
இலக்கியம் இன்றி இலக்கணம் இன்றே எள்ளின் றாகில் எண்ணையும் இன்றே
எள்ளினுள் எண்ணைய் எடுப்பது போல் இலக்கியத்தினின்றும் எடுபடும் இலக்கணம்'
Tamil Literature through the Ages by Professor
C.R.Krishnamurthy -
starting point for Thamizh literary works is therefore
reckoned to be the third or last Sangam period which is
assigned the approximate dates from 500 B.C. - 200 A.D.
Literary works of the last Sangam period include
TholkAppiam, a text on Thamizh grammar written by
TholkAppiar(~ 500 B.C.)...Setting aside the oft repeated but
justifiable criticism regarding the lack of evidence of
specific dates and authors, it is appropriate to examine the
contents of these texts with reference to their style and
substance. It is indeed amazing that even prior to the
beginning of the Christian era, there did exist a language
with rigid grammatical rules which even today serve as
authoritative guidelines. The corollary is that Thamizh
should have been flourishing long before this time for
someone to set out rules and regulations to formalize its
usage in prose and poetry..."
Literary Theory - T.P.Meenakshisundaram, 1966 -
"Tolkappiyam at least in parts is the earliest work in
Tamil. It is a book on phonology, grammar and poetics.
Therefore it implies the
prior existence of Tamil literature...The most important
aspect of this literature is the distinction between what is
akam and puram the exterior or the outer and the interior or
the inner. I prefer to call them the poetry of the
phenomenon and the poetry of the noumenon. The inner core of
truth of human life is akam or Love. There is a rule that in
akam poetry no names are to be mentioned... As against this,
puram or the poetry of the phenomenon shows the experience
of the varying individuals in this world, an experience
which can be often dated as belonging to the historical
persons... Ultimately
are as the inner palm of the hand and its back..." |
C.W.Thamotherampillai & Tholkappiyam |
"Thamotharam Pillai followed in the footsteps of
Arumuka Navalar, and was also encouraged by him in publishing the
grammatical works Tolkappiyam, which is said to be one of the earliest
extant works Tamil, and attracted Thamotharam Pillai's attention. It is
primarily a grammatical treatise but includes also a study of the subject matter
literature. It is divided into three major parts, eluttu (Letters), col (Words)
and porul (Subject-matter). ...Thamotharam Pillai collected and compared
different palm-leaf manuscript copies of Tolkappiyam and the commentaries and
systematically published them. Collatikaram with the commentaries of
Cenavaraiyar and Naccinarkkiniyar was printed in 1868 (2nd ed. 1892, 3rd ed.
1900). This was followed by Porulatikaram in 1885 (2nd ed. 1892) and
Eluttatikaram with Naccinakkiniyar's commentary in 1891..." |
Other grammatical works - |
nEminAtam of kunaveera pandithar
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vaTamalai nikanTu of Iswara Bharathi
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nannUl of pavaNanti munivar - an ancient versionwith
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