Whats New Archive
October 2006-

30 October
2006 Indictment Against Sri
Lanka to include Sri Lankan State Terror:
Through the Eyes of a Dissident - Cameron
Walker in Scoop Independent
29 October
2006 Reflections
".. Self determination
is not a de stabilising concept. Self
determination and democracy go hand in
hand. If democracy means the rule of the
people, by the people, for the people, then
the principle of self determination secures
that no one people may rule another - and
herein lies its enduring appeal..."
Nadesan Satyendra in Why
Division, 1998 |
29 October
2006 Conflict Resolution:
Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka
Geneva II Talks: 28 -
29 October 2006...

1. சுவிஸ்
- 2 இன்
agreement reached in Geneva, Tigers
respond on pluralism and
democracy - LTTE Press Statement, 29 October
2006 "The LTTE welcomed the MoU signed by the two
major Sinhala political parties. The
LTTE also stated that once the Sinhala
polity reaches a consensus with respect
to the resolution to the conflict, the
LTTE will enter into political
negotiations with the GoSL. The LTTE
expects that by this time normalcy
returns and a conducive environment
created. The GoSL raised the issues of
democracy and pluralism in the homeland.
The LTTE stated that it is more committed
to the democratic principles than the
GoSL and cited the ISGA as an example.
The LTTE challenged the GoSL to repeal
the sixth amendment
as a token of its commitment to democracy
and pluralism..."
Statement by the Norwegian Facilitator at
Conclusion of Talks "...The LTTE
requested the A9 to be opened. The
Government refused to do so at this
point. No agreement was reached between
the parties on how to address the
humanitarian crisis. No date for a new
meeting was agreed upon. Norway will be
in ongoing dialogue with the parties to
discuss all possible ideas on how to move
the peace process forward. .."
4. Norway
says that all three issues -
humanitarian suffering, military
de-escalation and underlying political
problems should be addressed
simultaneously during talks, Sri
Lanka Sunday Times, 29 October 2006 -
Norway�s International
Development Minister Erik Solheim spelt
out three main areas which the
international community believes should
be addressed during talks. Mr. Solheim
explained that the issues cannot be
taken separately and must be addressed
simultaneously. They are-
* The
humanitarian suffering in Sri Lanka.
There must be a relief to all those who
are suffering from displacement, war,
killings, and simply a return to
normalcy for all communities.
* Military de-escalation. The culture
of impunity when people are killed must
be stopped. There must be a stop to all
sorts of violence, be it terrorist
attacks, military campaigns or human
rights abuses of all sorts.
* There is no way the peace process can
move forward for some time, without
addressing the underlying political
problems in Sri Lanka.
�We have shown a
lot of patience and we are prepared to
show more, but the people in Sri Lanka
and the international community will be
impatient... the island risked losing
huge foreign aid and goodwill unless the
government and the LTTE worked towards a
final political
solution based on a federal formula
agreed in December 2002..."
5. International
community puts Lanka on red notice says
Lasantha Wickrematunge in Sri Lanka
Sunday Leader, 29 October
Thamilchelvan on First Day Talks - No
progress on Humanitarian issues, CFA,
28 October 2006
7.Peace process
depends on ceasefire implementation -
LTTE Opening Statement, 28 October
Statement by Minister Nimal Siripala de
Silva, Head of Delegation, GoSL, 28
October 2006
9. முதலாம்
28 October
2006 Tamil National
26 October
2006 Sathyam
"One leader, Under one
flag, We stand united"
Conflict Resolution: Sri Lanka -
Tamil Eelam: Getting to Yes - Nadesan
Satyendra "
In the end, it is for the
Tamil people and the Sinhala people to be
unafraid to have a continuing, open and
honest conversation with each other and in
this way help mobilise a critical mass of
people committed to secure justice and
democracy - a democracy where no one
people rule another. An independent
Tamil Eelam may not be negotiable but an
independent Tamil Eelam can and will
negotiate. Tamils who today live in many lands and across distant
seas know only too well that
sovereignty after all, is not
virginity. But
if the people in the island of Sri Lanka
are not persuaded by all that has happened
during the past several decades, then yet
again conflict resolution will take the
form of war - directed to change minds and
hearts. And then the role of symposiums and
'peace talks' may (in the words of Clement
Atlee) prove m-i-n-i-m-a-l." more |
26 October
2006 Tamil Eelam - a De Facto
State to include
Eelam Child Protection Act
which became effective on October 15,
brings into law measures to protect the
Rights and well-being of children from
inception of life through adolescence. The
Act, containing 83 sections, makes
education compulsory upto grade 11,
mandates registration of all child births,
outlaws enlisting of children under 17
years in Armed Forces, makes participation
of under 18-year olds in armed combat
illegal, and proscribes all forms of child
labour"... more
including full text of Act in
Tamil |
25 October
2006 Conflict
Resolution:Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka
-Tracking the Norwegian
Conflict Resolution Initiative to
1. Maximum devolution
envisaged:Sri Lanka pact avoids unitary
model says B. Muralidhar Reddy in Brahmin
controlled Hindu together with
comment by tamilnation.org "The '
theatre of spin' staged by the Brahmin
controlled Hindu will not come as a
surprise to the Tamil people. The Hindu
would have us believe that the UNP/SLFP
pact provides for 'maximum devolution'.
And the Hindu headline states that that
the UNP/SLFP pact avoids the 'unitary
model'. What the pact does is to avoid
mentioning the word 'unitary' and that
is a somewhat different matter. The pact
provides for regional 'administrators'.
Actually, in the 1987 Provincial Councils
Act, the Tamils had the benefit of not
simply 'administrators' but even
'Governors' - Governors who would
'administer' the provinces. The
undeniable constitutional reality is that
the Sri Lanka constitution vests
executive power in the President and it
was this which underpinned the 'comic opera' reforms
of 1987..." more
2.On the Eve of Geneva
Talks: Sri Lanka State Controlled Daily
News on Fundamentals of Ethnic
issue "...The Tamil population, it should
be clearly underscored consists of only
12 per cent of the total population of
the island with the Muslims comprising 7
per cent and the Estate Tamils who are
now for the most part citizens and who
are descendants of indentured Indian
labour, comprising around 6 per cent. The
fundamental principle of majority rule in
democratic governance would
incontrovertibly place the majority
Sinhalese as the major force in the
democratic electoral process..."
24 October
2006 United States & the
Struggle for Tamil Eelam to
Sri Lanka's Momentum - Richard
A. Boucher, US Assistant Secretary for
South and Central Asian Affairs "
We are pleased that the government and the
LTTE are committed to peace talks, to go to
Geneva and to begin discussions again.
We think it is important to discuss
all the issues. It is
also important to begin a process that can
lead to a serious negotiation, and
eventually, to a political solution with
legitimate interest of all the communities:
of Tamils, of Muslims, of Sinhalese.
It can be accommodated
with a unitary Sri Lanka.We
also need to see steps in all areas
of the country to improve the respect for
human rights. We need to see an
investigation of the abuses that have been
reported.In this regard, I point out that
we worked among the Co-Chairs and also with
the government on the appointment of an
international human rights commission. We
continue to work on that we hope there were some discussions
today in Geneva about this.
more |
24 October
2006 Tamil National
S.Sunthanthiram on
Sanctimonious Predatory
"Democrats"! "...The Eelam Tamils
have the great misfortune of sharing the
island home with another tribe called the
Sinhalese who have the habit of choosing to
be governed by politicians whose political
platform consists entirely of Tamil baiting
rhetoric...Now, we hear laments from some
quarters loudest from the Sinhala south,
about the lack of "democracy" for the "poor
Tamils" in the LTTE controlled areas. In
this the Sinhalese are either blithely
ignorant of the irony or are willfully
cynical in a Mephistophelean manner. I
think it is the latter. If the Tamil lambs
are getting wet it is because they would
rather brave the weather than get eaten by
the Sinhala wolves. The wolf is now howling
that the lambs are getting wet! Just think
about it! .." more |
23 October
2006 Conflict Resolution: Sri
Lanka - Tamil Eelam to
23 October
2006 Reflections
"...The time has come
when I can openly tell the whole world,
including our enemies, as to how it is
proposed to bring about national
liberation. Indians outside India,
particularly Indians in East Asia, are
going to organise a fighting force which
will be powerful enough to attack the
British Army in India.
... According to my plan, it is not even
necessary to bother about the attitude of
the Axis powers towards
India... It is our duty,
to pay for our liberty with our own blood.
The freedom that we shall win through our
sacrifice and exertions, we shall be able
to preserve with our own
strength..." Subhas Chandra Bose
to the Indian National Army, 9 July
1943 |
23 October
2006 Tamil National
Forum to include
Sabesan from Australia on நேதாஜி
more |
23 October
2006 Sri Lanka Accused at
United Nations to include
23 October
2006 Tamil Heritage - Tamils
are an Ancient People to include
Ancestry of the Ceylon Tamil
- M.D.Raghavan
22 October
2006 Tamil National
Forum Sachi Sri Kantha on
International Association of Tamil Research
(IATR) Conferences: Pre- lude and
21 October
2006 Remembering Diwali Day Massacre 21
October 1987
20 October
2006 Reflections
"..Way back in 1988,
on the 3rd of July, the U.S.S. Vincennes, a
missile cruiser stationed in the Persian
Gulf, accidentally shot down an Iranian
airliner and killed 290 civilian
passengers. George Bush the First, who was
at the time on his presidential campaign,
was asked to comment on the incident. He
said quite subtly, "I will never apologize
for the United States. I don't care what
the facts are." I don't care what the
facts are. What a perfect maxim for the New
American Empire. Perhaps a slight variation
on the theme would be more apposite:
The facts can be whatever
we want them to be..."
Roy in Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy (Buy
One, Get One Free) |
20 October
2006 Tamil National
Forum to include
20 October
2006 International Frame of
Struggle for Tamil Eelam to
An open letter to
Congressman Frank Pallone - Professor
Aaron Rajah "...In any attack against
armed forces or armed conflicts, all
military actions by both troops and
rebels are always brutal. Violence and
brutality always goes hand in hand and
adding brutality to your statement does
not mean anything; however, the
personal were unarmed�
is quite deceptive and misleading to the
American public.

Although the media,
including AFP news agencies, published
the photos (please refer to attached
photos) of numerous arms, body amours and
military hard hats collected of the
so-called unarmed Navy personnel killed
on that day you have decided to portray
to the American people that the Navy was
unarmed and on a vacation to a resort
island, thus eluding the main issue in
this entire conflict which is the value
of life. It is no secret the value of
life was never honored by the Sri Lankan
armed forces..." more together
with comment
by tamilnation.org
19 October
2006 Democracy - Sri Lanka
Style to include
19 October
2006 Tamil Heritage - Tamils
are an Ancient People to
1. Some
aspects of South Indian cultural contacts
with Thailand �
Historical Background. - S.Singaravelu
Xavier S. Thani Nayagam, soon after a
successful study-tour of South-east Asian
countries including Burma, Cambodia,
Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand,
published his paper on Tamil Cultural
Influences in South-east Asia in the
Tamil Culture (IV, 3, July 1955). It was
in this paper that Prof. Thani Nayagam
made known for the first time the fact
that the Tamil verses recited at the Thai
Coronation Ceremony and the Swinging
Festival were those from Manikkavacakar's
Tiruvempavai..." more
2. Tiruppavai,
Tiruvempavai in South East Asia -
T.P.Meenakshisundaram "At the
fourth Tamil Festival celebrated at
Madras, I brought to the notice of the
audience that the name of the national
festival held in former days at Bangkok
and elsewhere was no other than the names
of two works of Antal and Manikkavacakar
viz. Tiruppavai and
respectively..." more
3. Tamil Studies: Research
in South East Asia and in the Far East -
Jean Filliozat "Intercourse
between the Tamil kingdom and the Magadha
kingdom are evidenced since the end of
the fourth century B.C. The famous Greek
ambassador to the court of Candragupta
heard at Pataliputra the story of
Tadadakai, i.e. Minatci of the Pandyan
kingdom, without having ever visited this
country. In the middle of the third
century B.C. Asoka's inscriptions refer
to the three Tamil kingdoms..." more
4. Interactions of the
Chola empire in the Chao Phraya delta -
18 October
2006 Tamil Language &
Manimekalai of
Cittalaic Cattanar
"The Manimekhalai, one of the masterpieces
of Tamil literature, gives us in the form
of didactic novel full of freshness and
poetry, a delightful insight into the ways
of life, the pleasures, beliefs and
philosophical concepts of a
refined civilisation... In its clear
accounts of the philosophical concepts of
the time, the Manimekhalai presents the
various currents of pre Aryan thought....
which gradually influenced the Vedic Aryan
world... The society in which the action of
the Manimekhalai takes has little to do
with the Aryanised civilisation of the
north which we know from Sanskrit texts..."
more |
17 October
2006 Tamil National
17 October
2006 Conflict Resolution -
Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka to
16 October
2006 Tamils - a Trans State
Nation to include
16 October
2006 Tamil National
Forum Ana Pararajasingham writes from
Australia on the Strategy of
'Containment' together with
by tamilnation.org and response by Ana
16 October
2006 Armed Struggle for Tamil Eelam to
Sri Lanka Armed Forces
Suffer Debacle - D.B.S.Jeyaraj "It
was the day of the Tiger on Wednesday, 11
October 2006 ...The seeming docility of the
LTTE had given the wrong picture to the
GOSL. The strategic withdrawals by the LTTE
in recent times had bolstered this feeling.
Even during the current battle the Tigers
had let the army move in without much
resistance. An overconfident army had
either walked into or been lured into a
deadly trap..." more |
14 October
2006 International Frame of
Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include
14 October
2006 Struggle for Tamil
Eelam to include

- Aanivaer
- a full length film shot and produced in
Tamil Eelam, in the island of Sri Lanka.
It unfolds a love story through which
courses turbulent scenes of the political
current threatening the very existence of
EelamTamils in the island..." more, including video
clips... |
13 October
2006 tamilnation.org Website: Awards, Reviews &
Listings to

the Electronic
Information System for International
LawListing of Self Determination: International Law
and Practice at tamilnation.org "This web site produced by the Tamil
National Foundation provides access to a
wide variety of information on the topic of
self determination. Links are provided to
law journal articles on the subject of self
determination as are reports and
information produced by a variety of
governmental and quasi governmental groups.
Links to many United Nations instruments
can be found at this site. Links to country
studies are also available ." |
13 October
2006 Tamil Armed
Resistance & the Law
to include
Terrorism & Human Rights
- Desmond Fernando, Father Peter Pillai
Oration, October 2006
11 October
2006 அறிமுகம்...
11 October
2006 Tamils - a Trans State
Nation: living in many lands and across
distant seas...
1. தமிழ்
நாள், 14 October
2006 - Tamil Womens Organisation,
Germany |
Ilankai Tamil Sangam -
Annual General Meeting, 14 October
2006,United States: Guest Speakers -
Brian Senewiratne, Karen Parker, V.P.Palam.
Workshop Moderator - Rajan
Sriskandarajah |
3. Tamil
Studies Conference, 2007: Imagining Collectives:
Continuities, Changes and Contestations,
Toronto, Canada
- Call for
Papers "Contemporary
scholarship raises challenging questions in
understanding the continuities and
transformations of Tamil collectives. Yet
questions of "nation" and
"identity" are critical to political and
social movements and self-fashioning in the
Tamil regions. The continuities and
disruptions of "nation" and "identity" are
also particularly salient to diasporic Tamil communities
engaged in articulating and transforming a
sense of "Tamilness" they can inhabit.
..." more
10 October
2006 Comments K.Puvana Chandran from United
Kingdom on Gajaani together with response
10 October
2006 Tamil National
Forum to include
Sabesan - தற்போதைய
- சில
[together with
translation in English - Views on Current
- என்ற
" more
Sachi Sri Kantha on Extras in
Film, Politics and Diplomacy
"Extras: People who appear in stage and
movie crowd scenes or background scenes
have been called
since 1772 on the English stage.... Here
are three recent news bites which have
received coverage in the Colombo press
and elsewhere. (1) �Sri
Lanka to field 53-strong team
� UN meeting opens doors
for unprecedented joy
ride.� [Colombo Island,
Sept.3, 2006]. (2) �Rise
from cocktails to selfless service;
President tells heads of
Lanka�s foreign
missions� [Colombo Daily
Mirror, Oct.5, 2006] (3)
�Delhi invites three
(anti-LTTE) parties from Sri Lanka.
[Chennai Hindu, Sept.25, 2006]. Guess
what is the common thread to these three
news items? The word
comprehend the varieties and roles of
extras in politics and diplomacy, one has
to rely on the description about extras
provided by ranking professionals who
made it to the top in the movies..."
9 October
2006 Struggle for Tamil
Eelam to include
The Tiger's Fighter Journalist
-"My dream is Tamil
Eelam" தமிழீழம்

".. I grew up in
the 1970s in Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka, where
I was born. Kilinochchi was a remote area
then, a place with a small population and
very poor infrastructure. My parents talk
of it as a peaceful time, but the problems
in my country were already beginning.
During the riots in 1983, we
had relatives in Colombo who were taken in
by Sinhalese friends. But a mob stormed the
house where they were hiding
� six of my family members
were killed that day...In the camps there
were many LTTE fighters too. They would
talk about Prabhakaran. I
didn�t really understand
why he was such a hero ... I used to ask
the fighters if they had ever seen him and
most would reply that they had not but they
fully believed in what he was doing and the
way he led them. He was 16 when he started
fighting, just 16. I was nearly that age,
and I wondered what made him so special and
so brave. So I too tried to join the LTTE
at age 16 � why not, I
thought. But the fighters kept telling me I
was too young... My dream is
Tamil Eelam. I
have heard my people, men and women, crying and
screaming, I have seen them dying, I
have experienced the tragedy of my people and my
society. I have experienced far too
much violence and so many people suffering
� from all this, my dream
is to see these people smile, living in a free
homeland, living a happy and good
life...." more |
9 October
2006 Tamil Armed
Resistance & the Law
Mao Tse-tung
On Protracted War
"...The enemy is strong
and we are weak, and the danger of
subjugation is there. But in other respects
the enemy has shortcomings and we have
advantages.... China's war is progressive,
hence its just character. Because it is
a just war, it is capable of arousing the
nation to unity... Not that we would
not like a quick victory; everybody would
be in favour of driving the "devils" out
overnight. But we point out that, in the
absence of certain definite conditions,
quick victory is something that exists only
in one's mind and not in objective reality,
and that it is a mere illusion, a false
theory. Accordingly, having made an
objective and comprehensive appraisal of
all the circumstances concerning both the
enemy and ourselves, we point out that the
only way to final victory is the strategy
of protracted war, and we reject the
groundless theory of quick victory. We
maintain that we must strive to secure all
the conditions indispensable to final
victory, and the more fully and the earlier
these conditions are secured, the surer we
shall be of victory and the earlier we
shall win it. We believe that only in this
way can the course of the war be shortened,
and we reject the theory of quick
victory, which is just idle talk and an
effort to get things on the cheap. ..."
more |
8 October 2006
Tamil National Forum
S Sri Skanda Rajah from Canada on Mother
7 October 2006
India & the Struggle for
Tamil Eelam
Sanmuga Suntharam asks "Atharma
Bhumi?" "....Let us therefore forget the
complex and tell the Indians that we are
the only people who can be relied upon as
friends if they treat us with fairness.
We are not asking for favours. First we
are asking them to stop harming us.
Secondly, we wish to let them know that
any help they give us will be vastly in
their interest, too. Will the Mandarins
in their government emotionally accept
this reality?" together
comment by
"We find ourselves in
agreement with much of that which
Mr.Sanmuga Suntharam says. He is right
to point out the amorality of India's
role in the struggle for Tamil Eelam.
He is also right to point out the
abominably pernicious
"caste" system that pervades
India's body politic, 'the suicidal
infighting of those who are called
Dravidians', and the 'abominable
betrayals and treachery' of Tamils like
Karuna, Douglas and Sangaree. But,
having said that, his conclusion may
have to be examined further... If it
is 'vastly in the interest of New
Delhi' to help the struggle for an
independent Tamil Eelam why has New
Delhi not extended that help all these
years? Is it that New Delhi is not
astute enough to see that which we see?
Or is it that New Delhi recognises that
support for an independent Tamil Eelam
will result in Sinhala Sri Lanka
turning to the US and/or China? Does
it fear that support for an independent
Tamil Eelam will be counter productive
- and will result in the very thing New
Delhi wants to prevent - the increased
presence of extra regional powers in
the Indian Ocean region? And does it
take the view that any help that an
independent Tamil Eelam may extend will
not be sufficient to prevent that
process?... We may want to recognise
the uneasy power balance in the Indian
ocean region reflected amongst other
things by Operation
Seabird. We may want to recognise
that it is in the interstices of that
power matrix that the struggle for
Tamil Eelam is taking place. New
Delhi may be behaving the way it has
done for so many years, because it is
not strong enough to do anything
else...It is the weak who usually act
amorally..." more
6 October 2006
Foreign Aid &
Sri Lanka's Rising Military Expenditure
Sri Lanka's
Rising Military Expenditure in
Rupees... |
.75 |
6 |
24 |
38 |
56 |
63 |
69 |
139 |
1977 |
1986 |
1995 |
1996 |
1998 |
2001 |
2006 |
2007 |
" Sri
Lanka's military expenditure has
increased from 0.75 billion rupees in
1977 to a budgeted 139.6 billion for the
year 2007 - an almost two hundred fold
increase. During the same period, foreign
aid to Sri Lanka has kept pace with Sri
Lanka's increasing military
expenditure... Without foreign aid, Sri
Lanka would not have been able to
continue its genocidal
war against the Tamil people - and it
may well have found
the need to talk with the people of Tamil
Eelam on an equal basis and structure
a polity where the two peoples, the
Sinhala people and the Tamil people, may
associate with each other in equality
and in freedom... And foreign aid has
been forthcoming because each 'aid donor'
is intent on securing its own
strategic interest in the Indian Ocean
region - and this is true, whether
the aid donor is the US, India, or China. ... Sri
Lanka seeks to use the political space
provided by the countervailing strategic
interests of the US, India and China in
the Indian Ocean region to advance its
own interests and acquire the military
capability to subdue Tamil resistance to
alien Sinhala rule. " more
6 October
2006 Sri Lanka
Accused at United Nations
Asian Centre for Human
Rights (ACHR) urges India to support UN
resolution on Sri Lanka "Expressing
dismay at India's opposition to the draft resolution on
Sri Lanka sponsored by Finland on
behalf of European Union at the ongoing
United Nations Human Rights Council in
Geneva, Asian Centre for Human Rights
(ACHR) called upon the government of India
to reconsider its position and support the
resolution. ...India has been opposing the
draft resolution which calls for the
respect of human rights and calls upon all
parties to put an immediate end to the
violations of humanitarian law, and to
guarantee access for humanitarian aid to
the population as well as to guarantee the
protection of humanitarian workers; and
strengthening of the presence of the Office
of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights and to report on these efforts
at the Human Rights Council during its
third session in November 2006." more |
5 October
2006 Tamil Nation Library:
Conflict Resolution to
The Road
Map to Nowhere: Israel/Palestine Since
2003 -
Reinhart "..My major source of information
in constructing the history of this period
is the Israeli media. In the Israeli
newspapers much more information is
available about what is being planned than
appears in any foreign coverage. ...
part of the reason it is more revealing
is its lack of inhibition. Things that
would look outrageous in the Western world
are in Israel considered natural daily
routine... Nevertheless, a central point in the
book is that the last few years were not
just years of victory for
Israel�s expansion.
World-wide opposition to Israel's policies
has substantially grown in this
period...This turn
of events shows the limits of propaganda
� it appears possible
to manufacture silence or consent, but it
may be impossible to manufacture
consciousness. Basic concepts like justice,
international law, solidarity with the
oppressed, have disappeared from mainstream
political discourse, but they are present
in people�s minds.
" more |
5 October
2006 Sri Lanka's War
on Eelam Tamils ...in the Shadow of the
5 October 2006
"...Ubuntu -
I am because you
are. Ubuntu speaks to the very
essence of being human� A
person with ubuntu is open and available to
others, affirming of others, does not feel
threatened that others are able and good,
for he or she has a proper self
assurance that comes from knowing that he
or she belongs to a greater whole and
is diminished when others are humiliated or
diminished, when others are tortured or
oppressed, or treated as less than who they
are." Desmond Tutu, 1999 quoted by ex
President Clinton at Labour Party
Conference, September 2006 |
3 October 2006
Tamil National
2 October 2006
2 October 2006
International Relations in
the Age of Empire
Power and
Interest News Report - India's Project Seabird
and the Indian Ocean's Balance of
Power "On
April 11, 2005, India started a strategic
partnership with China, and, on June 29,
2005, signed a 10-year defense agreement
with the United States. Western
observers, however, have paid less
attention to an ambitious Indian move in
the military field: Project Seabird. This
plan - with origins from the mid-1980s -
is to be assessed in light of
geopolitical triangles juxtaposing on the
Indian Ocean's background:
U.S.-India-China relations and
China-Pakistan-India relations. In
this complicated geopolitical
configuration, New Delhi is not simply a
partner of China or the United States:
India is emerging as a major power that
follows its own grand strategy in order
to enhance its power and interests...
The geopolitics of the Arabian Sea and
the Western Indian Ocean largely explain
India's determination in such an $8.13
billion enterprise. The
China-Pakistan-India triangle is more
than ever the Arabian Sea's decisive geo
strategic setting. For the Chinese,
this trilateral relationship is crucial
for two reasons: from the point of view
of energy security, the Arabian Sea and
Pakistan are Beijing's access points to
the oil-rich Middle East; from the
perspective of military security,
Pakistan provides China an effective
counter-balancing partner in front of
India's ambitions. " more
1 October
2006 Tamil Heritage: the
Tamils are an ancient people... to
1 October
2006 International Relations
in the Age of Empire to
Michael Albert on
Chavez, the Devil,
Chomsky, and Us "..The cost of
Chavez�s forthrightness about Bush is
dismissal of Chavez as a crazy lunatic by
many people who already felt that way but
were restrained in saying so, and by some
people swayed by media ridicule of him, who
had had no prior opinion. The gain of
Chavez�s forthrightness
about Bush is establishing that one can say
the truth about the U.S. and less
importantly about George Bush, and showing
that doing so is in accord not only with
truth but also with integrity...."
more |