tamil nadu & Tamil
Eelam freedom struggle
Vaiko on Tamil Eelam Struggle
at Periyar Thidal, Chennai, 29 December 2005
[see also Tamil
National Forum: Selected Writings &
Speeches - Vaiko ]
- 4 days after murder of
Pararajasingham on Christmas Day, 2005 - [see also
Human Rights of the
Tamil People in Sri Lanka
- Memorandum submitted by Vaiko
to UN Commissioner on Human Rights 1998]
"It is for the people of Tamil Eelam to decide
whether they want an independent Tamil Eelam State..
தமிழ் ஈழம் மலரும் - அது காலத்தின் கட்டாயம்"
- Vaiko, General Secretary, Marumalarchi Dravida Kalagam