Whats New Archive -
June 2008 -
Week Ending:
Saturday 28 June 2008
Tamils: a
Trans State Nation: Tamil Nadu
Veerapandiyan in US - interviewed by
Australian Broadcasting Corporation:
The struggle for Tamil
Eelam rests in three fronts or
battlefields ".. The first
battlefield is in Tamil Eelam. There the
struggle is progressing with lives being
put on line. The second battlefield is in
the Tamil Diaspora living in many lands.
The third battlefield is in India. A change
in the policy of the Indian government will
depend on a change in the approach of
Tamil Nadu political parties. A change in
the approach of Tamil Nadu political
parties will depend on change amongst
the people of
Tamil Nadu..."... together with
Comment by tamilnation.org more |
National Forum
1. Sanmugam Sabesan writes
from Australia பொங்குக!
2. அறிமுகம்
- new
Tamil E-Zine from Tamil
Comments to
MakkalTV, Tamil
Nadu -
(tamilnation.org) தமிழ்
Diaspora - a Trans State Nation to include
Tamil National
Forum to include
Week Ending:
Saturday 21 June 2008
"...Keep your distance from power... I
tried to dig the truth out of hearings,
official transcripts and government
documents, and to be as accurate as
possible... I felt like a guerrilla
warrior, swooping down in surprise attack
on a stuffy bureaucracy where it least
expected independent inquiry. The reporter
assigned to specific beats like the State
Department or the Pentagon for a wire
service or a big daily newspaper soon finds
himself a captive. State and Pentagon have
large press relations forces whose job it
is to herd the press and shape the news.
There are many ways to punish a reporter
who gets out of line... All governments lie, but
disaster lies in wait for countries whose
officials smoke the same hashish they give
out..." Izzy Stone |
Tamil National
Forum to include
Open Letter from One Tamil in Eelam
- Dear Sinhalese, I understand that you are
upset by us. Indeed, it appears that you
are quite upset, even angry. Today, it is
the "barbarism of LTTE terrorism", yesterday it was the Federal
party, before that it was the
"favouritism of the British"...Indeed,
every few years you seem to become upset by
us. Your were upset in 1956, in 1958, in 1961 and again in 1977 and went on acts of
arson, rape, pillage, murder and plain
barbarity and we were scornfully asked to go to
the Federal party for help. Of course,
dear Sinhalese, long before there was a
Tamil tiger, we the Tamil people - upset
you. And we go back a long way in the
history of Sinhala upset. We upset the
"Great" Sinhala King Dutugemunu and
you still use his
"history" to teach your young ones to be
more upset by us... And it is because
we became so upset over upsetting you, dear
Sinhalese, that we decided to leave you -
in a manner of speaking - and establish a
Tamil state..." more |
Tamil Eelam
Struggle for Freedom to include
Against Sri Lanka

Black July 1983: the
Charge is Genocide...
- Nadesan Satyendra, July
1984, extensively revised June 2008, to
mark the 25th Anniversary of Genocide '83
which commenced with concerted attacks on
Tamils in Trincomalee in June 1983. more |
Tamils: a
Trans State Nation -

Auckland, New
Pongku Thamizh 2008 in Auckland,
New Zealand and Oslo, Norway
"The special
guests at Oslo were Pulamaippiththan and
Arivumathy, well known poets and cine
lyrists from Tamil Nadu, India. Poet
Arivumathy, while speaking said that she
was clearly aware of what the Eezham Tamils
want. But, she wanted the audience to
demonstrate it to the media and to the
world. When she asked who among the
audience wanted to resolve the Sri Lankan
crisis under a unitary state, no one stood
up. But, when she called for the response
for a separate Thamizh Eezham, all the
audience stood up..." more |

Oslo, Norway
Eelam: Right to Self Determination to
Sri Lanka
Accused at United Nations: UN Human Rights Council - Eighth
Session, June 2008 to include
Week Ending:
Saturday 14 June 2008
Tamils: a
Trans State Nation - USA
Language & Literature: Eelam Tamil
Literature to
Indictment against Sri
Remembering Genocide'58 - Fifty
Years Ago "...Hon. Senators
will remember how one of the present
Ministers of this Government went round the
countryside saying that the U.N.P.
Government had offered the Sinhalese man's
mat to Suppiah to lie on and allow Nalliah
to pluck his eye and Subramaniam to wring
his neck. That is the type of communal
propaganda indulged in by the M.E.P.
(Government)...The Tamils are the pawns in a political
game. It does not matter to anybody how
we suffer, how we feel, so long as in this
game one Sinhala party is the victor and
the other Sinhala party is the vanquished.
.... if one party said, "We will kill the
Tamils", the other party could go one
better and say, "We will eat the Tamils."
In other words, it was a competition as to
who would hold down the Tamils most. And
the party which was going to hold down the
Tamils most was going to have the support of the Sinhalese
masses... That is all. That is why I
ask you not to make us pawns in your
game... We are willing to go. Every Tamil
man, woman and child is willing to go...We
do not want language rights from you.
We will look after
our language..... Please have Sinhalese only. No Tamil
worthy of his name is ever going to study
the Sinhalese language. You have stamped it
out... We only want the right to live
in our areas. We want
the right to be able to walk the streets
without being molested. Those are the
rights we want. The elementary duty of
a Government is to afford protection to its
subjects, and the duty of the citizens is
to be loyal to that Government. The moment
that Government fails to afford that
protection, it forfeits its right to
that loyalty and affection. This Government
has forfeited that right... "
(Senator S.Nadesan
Q.C. in Senate on 4 June 1958
) Comment by tamilnation.org That which Senator
Nadesan said 50 years ago has remained true
during the succeeding fifty
years but there are still those in the
international community (including India)
who continue to espouse the cause of a 'multi ethnic plural
society' in a 'united' Sri Lanka and give
credence to the masquerade by a Sinhala ethno nation
seeking to pass off as a Sri Lankan
civic nation. They
continue to espouse and give credence,
unmindful of the thousands of Tamils who
have given and who continue to give their
lives in their struggle for freedom
from alien Sinhala
rule. The Sri Lanka government has long
forfeited its right to the loyalty of the
people of Tamil Eelam. |
States & the Struggle for Tamil
We Forget: 25 years ago on 9 June
1983 The Commonwealth of
Massachusetts Urges Financial Boycott of
Sri Lanka "The Massachusetts House of
Representatives unanimously adopted
a Resolution filed by Representative Marie
E. Howe (D-Somerville) and the Eelam Tamil
Association of America, headquartered in
Somerville, Massachusetts, urging the
divestment and withdrawal of public funds
and pension revenues from businesses that
are owned by organizations based in Sri
Lanka. In filing this Resolution on behalf
of the Eelam Tamils, Representative Howe
stated, '... Government sponsored terrorism
against the minority people of this Island
just south of India will not be tolerated'
.." Comment
tamilnation.org We
may want to learn from history if we do not
want to relive it. more |
Nation Library: Eelam to include
The Re-emergence of the Tamil
Nadu Factor in India�s Sri
Lanka Policy - Dr.M. Mayilvaganan,
Associate Fellow, Institute for Defence
Studies and Analyses, India "...There
is a view in Tamil Nadu that India played a
role in the division of LTTE, primarily to
weaken the LTTE and force it to come to the
negotiating table. But people in Tamil Nadu
would rather argue that any effort by India
aimed at trouncing the LTTE at the moment,
when the government of Sri Lanka has
launched its full-scale offensive against
the LTTE, would be construed as inimical to
the interests of the Tamils and give rise
to spontaneous opposition by the people of
Tamil Nadu..." together with
Note by tamilnation.org "Dr.Mayilvaganan is right to point out
that 'it is well known that in the absence
of a genuine devolutionary arrangement any
Tamil outfit supported by India or Sri
Lanka will lose out to LTTE in terms of its
support among the Tamils of Sri
Lanka'. And, it is
here that New Delhi finds itself between a
rock and a hard place.." more |
Sri Lanka
Accused at United Nations: UN Human Rights Council - Eighth Session,
June 2008 to
Week Ending:
Saturday 7 June 2008
Continues, Sri Lanka Style
LTTE 'can only be
defeated by the guns, men and women of the
Sri Lankan armed forces' - Sri Lanka
Ambassador Dayan Jayatilleka
"...Tiger fascism cannot
be defeated by unarmed Tamil expatriate
dissidents... It can only be defeated by
the guns, men and women of the Sri Lankan armed forces
Comment by tamilnation.org (revised 5 June 2008)
"Tamils living in many lands (including
Tamil Nadu) will welcome Mr.Dayan
Jayatilleka's statement that the
LTTE 'can only be
defeated by the guns, men and women
of the Sri Lankan
armed forces' and not by 'unarmed Tamil expatriate
dissidents'. They will welcome
statement for its
belligerent frankness..." more |
& About Us to
P Raghunandan from
India "Hello, Just
dropped by. What a lovely site you have
there. Very deep, and broad looking with
various points of view and perspectives. I
read parts of the site and was very
impressed. Seriously though you have gone
way beyond just Tamil Nation or Sri Lanka
or Eelam. All those are probably (in my
view) restricting the whole canvas..."
together with Response by tamilnation.org
"Many thanks for
your comments - and for having taken the
trouble (and time) to write.
We take on board your
comment that 'seriously though you have gone way
beyond just Tamil Nation or Sri Lanka or
Eelam. All those are probably (in my view)
restricting the whole
canvas.' (Said
that)... we ourselves believe that
Frantz Fannon
was right when he
declared that "...the building of a nation is of
necessity accompanied by the discovery and
encouragement of universalising values...
It is at the heart of national
consciousness that international
consciousness lives and grows..."
more |
Relations in an Asymmetric World
From Kennedy To Obama:
Liberalism's Last Fling - John
Pilger "As
their contest for the White House draws
closer, watch how, regardless of the
inevitable personal smears, Obama and
McCain draw nearer to each other. They
already concur on America's divine right to
control all before it. "We lead the world
in battling immediate evils and promoting
the ultimate good," said Obama. "We must
lead by building a 21st-century military .
. . to advance the security of all people."
McCain agrees. ...Despite claiming that his
campaign wealth comes from small individual
donors, Obama is backed by the biggest Wall
Street firms: Goldman Sachs, UBS AG, Lehman
Brothers, J P Morgan Chase, Citigroup,
Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse, as well
as the huge hedge fund Citadel Investment
Group... What is Obama's attraction to
big business? Precisely the same as
Robert Kennedy's. By offering a "new",
young and apparently progressive face of
the Democratic Party - with the bonus of
being a member of the black elite - he can
blunt and divert real opposition..."
more |
"...A key
psychology for leading from good to great
is the Stockdale Paradox
�You must never confuse
faith that you will prevail in the end -
which you can never afford to lose - with
the discipline to confront the most brutal
facts of your current reality, whatever
they might
be.�). Retain
absolute faith that you can and will
prevail in the end regardless of the
difficulties, and at the
same time confront the most brutal
facts of your current reality, whatever
they might be... Create a culture wherein
people have a tremendous opportunity to be
heard and, ultimately, for the truth to be
heard. Creating a climate where truth is
heard involves four basic practices: 1 Lead
with questions, not answers. 2 Engage in
dialogue, not coercion. 3. Conduct
autopsies without blame. and 4. Build red
flag mechanisms that turn information into
information that cannot be ignored.
Leadership does not begin just with
vision. It begins with getting people to
confront the brutal facts and to act on the
Jim Collins - Good to Great: Why Some
Companies Make the Leap... and Others
Don't Comment
by tamilnation.org
It seems to us that
that which Jim Collins wrote in relation
to the corporate world applies equally
well to all organisations concerned to move
from 'good' to 'great'. After all, Vice Admiral James Bond
Stockdale (December 23,
1923�July 5, 2005) was one
of the most highly decorated officers in
the history of the United States
Navy. |