Whats New Archive -
April 2008 -
Week Ending:
Saturday 26 April 2008
Tamil Nation
Library: Eelam
National Forum
1. Sanmugam Sabesan
writes from Australia - ANZAC Day and Eelam
Tamils "Anzac Day mirrors the soul of
our nation,
And shows the price it was willing to
To secure our freedom, knowing if it was
That soul would sicken, and would wither
away" |

2. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan
on The Three Crows by Jose
Antonio Campos "From childhood days,
most of us have enjoyed listening to crow
stories from the Aesop Fables. This
crow story by Jose Antonio Campos, framed
in army settings, seems to have anticipated
the number crunching tales regularly
paraded by the publicity-seeking authority
figures of Sri Lankan military for the past
25 years..." more |
3. Chandi
Sinathurai writes from Tamil Eelam on
Sri Lanka: The Peace
Industry "...The quixotic approach of the peace
industry towards practical peace is
highly politically
charged and hilarious... Don't get me
wrong. I'm for peace but not a peacenik.
None of the peace initiatives in Sri Lanka
has ever addressed the core issues that divide
the communities. Further more, it has
failed to tackle the non-pluralistic
constitution of Sri Lanka let alone
honouring the self-determination struggle
of the Tamil-speaking nation.."
more |
International Frame & the
Tamil Eelam Struggle for
1. Iran to Train Sri
Lankan Intelligence & Army Officers -
B.Raman "...Iran will increase its
investment in the expansion project of an
oil refinery in Sri Lanka up to US$ one
billion... Iran has also agreed to
provide low-interest credit to Sri Lanka
to enable it to purchase military
equipment from Pakistan and China and to
train a small group of Sri Lankan Army
and intelligence officers in Iran."
2. India rejects US advice
on Iran "India and Iran are
ancient civilisations whose relations
span centuries. Both nations are
perfectly capable of managing all aspects
of their relationship with the
appropriate degree of care and attention.
Neither country needs any guidance on the
future conduct of bilateral relations as
both countries believe that engagement
and dialogue alone lead to peace," Indian
Foreign Ministry spokesman Navtej Sarna,
a foreign ministry" more
Tamil Armed Resistance & the
Law: Reports
on Armed Conflict in Tamil Eelam
Tigers' feint kills 100
Sri Lanka troops
"The rebels feigned they
had withdrawn from their first line of
defenses in well-dug-out trenches," one
(SLA) official said. "After the troops
backed by battle tanks reached the area,
the rebels sprung a fierce attack."
more |
Tamil National Forum
to include
1. Father Chandi Sinnathurai
writes from Tamil Eelam -
Father, For they know
what they are doing!
"This piece
is not an eulogy for Fr. Karunaratnam,
the Chairman of North East Secretariat on
Human Rights. It is reported that he was
assassinated on Sunday 20 April 2008, by
the Sri Lankan Armed Forces', Deep
Penetrating Unit's Claymore Mine. Fr.
Karunaratnam is silenced. This piece is
not an eloquent exposition of the war
crimes committed by the Sinhala state
against the Tamil nation. Fr.
Karunaratnam's mortal remains is a living
testimony to the brutal truth of
oppression... Fr. Karunaratnam has
reminded us yet again that the struggle
for human rights calls for the ultimate
cost. And he has paid it in full with his
blood. Father, for they know what they
are doing. Amen." more
Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan
Athulathmudali and his
Murderous 'Scorched Earth
Policy': Revisited
"Fifteen years have lapsed since
the assassination of once-powerful UNP
Cabinet minister Lalith Athulathmudali on
23 April 1993.. It was a double jeopardy
for the Sinhalese. Accusations and
innuendos filled the Colombo air that
Athulathmudali was felled by Premadasa's
hand-picked assassins and, Premadasa in
turn was felled by Athulathmudali's
powerful sponsors, though it became
convenient for the Sinhalese to place the
blame on Tamil Tigers ['the usual
suspects']..." more

Lanka's Genocidal War '08: after Abrogation of
Ceasefire - The Record Speaks...

International Federation of
Tamils condemns Targeted Killing of Rev.
M.X.Karunaratnam as a War
"..the international community was
quick to label the LTTE as a terrorist
organisation although the LTTE is engaged
in what many regard as a lawful and just armed
struggle to free the people of Tamil
Eelam from decades of oppressive alien Sri
Lankan rule. But, we observe that the
same international community has refrained
from intervening to prevent the systematic slaughter
of Tamil political, social,
religious leaders, by the Sri Lanka Armed Forces
although the international community had
the power to do so by imposing punitive
sanctions on the Sri Lankan state. It
should not surprise the international
community if the Tamil people regard its
attitude as one that amounts to incitement
to crime or, at best, criminal negligence,
and must be judged as severely as the
crimes actively committed by the Sri Lankan
Armed Forces and its Commander in Chief.
Neither should it surprise the
international community if the Tamil people
are compelled to conclude that Tamil lives
are being sacrificed in the altar of the
strategic interests of
the international community in the
Indian Ocean
region..." more
Sri Lanka Army
Assassinates Father M.X.Karunaratnam,
Chairman of NorthEast Secretariat on Human
Rights (NESoHR) "Father Karunaratnam was
a senior resource person TRO and other
local NGOs in the NorthEast and worked
tirelessly to promote and defend the human
rights of the Tamil people. Father
Karunaratnam was loved and respected by all
that met and worked with him. Over the
years he has given a tremendous amount of
support, advice and solace to TRO and other
members of civil society and worked
tirelessly for peace during the Cease Fire
Agreement (CFA) period, an agreement
recently unilaterally abrogated by the
GoSL. Fr. Karunaratnam was the Chairman of
the NGO Consortium from 1998-2002 and prior
to that was the Vanni/Northern
co-ordinatior for the news service Radio
Veritas. " more |
"....So long as there
is widespread support for separatism and
militancy in the
diaspora, peace in Sri Lanka will be
hard to come by... Stronger political and
legal pressure should be applied to the
LTTE outside Sri Lanka.....Western
governments' policies on Sri Lanka should
consciously include attempts to open up political space
within their Tamil communities for
non-Tiger political voices. Those
governments with significant Tamil
populations should engage representative
civil society groups directly... The Tigers should
also be required to take some real steps
towards transformation before being
accepted as a negotiation partner. Such
moves, however, may well require new
leaders... Countries should develop
benchmarks for progress towards
revoking the terrorist designation - in
part to encourage Prabhakaran's removal..."
Sri Lanka's Return to
War: Limiting the Damage - International
Crisis Group Report, 20 February
2008 with Lord Patten of Barnes, Former UK
Cabinet Minister and Ambassador Thomas R
Pickering, Former U.S. Ambassador to the
UN as Co
Chairs together
with comment by tamilnation.org... |

"It is not
altogether clear whether the advice of the
International Crisis that 'governments with
significant Tamil populations should engage
representative civil society groups
directly "
includes engaging with Tamil run websites
and journals. Be that as it may ...
concerned as it is to further the strategic interests of
the international community i.e. the
trilaterals in the Indian Ocean region,
there are a couple of matters that the
'independent' International Crisis Group,
may have usefully borne in mind. One is
that - 'the struggle for Tamil Eelam is
about the democratic right of the people of
Tamil Eelam to govern themselves in their
homeland - nothing less and nothing more...
It is not about
securing benevolent Sinhala rule... An
independent Tamil Eelam is not negotiable.
But an independent Tamil Eelam will
negotiate with an independent Sri Lanka
the terms on which two independent states
may associate with one another in equality
and in freedom. Sovereignty, after all, is
not virginity...' And the other is that it
is Velupillai Pirabakaran who
by his steadfast commitment to the creation
of a secular independent Tamil
Eelam has given a sense of dignity and
thanmaanam to
millions of Tamils living today in many lands and
across distant seas." more |
Week Ending:
Saturday 19 April 2008
International Relations in an
Asymmetric Multi Lateral
China -Tibet As
Justification For Iraq - Andre Vltchek in
Zspace "..Forgive me, but I do
not believe in our genuine intentions
when it comes to Tibet! We need to
discredit China, as our own crimes and
the crimes of our allies are so appalling
that they don't leave in peace at least
some of our citizens. We have to demonize
China. No matter how inhuman, how
horrible the social system in India or
Indonesia; we have to make sure that we
portray the Chinese one as much
worse...What would justify the slaughter
of millions in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia,
Korea, Algiers, East Timor, Papua,
Nicaragua, Salvador, Chile, and Dominican
Republic and in so many other places?
Tibet is our new hope, our sneaky and
indirect justification of Iraq!.."
National Forum

1. Sanmugam Sabesan
writes from Australia
on |
தினம் -
Velupillai Thangavelu
writes from Canada Response to those few
who oppose Thai first as Thamil New
Year [together
with Revised Comment
by tamilnation.org of 19 April
2008]"Opposition has been voiced by a
small bunch of individuals against the
change in the birth of Thamil New Year.
They claim the change is against
tradition and borders on blasphemy. Such
people are superficial and naïve in
many ways. The opposition can be seen as
an ad hominem argument - you cannot fault
an argument, so you fault the person
advancing it. In this instance Chief
Minister M.Karunanidhi. He is reviled by
pseudo Hindu bigots like Thuglak
Cho, Ramagopalan, Ela Ganesan (BJP) Ms
Jayalalithaa (ADMK MLAs voted for the
bill) and few others as anti-Hindu.
Strangely, the editor of the TamilNet
website also joined the anti-nationalist
forces to whip up frenzy against the
change - thus making a mockery of the
decision of the de facto state of Thamil
Eelam that endorsed Thai first as Thamil
New Year... Way back
in 1921 Thamil scholars like Maraimalai Adikal,
Naavalar Somasundera
Bharathiar, Prof. Parithimaakalaignar
(Prof. Surya Narayana
Shastri) K.Subramaniapillai,
Thiru V.Kalyanasundera
Mudaliyar, Saivite scholar
Sachchithanadapillai, Naavalar Na.Mu.
Venkadasamy, K.R.P.Visvanatham and scores
of others met at Pachchayappan College
and resolved to make Thai first Thamil
New year instead of Chiththirai...The
shifting of Thamil New Year from
Chiththirai first to Thai first is a
milestone in the history of Thamils. "
Tamil Culture
- the Heart of Tamil National
Consciousness to
National Forum
1. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from
Japan Arthur C. Clarke, Mrs.
B and My Fan Letter
2.Velupillai Thangavel from Canada
writes to Canadian Prime
Minister Thamil New Year is Thai
first (January 14th ) NOT April
13th "We appreciate your gesture
on behalf of the Government of Canada in
wishing Thamils 'a year filled with hope,
peace and prosperity.'... (but) The
Government of Canada (GoC)... continues
to deny charity status to the Thamil
Rehabilitation Organization (TRO -
Canada) the only indigenous outfit
providing basic relief to our people on
the ground. Therefore, the Prime
Minister's wish for 'hope, peace and
prosperity' sounds hypocritical. To add
insult to injury the Conservative
government had thought it fit to ban the
Liberation Tigers of Thamil Eelam, the
only bulwark Thamil people have against a
blood thirsty racist and fascist state!..
Finally, April 14th is not New Year for
the Thamil people... Recently, the Thamil
Nadu legislative assembly unanimously passed a law to
make Thai first as Thamil New Year Day...
" more
"...In view of the
consensus amongst almost all Tamil Scholars
that the first day of the month of Thai, is
the first day of the Tamil year, this
Government has decided to declare 1st Thai
as the Tamil New Year day. Therefore, the
people of Tamil Nadu, who now celebrate
Pongal as the festival of Tamils, can now
celebrate it as Tamil New Year day also
with redoubled joy..."
Governor's Address in the
Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly , 23rd
January 2008 [The Bill declaring 1st Thai
as the Tamil New Year day was passed
unanimously by the Tamil
Nadu State Assembly on 1 February
2008] |
National Forum
1. Sanmugam Sabesan
writes from Australia
- சித்திரையில்
Is the Tamil New Year in
April? |
மூலம் )
2. Sachi Sri Kantha writes from
Japan The Indo-LTTE War
(1987-90) - An Anthology. Part 8: Stock
taking after One Year of the 1987
Sinnathurai - The
Dogs Bark, and the Caravan Moves
On.. "The Tamil
liberation struggle has gone through many
stages, inching forward, despite many
contrary winds, con-men, and cock-sure
betrayals. But as they say, the dogs
bark, and the caravan moves...towards its
destiny..." more
Lanka's Genocidal War '08 ...after Abrogation
of Ceasefire

1.Children of War - Tasha
Manoranjan in the World of Children, "...We are
Tamils…but this story is about
children of war…we crouched down in
the bunker in silence. We would alternately
sit on our flip-flops to avoid dirtying our
clothing, and stand huddled in the bunker
that was eerily reminiscent of a grave. It
was just tall enough that we could bend
over halfway without brushing against the
tree trunks making up the roof of this
make-to shelter. But as the (Sri Lankan)
bomber planes flew overhead more and more
frequently, forcing us to disrupt our
classes to run into the bunkers, the bunker
seemed more and more like a grave.... One
of her hands found their usual place
enveloped in mine, and I gently squeezed it
to calm her. I wished I could talk to her,
to tell her that our school was too small
to be a target of the bomber jets, and that
we would be safe. But talking was out of
the question, since it was believed that
the jets and the reconnaissance planes
could detect talking underground and would
then know the locations of our bunkers,
thus making it easier for them to attack
with as many casualties as possible..."

2. Situation Report on the
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from
Madhu Division, Mannar District &
Situation in Manthai East Division, Mannar
District |
Week Ending:
Saturday 12 April 2008
Tamil Nation
Library to
1. Dr. Ravi Vaitheespara
-'Beyond 'Benign' and
'Fascist' Nationalisms: Interrogating the
Historiography of Sri Lankan Tamil
Nationalism' "...If indeed we take
seriously The Broken Palmyra's charge that
the LTTE is a fascist or neo-fascist
movement, it is all the more imperative
that we come to grips with both the
class/caste basis and the class forces
behind the LTTE and how, as a movement, it
was able to subvert rival movements who
offered a more liberationist, if not more
empowering, alternative..." more
2. Paul
Sieghart Q.C. Sri
Lanka - A Mounting Tragedy of Errors,
International Commission of Jurists and
Justice, London, 1984 (Full
Text) "Communal riots in which Tamils are
killed, maimed, robbed and rendered
homeless are no longer isolated episodes;
they are beginning to become a pernicious
habit.In many respects, the Tamils'
response to these events, and to the more
chronic discrimination to which they feel
subjected, has been remarkably restrained.
One of the most striking features of the
episodes of communal violence, for
instance, has been the lack of retaliation
by Tamils against the Sinhalese in their
midst, with the result that virtually all
the victims on each of these occasions have
been Tamils..." more
3. Timothy J. Moore -
Ethnic and Communal
Violence : The Independence of the
Judiciary: Protection of 'Fundamental
Rights' and the Rule Of Law in Sri Lanka -
Fragile Freedoms? - Report of a mission to
Sri Lanka in June 1983 on behalf of the
International Commission of Jurists
"...the author accepts
that it is the almost universal practice of
the military authorities to physically
assault and mistreat these persons who have
been in their custody... the author finds
that this treatment is ...carried out on a
systematic basis." (Full Text)
4.Patricia Hyndman, LAWASIA Human
Rights Standing Committee - Sri Lanka: Escalating
Violence and Erosions of Democracy,
March 1985 "The approach adopted by the
Tamil community to achieve what it sees as
its due measure of recognition in Sri
Lankan society, was, for the first thirty
years after Independence, which was granted
by Britain in 1948, a peaceful one. The
Tamils sought a federal arrangement within
one united country, not a separate state,
and did not resort to, or advocate,
violence as a means of achieving this.
Indeed, their response to the attacks of
violence against them which erupted in
1958, 1977, 1981 and 1983 has been very
restrained." more (Full
Text) |
International Frame & the Tamil
Struggle: China
1.China Film Festival
opens in Sri Lanka, 4 April
2008 |

2. China hands over Galle
Red Cross complex to Sri Lanka, 6
April 2008 "Jiang Yiman, Executive Vice
President of the Red Cross Society of
China, said in the handing over ceremony
that the complex was a new landmark for the
friendship between the Red Cross of China
and its Sri Lankan counterpart. SLRCS
Director General Nevil Nanayakkara said the
two countries have enjoyed good relations
for more than 1,000 years and he thanked
China for its generous help in the tsunami
rebuilding process..." more
3. China moves into India's
back yard -Sudha Ramachandran, 13
March 2007 |

4. String of Pearls: Meeting
the Challenge of China's Rising Power
Across the Asian Littoral - United States
Lt.Col. Christopher J.
Pehrson, July, 2006

China's Oil Quest Across India's Cauvery
Basin - B. Raman 26 March
2007 |

6. 'China, a benign and
sincere friend of Sri Lanka' - Sri Lanka
Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar, 9
April 2005 |

"..It is vital that the Tamils seek
a deeper understanding of the factors which
drive (Sinhala) intransigence. A clue to
this is to be found in a speech by S W R D
Bandaranaike, the founder of the Sinhala
Maha Saba and the architect of the Sinhala
Only policy of 1956 which marked the
beginning of the Tamil struggle for
self-rule. According to the Daily News of
8 November 1955, Bandaranaike made the case
for the Sinhala Only bill by arguing that
"With their books and culture and the will and
strength characteristic of
their race, the Tamils (if parity were
granted) would soon rise to exert their
dominant power over us" It was
not just the
Mahavamsa inspired notions of 'primacy'
that have been the impetus, but also
something else - the fear of domination...
A political solution to the conflict in Sri
Lanka requires re examination of previously
held views so that all
parties involved in this conflict
can realise their goals by agreeing on
political structures to enable the two
nations in the Island of Sri Lanka coexist
as equals and free of the fear of
domination of one by the other." Ana Pararajasingham in Required: Paradigm Shifts,
2005 |
Week Ending:
Saturday 5 April 2008
Lanka's Genocidal War against Tamil Eelam,
2008: The Record Speaks...
Peninsula: A land of terror, uncertainty,
suspicion and death - A Letter from Fr.
Terence Fernando
"...There was a mother
with two children who had little bread for
dinner and didn't have anything for
breakfast and lunch on the following day.
The neighboring family knowing their
pathetic situation gave them little rice on
a plate. The mother asked children to eat
it but they refused and asked mother to eat
it. It is wonderful to see love and concern
for each other not diminished, amidst such
unbearable suffering and tragic situation
of life. These are a few experiences and
facts that I got during my short stay in
Jaffna. ..We call ourselves Christians. We
proclaim that we follow Jesus who lived and
died for the oppressed. Isn't it a crime
for us to call ourselves Christians and to
live as deaf and blind people amidst our
oppressed Tamil brothers and sisters who
cry for freedom to live in peace in their
own land and homes? You may not agree with
me but I would say this is a wiping out or
slow genocide of the Tamil people from
their own land..."more |
Tamil Nation
Library: Eelam
Conflict and Violence in Sri
Virginia A. Leary - Report of an
ICJ Mission to Sri Lanka in July-August
1981. Note
by tamilnation.org Two years after Professor Leary's
report, Niall MacDermot, International
Commission of Jurists Secretary-General,
wrote in August 1983 " In view of the
events of July-August 1983 in
Sri Lanka, the International Commission
of Jurists has decided to reprint the
report 'Ethnic Conflict and Violence in
Sri Lanka" by Professor Virginia A.
Leary, written after her mission to Sri
Lanka in July-August 1981.The analysis
she made of the ethnic conflict is still
valid and provides the necessary
background to understand the recent grave
outbursts between the Sinhalese and Tamil
communities.' Today, more than a quarter
of a century after Professor Leary's
report, her analysis continues to provide
the necessary background to understand
the ongoing conflict in the island."
to include
Ilam Puli: Birth of a
Black Tiger - An Inside Report by K.Mylvaganam
"Kavi (Maveeran Ilam Puli's sister) told
me last week that Ilam Puli once came
with her photo where her picture was
decorated with Red Roses. When she asked
him for the reason he seems to have said
"It is because you are a Rose to me." She
couldn't control her emotions and was
sobbing when she narrated this... During
his visits Ilam Puli seems to have asked
his parents for a few things. One was
that in case of his death they should
treat those who bring the message of his
death, lovingly and give them tea. The
other was to decorate his coffin with Red
Roses, which I trust, symbolized his
sister Kavi. Another day Kavi told me
that Ilam Puli use to call her as Kavi
and not Kaviarasi. When she asked him as
why he calls her so, he seems to have
said "because you are a poem to me" and
of course she broke down after that
too..." more
National Forum
Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka
Seminar on Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka
Global Peace Support Group, 22 March
Vijayasingam on Global Reaction to
Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka
situation in Sri Lanka today is that
there is "State Terrorism" carrying out
an all out massacre of the Tamil Freedom
Fighters who are supported by the vast
majority of Tamils.The slogan that
terrorism in Sri Lanka has to be
eliminated in reality means Tamils who
want to assert, their human rights
safeguarded need to be
eliminated."... more
2. R L
Padayachie, Deputy Minister of
Communications, South Africa -
A South African
Perspective on the Conflict in Sri
Lanka "I was indeed quite moved by
the things that the good pediatrician
doctor from Australia mentioned and the
good professor and Karen and indeed all
the other speakers and it illustrated to
me what a marvelous class of people
these are who can reach out of their own
situations and find common cause with the
sufferings and devastation of the people
so many miles away from home and to
be able to bring that humanity to us in
the course of this seminar. I think it is
indeed a humanizing and indeed a very
enriching experience to have been in your
company for the last couple of days.
Thank you very much." more
3. Professor Peter Schalk
on Pax Americana, the EU,
and the Tamil Resistance Movement
at the - "I
just want t o remind
the reader of what each fighter promises
in his cattiyapiramanam or uritimoli,
'oath of allegiance', namely to die for
tannatci tamilila vitutalaikkai, 'for the
liberation of a selfruling/ independent
Tamililam'. ...About 20,000 young men and
women have died for this punita
ilatciyam, 'holy aim'. None has died
for federalism. When it comes to
Veluppillai Pirapakaran, he has never
taken the word federalism in his mouth as
a valid alternative to independence."
National Forum
Sachi Sri Kantha writes from Japan -
S.J.V.Chelvanayakam on his 110th Birth
Anniversary - "What was Mr.Chelvanayagam's
achievement? About 450 years
before the Christian era the Carthaginian
armies invaded Italy and defeated the
Romans in every battle; but Cincinnatus,
the Roman Dictator would not give up. And
the Roman Senate passed a resolution
thanking him, because 'he had not despaired
of the republic'. The logic was 'if he did
not despair, why should we?'. The Tamils of
Ceylon, in like manner, looked upon this
gaunt and haggard man, stricken by disease,
who could hardly walk and could hardly
speak above a whisper, who through a life
of continued failure and disappointment,
yet had not despaired; and they asked
themselves, the question, 'if he did not
despair, why should we?' This then is
Chelvanayagam's achievement: That
he has taught the Tamils of this country to
believe in themselves." - Late
Rt.Rev.S.Kulendran, Bishop of Jaffna,
Church of South India |
"...Over the past two years, as I have
moved to break the betrayal of my own
silences and to speak from the burnings of
my own heart, as I have called for radical
departures from the destruction of Vietnam,
many persons have questioned me about
the wisdom of my path. At the heart of
their concerns this query has often loomed
large and loud: Why are you speaking about
war, Dr. King? Why are you joining the
voices of dissent? Peace and civil rights
don't mix, they say. Aren't you hurting
the cause of your people, they ask?
And when I hear them, though I often
understand the source of their concern, I
am nevertheless greatly saddened, for such
questions mean that the inquirers have not
really known me, my commitment or my
calling. Indeed, their questions suggest
that they do not know the world in which
they live. " A Time to Break Silence
- Martin Lurther King Jr, 1967 whose
40th Death Anniversary falls on 4 April
2008 |
International Relations in an Asymmetric
Multi Lateral World
States: War Made Easy
- the Movie |
A Time to Break
Silence - Martin Lurther King Jr,
1967 "A time
comes when silence is betrayal.That time
has comes for us... The truth of these
words is beyond doubt but the mission to
which they call us is a most difficult
one. Even when pressed by the demands
of inner truth, men do not easily assume
the task of opposing their government's
policy, especially in time of war. Nor
does the human spirit move without great
difficulty against all the apathy of
conformist thought within one's own bosom
and in the surrounding world....A
nation that continues year after year to
spend more money on military defense than
on programs of social uplift is
approaching spiritual death...The war in
Vietnam is but a symptom of a far deeper
malady within the American spirit, and if
we ignore this sobering reality we will
find ourselves organizing clergy-and
laymen-concerned committees for the
next generation...." more