Tamils - a Trans State Nation..

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."
Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 

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Boycott Sri Lanka Cricket - This is not entertainment 

We Send Them the Money: So don�t Complain -  R. Cholan 
 Video Presentation -
Part 1  & Part 2

Boycott Sri Lanka Groceries"The next time you buy a bottle of MD Brand Seeni-Sambol or Katta-Sambol, think about it. Every dollar you give them buys Sri Lanka at least one bullet!.. I would like ideas ... on how we can move forwards. We really need your help and we can, and should, work together on this. Here is my email address: rcholan@hotmail.com" We Send Them the Money: So don�t Complain, R. Cholan, November 2007

Boycott Sri Lankan Airlines

British Tamils Forum Boycott Campaign against Travel by Sri Lankan Airlines, 15 January 2008 "...We appeal to our fellow Tamils, be they prospective passengers or travel agents, to understand that travelling with Sri Lankan airlines is tantamount to paying the government of Sri Lanka to buy the weaponry with which to kill our own people in their homeland in Sri Lanka...We also extend this appeal to our other British compatriots who travel on holiday to Sri Lanka to think of the deaths and destruction that their money paid will eventually cause among the Tamils of Sri Lanka and to kindly avoid such travel."
Boycott Sri Lankan Airlines - Video Presentation

Boycott Sri Lanka Products

Boycott Sri Lanka Government also in PDF
Boycott Sri Lanka Products
Nagalingam Ethirveerasinghan writes from USA on Boycott - "I commend Cholan's effort to get Tamil individuals and families to boycott products from Sri Lanka.It gives a chance for Tamils and non-Tamils to show solidarity with the suffering of our people." more
On the debate on the boycott of Sri Lankan goods and services � a presentation of views and concerns.... Usha S Sri Skanda Rajah, Canada, 29 September 2006 " The Tamil Diaspora should know that in its hands it has the means to stop a terrorist state from having the means to harm the NorthEast people.."
தேவை - சிறிலங்கா மீது பொருளாதாரத் தடை  [together with Embargo on Sri Lanka  - English Translation] - Sanmugam Sabesan, 17 October 2006 "..Whether Ghandi�s actions were successful or not, Gandhi was successful in creating a mass movement of Indians, to create a huge wave of protest against the British Raj."

Call for Economic Embargo on Sri Lanka  - Tamil Centre for Human Rights (TCHR), 6 September 2006 "... knowingly or unknowingly - part of Sri Lankan military expenditure is bolstered by the Tamil diaspora..."


Boycott Sri Lanka 
Bocott Sri Lanka Products & Services
 Products and Services & Save Tamil Lives

Sri Lanka! Sinhala 'Buddhist' Sri Lanka! How many Tamils did you kill today?...

...Soosaippillai Anton (54) , Arulvaasagam Rosani (31), Charles Joseph Rosanraj(24), Masanat Gilbert Dharsan (22). Antony Thadcruze Christine (26), Mary Angela (47), Mohamed Ali Nanthakumar (26), Kandasamy Manoharan (28), Lawrence Mariyaselvam (32), Jeyachandran Prathap (29), Maiyoor Chandramohan (27), Devadas Christy Prasanna (26), Balasingham Surendran (25), Jesuthasan Jeyasuthan (25), Paramsamy Visaharan (25), Marimuththu Kumutharaj (28), Amirthalingam Alaheswaran (29), Pon Ganeshamoorthy, Manaval Claramma Leela (75), Jesuthasan Jude Nixon (23), Cyrilappar St.Jude (22)  Turairaja Vijekumar (39), Kodalingham Linganathan (20), Abdul Raheem Latheep (28) Mary Medaline (27), Moorthy Martin (35), Ann Nilxon (7), Ann Luxica(9), Ketheeswaran Yathursan (4 months), Ketheeswaran Thanushkanth (4), Palachamy Ketheeswaran (25), Ketheeswaran Anex Ester (23), Abraham Robinson (28), Sellathurai Amalathas (28), Kanesh Navaratnam (50) , Joseph Anthonymuttu ,(64) Sinnathurai Sivanesan (46, Murugesu Shanmugalingam(72), S Kantharoopan (29), Shanmugalingam Parameswari (65), Ratnam Senthuran (38), Somasuntharam Maheswary (60), Vanniasingham Vigneswaran, Thanuskodi  Premini Kasinather Ganesalingam, Thangarasa Shanmuganathan Sujendram, Thambiraja Vasantharajan, Kailayapillai Ravindran, Arunesarasa ,  Satheesharan, Ramanathan Ratheeskumar, Thanuskodi  Premini, Kasinather Ganesalingam, Thangarasa, Shanmuganathan Sujendram,Thambiraja Vasantharajan, Kailayapillai Ravindran, Arunesarasa  Satheesharan, Thambiah Jeyarajah, Major Kapilan, Thambipillai Selvarajah, Ramalingam Suntheralingam, Kandasamy Vaikunthan, Anthonippillai Soosainather, Thevasahayampillai Jeyakumar Soosainather Subramaniam Sugirtharajan, Chandrakanthan Vijayatharson. Chandragajan Krishnagobi, Illayathamby Ramakrishnan, Thurairajah Ravichandran, Kanapathy Murugesu, Mariyanayagam Maruthanayagam, Suppiah Murugan, Sithambari Ganesaratnam, Visuvar Krishnan Bojan Renuka, Bojan Shanuka, Bojan Arthanageswary, Tharmarasan TharmaseelanN Kandeepan, T Tharmasri, Soosaithas K Marinthiran Sebastiampillai P Ruban Selvarajah Uthayarajah, S. Thanabalasingham, Balakrishnan Rajeevmohan, Parimalarajah Robinson, Iyathurai Baskaran, Thangathurai Sivanantha Logithasan Rohanth Shanmugarajah Sajeenthiran,  Manoharan Rajeehar, Yogarajah Hemachandran, Thambirajah Arulajanthan, Joseph Pararajasingham, Jude Sugathy (Theresa) Croos , Jude Arokiyathass Fernando, Emmani Croos, Emmani Anthonikkam Croos, Nadararajah Sivakadadcham , Dharmaretnam Sivaram, Aiyathurai Nadesan, Kumaravel Thambaiah and, over the years, thousands more....

இனம் ஒன்று அழிவதா,  இதை நாம் பொறுப்பதா...

Boycott Sri Lanka Groceries

ஒரு இனத்தின் விடுதலையை தனியே ஓர் விடுதலை இயக்கத்தினால் மட்டும் அடைந்துவிடமுடியாது. போராட்டமானது ஒவ்வொருவராலும் ஒவ்வொரு வீட்டிலும் ஆரம்பிக்கப்படவேண்டும். இதனால் எம் இனத்தின் விடுதலை விரைவாக்கப்படும். எமது வீடுகளில் முதலில் ஸ்ரீலங்கா பொருட்களை தடைசெய்து எமது போராட்த்தை ஆரம்பிப்போம்.  தமிழ் பொங்கும் தைப்பொங்கலில் இது ஒரு விதியாகட்டும். ஒன்றுபட்டால் உண்டு விடுதலை.  [also in PDF]

சிங்கள தேசத்துப் பொருட்களை புறக்கணிப்போம்!

Boycott Sri Lankan Products & Services!

தமிழ் உயிர்களை காப்போம்!

Save Tamil Lives!



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