Sinhala Sri Lanka Promotes 13 April as Tamil New Year:
a Twin Track Approach...
"..The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Ottawa
is proud to have been the mentor of this project."
"...In view of the consensus amongst almost
all Tamil Scholars that the first day of the month of Thai, is the first day
of the Tamil year, this Government has decided to declare 1st Thai as the
Tamil New Year day. Therefore, the people of Tamil Nadu, who now celebrate
Pongal as the festival of Tamils, can now celebrate it as Tamil New Year day
also with redoubled joy..."
Governor's Address in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly
, 23rd January 2008 [The Bill declaring 1st Thai as the Tamil New
Year day was passed
unanimously by the Tamil Nadu State Assembly on 1 February 2008]
the Sri Lanka Ministry of Defence Website, 16 April 2008

"Sinhala and Tamil communities in Canada celebrated the
Sinhala and Tamil New year on the 13th of April, 2008 in Toronto,
in a
spirit of harmony and goodwill.
This Grand Cultural show was organized by the Canadian Democratic Tamil
Cultural Association, which is a community organization working to promote
democracy and pluralism in the Tamil community in Ontario and to foster
friendship and understanding with other Sri Lankan communities and the
Canadian mainstream. The highlight of the celebration was the Cultural
Pageant, which presented Bharatha Natiyam and Kandyan Dances displaying
ethnic harmony.
A capacity crowd of 520 people from the Sri Lankan Community in Toronto
participated in these celebrations and the significant factor was the
participation of an equal number from both Sinhala and Tamil communities and
the presence of members from the Muslim, Malay and Burgher Communities.
Mr. Sam Rajendran, the president of the Canadian Democratic Tamil Cultural
Association addressing the participants stated that the "CDTCA is committed
to contribute towards a negotiated political settlement that would bring a
peaceful and lasting resolution to the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka and one
of the ways in which this objective could be achieved is to hold cultural
and community events to bring all Sri Lankans together in a spirit of
harmony and goodwill.
Mr. Mahinda Gunasekera and Day Hettiarachchi, senior members of the Sinhala
Community were present at this Cultural Show. Mr. Bandula Jayasekera, the
Consul General of Sri Lanka in Toronto graced the occasion.
The High Commission of Sri Lanka in Ottawa is proud to have been the
mentor of this project."
See also Velupillai Thangavel from Canada to Canadian Prime Minister
New Year is Thai first (January 14th ) NOT April 13th and
Sanmugam Sabesan from Australia -
சித்திரையில் தமிழ்ப் புத்தாண்டா?
Is the Tamil New Year in April?...
" தையே
முதற்றிங்கள் தை முதலே ஆண்டு முதல்
பத்தன்று நூறன்று பன்னூ றன்று
பல்லாயி ரத்தாண்டாய்த் தமிழர் வாழ்வில்
புத்தாண்டு, தைம் முதல் நாள், பொங்கல் நன்னாள்
நித்திரையில் இருக்கும் தமிழா! சித்திரை அல்ல உனக்குத் தமிழ்ப்
புத்தாண்டு அண்டிப் பிழைக்க வந்த ஆரியக் கூட்டம் காட்டியதே
அறிவுக்கு ஒவ்வாத அறுபது ஆண்டுகள் தரணி ஆண்ட தமிழர்க்கு
தை முதல் நாளே தமிழ்ப் புத்தாண்டு."
Paventhar Bharathidasan