Address by Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam to
the Ceylon Tamil League - 1922 |
A Federal Government for Ceylon - S.W.R. D. Bandaranaike,
July 1926 |
Sinhalese Call for Three Federal states in 1928 and 1948 - Lakshman
Kiriella |
Ceylon Communist
Party's Resolutions & Memoranda on Federalism and
Self-Determination, 1944 |
Kathiravelupillai's Eelam Statement, 1973 |
Tamil United Front Memorandum, September 1974 |
S.J.V.Chelvanayakam Q.C., Statement - February
1975 |
Vaddukodai Resolution - May 1976 |
to Sri Lanka Prime Minister from Tamil United Liberation Front,
May 1976 |
Tamil United Liberation Front Election
Manifesto - July 1977 |
Tamils' right to self determination and secession -
Anton S. Balasingham, 1983 |
Rights : Is it an Internal Problem? - Reversion of Sovereignty
- R. Balasubramaniam, Attorney
at Law in
Saturday Review, Jaffna 19 February 1983 |
The Origins of the Unitary State
of Sri Lanka -
A.Jeyaratnam Wilson, 1988 |
Determination is not a dirty word - Sathasivam Krishnakumar, 1993 |
A Struggle for Justice - Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam, March 1997 |
Election Manifesto of Tamil National
Alliance, December 2001 |
Election Manifesto of Tamil National Alliance,
October 2004 |
Nadesan Satyendra |
We, too, are a people
at Thimpu
Talks, August 1985 |
1988 |
Boundaries of Tamil Eelam,
1993 |
Select Committee Farce,
1993 |
'Multi Ethnic Plural Society' -
1993 |
Needles, Haystacks & the Sinhala Left,
1997 |
LTTE & Fanaticism |
Why Division?, 1998 |
A Simple Question,
1998 |
The Charge is Genocide... the Struggle is for
Freedom, 1998 |
Other Articles |
and Articles on Tamil 'separatism' at Questia |
Sinhala Buddhist Oppression of the Tamil People
- S. C. Chandrahasan, 1979 |
The Material Basis for Separatism: The Tamil Eelam
Movement in Sri Lanka - Amita Shastri, 1990 |
Tamil Eelam right to self-determination -
Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran, 1991 |
Tamils' right to self-determination - Justice
Satchi Ponnamblam, 1991 |
Struggle for Fundamental Social Change -
Dr.Ramani Chelliah, May 1991 |
Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and the Tamil National
Struggle: Evolving the Law of Self Determination, Karen Parker, J.D,
1991 |
Anti-Federalism: An Exercise in Political Bankruptcy
- S Sathananthan, 1992 |
Tamil Eelam: Reversion of Sovereignty - IFT
Working Group 1992 |
to Self Determination - Tamil Information Centre Briefing to UN
Commission on Human Rights, 1994 |
Rights & the Tamils Right to Self Determination - Justice Marcus
Einfield, 1996 |
The Tamils' Right
to Self Determination - Visvanathan Rudrakumaran, 1996 |
SEP and the fight for the
Socialist United States of Sri Lanka and Eelam, December 1998 |
Tamil Eelam: The Legitimacy of a New State -
A. J. V. Chandrakanthan, April 1998 |
Ilankai Tamils Self Determination - Vikramabahu Karunaratne, 21
May 1999 |
External Self Determination, Internal
De-Colonisation - Dr.S.Sathananthan, 1999 |
Eelam & the Right to Secession -
Professor M.Sornarajah, June 2000 |
Tamil Eelam - a Nation State in the Making -
Professor P.Ramasamy, July 2000 |
of power sharing and legitimacy of the state - V.T.Tamilmaran, October
2002 |
Tamil Secessionist Movement in Sri Lanka (Ceylon): A
Case of Secession by Default? - M.R.R.Hoole
Self Determination and Conflict Regulation
in Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland and beyond
- Brendan O'Duffy, May 2003 "Those who assume the LTTE's concession on negotiating within the framework of a united Sri Lanka
are.... pretending that the self-determination genie remains in the doctrinal box of a statist world..."
Tamil Struggle: The
Need for self-determination - G.Amirthalingam, 2006 |
The right to
self-determination of the Tamils in Sri Lanka - Victor
Rajakulendran, June 2006 |
Tamil Eelam demand in International Law - Tamil Writers
Guild, 4 January 2007 |
The Tamil people's right to self-determination Deirdre McConnell, Cambridge Review of
International, Volume 21 Issue 1 2008
Abstract - This article provides an overview of the crisis in Sri Lanka
and states why an armed conflict has developed in the northern and
eastern parts (north-east) of the country. The Tamils' accusations�of
discrimination, denial of the right to self-determination, abrogated
agreements and violations of international human rights and humanitarian
law amounting to genocide by successive Sri Lankan governments�are
supported by specific evidence given by international human rights and
legal experts, international human rights non-governmental organizations
and other relevant entities. The democratic parliamentary efforts and
the non-violent resistance struggle of the Tamil people prior to the
outbreak of war are traced over several decades. The article includes an
outline of social and law and order achievements in the north-east under
the de facto administration of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
(LTTE) and concludes with some current international dimensions of the
situation." |
Karen Parker on Tamil
Self Determination
at Tamil Mirror, Canada -
Video Presentation...
12 May 2008 |
"...In all regions of the world conflicts turn violent over the desire for
control by state governments, on the one hand, and
claims to
self-determination (in a broad sense) by peoples, minorities or other communities, on the other.
Where governments recognise and respect the right to self-determination, a
people can effectuate it in a peaceful manner. Where governments
choose to use
force to crush or prevent the movement, or where they attempt to impose
assimilationist policies against the wishes of a people, this polarises
demands and generally results in armed conflict. The Tamils, for example, were not
seeking independence and were not using violence in the 1970s.
The government
response to further deny the Tamil people equal expression of their distinct
identity led to armed confrontation and a war of secession..."
Implementation of the Right to Self Determination, as a Contribution to Conflict Prevention ,
UNESCO International Conference of Experts, Barcelona
".. Self determination is not a de
stabilising concept. Self
determination and democracy go hand in hand. If democracy means the rule of the
people, by the people, for the people, then the principle of self determination secures
that no one people may rule another - and herein lies its enduring appeal..."
Nadesan Satyendra in Why Division, 1998

This section brings together documents relating to the right
of self determination of the people of Tamil Eelam - including
1. The 1973 Statement by
S.Kathiravetpillai, M.P. for Kopay
from 'Coexistence not Confrontation' - A Statement on Eelam,
"Pancha Seela or Coexistence is the only solution to
the problem of the two nations in Ceylon. It recognises not merely facts of two thousand
five hundred years of Sinhala and Tamil history but also the fundamental right of the
Tamil people to self determination; of Tamil Eelam to separate statehood. It unshackles
the two nations and sets them free" -
2. The historic
statement by S.J.V.Chelvanayakam Q.C. M.P., (affectionately known to the Tamil people
as Thanthai Chelva)
at his election victory in January 1975, when he won a mandate for Tamil Eelam,
"Throughout the ages the Sinhalese and Tamils in the country
lived as distinct sovereign people till they were brought under foreign
domination...It is a regrettable fact that successive Sinhalese governments have used the
power that flows from independence to deny us our fundamental
rights and reduce us to the position of a subject people. These
governments have been able to do so only by using against the Tamils the
sovereignty common to the Sinhalese and the Tamils. I wish to announce to my people and to the country that I consider the verdict at
this election as a mandate that the Tamil Eelam nation
should exercise the sovereignty already vested in the Tamil people and become free."
3. Text
of the Vaddukodai Resolution at the First
National Convention of the Tamil United Liberation Front, May 1976,
"..The first National Convention of the Tamil United Liberation Front meeting at Pannakam
(Vaddukoddai Constituency) on the 14th day of May, 1976 hereby declares that the Tamils of Ceylon by virtue of their great
language, their religions, their
separate culture and
heritage, their
history of independent existence as a separate state
over a distinct territory for several centuries till they were conquered by the armed
might of the European invaders and above all by their will to exist as a separate entity
ruling themselves in their own territory, are a nation distinct and apart from Sinhalese.."
4. Tamil United Liberation Front
- Tamil Eelam Manifesto
which was endorsed by the Tamil people at the General Elections in July 1977,
"..What is the alternative now left to the Nation that has lost its rights to its language, rights to its citizenship, rights to its religions
and continues day by day to lose its traditional
homeland to Sinhalese colonisation ? What is the alternative now left to a Nation that
has lost its opportunities to higher education
through standardisation and its equality in opportunities in the sphere of employment ?
What is the alternative to a Nation that lies helpless as it is being assaulted, looted and killed by hooligans instigated
by the ruling race and by the security forces of the State? Where else is an alternative
to the Tamil Nation that gropes in the dark for its identity and finds itself driven to
the brink of devastation?
There is only one alternative and that is to proclaim with the stamp of
finality and fortitude that "we alone shall rule over our land that our fore fathers
ruled. Sinhalese imperialism shall quit our Homeland". The Tamil United Liberation
Front regards the general election of 1977 as a means of proclaiming to the Sinhalese
Government this resolve of the Tamil Nation. And every vote that you cast for the Front
would go to show that the Tamil Nation is determined to liberate itself from Sinhalese
5. Statement of the Political Committee of the Liberation Tigers written by Anton Balasingham,
"...The concept of self-determination needs
a precise and clear definition. Such a clarification is vital to our national question,
since some of the so-called Leninists in Sri Lanka are confused on this basic concept. The
most ridiculous misrepresentation and misconceptualisation of this concept arises from a
position in which the right of the Tamil nation to self-determination is given recognition
while opposing secession..."
5. Statement by Nadesan Satyendra at the Thimpu Talks,
"...The Tamil delegation here at Thimpu asserts a proposition founded on common sense and
justice - and in the ultimate analysis all sound law is common sense and justice. It is a
very uncomplicated business, this question of international law. It is simple. And the simple proposition is this:
'A people who are subjugated by an alien people
have the inherent right to free themselves from such alien
subjugation'. And it is this right which is the right of self
determination - a right which has today, become a peremptory norm of
general international law..."
6. Justice
Satchi Ponnambalam, on the Tamil Eelam demand in international law, July
"...(The) perceived solution of
self-determination has evolved and taken shape by the compulsions of
more than three decades of political struggles of the Tamil people and
their political leaders which ended in the ignominious failure to arrive
at any just solution by the process of negotiation between the two
parties. There lay in ruins the scrap-heap of broken
pacts and dishonoured agreements as to proposals for Regional
Councils, District Councils, Provincial Councils, Provincial/Regional
Councils, District/Provincial Councils - all tentative concepts and
toothless bodies with no genuine devolved powers of
7. Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran
on the Tamil Eelam demand in international law, 1991
"...a social group characterized by distinct objective elements such as a common
language and a common struggle, acquire subjective elements such as a sense of solidarity,
of sameness or oneness and has a relationship to a defined territory," such a group
clearly constitutes a "people" and-is entitled to self-determination... the
Tamils of Sri Lanka, who are united on the basis of such objective factors as a distinct
language etc., and by such subjective factors as a passionate yearning for freedom, and
who have a long-established relationship to the Northern and Eastern provinces constitute
a people, and are therefore entitled to self-determination in the form of secession, in
the face of denial of effective representation in Sri Lanka's existing constitutional and
political situation...."
8. Statement by the Political Committee of
the Liberation Tigers, in March 1991
"The birth and growth of the armed resistance
movement should be analysed within the historical development of the
Tamil struggle for self-determination. The Tamil struggle for
self-determination has an evolutionary history of nearly a half of
century. It is a history characterised by state repression and
resistance by the Tamils."
9. Written
Statement by International Educational Development submitted to the United
Nations Commission on Human Rights in April 1998
"..In the words of President John F.
Kennedy, "those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable." It is also interesting to note the observation made by
Antonio Cassese that states normally characterize the use of force by liberation
movements as an act of terrorism. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (the "LTTE) is a national
liberation movement, which is presently involved in armed conflict with the government of
Sri Lanka in order to realize the right of the Tamils of Sri Lanka for self-determination
on the island of Sri Lanka. The formation of the Tamil armed resistance movement
was in response to the repression and violence of the Sinhala-dominated Sri
Lankan government."
10. Nadesan Satyendra
on Why
Division, in 1998
"It is sometimes said that to accord international
recognition to these separate national formations will lead to instability in the world
order. The argument is not dissimilar to that which was urged a hundred years ago against
granting universal franchise. It was said that to empower every citizen with a vote was to
threaten the stability of existing state structures and the ruling establishment. But the
truth was that it was the refusal to grant universal franchise which threatened stability
... Self determination is not a de stabilising concept.
determination and democracy go hand in hand. If democracy means the rule of the
people, by the people, for the people, then the principle of self determination secures
that no one people may rule another - and herein lies its enduring appeal."
11. External
Self Determination, Internal De-Colonisation by Dr.S.Sathananthan
in 1999
"The experience of the national liberation movement in Tamil Eelam
demonstrates the relevance of the right to external self-determination. The Tamil people
are victims of ethnocide, of the denial of linguistic and cultural rights; they are
subject to demographic manipulation and military aggression of genocidal proportions at
the hands of the Sri Lankan State, controlled by the dominant Sinhalese people.It would be ill conceived, for example, to offer the Tamil people
effective implementation of internal self-determination by the Sinhalese-controlled State.
It is in effect a promise to reform the oppressor. History does not vindicate such a
utopian scenario."
12. Eelam & the Right to Secession by
Professor M.Sornarajah, June 2000
"When the British gave independence to Ceylon in
pursuance of the right of colonial self-determination, they should
have ensured at the least, there was adequate protection of the
rights of the Tamils if not a restoration of the status quo which
existed before their conquest of Ceylon. At the time of their
conquest, the Tamil homeland was administered separately and prior
to European colonisation, there was a separate kingdom in the Tamil
homelands. Self-determination imposed a duty to restore the status
13. Statements
at the United Nations Commission of Human Rights recognising the right of
the people of Tamil Eelam to self determination
and other related documents.
At the United Nations |
During the past several years, the Tamils' right to self
determination has received recognition by more than 65 non
governmental organisations at sessions of the UN Commission on Human
Rights (and its Sub Commission) in Geneva. These NGO Statements included the following: |
International Educational Development, August 1990
"Can the international community impose on a people a forced marriage they no
longer want and in which they can clearly demonstrate they have been abused? We conclude
that in order for the human rights of the Tamil people and others in a similar situation
to be realised, the international community must invoke the principle of self
determination as it arises from persistent non fulfilment of the rights of minorities who
have been subsumed into larger states."
Liberation, 1991
"..The systematic violations of human rights by the Sri Lanka government over a period of
four decades are well documented and are, clearly, no accidental happenings. They
constitute evidence of the resolute and determined effort of an alien Sinhala majority to
subjugate and assimilate the people of Tamil Eelam within the framework of a unitary
Sinhala Buddhist Sri Lankan state.The people of Tamil Eelam have suffered enough and have waited long enough for their
human rights. Today, they are a people who can no longer be denied their right to self
determination. "
International Educational Development, 1992
"The Tamil population of the Northern and Eastern parts of the Island of Ceylon
clearly meet the definition of "peoples" set out under international standards.
... The Tamils have their own language, a religious and cultural basis distinct from the
Sinhala majority, ...the intensity and urgency of their demand for their full
self-determination has only increased under the Sri Lankan government's actions that
threaten their very physical survival."
Joint Statement by 15 NGOs, 1993
"..A social group, which shares objective elements such as a common language and which
has acquired a subjective consciousness of togetherness, by its life within a relatively
well defined territory, and its struggle against alien domination, clearly constitutes a
'people' with the right to self determination. Today, there is an urgent need
for the international community to recognise that the Tamil population in the
North and East of the island of Sri Lanka are such a 'people' with the right to
freely choose their political status."
Joint Statement by 17 NGOs, February 1994
"..Before the advent of the British in 1833, separate kingdoms existed for the Tamil
areas and for the Sinhala areas in the island. The Tamil people and the Sinhala people
were brought within the confines of one state for the first time by the British in 1833.
After the departure of the British in 1948, an alien Sinhala people speaking a language
different to that of the Tamils and claiming a separate and distinct heritage has
persistently denied the rights and fundamental freedoms of the Tamil people..."
International Educational Development, 1998
"..Sri Lanka has consistently denied the right to self-determination of
the Tamils and refused to recognize the Tamils as a people. By constitutional amendment
Sri Lanka has prohibited even peaceful promotion of the Tamil demand for
self-determination as unlawful. Furthermore, it has unleashed a full-fledged war against
the Tamils to suppress their struggle for political independence. The Sri Lankan
government's action is clearly in violation of the 1970 Declaration on Friendly Relations
and is illegal. And any power that gives military or economic assistance to perpetuate
this war which is being conducted to deny the Tamils right to self-determination is also
in complicity with this illegal war. The armed struggle of the Tamils is for the right to
self-determination and is thus a legitimate political struggle for independence under
international law..."
Written Statement by 54 NGOs, 1998
"To contribute to resolution of the Sri Lanka-Tamil Eelam War and to provide meaningful
international support to secure the aspirations of the Tamil people we urge the Commission
to adopt a resolution that
calls on the government of Sri Lanka to withdraw all its armed forces from
the Tamil homeland and calls on both the government of Sri Lanka and the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to secure a political solution that allows
the Tamil people to realise its right to self-determination and that
establishes full human rights to all the people of Sri Lanka.."
International League for the
Rights and Liberation of Peoples, 1999
"..The struggle of the Tamils of Sri Lanka for instance, provides a strong
argument for determining when a people should have the right to declare itself an
independent and sovereign state. The current conflict in Sri Lanka began following
independence in 1948 with a series of
government policies that
progressively and systematically deprived the Tamil population of its fundamental rights,
and institutionalised violent persecutions and human rights abuses. Following
1983 the Tamils struggle for their rights which had
hitherto been non violent, transformed into a
campaign led the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, whose objective remains the removal
of Sinhalese control of the north-eastern region of the island, the historical homeland of
the Tamils..."
"..the Tamils in Sri Lanka have an
ancient heritage,
a vibrant culture, a living
tracing, its origins to 5000 years and a political consciousness developed over their long
history. For all intent and purposes the
constitute a people who can call upon
article 1 of
ICCPR for the right to self-determination. However the Sri Lankan government
has failed to acknowledge this right and has refused to
enter into any reasonable dialogue to address the concerns of the Tamils let alone settle
the dispute. The Sri Lankan government further has
any peaceful opportunities for the Tamil people to campaign for greater
Educational Development, 1999
" Sri Lanka the basic fundamental freedoms and human rights of the
Tamil people have been violated with impunity for half a century by the
Sinhalese-dominated Sri Lankan Government on an ideology of racial supremacy and exclusive
possession and control of the island. All their attempts through peaceful and democratic
means to co-exist as equals was met with armed repression. Having left with no alternative
the Tamil people exercised their democratic right in 1977 for independence on the basis of
the right to self-determination. The national liberation movement of the Tamil people
arose as resistance to state oppression and to liberate the Tamil people towards freedom
and independence..."
International League for the Rights and Liberation of
Peoples, 2001
".. let us leave aside any further historical
reference to facts all too well known by now and just recall the 1977
elections when over 75% of Tamils voted for independence, a true
plebiscite that instead of being considered as a conclusive proof of the
Tamils' wish to govern themselves triggered instead an escalation of
repression by the government. Considering the history of these past years and the government's refusal to even entertain the possibility of a dialogue the Tamils are well justified in believing today that their aspirations can only be fulfilled through the creation of an independent Tamil state."
International Educational Development,
"IED is convinced that the Tamil people on the island of Ceylon clearly meet the test of peoples with the right to self-determination under the classic international law model:
they were an independent country prior to the colonial period but forcibly amalgamated with another country under the colonial administrative policy of "unitary rule"; they have
an identifiable territory,
language, culture,
religion and
ethnicity; and
they have made their choice of separate sovereignty clearly and with
strong leadership. They have the capacity and will for self-governance.
We understand that certain countries,
for covert and
overt political reasons related to their foreign policy and economic
objectives in the region, try to deny that such a right exists. Yet even these countries cannot deny the application of the right to self-determination from a racist regime."
International Educational Development,
"Legal scholars and non-governmental organizations have
been very vocal in their support for the right of the Tamil people to
self-determination. In this regard, there have been hundreds of conferences,
symposia, oral and written statements at the Commission as well as in many
countries. .. Even the few experts unwilling to reach to the pre-colonial period to
support self-determination due to �passage of time� and other practical and
tactical concerns, urge that the failure, since 1949, of the
Sinhala-dominated governments to afford the Tamil people basic rights in
spite of negotiations with various Tamil leaders, ripens the right to
self-determination as the only practical remedy for repression. The right
may even ripen if, given the relative numbers of majority versus minority
groups, the minority cannot effectively ever win in issues of importance to
them. This, then, becomes a violation of governance rights. In Sri Lanka, in
addition to the clear oppression of the Tamil minority, the Tamil people and
their leadership are unable to effectively address anything of importance to
the Tamil people: fishing rights, environmental concerns, or even
post-Tsunami relief efforts."
Government Organisations who have recognised the Tamils' Right to
Self Determination in Statements
made at the United Nations Commission on Human Rights
1.Action des Christians Pour L'Abolition de la Torture
2. African Commission of Health and Human Rights Promotion
3. Agence des Cites Unies pour la
4. American Association of
5. Arab Lawyers Union
6. Arab
Organisation for Human Rights
7. Asian Women`s Human Rights Council
8. Association for World Education
9.Association paur la Liberte Religiose
10. Association de Defense de Droits de l`Homme
11. Canadian Council
of Churches
12. Centre Europe Ties Monde
13. Change
15. Comision de Deeches Homonas de El Salavador
16. Commission
for the Defense of Human Rights in Latin America
17.Consejo Indico de Sud America
18. Federation Internationale des
Journalistes Libres
19. Fedefam
20. Felix Varelar Centre
22. Franciscans International
23. General Arab Women
24. Human Rights Internet
25. International Association Against Torture
26. International
Association of Democratic Lawyers
27.International Association of Educators for World Peace
28. International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
29. International Commission
of Jurists
30.International Council of Women
31. International Education Development
32. International Federation of Human
Rights Leagues
33. International Federation of Journalists
International Human Rights
35.Association of American Minorities
36. International Human Rights Law Group
International Indian Treaty Council
38. International League for the
Rights and Liberation of Peoples
39. International League for Human Rights
40.International Movement for Fraternal Union among Races and Peoples.
41.International Movement against all Forms of Discrimination and Racism
42. International Organisation of Indigenous Resource
Development Category
International Organisation for the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination
International Peace Bureau
45. International Right to Life
46. International Work Group For Indigenous
47. Liberation
Movement contre le Racisme et pour Amitie des Peuples
Movimento Cubano per la Paz
50. New Humanity
51. North-South XXI
52. Parliamentarians for
Global Action
53.Pax Christie International,
54. Pax Romana
56. Society For
Threatened People
57. The Saami Council
58.World Alliance of
Reformed Churches
59. World Christian Community,
60. World Confederation of Labour
61.World Council of Churches
62. World Federation of Democratic Youth
63. World Federation of Trade Unions
64. World Movement of Mothers
65. World Muslim Congress
66. World Organisation Against Torture
67. World Society
of Victimology
68. Worldview International Foundation