Nations & Nationalism
"Bullets and borders: The nation-state is on its last legs - but
people are still prepared to die for their country."
Nikki van der Gaag in the New Internationalist, 1996
[see also
Nations & Nationalism: What is
a Nation? - Nadesan Satyendra ]
* indicates link to
online bookshop
** indicates link to
online bookshop
Nora M. and Lutz Koepnick (eds):
Sound Matters: Essays on the Acoustics of Modern German Culture.
New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2004.
Peter -
Nationalism, Edward Arnold, 1989
"....The stability of post-colonial borders
(which have also been maintained because the new states insisted
the United Nations do so) says nothing at all, however, about
the success of nation building in the Third World. It is a
process not far advanced in most cases, and therefore unrest and
conflict continually come to the surface in these parts of the
world. Countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Sudan and
Cameroon are all products of colonialism; they are conglomerates
of numerous peoples and tribes, linguistic and religious
minorities. By comparison, the nationality problems that
brought down Europe's old multinational empires at the end of
the First World War appear mere trivia. It is clear that these
states can only temporarily manage to contain tensions that
exist between their various constituent groups. Forty years
after the sub-continent was released from British colonial rule,
the central government in India, for example, is burdened by the
desire of states such as Assam and Nagaland and religious
minorities such as the Sikhs to secede from the republic.
Whether India is a multilingual nation or a multinational state
is still open to debate. The only conclusion the history of
twentieth-century southern Asia prompts is that nationalism has
been an effective weapon for liberation from colonial rule; but
in most cases has been powerless to build and sustain a solid
political order. Sri Lanka, politically united again under
British rule after having been divided into small kingdoms for
centuries, is today threatened by civil war between the Buddhist
Sinhalese and the Tamil minority..."
Benedict -
Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of
Nationalism / Paperback / Published 1983
Brian Keith. -
The Nation's Tortured Body: Violence, Representation, and the
Formation of a Sikh "Diaspora" ASEN: Association for the Study of
Ethnicity and Nationalism 18th Annual Conference,2008 on
East and West: Civic and Ethnic Conceptions of Nationhood: Abstracts
of Conference Papers*
Babejova, Eleonora.
Fin-De-Sicle Pressburg
Balakrishnan et al
Mapping the Nation, 1996
ISBN-10: 1859840604; ISBN-13: 978-1859840603
Fredrik, Andre Gingrich, Robert Parkin and Sydel Silverman.
One Discipline, Four Ways: British, German, French, and American
Anthropology (Halle Lectures) * Timothy Baycroft
Nationalism in Europe 1789-1945 (Cambridge Perspectives in
History) * Timothy Baycroft
Mark Hewitson -
What Is a Nation?: Europe 1789-1914 *Timothy Baycroft - Culture,
Identity and Nationalism: French Flanders in the Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries (Royal Historical Society Studies in History
New Series) *Benner,
Really Existing Nationalisms *Bell,
David A.
The Cult of the Nation in France: Inventing Nationalism, 1680-1800 *Beiner,
Ronald, ed.
Theorizing Nationalism (Suny Series in Political Theory,
Contemporary Issues)
*Billig, Michael:
Banal Nationalism *Biondich,
Mark. Stjepan Radic,
Stjepan Radic,The Croat Peasant Party and the Politics of Mass
*Blum, Edward J.
Reforging the White Republic: Race, Religion, and American
Nationalism, 1865-1898 (Conflicting Worlds: New Dimensions of the
American Civil War) *Borntraeger,
Ekkehard W.
Borders, Ethnicity and National Self-Determination. Vienna:
Baumueller, 1999.
D. George.
Nationalism in Ireland
*Brass, Paul R.
Ethnicity and Nationalism: Theory and Comparison *Brehony,
K. J. and N. Rassool, ed.
Nationalisms Old and New (Explorations in Sociology) *
John Breuilly -
Nationalism and the State, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1985.
Brown, Keith.
The Past in Question: Modern Macedonia and the Uncertainties of
Nation *Brown, Michael E, (Editor), et al -
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict : An International Security Reader
Brubaker, Rogers.
Nationalism Reframed: Nationhood and the National Question in the New Europe *Bruce,
The Edge of the Union: The Ulster Loyalist Political Vision *Buchheit, Lee C -
Secession: The Legitimacy of Self-Determination
Jimmy. Bar�a:
Barca: A People's Passion *Cairns,
Alan C.
Citizens Plus: Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State *Calhoun,
Craig -
Nationalism (Concepts in Social Thought Series)
Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.
Margaret, -
Nationhood and Political Theory, October 1998
is a nation? As all commentators on nations and nationalism
agree, this is a subject on which it is extraordinarily hard to
get a conceptual grip. Not that defining political phenomena is
ever easy: any attempt to encapsulate a complex and variable
phenomenon in a definition invites counter-examples, while the
form of words chosen often has controversial political
overtones. But the bulk of the literature on nationhood breathes
an air of frustration that seems to have two sources, a sense
that there is something peculiarly elusive about nations,
reinforced by the feeling that they are in any case such
ramshackle constructions of myth and illusion that they scarcely
deserve serious analysis. This sense that there is something
particularly odd about nationhood can only be increased by the
perspective that I have so far adopted, since I have been
implying on the one hand that its capacity to generate the
political power presupposed by liberal democratic political
theory makes nationhood highly significant, and on the other
hand that this vitally important political phenomenon is
nevertheless so unobtrusive that most political theorists
somehow fail to notice it. I shall argue that all these
peculiarities are interconnected, that the power of nationhood
is indeed linked with its elusiveness, and that nations are
exceedingly complex phenomena, the key to which lies in their
ability to mediate between different aspects of social and
political life..."
*Chatterjee, Partha
- Nationalist Thought & the
Colonial World - A Derivative Discourse
published by Zed Books Ltd. for the United Nations University, 1986
"Nationalism denied the
alleged inferiority of the colonised people; it also
asserted that a backward nation could 'modernise' itself
while retaining its cultural identity. It thus produced a
discourse in which, even as it challenged the colonial claim
to political domination, it also accepted the very
intellectual premises of 'modernity' on which colonial
domination was based. How are we to sort out these
contradictory elements in nationalist discourse?.. how does
one accept what is valuable in another's culture without
losing one's own cultural identity?..."
From the backcover:
Partha Chatterjee ... criticises Western theories of Third
World nationalism - both liberal and Marxist. He
demonstrates how Western theorists, with their emphasis on
the power of reason, the primacy of the hard sciences and
the dominance of the empirical method, have assumed that
their presuppositions are universally valid, and, through
the impact of Western education, have imposed concepts of
nationalism on non-Western peoples to the detriment, if not
destruction, of their own world-views. The author explores
the central contradiction that nationalism in Africa and
Asia has consequently experienced: setting out to assert its
freedom from European domination, it yet remained a prisoner
of European post-Enlightenment rationalist discourse... It
anticipates a new generation of popular struggles that will
redefine the content of Afro-Asian nationalism and the kinds
of society people wish to build....
Professor Chatterjee trained in the United States, and
has taught at many institutions including the Universities
of Rochester and Amritsar. He has held visiting appointments
at St Antony's College, Oxford, and the Australian National
University, Among his many published works are Arms,
Alliances and Stability (1975), The Stat of Political Theory
(1987)(co-author), and Bengal 1920-1947: the Land question
(1984). He is a member of the editorial group of Subaltern
Studies: Writings on South Asian History and Society. He is
currently Professor of Political Science at the Centre for
Studies in Social Sciences in Calcutta.
*Chatterjee, Partha - The
Nation and Its Fragments : Colonial and Postcolonial Histories
(Princeton Studies in Culture/Power/History) / Paperback /
Published 1993
* Chatterjee, Partha -
The Partha Chatterjee Omnibus: Comprising Nationalist Thought
and the Colonial World, the Nation and Its Fragments, a Possible
Cocks, Joan.
Passion and Paradox: Intellectuals Confront the National Question
Making Subject(s): Literature and the Emergence of National
Identity.(Review): An article from: Comparative Drama *Connor, Walker -
Ethnonationalism : The Quest for Understanding,1994
*Connor, Walker -
The National Question in Marxist-Leninist Theory and Strategy,
1984 ISBN-10: 0691101639;
ISBN-13: 978-0691101637
"From a
review by
James C Voorhees: 'Walker Connor has been
writing about ethno nationalism for decades. This is a much
needed collection of his essays. They are well written and
closely argued. The importance of his arguments for
understanding ethnic conflicts in today's world can scarcely
be overstated. If you believe that ethnicity and ethnic
conflict can be explained by such easily defined things as
differences in language, religion, or skin color, you must
read this book.'"
Confino, Alon.
The Nation as a Local Metaphor: Wurttemberg, Imperial Germany, and
National Memory, 1871-1918 . London and New York:
Routledge, 2002.
Conversi, Daniele.
The Basques, The Catalans, and Spain: Alternative Routes to
Nationalist Mobilisation. London: Hurst & Company, 1997.
Cooper, Robert. Language Planning and Social Change. New York:
Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Coogan, Tim Pat. The IRA: A History. Revised Edition ed. Niwot,
Colorado: Roberts Rinehart, 1994.
Corse, Sarah M. Nationalism and Literature: The Politics of
Culture in Canada and the United States. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge
University Press, 1997.
Crawford, James, The
Creation of States in International Law, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1979
"Since the development of the modern international system, statehood
has been regarded as the paramount type of international personality;
indeed, in doctrine if not in practice, States were for a time regarded as
the only international persons. This is no longer so; but the political
paramountcy of States over other international actors, with whatever
qualifications, continues, and Statehood remains the central type of legal
personality. Problems of definition and of application of the definition, of
statehood thus occupy an important place in the structure of international
law....Perhaps the most controversial issue in this area is the relationship
between statehood and recognition..."
Cronin, Mike. Sport and Nationalism in Ireland: Gaelic Games,
Soccer and Irish Identity since 1884. Dublin: Four Courts Press,
Cusack, Tricia and S�ghle Bhreathnach-Lynch. Art, Nation and
Gender: Ethnic Landscapes, Myths and Mother-Figures. Burlington, VT:
Ashgate. 2003.
*Cubitt, Geoffrey, (Editor)
Imagining Nations (York Studies in Cultural History) /
Hardcover / Published 1998
* Cvetkovich, Ann, Douglas Kellner,
Articulating the Global and the Local : Globalization and Cultural Studies
(Cultural Studies Series) / Paperback / Published 1997
Dahbour, Omar and Ishay, Micheline R., ed.
The Nationalism Reader *Karl Wolfgang Deutsch -
Nationalism and Social Communication, Second Edition : An Inquiry
into the Foundations of Nationality
Etlin, Richard A. (ed.). Art, Culture, and Media under the Third
Reich. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.
*Eley, Geoff and Suny, Ronald Grigor, ed.
Becoming National : A Reader New York and Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1996
*Emerson, Rupert -
From Empire to Nation: The Rise of Self-Assertion of Asian
and African Peoples.
Finnan, Joseph P. John Redmond and Irish Unity, 1912-1918. Irish
Studies Series. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2004.
Fritzsche, Peter. Germans into Nazis. Cambridge and London: Harvard
University Press, 1998.
Frommer, Benjamin. National Cleansing: Retribution against Nazi
Collaborators in Postwar Czechoslovakia. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
Fuglerud, Ivind, Oivind Fuglerud
Life on the Outside : The Tamil Diaspora and Long-Distance
Nationalism (Anthropology, Culture and Society) / Paperback /
Published: June 1999(**alternative
link to Amazon.co.uk)
"....Exile is not
primarily a geographical location, it is a state of mind through
which one becomes what one has left behind. In the Tamil case
many actually become what they have fled from. Between the
extremes of the warrior and the victim the refugee must carry
out his 'bricolage', assemble the pieces and carry on. For many
this life project takes the form of internalised martyrdom, the
fight for Eelam being replaced by a longing for Eelam which
grows into a constant part of the personality and becomes a
counterweight, to the vicissitudes of exile. What is
characteristic of the Tamil exile situation, therefore, is a
blurring of 'here' and 'there'; the dismembering of social
networks, the re-membering of an imaginary homeland, the
attachment of an imagined community to an imagined place. It is
that from which they are excluded which makes them not only
'refugees' but ' Tamil refugees'...The grand narrative of
revolutionary nationalism is adapted, by refugees who accept it,
to provide a genesis of the
atrocities of the Sinhalese terrorists increased, to protect
our lives we fled...' This explanation goes beyond scientific
history and represents a 'mythico-history'.
because it is untrue but because the Tamils as a people
are here heroised and placed within a more encompassing moral
ordering of the world where relationships and processes
are reinterpreted within a dichotomy of good and evil...."
Gellner, Ernest,
Professor of Social Anthropology at Cambridge
and Nationalism Basil Blackwell, Paperback, 1983
link to
Amazon.co.uk bookshop)
"....What then is this contingent, but in our age
seemingly universal and normative, idea of the nation?
Discussion of two very makeshift, temporary definitions will
help to pinpoint this elusive concept.
(1) Two men are of the same nation if and only if
they share the same culture, where culture in turn means a
system of ideas and signs and associations and ways of
behaving and communicating.
(2 )Two men are of the same nation if and only if
they recognize each other as belonging to the same nation.
In other words, nations maketh man; nations are the
artefacts of men's convictions and loyalties and
A mere category of persons (say, occupants of a
given territory, or speakers of a given language, for
example) becomes a nation if and when the members of the
category firmly recognize certain mutual rights and duties
to each other in virtue of their shared membership of it. It
is their recognition of each other as fellows of this kind
which turns them into a nation, and not the other shared
attributes, whatever they might be, which separate that
category from non-members.
Each of these provisional definitions, the
cultural and the voluntaristic, has some merit. Each of them
singles out an element which is of real importance in the
understanding of nationalism. But neither is adequate.
Definitions of culture, presupposed by the first definition,
in the anthropological rather than the normative sense, are
notoriously difficult and unsatisfactory. It is probably
best to approach this problem by using this term without
attempting too much in the way of formal definition, and
looking at what culture does..."
Professor of Social Anthropology at Cambridge
University -
Plough, Sword, and Book : The Structure of Human History
*Gellner, Ernest -
Nations and Nationalism (New perspectives on the past)
*Gilbert, Paul
Peoples, Cultures, and Nations in Political Philosophy, July
*Gilbert, Paul.
The Philosophy Of Nationalism *Greenfeld, Liah -
Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity
Greenfeld, Liah
Spirit of Capitalism : Nationalism and Economic Growth
Gross, Jan. Neighbors - The Destruction of the Jewish Community
in Jedwabne, Poland. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press,
* Guibernau, Montserrat -
Nations without States:
Political Communities in a Global Age, 1999
"Montserrat Guibernau has written a clear, succinct and
stimulating analysis of the politics of stateless nations. Her book should
be recommended reading for courses in ethnicity and nationalism in Europe
and should have a wide appeal to professionals and students in the social
and political sciences." Anthony D. Smith, London School of Economics
[note by tamilnation.org
- A must read book for those concerned with furthering their
understanding of the
Fourth World: Nations without a State. see also
Nations & Nationalism]
* Guibernau,
Montserrat and John Hutchinson - History and National Destiny: Ethnosymbolism and its Critics
ethno-symbolists, what gives nationalism its power are the myths,
memories, traditions, and symbols of ethnic heritages and the ways
in which a popular living past has been, and can be, rediscovered
and reinterpreted by modern nationalist intelligentsias. It is from
these elements of myth, memory, symbol and tradition that modern
national identities are reconstituted in each generation, as the
nation becomes more inclusive and as its members cope with new
challenges' more
*Guibernau, M..Montserrat and
I.Berdun(Editor), et al -
The Ethnicity Reader : Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Migration /
Paperback / Published 1997
*Hall,John A. (Editor) -
The State of the Nation : Ernest Gellner and the Theory of
Nationalism, (1998).
* Haas, Ernst B. -
Nationalism, Liberalism and Progress: Volume 1 The Rise and
Decline of Nationalism (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)
*Haas, Ernst B., Peter J. Katzenstein -
Nationalism, Liberalism, and Progress, Volume 2 : The Dismal
Fate of New Nations
*Hannan, Kevin.
Borders of Language and Identity in Teschen Silesia (Berkeley
Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics) *Hastings, Adrian -
The Construction of Nationhood : Ethnicity, Religion and
Nationalism (Wiles Lectures, 1996.)
Hardgrave, Robert L -
The Dravidian Movement, 1965
* Hechter, Michael
Internal colonialism: The Celtic fringe in British national
development, 1536-1966 (International library of sociology) * Hechter, Michael.
Containing Nationalism A Jewish State: An Attempt at a
Modern Solution of the Jewish Question
Eric J.
Emeretius Professor of Economic and Social History, Birkbeck College,
University of London -
Nations and Nationalism Since 1780 : Programme, Myth, Reality (Canto
Series) / Paperback, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
Isaacs, Herold. Idols of the Tribe. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
* Atsuko Ichijo -
When is the Nation?: Towards an Understanding of Theories of
Nationalism, 2005 ISBN-10: 0415361214, ISBN-13: 978-0415361217
Jaszi, Oscar. The Dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1971 (5th edition).
* Jayawardena, Kumari.
Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World (Third World Books) * Kedourie, Elie -
Nationalism, Fourth ed. Oxford UK and Cambridge USA:
Blackwell, 1993.
Kazin, Michael and Joseph McCartin (eds). Americanism: New
Perspectives on the History of an Ideal. Chapel Hill: University of
North Carolina Press, 2006.
Kenny, Kevin. Ireland and the British Empire. Oxford History of the
British Empire Companion Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
King, Charles. The Moldovans: Romania, Russia and the Politics of
Culture. Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1999.
Kissane, Bill. The Politics of the Irish Civil War. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2005.
Kitchen, Martin. A History of Modern Germany 1800-2000. Malden:
Blackwell, 2006.
Krapauskas, Virgil. Nationalism and Historiography: The Case of
Nineteenth-Century Lithuanian Historicism. Boulder: East European
Monographs, Distributed by Columbia University Press, 2000.
Kristeva, Julia. Nations without Nationalism. Translated by Leon S.
Roudiez. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
*Y. N. Kly (Preface), D. Kly,
Richard Falk -
In Pursuit of the Right to Self-Determination
Collected Papers of the First International Conference, 2000
Hans Kohn
- *The
Age of Nationalism : The First Era of Global History (**alternate
link to
Amazon.co.uk bookshop)
and Realism : 1852-1879 / Paperback / Published 1968
Idea of Nationalism: A Study in Its Origins and Background (Social Science
Classics Series) 1944
"...Nationalism is first and foremost a
state of mind, an act of consciousness... the mental life of man is as
much dominated by an ego-consciousness as it is by a group
consciousness. Both are complex states of mind at which we arrive
through experiences of differentiation and opposition, of the ego and
the surrounding world, of the we group and those outside the group. It
is a fact often commented upon that this growth of nationalism and of
national sectionalisms happened at the very same time when international
relations,trade, and communications were developing as never before;
that local languages were raised to the dignity of literary and cultural
languages just at the time when it seemed most desirable to efface all
differences of language by the spread of world languages. This view
overlooks the fact that that very growth of nationalism all over the
earth, with its awakening of the masses to participation in political
and cultuarl life, prepared the way for the closer cultural contacts of
all the civilisations of mankind, at the same time separating and
uniting them...."
and peoples : studies in nineteenth century nationalism |
*Krishan Kumar, et al -
The Making of English National Identity (Cambridge Cultural
Social Studies)
*Kenneth R. Minogue -
*Michael Hechter -
Containing Nationalism
*Donald L. Horowitz -
Ethnic Groups in Conflict, Updated Edition With a New Preface
Laquer -
A History of Zionism Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London
is the belief in the existence of a common past and a common
future for the Jewish people. Such faith can be accepted or
rejected, it can be a matter of rational argument only to a very
limited extent... As far as national movements go, myths are
always more powerful motives than rational arguments... The
Zionists believed with Mazzini that without a country, they were
bound to remain the bastards of humanity. Others did not accept
the idea of a national state as a historical necessity..."
Laitin, David. Language Repertoires. New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1992.
Layoun, Mary N. Wedded to the Land? Gender, Boundaries, and
Nationalism in Crisis. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2001.
Levy, Jacob. The Multiculturalism of Fear. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2000.
Livezeanu, Irina. Cultural Politics in Greater Romania: Regionalism,
Nation-Building and Ethnic Struggle, 1918-1930. Ithaca: Cornell
University Press, 1995.
Lord, Christopher and Olga Strietska-Ilina, ed. Parallel Cultures:
Majority/Minority Relations in the Countries of the Former Eastern
Bloc. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2001.
*McPherson, James M. -
Is Blood Thicker Than Water? : Crises of Nationalism in the Modern
World / Paperback / Published 1999
*Meyer, Birgit (Editor), Peter Geschiere
(Editor) -
Globalization and Identity : Dialectics of Flow and Closure /
Paperback / Published 1999
Minahan, Leonard W. Doob (Introduction) -
Nations without States January 1996
"The book surveys the current status of 210 nations that are not
states, and which are not recognized by major countries as being independent
political entities. Appendices list declarations of independence by nonstate
nations since 1890, geographical distribution, and nationalist
organizations. Minahan discusses the problems involved in establishing
criteria for inclusion. Antarctica, for example, publishes postage stamps,
but has no citizens; Palestine has embassies but is not an independent
state... "
(Editor) -
National Self-Determination and Secession, 1998
This is an important book and will be essential
reading for many in the Tamil diaspora. It contains a collection
of articles on the central issues relating to national self
determination and secession. Do nations have a right to
collective self-determination? If they do, what is it
about nations that entitles them to this right? If not, are
there any conditions in which a group can justifiably secede
from a state? ...
*Moore, Margaret.
The Ethics of Nationalism *Tom Nairn -
Faces of Nationalism : Janus Revisited / Paperback /
Published 1998
Nagy-Talavera, Nicholas M. The Green Shirts and the Others: A
History of Fascism in Hungary and Romania. Iasi: Center for Romanian
Studies, 2001.
Names, Robert. The Once and Future Budapest. Dekalb, Illinois:
Northern Illinois University Press, 2005.
Nandy, Ashis. The Illegitimacy of Nationalism: Rabindranath Tagore
and the Politics of Self. Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1994.
Nercessian, Andy. The Duduk and National Identity in Armenia.
Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2001.
Ozkirimli, Umut. Theories of Nationalism: A Critical Overview.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000.
*Sukumar Periwal
(Editor) -
Notions of Nationalism published by Central European University
Press, Budapest, London, New York, 1995
"In recent years, following the end of
the cold war and the relative simplicities of the bipolar confrontation,
nationalism has re-emerged as a dominant force and ideology in our
world. Everywhere, peoples who had been confined within the borders of
countries with which they did not identify, and whose regimes they
intensely disliked, have been seeking self-determination and democracy.
Notions of Nationalism, as the title implies, is an exploration of a
phenomenon that all of us need to understand."
Pandian, Jacob - Caste,
nationalism, and ethnicity : an interpretation of Tamil cultural history and
social order
*Sukumar Periwal -
Notions of Nationalism
*Norman Rich -
Age of Nationalism and Reform, 1850-1890 / Paperback / Published 1980
*Dov Ronen
The Quest for Self-Determination , 1979
Joseph. -
Ethnopolitics: A Conceptual Framework
* Andreas Pickel (ed)
Economic Nationalism In A Globalizing World (Cornell Studies in
Political Economy)
நாம் தமிழர்: We Tamils English
Translation by Dr.Manoharan
Sankaran, Krishna -
Postcolonial Insecurities: India, Sri Lanka, and the Question of Nationhood
University of Minnesota Press,1999 [**also
[suggested by a visitor to the site]
the Publishers Note:
"This ambitious work explores the vexed
connections among nation-building, ethnic identity, and regional
conflict by focusing on a specific event: Indian political and
military intervention in the ethnic conflict between the
Sinhalese and Tamils in Sri Lanka. Drawing
on interviews with leading players in the Indian-Sri Lankan
debacle, Sankaran Krishna offers a persuasive analysis of this
episode. The intervention serves as a springboard to a broader
inquiry into the interworkings of nation-building, ethnicity,
and "foreign" policy. Krishna argues that the modernist effort
to construct nation-states on the basis of singular notions of
sovereignty and identity has reached a violent dead end in the
postcolonial world of South Asia. Showing how the nationalist
agenda that seeks to align territory with identity has unleashed
a spiral of regional, statist, and insurgent violence, he makes
an eloquent case for reimagining South Asia along postnational
lines-as a "confederal" space.
Postcolonial Insecurities counters the perception
of "ethnicity" as an inferior and subversive principle compared
with the progressive ideal of the "nation." Krishna, in fact,
shows ethnicity to be indispensable to the production and
reproduction of the nation itself.
Sankaran Krishna is associate professor of political science at
the University of Hawaii at Manoa."
Schama, Simon. A History of Britain Volume II: The Wars of the
British, 1603-1776. New York: Talk Miramax Books, 2001.
Schlink, Bernhard. Heimat Als Utopie. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp,
Searle-White, Josh. The Psychology of Nationalism. New York:
Palgrave/St. Martin's Press, 2001.
Seton-Watson, Hugh.
Nations & States - Methuen, London 1977
Shatzmiller, Maya (ed.). Nationalism and Minority Identities in
Islamic Societies. Series in Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict.
Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press, 2005.
Singh, Gurharpal. Ethnic Conflict in India: a case-study of Punjab.
New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Sisson, Elaine. Pearse's Patriots: St. Enda's and the Cult of
Boyhood. Cork: Cork University Press, 2004.
Anthony D.
- London School of Economics
Ethno-symbolism and Nationalism - A Cultural Approach,
National Identity (Ethnonationalism in Comparative
1991/ Paperback /May 1991
Ethnicity and Nationalism edited by Anthony D. Smith,
- International Studies in Sociology and Social
Anthropology, Volume LX, published by E.J.Brill, Leiden,
New York, Koln, 1992
"... What, I think, distinguishes the last
twenty years from earlier periods in the study of
nationalism is the growing convergence of two
fields, which had been formerly treated as separate:
the study of ethnicity and ethnic community, and the
analysis of national identity and nationalism. The
former had been largely the preserve of
anthropologists and social psychologists, and had
focused on small-scale communities, often in Third
World areas. The latter had been the province of
historians, for whom the ideology (and ethics) of
nationalism was paramount. Nationalism was seen as a
'force', non-logical if not irrational, one which
swept away traditional barriers and ushered in a new
era of national conflicts and mass terror, a view
reinforced by nationalism's alleged role in two
World Wars..."
and Nationalism in a Global Era /Paperback /February
"...the nation is
historically embedded. It is the modern heir and
transformation of the much older and commoner ethnie
and as such gathers to itself all the symbols and
myths of pre-modern ethnicity. Combining these
pre-modern ties and sentiments with the explosive
modern charge of popular sovereignty and mass,
public culture, nationalism has created a unique
modern drama of national liberation and popular
mobilization in an ancestral homeland. The older
myths of ethnic election... have not withered away.
Nationalism has given them a new lease of life,
inspiring a yearning for collective regeneration in
the homeland and for salvation of the national elect
provided they repossess their authentic identity and
ancestral soil..."
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