An open letter to Ranil Wickremesinghe
HEW in the Sinhala owned Sri Lanka
Daily Mirror, 5 November 2005

Dum... |
Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe has invited us citizens to write
to him; I have no doubt that he would have received
thousands of letters and a selected few of them may be
submitted to him for his information. I am therefore sending
this to the newspapers as I feel many of your readers would
bring this to his attention.
Ranil must be made aware that �gratitude� is not in the
makeup of Prabhakaran, he does not know the meaning of the
word. This may be because he is in blinkers and his tunnel
vision makes him only see one thing and that is his separate
state of Eelam for his people, who have, according to him,
been brutalized and suppressed by the racist Sinhalese.
He seeks to rid every Sinhalese from his Eelam or at
least from the Jaffna peninsula and the British carved
Northern Province. As we are all aware to make his Eelam
viable he seeks to indulge in a land grab and annex the
Eastern Province
which was till 1815 a part of the Kandyan Kingdom with
its strategic Trincomalee harbour.
You must know that whatever you may do to appease
Prabhakaran, or even if you save his life, he would not
think twice about having you assassinated. Just think,
no one did more for him than President Premadasa. He
sent away the IPKF which had cornered him and confined him
to a small area of Mullaitivu; they would have finished off
the job only if the government had withdrawn the Concurrent
List in the
13th Amendment and made a reality of the devolution
contemplated in that Amendment to the Constitution; The
Tamils of Tamil Nadu would have been appeased that the
grievances of their Tamil brethren had been addressed and
equality secured for them, justifying the intervention and
the loss of life in this country. Yes, Prabhakaran was
indeed saved by Premadasa.
Premadasa also had Mathywathani and their two children
brought from Norway; he united Prabhakaran with his
family.Neville Jayaweera then Ambassador in Sweden would
tell you of how he accomplished that. That was not all, the
Indians will tell you of the hundreds of thousands of US
Dollars worth of arms that were gifted to the LTTE. You may
perhaps have known of that. Was the LTTE grateful? NO, they
considered us to be suckers.
The naive President, even after he was tricked by the LTTE
into agreeing to surrender the east and the 640 policemen,
who the LTTE murdered in cold blood after they had
surrendered on his orders executed through the then IG,
(Premadasa could have called for an international inquiry,
but the man was not interested) and the attack on the Palaly
Airport when his Foreign Minister had a narrow escape, he
wanted to sue for peace once again, I wonder what
Prabhakaran would have had to say to that? Anyway what form
did their gratitude for what he did for them take? They
assassinated him by activating a sleeper whom they had kept
in readiness in a LTTE funded kiosk in front of his
residence. So Mr. Wickremesinghe, have the police run a
check on all those who have infiltrated your establishment
over the past ten years including the Sinhalese and others.
Besides President Pemadasa we had another na�ve and
starry-eyed inexperienced politician who had empathy with
the under-dog. She was of course Chandrika Kumaratunga. It
must be said to her credit that she was the only Sinhala
politician who sincerely believed that the genuine
grievances of the Tamil people must be addressed.
The starry-eyed liberal having manned the barricades in the
student revolt in Paris, arrived here 20 years after the
ethnic problem had first erupted and had now been
transformed into war. Most unfortunately, because of the
politicization of our institutions and her own attitude, she
had no access to what had happened before she took office;
she did not have access to files, I wonder whether she
studied the intelligence reports or clipping files. I doubt
as to whether she was given a comprehensive report on
Prabhakaran, his local organization and his international
network. The clueless people who were appointed by her to
high office and the unstructured manner in which she set
about her work did not make her task easier. Her so-called
negotiators were hopeless misfits, the strategy of dealing
with the LTTE was utterly amateurish.
They did not know the organization they were dealing with
and had not done their home-work either. She did not bring
in the international community, not even India and the LTTE
lost its patience and attempted to assassinate her to make
way for you the second time around.
There was nothing she could achieve on the peace front
she did most sincerely try by introducing legislation to
meet the grievances of the Tamil people to enable them to
live in
dignity, security and to decide on their own destiny in
areas inhabited by them.

Legislation was brought in 1995, 1997 and finally in
August 2000
all of which you successfully sabotaged.

You must surely be embarrassed at what you
allowed to happen that day when your President and mine,
whether we like her or not, was referred to in unprintable
language and one of your louts burned the Bill in the House.
The LTTE has not forgotten your contribution to the Tamil
cause during that period.
In the period before you won the Parliamentary election,
your critics state that you delivered the Vanni to the LTTE
in order to embarrass her. When you became Premier the LTTE
was, with the help of the Norwegians, able to extract the
maximum possible concessions from your government starting
with the CFA.
Today, the LTTE is at least five times stronger than they
were at the time of the Ceasefire; they have annihilated our
Intelligence Corps with impunity.
The LTTE were able to obtain advanced communication
equipment. We do not here wish to go into all that happened
but do you even for a moment think that Prabhakaran is
grateful for what he has received. The policy of appeasement
which you and some of your �gentle� officials followed
naively, did not appease the LTTE neither did it win any
friendships it only strengthened the LTTE. My information is
that they laugh when asked whether they are grateful for the
�assistance� they received. They have no respect for those
who helped them, they only scorn the fools.
Now you both are friends and appear to have joined hand to
defeat a �common enemy�. But the country is more important
to us. The only favour the LTTE has done ever is also done
in their own interest. They know very well that if they
endorse your candidature you would be finished but make no
mistake they will demand the payoff.
So what should you do not only to protect yourself but also
this country? This country cannot afford another political
assassination. You should immediately on assuming office,
(if you win the election of course), undertake working
visits to India and the US. And request of the two
governments the following:-
(1) The two governments should jointly and severally issue a
final warning to the LTTE that if any harm comes to you or
they indulge in one single assassination of a political
leader, they would be held responsible whatever they may
(2) The US to station an Aircraft Carrier in the Trincomalee
harbour as a warning to the LTTE. India would not join for
political reasons, but they would not object for they now
have a strategic partnership agreement with the US.
This would not only ensure your own security and that of
your senior Ministers but would also ensure a just
settlement of the conflict.
That my friend, �Singhe� is your only insurance against
assassination for their demands would exceed what you can
deliver and we know the form their punishment takes.
Good luck to you.
Is Mahinda moving towards peace or war?
S.B. Dissanayake, former Minister of Samurdhi,
Agriculture and Livestock, in the Ranil Wickremasinghe
government and before that in President Chandrika
Kumaratunga's Cabinet and presently serving a prison
sentence in the Sinhala owned Sri Lanka Daily Mirror, 5
November 2005
[see also �Karuna
Defection, Wickremasinghe's Ploy�-UNP Stalwart]

...and Tweedle
Dee |
If Rajiv Gandhi, Aerial Sharon or Tony Blair went about
consensus building in the manner Mahinda Rajapakse plans to
do, India, Israel and Britain would not have resolved their
Mizoram, Gaza Strip settlements and Northern Ireland troop
withdrawal issues respectively. Mahinda should give up
amateurishness and learn from these recent events, rather
than becoming a racist or erase the SLFP's policies and
already gained peace successes by Ranil Wickremesinghe.
Further, he plans to initiate direct talks with the LTTE. He
intends to meet LTTE Leader Velupillai Prabhakaran and
representatives to present the consensus reached. Meeting
with Prabhakaran will be a non-starter as Mahinda cannot
build national consensus, as planned.
Let us assume that he builds consensus somehow and embarks
on risky direct talks. In all peacemaking efforts, the
Facilitators are engaged because of risks. Withdrawing
Facilitators enhances the risky probability of break away.
This hastiness is definitely a desperate reaction to drop
the Norwegians to satisfy the JVP and the JHU.
Mahinda assumes that "the talks during UNP failed due to non
availability of a clear plan and a time frame". His first
criticism may be partially true
due to the quick unexpected positive progress made by UNP
peace negotiators, but the time frame issue is
unacceptable. We are yet to see whether any negotiations in
the world have gone on a strict time frame.
Renouncing separatism, demilitarization, entry to the
democratic process, reaching a final solution etc are
Mahinda's other peace interests. Renouncing separatism by
the LTTE has already taken place with the Oslo Declaration.
Demilitarization will be a final stage issue. The entry into
the democratic process is a must, but, on a step-by-step
Discussing a final solution at the inception requires
interim arrangements (e.g. ISGA) as final outcomes take
time, which is taboo to Mahinda's buddies. Mahinda should
learn from South Africa, Ireland, Palestine, Philippines,
Ethiopia and Mozambique that peace is not made in a hurry.
Mahinda wishes to commence talks with India, to arrive at an
agreement in relation to regional security and peace. Though
he criticizes Ranil this is exactly what he did. Considering
the might of India and the fact that
India will not divorce itself from what is happening, or
will happen in Sri Lanka, his concern is very valid and
will not surprise anyone. Who is regionalizing the conflict
now, is it not Mahinda?
He is to seek an Asian cooperation with China, Russia and
Pakistan, in addition to open and frank discussions with the
Co-chairs. Who is regionalizing the conflict more? He could
have regionalized it better by including Cambodia,
Afghanistan and Thailand through which it is reported in the
media that arms and ammunitions have been smuggled by the
As these selected countries or their representatives for
diplomatic reasons do not comment that they are for such
special action or not, it is necessary for Mahinda to
confirm that he has consulted and agreement has been reached
on this issue with the nominated international players. If
he does not do so, the country will know that he was
"conning around."
If the LTTE queries from any of these countries and if they
respond negatively, will it not give space for LTTE to
question Mahinda's action on the grounds of ex parte
decision making related to the CFA and deceiving the masses.
Will not he become a liar? Are we to have a lying President?
I sympathize with Mahinda as he has only exposed his
amateurishness on peacemaking and diplomacy.
It is common knowledge that India has many unresolved
diplomatic issues with China and Pakistan. In lighter vein,
and without any malice, as these are our friendly countries,
I may say that the forum could be used to settle more
important issues for those countries than ours.
Perhaps, Mahinda's advisors may have
thought of these four, as India trains many security force
personnel and sell non-lethal weapons and a defense
agreement is being negotiated. Pakistan does maintenance of
aircraft and sells even lethal weapons and a defence
agreement was in the offing. Russia too has similar
transactions and a defence agreement and China has been in
military supply business since 1993.
Therefore, the draftsmen of the Mahinda Chinthana may have
thought that they could scare the LTTE by proposing these
new military-oriented actors on the stage. If defence
agreements and military supplies are the criterion for
selection of facilitators and "helpers", is Mahinda moving
towards peace or war? Is he looking at peacemaking or the
chauvinist few and military procurement agencies (We know
why!)? Does not he understand that the Facilitator should be
acceptable to the government and LTTE both? He lacks such
basic knowledge and promises peace to the country.
Mahinda wishes to endeavor to develop a mechanism of sharing
information, knowledge and training pertaining to combating
terrorism with countries such as India, Pakistan, China,
Russia, UK and the USA. This is good
and concurrently endorses the earlier mentioned
prioritization. The only reason he would have
incorporated this is to show the electors that he has lot of
support from strong international players, though there were
no commitments made. He is bluffing.
Mahinda is so certain of the outcome of the talks, he plans
the Constitution making process too in the MC, which is
heartening. I am reminded of the Sinhala adage "Ganga hath
gauvak thiyeddi amude gahanawa!" (Wearing the span cloth
long distance away from the river!) How simplistic is the
presidential candidate? With what experience in peacemaking
is Mahinda making such incredulous statements? Is he reading
newspapers, if not Time or Newsweek the least, to compare
his stand with South Africa or Palestine or Philippines?
Whilst these talks and reform processes are continuing
Mahinda plans to implement development programs, which would
include special programs for the North and the East, as
well. With the P-TOMS it was clear that the LTTE demands
leadership and ownership in development, similar to the
south. He will take lot of time to convince the JVP/JHU on
new and innovative mechanisms, which have been discussed
already between the LTTE and the government. We in the UNP
have already drawn our plans and structures for this
The CFA is to be amended to ensure that acts of terrorism
would not be permitted in any way. The CFA has
provisions (if adhered correctly) to prevent any act of
terrorism. Nevertheless there are difficulties. Blaming
Ranil or President as Minister of Defence for violations is
wrong, as there is no ceasefire in the world that has been
not violated. This is why Monitors and Facilitators are
permitted in the agreements themselves.
The problem is that Mahinda has neither planned to reduce
these acts nor undertaken amendments. He does not want to
state how he wishes to amend it. CFA under Article 4.3
allows modifications to the CFA. He seems to have lost sight
that even if he becomes the President he cannot do it
without negotiations and unilaterally.
To get to the Table to negotiate modifications, he may have
to soften the JVP/JHU combo. If his Alliance thinks that
such amendments are possible unilaterally, Mahinda is sadly
mistaken. As stated by other commentators such opportunity
given to LTTE may provoke them too to ask for modifications
favouring them. Perhaps, these may be changing the forward
defence locality boundaries or sea movements, as pointed out
by former Defence Secretary Austin Fernando.
Mahinda thinks of a new monitoring group for peacemaking.
Indirectly he says that he would take the regional powers to
do this. This too is a matter coming under the purview of
Article 3 of the CFA and cannot be unilaterally implemented.
Here too, I hope he has received approvals from these
regional powers, Co-Chairs and Norwegians. Are these other
powers in his head acceptable to the LTTE? It looks like
Mahinda thinks that peace making is done by "Giruwapattu
Chandi Mallis" (Thugs from Giruwa Pattuwa)! Or otherwise, as
in the previous case this may be just rhetoric.
Rehabilitation and reconstruction planning in the
peacemaking process will be handled by "Jaya Lanka� program
and it will be required to obtain some acceptance by the
LTTE which will delay the process. However, the JVP / JHU
seem to have melted a bit as seen by the statement in the MC
that the mechanism will "ensure the participation and
leadership of the affected people", the Sinhalese, Tamils,
and Muslims.
Finally, I want to say that my friend Mahinda has no
vision on peacemaking; no knowledge or experience on
peacemaking or diplomacy to handle such a program. And above
all he lacks the political backing from his alliance
partners. In addition, he has antagonized the other
parties by making alliances with the JVP and JHU and this
irritation will remain intact even if he becomes the
President and commence negotiations.
In working with the LTTE all these matter. He is running
towards a mirage by expecting a national consensus of the
nature indicated in the MC and will end up in a disastrous
war for which not only we would be paying, but even our
children and grandchildren. What he is trying to safeguard
against his conscience only to come to power will be the
bane of the nation for generations. Frustration I have of
the thought of ruination of the country by failed
peacemaking by Mahinda and combo is immensely more than my
being in prison.
�Karuna Defection,
Wickremasinghe's Ploy�-UNP Stalwart
[TamilNet, November 07, 2005 10:04 GMT]
A United National Party (UNP) stalwart in Nuwara Eliya
district, Mr. Naveen Dissanayake, has said that it would not
be necessary for Sri Lanka�s Military to fight the Tigers.
"American and Indian forces will fight the LTTE if
Liberation Tigers' leader Pirapaharan opts to wage a war,"
Naveen Dissanayake told the audience at an Election
propaganda meeting, Thursday, at Ginigathena in the
upcountry district of Nuwara Eliya, a Tamil daily, Uthayan,
quoted in its headline story, Monday. Mr. Dissanayake has
also claimed that a situation was created to make the
renegade LTTE commander Karuna to get dissatisfied with his
leadership during the period covering his trips to Europe,
the paper said.
According to the paper report, Dissanayake, the former
Deputy Minister of Plantation Industries, has claimed that
Karuna had the full backing of Wickremasinghe before he set
out on his diversion. "This is why Mr. Pirapaharan was
unable to wage another war," the UNP stalwart told the
audience. Dissanayake also referred to Mr.
Wickremasinghe's meetings with the US President, George W.
Bush, and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, the president of the Indian
National Congress (Congress Party), and said that
Wickremasinghe has made the necessary groundwork to conduct
the war with the LTTE, if the latter opts for one. "There
will be no need for Sri Lankan forces to do the fighting,"
he further said.
The meeting was organised by the Nuwara Eliya district
organiser of the UNP, Mr. K. K. Piyadasa. Mrs. Hema
Premadasa, the wife of the late Sri Lankan president and
former UNP leader Mr. R. Premadasa , UNP parliamentarian
Bandula Gunawardene, and Mr. Vijeyakumar, the General
Secretary of the Upcountry People�s Front were present at
the meeting, the paper said.
The UNP parliamentarian Naveen Dissanayake is the son of
late Gamini Dissanayake.