the recent parliamentary
elections. In Sri Lanka's current political climate, power
seems to be determined by the number of thugs a given politician
has at his/her disposal..."
9 October 2000 |
Report by
Centre for Monitoring Election Violence General Elections 2000
"...The entire election is a sham and a fraud
in the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu electorates, as well as in the
"uncleared" areas and regions of current conflict and civilian
displacement in the Batticaloa, Trincomalee, Mannar and Jaffna
districts. It is estimated that approximately 200 polling
centres which should cater to 250,000 registered voters will be
relocated in areas utterly inaccessible to the legitimate voters
in these areas.... In summary it should be noted that the
campaign phase of the 2000 General Election has proved to be
both qualitatively and quantitatively more violent than the 1999
Presidential Election, where the total number of incidents
reported was 1483 of which only 48% were Major ones. Though CMEV
did not monitor the 1994 General Election, available data
indicate that the current election is more violent... "
15 July 2000 |
British Refugee
Council on Sri Lanka's Endless Emergency Rule
"..Emergency rule in Sri Lanka continues since
1971, except for brief intervals. From independence in 1948,
upto the end of June 2000, the island has been under Emergency
rule for 9,825 days (nearly 27 years out of 53 years of
independence). This has permitted
serious derogations by successive Sri Lankan governments of
rights protected under the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).
25 May 2000 |
Reporters sans fronti�res (RSF), Paris protests
against the closure of three newspapers by Sri Lanka President
Chandrika Kumaratunga |
15 December
199 |
Presidential Election 1999 - Free & Fair? -
British Refugee Council
"In the run-up to the presidential elections
since nominations on 16 November and during elections, over
1,590 violent incidents were reported despite the deployment of
75,000 police and 25,000 troops. This included 54 murders, 30
attempted murders, arson, injury and damage to property.
According to election monitoring agency, the People�s Action for
Free and Fair Elections (PAFFREL), 900 complaints of election
violations were received. The Centre for Monitoring Election
Violence (CMEV) says that in 59 of the 161 electoral divisions,
the results had been irredeemably compromised by systematic
impersonation, ballot stuffing, violence, intimidation of voters
and abuse of state machinery and resources."
December 1999 |
Sri Lanka Presidential Elections 1999 and CMEV
Reports |
10 December 1999 |
Tamils in Auckland call for expulsion of Sri Lanka
from all organisations of Democracies & Civilised Nations
5 December 1999 |
Collaborationist Tamil Parties: Rearranging the Deck
Chairs on the Titanic - Dr. S.
Sathananthan |
15 April 1999 |
Dream of Free and Fair Elections says
Asian Human Rights Commission
people of Sri Lanka can no longer hope for the peaceful exercise
of their right to freely elect their representatives at
national, or even local, elections...The concept of free and
fair elections has become an illusion in Sri Lanka..."
7 September 1999 |
Gunmen kill independent Journalist
"Unidentified attackers shot dead the editor
of an anti-government newspaper here Tuesday, police and his
colleagues said. Gunmen killed Rohana Kumara, editor of the
Sinhalese-language Satana, or the Struggle, while he was going
home in a three-wheeler taxi in the Colombo suburb of Mirihana,
police said... Colleagues said Rohana Kumara had been publishing
reports critical of the government... The Paris-based media
right organisation, Reporters Sans Frontiers (reporters without
borders), said the killing appeared to be a "serious warning" to
independent journalists in Sri Lanka. "The journalist was
well known for his strong criticism of the Sri Lankan
authorities," the RSF said in what it called a press freedom
15 July 1999 |
Members of
Sri Lanka Presidential Security Division Attack Sinhala Journalists
"The Free Media Movement vehemently condemns
the attack on members of the media, who covered the (Sinhala)
Opposition Protest Rally today (15th July). Media personnel were
assaulted, their cameras and equipment snatched and some
arrested by a group of persons dressed in police uniform and
civil attire. All information available shows that this was not
a spontaneous act but a premeditated action. It is clear that
the very same police personnel who moved to disperse the
opposition protesters by tear gassing and shooting, attacked the
media personnel who were reporting these incidents. Journalists
have identified several persons, among those who attacked them,
dressed in civil attire, to be from the Presidential Security
Division. This is the worst attack on the media in recent
15 April 1999 |
Dream of Free and Fair Elections says
Asian Human Rights Commission
"The people of Sri Lanka can no
longer hope for the peaceful exercise of their right to freely
elect their representatives at national, or even local,
elections...The concept of free and fair elections has become an
illusion in Sri Lanka..."
15 April 1999 |
British Refugee Council on Democracy, Sri Lanka
style... April 1999
"In elections marked by violence, the ruling
People�s Alliance (PA) secured a slender victory on 6 April, in
all five Provincial Councils, four of which were earlier
controlled by the main opposition United National Party
(UNP)..... Over 340,000 votes were spoiled, including 50,000 in
Colombo District, indicating according to observers, a loss of
public confidence in the electoral process. Some 32,500
policemen were deployed, but there was widespread violence in
the run-up to and during elections. The police received some
1,000 complaints, including 298 on election day. Murder,
grievous injury, abduction and arson were reported. A man was
killed in a bomb attack on the UNP office in Kegalle on 4 April.
Another UNP supporter died in a clash in Matale on the same day.
A PA member was shot dead in Udathumbara on 5 April. ..An
organised campaign of intimidation was directed against election
2 February 1999 |
Democracy continues,
Sri Lanka style... Nadesan Satyendra
More than 12 years after Senator A.L.Missen's
comments, 'Democracy, Sri Lanka Style' continues to
flourish. The
reliance on extraordinary powers unknown to a free democracy
Torture continues on a systematic basis. The
disenfranchisement of the opposition continues and the
Sixth Amendment to the Sri Lanka constitution stands
unrepealed. The
muzzling of the media and politically motivated attacks on
journalists continue with increasing frequency. And,
impunity afforded to violators of human rights and
perpetrators of
extra judicial killings,
rape proves the deep involvement of successive Sinhala
governments in nurturing 'Democracy, Sri Lanka Style'.
7 October 1997 |
Lalith Athulathmudali
Murder: the Truth
"..the assassination
(of Lalith Athulathmudali )was carried out not by an LTTE
suspect but by an underworld figure on contract... premeditated
murder was seen in the non-provision of proper security for the
fatal Kirullapone meeting, the planting of evidence and wrong
information given to the inquiring magistrate in an apparently
planned and deliberate manner." Sri Lanka Presidential
Commission headed by former Supreme Court Judge Tissa Dias
Bandaranayake in its report submitted on 7 October 1997
26 September 1996 |
Address by Lakshman
Kadirgamar, Sri Lanka Foreign Minister at 49th Session of UN General
" I, as a
representative of the minority Tamil community said, and I
shall repeat it here in this supreme parliament of the peoples
of the world: 'Let it never be said,
if it
could ever have been said, that the Sinhala people are
They are
not. They are
absolutely not, and I think this election has demonstrated
that so handsomely that that particular argument
can be laid to rest for ever."
1996 |
Sinhala Ruling party Murdering Sinhala Opposition
- 1996
President Kumaratunga's Reactions - �Without
tearing posters, jeering at rivals and pelting stones ........
there is no fun in doing politics.� �If they carry guns, they
(UNPers) have to be sliced to death.� �Our people are not wimps
and the people of my constituency also know that that I am not a
wimp.� .....
15 April 1994 |
Why did UNP lose in the South?
- Nadesan Satyendra
"The Sinhala
dominated United National Party which had ruled Sri Lanka since
1977, suffered its first major defeat at the Provincial Council
elections for the Southern Province when it lost heavily to the
opposition Sinhala Peoples Alliance led by Chandrika Kumaratunga
in early 1994. It was a defeat which paved the way for the
Peoples Alliance victory at the Parliamentary Polls later in the
year and the subsequent election of Chandrika Kumaratunga as Sri
Lanka President. ..
However, in the end, so far as the Tamil people
are concerned, it is not a matter of great moment as to who
rules Sinhala Sri Lanka - what matters is that whoever who rules
does not seek to extend his (or her) rule to Tamil Eelam. And
here the bottom line, as always, is the strength of the
resistance led by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the
extent to which that strength is nourished by the Tamil people.
15 October 1992 |
Premadasa's Dilemma
"... herein, lies President Premadasa�s
dilemma. He can no longer keep the rising Sinhala opposition at
bay by keeping a �low level conflict� going in the NorthEast. He
faces a restless army in-creasingly concerned with the number of
casualties inflicted on it by LTTE ambushes and attacks and a
crisis laden economy which cannot continue to sustain a �low
level conflict� endlessly. But if he relies on the army to try
to �finish off the LTTE�, he knows that even if Jaffna is
captured, he may end up with a pro-tracted guerilla resistance,
increased dependence on an army made more powerful by whatever
successes it achieves, coupled with Goigama Sinhala opposition
forces, which have always re-garded him as an �outsider�. He
knows that he cannot do a �JVP� on the entire Sinhala
opposition...The question is whether the dilemma that President
Premadasa faces will help to concentrate his vision and persuade
him to see (1) that recognition and legitimisation will pave the
way towards negotiation; and (2) that, in the end,
self-determination is not a dirty word..."
15 October 1991 |
Premadasa Impeachment
"The struggle to remove President Premadasa
serves to expose the true nature of democracy, Sri Lankan style.
It also serves to expose the underlying hypocrisy of the Sri
Lankan government�s preconditions for talks with the Liberation
Tigers. ...On September 24, 1991 the Sri Lankan Parliament met
to consider the impeachment resolution against President
Premadasa. His effort to address Parliament was met with
sustained booing and shouting from the opposition, and the
sittings were adjourned in disorder."
13 March 1986 |
Senator A.L.Missen, then Chairman of the Australian Parliamentary Group
of Amnesty International, in the Australian Senate:
"....The democracy of Sri Lanka has been
described in the following terms, terms which are a fair and accurate
description: 'The reluctance to hold general elections, the muzzling of
the opposition press, the continued reliance on extraordinary powers
unknown to a free democracy, arbitrary detention without access to
lawyers or relations, torture of detainees on a systematic basis, the
intimidation of the judiciary by the executive, the disenfranchisement
of the opposition, an executive President who holds undated letters of
resignation from members of the legislature, an elected President who
publicly declares his lack of care for the lives or opinion of a section
of his electorate, and the continued subjugation of the Tamil people by
a permanent Sinhala majority, within the confines of an unitary
constitutional frame, constitute the reality of 'democracy', Sri Lankan
(Australian Senate Hansard, 13 March 1986)
15 May 1985 |
Democracy, Sri Lanka Style
- Nadesan Satyendra
"..In Sri Lanka, today, it is democracy that is in
crisis. It is in crisis because the Sri Lankan government seeks to hang
on to power, by whatever means, and if necessary, by a naked and open
appeal to Sinhala chauvinism - a chauvinism which refuses at every turn
to recognise the existence of two nations in Sri Lanka and the
consequent need to structure a polity where both nations may live
together in equality, in freedom and with self respect, a chauvinism
which seeks to subjugate the Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka and bend
them to the will of a permanent Sinhala majority. The disturbing
question is whether President Jayawardene's government can survive in
any other way - whether it can survive, if Sri Lanka was a democracy.
1 February 1985 |
U.S. State
Department's Annual Human Rights Report to Congress released
February 1985
"Sri Lanka is an open, working, multiparty
democracy. Citizens elect their president, members of
parliament, and local government officials by universal adult
suffrage. All laws including acts extending the state of
emergency, must be approved by the Parliament... The
Constitution guarantees the independence of the judiciary, and
lawyers and judges are held in high esteem."
15 February 1983 |
Address at the Trial of Thangathurai & Kuttimuni, February 1983
"If national security is to mean anything at all it
must be concerned with securing the freedom of the individuals who
constitute the nation. That is what national security is about. It is
true that balances must be struck particularly in times of emergency but
in this area of the law I can, perhaps, do no better than to read to
this Court, that which Lord Chief Justice McDermott said in the
Juridical Review in 1972 - statements which retain their eloquence,
relevance and power even today or perhaps, even more so today, here in
Sri Lanka. He was writing on Law and Order in times of Emergency. He
said that a
passion for liberty
is the mark of a free people. He said that it was much more than a piece
of political rhetoric to say that
it is not for
glory or riches or honours that a people fight but only for liberty
which no good man will consent to lose but with his life. Then comes the
passage to which I would direct this Courts attention and is the reason
for my citing Lord McDermott to you. He said:
"If some day the well being and survival of a whole
nation comes in some way to depend on finding out a secret locked in
some man's mind, Parliament might think it right to sanction methods now
unlawful which would be likely to make interrogation productive. But we
may hope and pray that such a day is far distant. Should it be thought
that the day has already arrived, those in power would stand on a
steep and slippery slope with no sure way of knowing where or how to
stop and liberty might come to die from the efforts made on her behalf".