Whats New Archive -
February 2008 -
Week Ending: Saturday
1 March 2008
One Hundred Tamils of the 20th
writes from Switzerland on "Sujatha" Rangarajan "The
polyvalent and gifted Tamil writer "Sujatha"
Rangarajan passed away in Chennai on 27 February
2008. It is a great loss for the entire Tamil
Disapora..." more |
Tamil National Forum
"The struggle for Tamil Eelam is
about the democratic right of the people of Tamil
Eelam to govern themselves in their homeland -
nothing less and nothing more. It is about
freedom from alien Sinhala rule. It is
not about securing
benevolent Sinhala rule... An independent
Tamil Eelam is not
negotiable. But an independent Tamil Eelam will
negotiate. It will negotiate with an
independent Sri Lanka the terms on which two
independent states may associate with one another
in equality and in freedom. Sovereignty, after
all, is not virginity..." Nadesan Satyendra in Tamil Eelam
Struggle for Freedom - An Overview
"Freedom is not given. It is
an unmediated right and a bare necessity.
Freedom is not negotiable; it is the
unhindered development of one�s
possibilities... Bringing to life the right for
self-determination is not a guarantee for success
� but it creates the
conditions for free development; and taking
responsibility results in a strong motivation to
succeed...Self-determination, because it is
something natural; it makes sense that we can
make decisions about our own future much more
effectively than anyone and everyone else who
wants to decide on our behalf.
Self-determination! Unconditionally! Until
the final separation. Until the complete
liberation of our country."
Manifesto of the
VET�VENDOSJE! - Kosovo Movement
for Self-Determination
Sathyam Commentary:
Who is Lobbying
Whom? to include
International Relations in an Asymmetric Multi
Lateral World: Kosovo's Declaration of
'Supervised Independence' to
of the Kosovo Declaration of
Independence by
VET�VENDOSJE! (Kosovo Movement for
Self-Determination!), 23 February 2008 "Kosova
does not lack status, but our people lack freedom.
This declaration will not give us freedom. In fact, it
does not even represent a change in status, as we
will continue to be ruled over by an
anti-democratic and unaccountable international
mission... The international presences based on
Resolution 1244 are not democratic nor are they
promoting democracy. Instead, they are
authoritarian and executive. Asking NATO to stay
until Kosova is
�capable� of
assuming military
is self-devaluating...." together with
by tamilnation.org "Those Tamil Eelam groups who rushed to
congratulate the current Kosovo
leadership on its
'supervised independence' may want to read
carefully the
Deconstruction of the Kosovo Declaration of
Independence by L�vizja
VET�VENDOSJE! (Kosovo Movement for
Self-Determination!) as well as the Manifesto of the Kosovo Movement
for Self Determination. If the people of
Tamil Eelam do not wish to become hostages to
fortune, it is of critical importance that they
should take a principle centered approach and not
an opportunistic approach to happenings in an
asymmetric multi
lateral world."
more |
"...Every adherent of the
(Indian National) Congress, however noisy in
declamations, however bitter in speech, is safe
from burning bungalows and murdering Europeans
and the like. His hopes are based upon the
British nation and he will do
nothing to invalidate these hopes and anger that
nation...." A.O.Hume, a retired British
civil servant who (in consultation with the
British Viceroy of India) founded the Indian
National Congress in 1885
governments� policies on Sri
Lanka should consciously include attempts
to open up political
space within their Tamil communities for
non-Tiger political voices. Those governments
with significant Tamil populations should engage
representative civil society groups directly, expressing sympathy for
the legitimate grievances of
minorities in Sri Lanka,
while challenging them to reject the
LTTE�s destructive
politics...The international community...should
take up the challenge of pressuring and
persuading it (the LTTE) �
perhaps using diaspora
representatives � to
renounce suicide bombings, attacks on civilians,
political killings and child recruitment..."
Report by International Crisis
Group with UK Lord Patten of Barnes and US
Ambassador Thomas R Pickering as Co-Chairs in
International Frame of Struggle for Tamil
Jayatilleka, Sri Lanka Ambassador to the UN in
Geneva on the Aftermath of Kosovo:Sri Lanka Needs Dual
Strategy of
�Deterrence� and
�Balance of
Power� "Sri Lanka must possess and display the
political will to defend its territorial integrity
and sovereignty �by any means
necessary� (as Malcolm X famously
said) against anyone who would threaten it.
However, Sri Lanka cannot rely on deterrence alone...The Tigers are
dug in on their home turf.. Their
�home turf�
advantages must be offset and their international
strategies countered by us. This requires
building the broadest possible domestic, regional
and international united fronts: coalitions that
include anti-Tiger Tamils internally, and
India, China, and Russia, externally... Sri Lanka
has therefore to engage in classic balancing off
of those powers..." together with Comment by tamilnation.org " It has to be said that
many lobby groups in the Tamil
Diaspora will find Ambassador Dayan Jayatilleka's analysis instructive - no
less instructive than the recently expressed views of the
westcentric International Crisis Group. The
Tamil Diaspora may find that a careful study
of Ambassador
analysis together with the
International Crisis Group
Report rewarding...." more |
Sathyam Commentary
Who is Lobbying Whom? - Nadesan
Satyendra Revised 25 February
2008 "....We are
a reasonable people and we will listen to reason.
But let us say to those whom we lobby (and who may
be lobbying us) that thousands upon thousands of
Tamils, young and old, men and women, and children
as well, have died and suffered so that we, their
brothers and sisters, may stand up and declare
openly and fearlessly that we will not be
browbeaten by those who would deny us reason...."
more |
Conflict Resolution:
Sri Lanka - Tamil Eelam
Sri Lanka�s
Return to War: Limiting the Damage - International
Crisis Group Report, 20 February 2008
"...The Tigers should also be
required to take some real steps towards
transformation before being accepted as a
negotiation partner. Such moves, however, may
well require new leaders. Peace supporters
should consider setting a deadline for renunciation
of a separate state, after which they would
actively pursue prosecutions of current LTTE
leaders for war crimes and crimes against
humanity.... ....Countries should develop
step-by-step benchmarks for progress towards
revoking the terrorist designation
� in part to encourage
Prabhakaran�s removal..."
more |
"Ahtisaari" Plan for Sri Lanka?
governments� policies on Sri
Lanka should consciously include attempts
to open up political
space within their Tamil communities for
non-Tiger political voices. Those governments
with significant Tamil populations should
engage representative civil society groups
expressing sympathy for
the legitimate grievances
of minorities in Sri Lanka, while
challenging them to reject the
LTTE�s destructive politics and
actively guarding against any intimidation of
anti-Tiger Tamil groups...Short of a complete
military defeat, however, the LTTE will likely
remain a major player in any talks, though it
should not be the only Tamil negotiator. The
international community thus should take up the
challenge of pressuring and persuading it
� perhaps using diaspora
representatives � to
renounce suicide bombings, attacks on civilians,
political killings and child
Report dated 20 February 2008
by The International Crisis Group whose
Board includes Lord Patten of Barnes, Former UK
Cabinet Minister; Ambassador Thomas R Pickering,
Former U.S. Ambassador to the UN; and Gareth
Evans Former Foreign Minister of Australia; and
whose Executive Committee includes George Soros;
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Former U.S. National
Security Advisor to the President;
and Fidel V.
Ramos, Former President of Philippines
with Martti
Ahtisaari Former President, Finland (and author
of the Kosovo Ahtisaari Plan) and
George J. Mitchell, Former U.S. Senate Majority
Leader (and Northern Ireland 'Peace Broker') as
Chairmen Emeritus .
Week Ending: Saturday
23 February 2008
Tamil National
1. Sachi Sri Kantha writes
from Japan On the Traditional Tamil
Homeland: The Facts |

Sabesan writes from Australia
முன் வர
International Relations in an Asymmetric Multi
Lateral World to include
Frame & the Tamil Eelam Struggle for

Kosovo Countdown: Lessons for Sri Lanka
- Dayan Jayatilleka "...Western
interventionism is not tied to any particular
ethnic or religious group. The name of the game
seems the old one of divide and rule, and whichever
group or struggle weakens the target state appears
to be the one that is afforded patronage..."
together with Revised (19 February 2008)
tamilnation.org " Mr.Dayan Jayatilleka is right. Yes,
there are lessons for Sri Lanka to learn from
Kosovo. Mr.Jayatilleke is
right to recognise that 'the patterns of world
politics appear kaleidoscopic, with coalitions
forming over one issue, only to break up over
another'... Said that, Kosovo's 'independence' (with an
European Union/NATO military force in occupation)
has lessons for the people of Tamil Eelam as
well..." |
Propaganda and Organization - Adolf
Hitler in Mein Kampf: My Country
"...the greatness of
the theorist and founder of a system consists in
being able to discover and lay down those laws that
are right in the abstract, whereas the organizer
must first of all be a man of psychological
insight. He must take men as they are, and for
that reason he must know them, not having too high
or too low an estimate of human nature. He
must take account of their weaknesses, their
baseness and all the other various
characteristics, so as to form something out of
them which will be a living organism, endowed with
strong powers of resistance, fitted to be the
carrier of an idea and strong enough to ensure the
triumph of that idea.. " more |
Muslims &
Tamil Eelam
Tamil Centre
for Human Rights (TCHR) on Who prevents Muslims�
resettlement in Jaffna?
"Last September (2007), a TCHR
representative raised the matter about the
resettlement of Jaffna Muslims in a meeting held
by the Sri Lankan Mission in Geneva. Four Sri
Lankan Ministers - Mahinda Samarasinghe, Keheliya
Rambukwella, Athauda Seneviratne and Douglas
Devananda, who were on the panel, could not give
a proper answer to the question of resettlement
of Muslims in Jaffna. This was well witnessed by
various diplomats and the representatives of
international institutions... Even before the
Jaffna Muslims moved to Puttalam, the Buddhist
monks and Sri Lankan government were very careful
with their political agenda that the Muslim
population in Puttalam should not be allowed to
spread to any other area within Puttalam. This is
one of the reasons Jaffna Muslims are without any
fundamental rights in Puttalam..." more
Week Ending: Saturday
16 February 2008
Bob Dylan, 1970 - The
answer, my friend, is blowin' in the
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind. more |
Tamil National
Sachi Sri
Kantha writes from Japan Reminiscing on the Two Old Letters from
Raveendranath "On 22 February 2008, my
friend Sivasubramaniam Raveendranath (born in 1951)
would have marked 57 years, with his dear ones.
Since his unfortunate and contemptible abduction in
Colombo on December 15, 2006, evidence has piled up
that he is not alive now. Whether he was alive on
22 February 2007 is also in doubt now. As such, I
pen this eulogy to him with a heavy heart. "
more |
Tamil Nation
Library: War & Armed Conflict
William R. Polk - Violent
Politics: A History of Insurgency, Terrorism, and
Guerrilla War, from the American Revolution to
Iraq - Book Review: An End Foreseen - Uri
Avnery "...an
insurgency supported by the public is bound to win,
irrespective of the tactics adopted by the
occupation regime. The occupier can kill
indiscriminately or adopt more humane methods,
torture captured freedom fighters to death or treat
them as prisoners of war � nothing
makes a difference in the long run. The real war
against the occupation takes place in the minds of
the occupied population. Therefore, the main task
of the freedom fighter is not to fight against the
occupation, as it may seem, but to win the hearts
of his people..." more |
The Strength of an
Idea to include
to Australia's Indigenous Peoples - Mr.Kevin Rudd,
Prime Minister of Australia
"To the mothers and the fathers,
the brothers and the sisters, for the breaking up
of families and communities, we say sorry... For
the pain, suffering and hurt of these Stolen
Generations, their descendants and for their
families left behind, we say sorry... Decency,
human decency, universal human decency, demands
that the nation now steps forward to right a
historical wrong. That is what we are doing in this
place today...I say to non-Indigenous Australians
listening today who may not fully understand why
what we are doing is so important, I ask those
non-Indigenous Australians to imagine for a moment
if this had happened to you. I say to honourable
members here present: imagine if this had happened
to us..." together with Comment
by tamilnation.org
"Mr.Kevin Rudd's unreserved apology is a
remarkable and passionate statement and is perhaps
unique among those made by any serving Prime
Minister of any country at any time. It demands
(& deserves) careful reading - and it may then
help us to re-affirm our faith in the inherent
goodness that lies in each one of us - and that
politics should be concerned with energising a
people by bringing that goodness to the forefront.
" more |
Tamil National

One Million Red Roses
shipped from Tamil Nadu to Australia for
Valentine's Day
Sabesan writes from Australia on Valentine's
Day காதலர்
Tamil Nation Library:
Tamils - a Trans State
Nation: Tamil Nadu
Tamil Language &
Project Madurai 10th Anniversary CD -
Free Distribution - tamilnation.org congratulates - and salutes
Dr.K.Kalyanasundaram and the Project Madurai team
of volunteers from many parts of the globe on
their sustained, determined and successful 10
year effort to bring Tamil literature to the
world wide web. The Project
Madurai 10th Anniversary CD now enables
these Tamil electronic texts to be accessed off
line as well. tamilnation.org will be
happy to send a copy of the CD free of charge to
any Tamil group (sangams /manrams /associations
/social groups) in the United Kingdom so that
these e-texts of Tamil literary works may be made
available to a larger audience.
Requests from
those outside the United Kingdom will be
forwarded by us to the Project Leader
Dr.K.Kalyanasunderam in
Week Ending:
Saturday, 9 February 2008
Tamil National
Sachi Sri Kantha writes
from Japan on
Sixty Years to Flop and
Disintegrate The
Magnificent Eleven... - 'all pious born-Sinhalese
Buddhists, baptized-Sinhalese Buddhists and
converted-Sinhalese Buddhists' ... leading the disintegration... more |
International Frame & the Tamil Eelam
Struggle for Freedom to include
Sri Lanka at
UN Conference on
Disarmament - Playing the Third World/China
Card "Sri Lanka and the Group of 21
certainly did not believe in the moral superiority
of certain countries that had invaded others on the
basis of an outright lie. In the view of the Third
World, what was needed was realism and new thinking
� a new paradigm
� one that frankly addressed the
concerns of all, and that eschewed threats and
moral grandstanding." more |
Resolution: Tamil Eelam - Sri Lanka to
Centre for Just Peace and
Democracy (CJPD) - 2007 Annual
Report "The
Centre for Just Peace and Democracy (CJPD) was
founded in 2004 to formalise pre-existing networks
of activists and academics in the Tamil diaspora
and beyond who have worked to bring about a just
peace in Sri Lanka. In 2007, with the support of
the Berghof Foundation and the Norwegian
Government, this network was given an institutional
form and a hub in Switzerland..." more |
Nations &
Nationalism to
Right to Self
Determination: Tamil Eelam to
The Origins of the
Unitary State of Sri Lanka - A.Jeyaratnam
Wilson in The
Break Up of Sri Lanka,1988 "(Even as long ago as
the 1930s) the Sinhalese
leadership evinced no willingness to share power
with the minority ethnic groups. The Donoughmore
system, with its divisions into seven executive
committees, was designed for the purpose of
providing some opportunities for minority ethnic
representatives to secure election to the
Donoughmore executive, the Board of Ministers...
a Pan-Sinhalese Board of Ministers was elected
after the general election of 1936, thus securing
an artificial unanimity of opinion on
constitutional reform. Furthermore, the
Pan-Sinhalese Board obtained as much as it could
of the limited available resources and public
service appointments for the ethnic majority..."
"...In 1936
I was one of the seven members elected unopposed to
the second State Council. I was also chosen to be
one of the seven Ministers...The new Board of
Ministers had no members who belonged to the
minority communities. This result was
deliberately brought about with the intention of
having a homogeneous (Pan Sinhala) Ministry who
would present a united front on the question of
constitutional reform. The point of view of the
majority community was that the minorities would
play their proper part in the Government only by
trusting and co-operating with the majority instead
of suspecting its motives and standing aloof..."
Sir John Kotelawala, Ceylon Prime Minister
(1953-56) in An Asian Prime Minister's Story,
1956 |
On 60th Anniversary of Sinhala Sri Lanka's
Independence - 4 February 2008
Tamil National
Forum to include
Tamil Diaspora - a
Trans State Nation to include