"...suffering in common unifies more
than joy does. Where national memories are concerned, griefs are
of more value than triumphs, for they impose duties, and require
a common effort...A nation is therefore a large-scale
solidarity, constituted by the feeling of the sacrifices that
one has made in the past and of those that one is prepared to
make in the future..."
Ernest Renan in What is a nation? 1882
2009 |
On-site Field Reporting during Black July 1983
by Anthony Mascarenhas
with Front Note by Sachi Sri Kantha, 28 July 2009 |
2008 |
South African
Tamils commemorate Black July, 25 July 2008
Rally in Sydney, 25
July 2008
British Tamils Forum -
Candlelight Vigil, 24 July 2008
Rally in Washington, USA
24 July 2008
25th Anniversary of July 83 commemorated in Zurich, 13 July 2008
25th Anniversary
of Genocide'83 in Amsterdam, 23 July 2008

Lest We Forget - Charles Somasundrum, 23 July 2008
"I give these few examples
from personal knowledge, to show that Black July was not just a
passing incident. Readers will themselves, be aware of many more
such incidents where they were involved or where friends or kin
were involved. These incidents must never be forgotten. They
should be passed on to children and grandchildren. I see a time
in a free Eelam when the 23rd of July will be observed by all
Eelamites, who will remember the many acts of Tamil heroism in
the face of a bloodthirsty Sinhala mob, which was aware that
they had the state behind them."
July 1983 Pogrom - Victims and Rascals
- Sachi Sri Kantha, 23 July 2008
"American humorist Russell Baker (born 1925) once
wrote in his column, �History is constantly being revised these days. It�s
because there is a glut of historians. Revising history is the only way to keep
them busy� It is unfortunate that the anti-Tamil pogrom of July 1983 also has
been a victim of distortions in the hands of licensed Sinhalese historians. ..
That the virulent seeds for the anti-Tamil pogrom of 1983 were sown nearly nine
months earlier in the first executive presidential election held in October 20,
1982 was noted by a few international journalists ... The Wall Street Journal
of Oct.29, 1982, editorially commented on President Jayewardene�s victory with
an irreverent caption, �Sri Lanka Keeps Its Rascals In�..."
2007 |
கறுப்பு ஜூலை நினைவாக 'சாவிலும் வாழ்வோம்", 25 July 2007
'83 Black July Rememberance Vigil in Melbourne 25 July
Peace Rally by Tamil Americans - Capitol Hill, Washington , 23
July 2007 - "We, the Tamil Americans, hereby proclaim that Eelam
Tamils constitute a Nation"
சுவிசில் கறுப்பு ஜூலை நினைவாக "சாவிலும் வாழ்வோம்" நினைவு கூரல்,
22 July 2007
2006 |
Sri Lanka's
Week of Shame - July 1983 Massacre: Long Term Consequences, Brian
Senewiratne, 23 July 2006 |
Black July remembrance held in Australian cities, July 2006 |
சாவிலும் வாழ்வோம் கறுப்பு யுலை நினைவு கூர்வு
[சிட்னியல் கறுப்பு யுலை நினைவு நிகழ்வில் ஆற்றிய உரை] -
M.Thanapalasingham, 23 July 2006 |
Pararajasingham - Remembering Black July 1983 - Address at a public
meeting in Sydney attended by Australian Parliamentarians, 23 July 2006 |
Rally at Hyde Park, London on 25 July 2006 organised by Tamil
Youth Organisation, United Kingdom
Thousands gather in Hyde Park remembrance, 25 July 2006 |
July in Switzerland - July 2006
சுவிசில் நடைபெற்ற கறுப்பு யூலை - 2006 நிகழ்வின் படத்தொகுப்பு
On 23rd Anniversary of Genocide'83
Precursor to what was to befall
on Tamils on Black July in 1983, Esan Satkunarajah, 23 July 2006
On 23rd Anniversary of Genocide'83
Remembering Black
July Of The Failed State, Dr J.S.A Jeyaretnam, 12 July 2006
On 23rd Anniversary of Genocide'83
Former Sri
Lanka President J.R. Jayawardene's liability - Statement by
Asian Human Rights Commission 17 July 2006 together with
comment by tamilnation.org
On 23rd Anniversary of Genocide'83
Black July 1983:
An Epochal Episode In Tamil Freedom Fight, Dharakan, 30 June
Thousands of Tamil Canadians Say Thank You to Canada as they
Remember "Black July"
Video Presentation |
2004 |
21st Anniversary of Genocide'83
Commemorated in Jaffna - 25 July 2004 - "The post
Black July witnessed an exodus of tens of thousands of Tamils to
western countries and neighbouring
Nadu state in India as refugees"... |
On 21st Anniversary of Genocide'83 -
Revisiting the White Anglo Saxon Protestant (WASP) Editorials
on the anti-Tamil riots of July 1983 - Sachi Sri Kantha, 24 July
2004 |
Sri Lanka President
Kumaratunga's 'Apology' for Genocide'83, 25 July 2004 |
On 21st Anniversary of Genocide'83
Facing up to the dark legacy of state-sponsored riots - Asian
Human Rights Commission |
2003 |
On 20th Anniversary of Genocide'83 -
Twenty years on - riots that led to war - Frances Harrison, BBC
correspondent in Colombo, 23 July 2003 |
2001 |
On 18th Anniversary of Genocide'83 -
"The Memory of July 1983 Anti-Tamil Pogrom Must Remain High" -
Asian Human Rights Commission |
2000 |
On 17th Anniversary of Genocide'83 -
State Terror: Black July '83 Revisited - Ana Pararajasingham, 23
July 2000 |
1999 |
On 16th Anniversary of Genocide'83
எண்பத்து முன்று ஜூலை..
- A Poem by Raj Swarnan |
1998 |
On 15th Anniversary of Genocide'83 -
Year 16: the Holocaust
Continues - S Sathananthan & Sabiha Sumar, 28 July 1998 |
On 15th Anniversary of Genocide'83 -
The Charge is Genocide - the Struggle is for Freedom... Nadesan
Satyendra, 18 July 1998
1994 |
On 11th Anniversary of Genocide'83 - Demonstration in London,
23 July 1983 |
1993 |
On 10th Anniversary of
Genocide'83 - London Demonstration & Meeting at Trafalgar Square, 24 July
1993 |
On 10th Anniversary of Genocide'83
inquiry, leave alone an impartial one, has been held into the
admittedly planned violence against the Tamil people"
- Letter to UK Prime Minister from International Federation of
Tamils, 24 July 1993 |
1991 |
On 8th Anniversary of
Genocide'83 - London March by International Federation of Tamils, 20 July
1991 |
1984 |
On 1st Anniversary of Genocide'83"
No impartial
inquiry has taken place" - more than 50 British
Members of Parliament, in the Guardian, 28 July 1984 |