Tamils - a Trans State Nation..

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."
Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 

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Sri Lanka's War on Eelam Tamils
...in the Shadow of a Ceasefire

Extra Judicial Killing of Sithambari Ganesaratnam and Visuvar Krishnan on 16 January 2006 [also in PDF]
North East Secretariat on Human Rights (NESOHR)
Case Report, 26 January 2006

Name: Sithambari Ganesaratnam (Male)
Age: 47
Marital status: Married with three children
Address: Thachchanthoppu, Kaithadi, Jaffna
Occupation: Owner of barber shop

Name: Visuvar Krishnan (Male)
Age: 52 Marital status:
Married with one child
Address: Thachchanthoppu, Kaithadi, Jaffna
Occupation: Barber shop assistant

Ganesaratnam owned a barber shop at the Kaithadi junction in Jaffna. Krishnan worked in his barber shop as an assistant. They both traveled together to the barber shop every morning and returned home in the evening. On 16th January 2006 the pair was returning home at 8.00 pm as usual. When they were traveling through Kiras road towards their home in Thachchanthoppu they were shot dead at close range. Eye witnesses say that the gunmen came in a three-wheeler. It is also worth noting that a Sri Lankan Army (SLA) security post is located only 200 metres from the location where the pair was shot dead.




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