28 July 2005
Conflict Resolution: Tamil Eelam Sri Lanka to include
Tamil National Alliance Parliamentarian Gajendrakumar Ponnambalam -
Briefing to US Congress Human Rights Caucus
"..Every constitution gets its legitimacy
only from the people giving their consent. The Tamils did
not give their consent to the Sri Lankan constitution. They
do not owe their allegiance to the Sri Lankan Constitution.
Indeed, the Sri Lankan constitution, which does not provide
a political space for the Tamils to articulate their
grievances and seek redress is the main cause for the armed
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28 July 2005
Tamil National Forum
to include
Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan -
Pigs are Flying in Batticaloa!
"...Jeyaraj is a master of �hide and
seek�... Check again his ..sentence . �The espionage agency
of at least one country has provided financial aid"�This is
presented by Jeyaraj as a big finding, while every Tamil
child in Jaffna, Batticaloa, Trincomalee and Vavuniya would
name names. That espionage agency has an acronym RAW and its
headquarters are in New Delhi. .. the
entire puppet show is being run by the Indians (UNP,
SLFP, JVP- on the Sinhalese side; Karuna, Anandasangaree and
other tamil paramilitaries, on the Tamil side). This is an
open secret to all in Sri Lanka. So, now the only game in
town is LTTE (Eelam Tamils) vs Indian tentacles, namely -
Now, RAW has access to any place or any facility in Sri
Lanka, except in LTTE-controlled areas..."
2. Candid
Thoughts on �Black July 1983�- - Revisiting Mervyn de
Silva's Writing of January 1984
"The horrendous events of July 1983 which scarred the
bodies, minds and properties of Eelam Tamils deserve to be
remembered annually. But, I felt that its better to re-read
what one of the erudite Sinhalese journalists or our
generation, Mervyn de Silva, contributed to the Far Eastern
Economic Review (Hongkong) magazine six months later. In two
a two-page commentary, he had contributed a history tutorial
to those who like to learn, why Sinhalese and Tamils have
never mingled in the blessed island. What Mervyn de Silva
wrote then still has lot of relevance..."
Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia -
வேளை வருகின்ற வேளை!
"தமிழீழ மக்கள் தமது சுயநிர்ணய
உரிமைகளைப் பிரயோகிக்க வேண்டியதற்கான வேளை நெருங்கிக்
கொண்டிருப்பதனைத்தான் தற்போதைய அரசியல் இராணுவச் சூழ்நிலைகள்
23 July 2005
New Delhi &
the Tamil Struggle - An Amoral Role to include
India and the Sri Lankan Peace Process - Lieutenant General
(Retd.) V.R. Raghavan, Director, Delhi Policy Group
at Consultation on the International Dimensions of the Sri
Lankan Peace Process "..New Delhi needs always to be
conscious of the impact of the Sri Lankan conflict on the
Tamils in India. That political necessity and the security
risks of Tamil separatist military capabilities impacting on
Indian interests is one dimension of India�s policy choices.
The political impasse in Sri Lanka on the Tamil question is
another dimension. These two combine to lead New Delhi in
choosing to play a carefully calibrated and
restrained role in the Sri Lanka peace process..."
more |
22 July 2005
Digital Renaissance -
People, not technology, drive politics - Andy Ho - "..One
problem in politics is that people with a common interest generally
don't organise and fight for it. The reasoning goes: If you bear the
time and energy costs of organising, I can sit back, watch you do
the work, then sign on. It is just easier to get a free ride..."
National Forum -
Ana Pararajasingham writes from Australia on
The Failure
of the Joint Mechanism: Lessons to be Learnt
National Forum - Tamil Names -
சின்னக் குழந்தைகளுக்கு வண்ணத் தமிழ்ப் பெயர் சூட்டுங்கள் to
include link to
தமிழ்ப்பெயர்க் கையேடு
contributed by V.Thangavelu from Canada
Caste & the
Tamil Nation - Brahmins, Non Brahmins & Dalits -
to include
by Hari Venkatachalam 'On Hinduism,
Caste, & Indian 'Democracy'' by Dr.Iniyan Elango
21 July 2005
States & the Struggle for Tamil Eelam to include
C. Schaffer on Sri Lanka�s Peace Efforts: The View from a Distance
at Consultation on the International Dimensions of the Sri Lankan
Peace Process
Resolution - Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka
Norwegian Peace Initiative
to include
President & the Chief Justice - Two Minds with but a Single
Thought? - "நான் பேச நினைப்பதெல்லாம் நீ பேச வேண்டும்"
Tamil National
Forum -
Sanmugam Sabesan writes from Australia -
குறித்த (சிறிலங்காவின்) நீதி ?
"இந்த உச்சமன்றத் தீர்ப்பு ஜே.வி.பியிற்கு
கிடைத்த வெற்றி அல்ல! இத்தீர்ப்பு ஜனாதிபதி சந்திரிக்கா
அம்மையாருக்கும், அவரது அரசியல் எதிர்காலத்திற்கும் கிடைத்த
ஒரு நல்வாய்ப்பாகும்."
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20 July 2005
Tamil National Forum
- Ana Pararajasigham writes from
Review: Portrayal of a President: Sri Lanka�s Chandrika
Kumaratunge -
First Broadcast on 12th July on Australian
Broadcasting Corporation TV�s Foreign Correspondent
Program - "Michael Maher�s assessment was that
she was a Sri Lankan version of Eva Peron, �very interested
in power�.The Sri Lankan President�s response to this was an
enigmatic �History will tell�."
more |
18 July 2005
Conflict Resolution - Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka
Norwegian Peace Initiative to include
Text of Supreme Court Decision on P-TOMS
Lesson from the Supreme Court Decision on P-TOMS
"..The (Sri Lanka) constitution
forced on Tamils by the Sinhala chauvinists and the laws
within it are the root cause of the Tamil ethnic problem,
their struggle, violation of their rights and their
suppression. To find a solution to
this problem one must step outside this constitution.
There is no sense in searching for a solution to the problem
while remaining tied up by the rules that caused the
problems in the first instance. Be it the P-TOMS or the
interim administration or a permanent solution it can be
worked out only after stepping outside the constitution..."
more |
16 July 2005
Reflections to include
"..When a man
really wants freedom and to live in a democratic society he
may not be able to free the whole world . . . but he can to
a large extent at least free himself by behaving as a
rational and moral being, and if he can do this, others
around him can do the same, and these again will spread
freedom by their example..."
more |
16 July 2005
An Unfolding
Consciousness - From Matter to Life to Mind... to include
Hungry, Stay Foolish - Steve Jobs,
CEO Apple Computer...you
can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect
them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots
will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in
something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This
approach has never let me down, and it has made all the
difference in my life...Your time is limited, so don't waste
it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by
dogma--which is living with the results of other people's
thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out
your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage
to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already
know what you truly want to become. Everything else is
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15 July 2005
Tamil Nation Library -
Tamil Diaspora - a Trans State Nation
to include
The Changing Character of the
Identity Issue for Tamils - A Socio-Cultural History -
V. Siva Subramaniam "The
book traces the socio-cultural changes that visited the Tamil
community since 1800... The community is at another important
historical cross road following the 1983 upheaval, the dispersal of
the community across the world especially to host country cultures
and values that over emphasise materialism and individualism. The
issue that disturbs the minds of members of the community is what
values will pre-dominate for a progeny that grows up in this
environment. Has the community�s history any lessons for the
community in addressing the issue of the Tamil identity for coming
generations... "
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15 July 2005
Sanmugam Sabesan on 22nd Anniversary of July'83 - ஜீலை
1983 - ஒரு மீள் ஆய்வு
�மன்னிக்கவும், மறக்கவும் வேண்டுமானால் என்ன நடந்ததென்ற முழு
உண்மையும் எமக்கு தெரிய வேண்டும்.!�
13 July 2005
Comments & About Us
to include
Alisa Margaret StackOConnor,
Sometime Assistant Director,
Counter-Terrorism Policy for the Office of the US Secretary
of Defense & presently Researcher at the US National Defence
University - "I�m researching how & why the LTTE
employs women and have used Adele Ann�s writings. I would
like to interview Ms. Balasingham, and other LTTE members
and supporters (both male & female) about the history of
women�s involvement in the LTTE and other Tamil guerrilla
groups, rules for women�s involvement, and how women have
changed the LTTE. Is there a way to reach Ms. Balasingham?
Thanks..." together with response by
more |
12 July 2005
Tamil Diaspora - a Trans State Nation -
Kingdom to include
10 July 2005
Democracy Continues, Sri Lanka Style -
in gridlock as CBK plays for time
"...Despite repeated calls by
party seniors and branch organisations to name Prime
Minister Mahinda Rajapakse as the SLFP's presidential
candidate, the President has steadfastly refused to do so,
insisting the election is not due until end 2006. That the
timing of the election is not her's to decide Kumaratunga
knows only too well but has taken cover under the alleged
secret oath taking ceremony to justify the end 2006
claim and delay naming the candidate..."
more |
10 July 2005
Tracking the Norwegian Conflict Resolution Initiative
to include
9 July 2005
1."Everybody can be
great, because everybody can serve. You don't have to have a
college degree to serve. You don't have to have to make your
subject and your verb agree to serve. You don't have to know
about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don't have to know
Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" to serve. You don't have
to know the Second Theory of Thermal Dynamics in Physics to
serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated
by love, and you can be that servant."
Martin Luther King
2. "கவிதை எழுதுபவன் கவியன்று. கவிதையே வாழ்க்கையாக
உடையோன், வாழ்க்கையே கவிதையாகச் செய்தோன், அவனே கவி" -
பாரதி |
8 July 2005
Sachi Sri Kantha -
Remembering Paddukoddai Kalyanasundaram on his 75th Birth
"சின்னப் பயலே, சின்னப் பயலே...ஆளும்
வளரணும் அறிவும் வளரணும்.. ...
நரம்போடு தான் பின்னி வளரனும், தன்மான
8 July 2005
Sanmugam Sabesan -
- "�சாதியம் என்பது மனித குலத்திற்கு எதிரானது. அடிப்படை மனித உரிமை
மீறலாகும்.� என்று ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் சபைக்கு பரிந்துரை
செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. இதனை நாமும் முழுமையாக வரவேற்கின்றோம்"
7 July 2005
Relations in the Age of Empire to include
4 July 2005
Reflections - US Independence Day
"The foundations for
the future greatness of a mighty people"
"The most ultimately righteous of all wars is
a war with savages, though it is apt to be also the most
terrible and inhuman. The rude, fierce settler who drives
the savage from the land lays all civilized mankind under a
debt to him. American and Indian, Boer and Zulu, Cossack and
Tartar, New Zealander and Maori, - in each case the victor,
horrible though many of his deeds are, has laid deep the
foundations for the future greatness of a mighty people...it
is of incalculable importance that America, Australia, and
Siberia should pass out of the hands of their red, black,
and yellow aboriginal owners, and become the heritage of the
dominant world races..." US
President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt in
The Winning of the West: From the Alleghenies
to the Mississippi 1769-1776
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3 July 2005 Tamil National Forum -
Sabesan from Australia
to include
Buddha and
Sinhalese Buddhists
- �If Jayewardene was a true Buddhist, I would not be
carrying a gun� � Tamil Eelam National Leader Mr. V. Pirapaharan
பொதுக் கட்டமைப்பு ஒரு பார்வை
together with
English translation - P-TOMS: A point of view
"...பொதுக் கட்டமைப்பு உடன்படிக்கையானது தமிழீழ விடுதலைப்
புலிகளுக்குக் கிடைத்துள்ள இன்னுமொரு அங்கீகாரமா? ... எம்மைப்
பொறுத்த வரையில் அங்கீகாரம் என்ற தேவையைப் பெறுவதற்கான
கட்டத்தையும், காலத்தையும் விடுதலைப் புலிகள் கடந்து வந்து
விட்டார்கள் என்றே கருதுகின்றோம். சரியாக சொல்லப் போனால்
விடுதலைப் புலிகள்தான் இங்கே ஓர் அங்கீகாரத்தை
வழங்கியிருக்கின்றார்கள்..." |
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