
Maha Veerar Naal Address
மாவீரர் நாள் -
National Heroes Day
27 November 1989
people are used to remembering only those who held high posts and
who lived comfortable lives. We have decided that leaders should not
be given a special treatment. We consider all combatants who
sacrificed their lives in this sacred struggle equal. By remembering
all those who sacrificed their lives for the struggle on the same
day, we will be able to give the credit for the achievements of the
struggle to every combatant. Otherwise, with the passage of time,
credit would be given to only a few persons and the sacrifice of
others would be neglected and ignored. Any nation that fails to
honour heroes, wise men and wise women would be a nation of
�Today is an important day in our struggle. Today we have started the Hero�s
Day in order to pay homage to the 1307 fighters who had sacrificed their lives
to attain our sacred objective of Tamil Eelam. We have started this for the
first time. You know that many countries in the world honour their freedom
fighters by remembering them. We too have decided to proclaim a day of
remembrance. We have done so today, the death anniversary of the first hero who
attained martyrdom.
�Our people are used to remembering only those who held high posts and who lived
comfortable lives. We have decided that leaders should not be given a special
treatment. We consider all combatants who sacrificed their lives in this sacred
struggle equal. By remembering all those who sacrificed their lives for the
struggle on the same day, we will be able to give the credit for the
achievements of the struggle to every combatant. Otherwise, with the passage of
time, the credit would be given to only a few persons and the sacrifice of
others would be neglected and ignored. Any nation that fails to honour heroes,
wise men and wise women would be a nation of barbarians. Our nation, more than
the others, gives great respect to women. But it has not given similar respect
to heroes. Today we have initiated a change. We have begun to give respect to
our heroes.
�Till now, we failed to pay respect to the heroes. Today we have changed that.
Today, we have allocated a day to pay homage to them. If our nation is able to
keep its head high in the world, it is because 1307 heroes sacrificed their
lives. It is because they fought without thinking of their lives we have won the
respect of the world. Let us from today, observe the Maveerar Nal as an
important day every year in our lives.� |