வடகிழக்கு மனித உரிமைகள் செயலகம்
NorthEast Secretariat on Human Rights (NESoHR)
கரடிப்போக்கு சந்தி, கிளிநொச்சி
Karadippokku Junction, Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka
தொ.பே.இல - Telephone: +94(0) 21 228 5986;
Mobile: +94(0) 777 56 2266, Residence: +94(0) 21 22 23704
[email protected] or
[email protected]
"Human rights and humanitarian law have
acquired a special significance for the Tamil people. The Tamils
are a
Fourth World nation - a nation without a state.
Existing states do not readily surrender control of territory
which they claim as their own - in addition, they often find
common cause in securing each other's territorial boundaries.
Unsurprisingly, the Tamil people, like many other peoples of the
Fourth World, have often turned to the growing body of
human rights law and
humanitarian law, and to non governmental
organisations for support for their struggle against alien rule
and for recognition as a people with
the right to freely determine their political status."
Human Rights & the Tamil People
16 January 2009 |
Report on Bombing of Civilian Centres in First Two weeks of January |
9 January 2009 |
Human Rights Report - December 2008 |
10 January 2009 |
Massacres ofTamils (1956- 2001) ( in Tamil) |
10 January 2009 |
Massacres of Tamils (2002- June 2008) (in Tamil) |
5 January 2009 |
Report on Availability of Essential Food in Vanni |
31 December 2008 |
Report on Bombing of Civilian Centres in December |
17 December 2008 |
Human Rights Report - November |
9 December 2008 |
Extra Judicial Executions & the Justice System |
2 December 2008 |
Vanni Bombing & Shelling in November |
26 November 2008 |
Human Rights Report - October |
November 2008 |
Education of IDP Children in Vanni |
31 October 2008 |
More Bombing & Shelling Havoc in Killinochchi |
October 2008 |
Vanni IDP Health Situation - Mid October |
23 June 2008 |
Displaced in the Vanni |
21 June 2008 |
Report on the June 2, 2008 claymore attack on
templegoers |
20 June 2008 |
Report on aerial bombing of Puthukudiyirupu on 14 & 15 June |
10 June 2008 |
Arbitrary execution of Jesuthasan Sebaratnam
exemplifies Jaffna people's plight |
5 June 2008 |
HR Report for May 2008 |
27 May 2008 |
Report on Claymore attack on a private van near Murukandy |
22 May 2008 |
Report on Mannar Civilians |
5 April 2008 |
HR Report for March 2008 |
5 March 2008 |
HR Report for February 2008 |
24 February 2008 |
Kiranchi in Poonakari Bombed 22 Feb. 2008 |
6 January 2008 |
2007 Annual Report on Human Rights |
10 December 2007 |
International Human Rights Day Presentation |
5 December 2007 |
HR Report for November 2007 |
2 November 2007 |
HR Report for October 2007 |
27 October 2007 |
HR Violations by the GoSL |
9 October 2007 |
Threats to Tamil Media Personnel |
12 October 2007 |
Urgent Restoration of Basic Human Rights (Letter to the UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights) |
12 October 2007 |
Threats to Tamil Media Personnel (Letter to the UN High Commissioner
for Human Rights) |
12 October 2007 |
Submissions on Human Rights Violations By the Government of Sri
Lanka To Ms.Louise Arbour, The United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights |
3 October 2007 |
HR Report for September 2007 |
19 September 2007 |
HR Report for August 2007 |
29 July 2007 |
Massacres: 1956 - 2001 (in PDF) |
17 August 2007 |
Report on the Padakuthurai Aerial Bombing |
2 September 2006 |
Death Threats for Humanitarian Workers |
27 April 2006 |
Report on extra judicial killing of Nagulenthirarasa,
Kuhaneswaran and Thiraviyan |
20 April 2006 |
on civilian deaths and disappearances from March until 18 April 2006 |
19 April 2006 |
issued on extra judicial killing of Sakilan on 17th April 2006 |
17 April 2006 |
Report on fishermen�s human right to livelihood - The case of
fishermen in Vadamaradchi in Jaffna |
7 April 2006 |
NESOHR Condemns Mr. Vigneswaran's Killing
25 March 2006 |
on attack on the fishing village of Sampoor in Trincomalee by the
Sri Lankan Navy on 20 and 21 March 2006. |
2 February 2006 |
Report on
Abduction of TRO Employees
29 January 2006 |
Disappearance of Anthonippillai Soosainather and Thevasahayampillai
Soosainather on 23 January 2006 |
29 January 2006 |
Case Report on Abduction of Maheswaran Balraj on 1
January 2006 |
27 January 2005 |
Statistics of Disappearances & Killings in December 2005 |
26 January 2006 |
Judicial Killing of Sithambari Ganesaratnam and Visuvar Krishnan on 16
January 2006 |
26 January 2006 |
Extra Judicial
Killing of Suppiah Murugan on 16 January 2006 |
26 January 2006 |
Judicial Killing of Chandrakanthan Vijayatharson on 23 January 2006 |
26 January 2006 |
of Parimalarajah Robinson on 7th January 2006 |
23 January 2006 |
Judicial Killing of Thambirajah Arulajanthan, on 28th December 2005 |
23 January 2006 |
Extra Judicial killing of Bojan Renuka, Bojan Shannuka,
Bojan Arththanareeswari - mother and two daughters on 14 January
2006 - Case Report |
22 January 2006 |
killing of Iyathurai Baskaran on 5 January 2006 - Case Report |
20 January 2006 |
Killing of Kanapathy Murugesu on 12 January 2006 - Case Report |
18 January 2006 |
Case Report on Abduction and torture of Selvaratnam Uthayaraj on 26 December
2005 |
18 January 2006 |
Interview with Chairman, NorthEast Secretariat on Human Rights (NESOHR)
Fr. M. X. Karunaratnam |
18 January 2006 |
NESOHR Report on Jaffna Displacement
" During the four years of the ceasefire agreement
(CFA), people genuinely believed that there would not be another
escalation of violence. They therefore confidently expressed their
political views in public gatherings, supporting the Tamil rights to
self determination in events like the �Pongu Thamil�, and the �Tamil
Uprising� events. The Sri Lankan military has noted the people at the
forefront of these events and now appears to be on an extermination
drive to eliminate these people. People have commented that those who
are terrorising the people are doing so with a list of names. A large
number of university students and recent graduates who are yet to find
employment are feeling vulnerable by the terror spread by the SLA and
its paramilitaries and are displacing to Vanni..."
18 January 2006 |
Abduction & Disappearance of of Mariyanayagam Maruthanayagam on 9
January 2006 - Case Report |
18 January 2006 |
Abduction and torture of Selvaratnam Uthayaraj on 26 December 2005 |
14 January 2006 |
Extra Judicial
Killing of Jude Sugathy (Theresa) Croos , Jude Arokiyathass Fernando, Emmani
Croos, Emmani Anthonikkam Croos on 23 December 2005 - Case Report |
12 January 2006 |
Abduction of
N Kandeepan and T Tharmasri by Sri Lankan Army on 11 January 2006 - Case
Report |
11 January 2006 |
Abduction of
Balakrishnan Rajeevmohan by Sri Lankan Army on 9 January 2006 - Case Report |
10 January 2005 |
Appeal against Sri Lanka Army Atrocities
"Over the last six to seven weeks
atrocities by the Sri Lankan armed forces and paramilitaries against
civilians in Northeast have escalated to alarming levels.Sri Lankan
armed forces so far have been responsible for at least 45 deaths and
more than 100 disappearances and innumerable shooting/beating and
injuring of civilians who were going about their daily lives..."
6 January 2006 |
Rape and murder of Ilaiyathamby Tharshini on 16 December 2006
- Case Report |
January 2006 |
NESoHR documents Civilian Impact of war, Forced Evictions
NESoHR report on Forced Eviction
NESoHR report on
Civilian impact of war
Historical details of forced evictions of Tamils by the Governments of
Sri Lanka and statistical details on the impact of war on Tamil
civilians are detailed in two documents released Monday by the NorthEast
Secretariat on Human Rights (NESoHR) located in Karadippoku junction in
Kilinochchi. The report cites United Nations Fact Sheet 25 on
"Forced Eviction and Human Rights," in explaining how the rights of
Tamils are violated by Sri Lanka military forcefully occupying peoples'
homes. The document reproduces statistics on the details of public
buildings and private homes occupied by the Sri Lanka military.
The second report presents statistics on people affected by different
caused during the periods of war in the NorthEast. The report, the
authors say, is not complete due to the following reasons: (a) half a
million Tamils have displaced to outside Northeast, and (b) the data
collection is not completed in the eastern regions due to the unexpected
disruption to the project from the ravages of tsunami.
The statistics are encoded in tables with people affected catagorized
under number of dead, disabled, injured, disappeared, arrested, torture,
and psychologically affected groups.
Further categorization based on people affected by communal violence,
war shock, disappearance, bombing, landmine, boat accidents, trauma
after arrest, gun fire, lack of medical care, helicopter-strafing,
shelling, stab wounds, torture, and air-attack is also included.
25 December 2005 |
We have lost Joseph Pararajasingam
" We have lost
Joseph Pararajasingam, our valued member. Mr. Joseph Pararajasingam
was shot dead on the Christmas Eve of 2005. He was murdered for the sole
reason that he highlighted the human rights situation of the Tamil
people. Mr. Pararajasingam was shot inside the Cathedral in Batticaloa
town that was crowded with people attending the Christmas mass presided
by the Bishop of Batticaloa, Kingsley Swampillai. Mr Pararajasingam's
wife, Mrs. P Sugunam, who was beside him, was critically wounded when
she tried to protect him from the bullets...
Mr. Joseph Pararajasingam is the second valued NESOHR
member shot dead within the span of one year. The loss to NESOHR is
truly shattering. NESOHR member for Amparai, Mr. A Chandra Nehru was
shot dead in February this year.
In his parliamentarian life, Mr. Pararajasingam, documented human rights
violations in eastern Sri Lanka during the 1990's and brought these
abuses to the attention of the international community. He persistently
challenged the Sri Lankan government on its human rights record. The Sri
Lankan parliamentary record, the "Hansard", contains ample evidence of
his brave challenges to the Sri Lankan state on its human rights abuses.
He traveled the world as a member of parliament, representing the
Tamils, to meet foreign ministers and foreign affairs officials and
brought the human rights situation in the Northeast to their
attention... A land where human rights defenders' lives can be taken
away so cheaply is a damned land. It is also a damning indictment on
those who are charged with the responsibility of protecting the lives of
those courageous defenders. ..."
October 2005 |
in Tamil -
in English |
July 2005 |
Report |
18 February 2005 |
North East
Secretariat for Human Rights Responds on Human Rights Watch Report 'Living
in Fear' |
1 August 2004 |
Northeast Secretariat on Human Rights to monitor
human rights violations and implement actions to strengthen
human rights in the NorthEast, meets in Tamil Eelam to finalise
NESOHR Charter
"Mr. Puleedevan, Secretary
General of the LTTE Peace Secretariat, Mr. Sivapalan, Attorney at law
from Trincomalee, Dr. Sivapalan, Dean of Jaffna Medical Faculty, Miss.
Arulanantham, Jaffna University Librarian, Parliamentarians, Mr. Joseph
Pararajasingam, Mr Gajendran, Mr. A. Chandranehru, Former
parliamentarian, Mr. Atchuthan, Head of Law School in Vanni,
Ms. N. Malathy, Human Rights Activists (New
Zealand), Ms
Diedre McConnel, Tamil Centre for Human Rights (Paris), Mr
Tamil Centre for Human Rights (Paris), Mr. Piratheep, Lawyer
(Australia), and
Mr. Ana
Pararajasingam (Australia)
participated in the meeting"
10 July 2004 |
Opening of LTTE's Human Rights Secretariat in
Killincochi, Tamil Eelam
"The denial of our human rights is the basis of our
struggle. We have not effectively conveyed this message to the world. We
will bring about greater awareness of human rights and related
international conventions among our people", said Mr. S. P
Thamilchelvan, head of the Liberation Tigers' political division,
addressing the opening of the LTTE's Human Rights Secretariat in
Kilinochchi. "Human rights was the main weapon that was taken up
again at the talks and during our travels abroad. We have done little to
bring out the truth regarding the manner in which our people were
systematically denied their basic rights...We are not experts in human
rights doctrines and theories. But our actions are always guided by
humanitarian interests," he said.
