Tamil Struggle for Freedom:
United Kingdom
[see also
Tamils - a Trans State Nation
United Kingdom] |
21 June 2009 100,000 Tamils march in London
over Sri Lanka�s concentration camps |
5 May 2009
Debate on David
Miliband�s visit to Sri Lanka, UK House of Commons |
1 May 2009
Sri Lankan minister launches angry attack on David Miliband |
18 April 2009 British Foreign
Secretary is in Listening Mode |
11 April 2009
200,000 British Tamils March in London: The Charge is Genocide - the
Struggle is for Freedom, |
9 April 2009
Tamil Hunger Strikers in London Refuse Food & Water |
26 March 2009
World Tamils Forum London Conference Calls for Immediate Ceasefire &
Recognises Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as the authentic
representatives of the Tamil people |
1 March 2009 'Unitary Ceylon
was an Error' - Conservative Parliamentary Candidate Dr.Rachel Joyce |
13 February 2009
Eelam Tamil Murukuthasan Immolates Himself before UN Headquarters in Geneva
so that Tamil Eelam may Live |
31 March 2009 Over Hundred
Thousand British Tamils stage largest ever Demonstration March: The
Charge is Genocide - the Struggle is for a Freedom from alien Sinhala Rule |
Thousands of British
Tamils Rally in London Parliament Square, 6 October 2008 |

British Tamil Forum is Puzzled,
27 September 2008 |
UK Foreign Minister Lord
Mark Malloch Brown meets British Tamils: Three Reports - One Meeting...,
17 September 2008 |
Remembering Black July '83 Candlelight Vigil before UK Parliament, 23
July 2008 |

Pongu Thamizh in London - 12 July 2008 |

Sri Lanka President's
Dance with Some UK Tamils, 2 March 2008 |
Britain will Press Sri Lanka
on Human Rights Abuses, 26 February 2008 |
British Tamils
Forum (BTF) - Photo Exhibition & Tamils Youth Organisation UK
- Vigil, 4 February 2008 |
British Tamils Forum Boycott Campaign against Travel by Sri
Lankan Airlines, 15 January 2008 |

Tamils in UK Commemorate Maveerar Naal, 27 November 2007 |

Tamils Demonstrate
against Sri Lanka's Violation of Human Rights & Reiterate Demand for an
Independent Tamil Eelam, 14 July 2007 |
Two Tamils
face trial in UK for 'supporting' LTTE, 28 June 2007 |
International Educational
Development writes to High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Sri Lanka,
28 June 2007 |
British Commissioner in Sri Lanka on United Kingdom's Peace Building Efforts
in Sri Lanka, 15 June 2007 |
On the Conflict
in the Island of Sri Lanka - Dr Kim Howells MP, Minister of State Foreign
and Commonwealth Office, 12 June 2007 |
UK Parliament
Debate on Sri Lanka together with a Prefatory Comment by
Nadesan Satyendra,
2 May 2007 |
Who said
Cricket is not Politics? �Come on you Sri Lankan Lions!� says UK High
Commissioner in Sri Lanka, 27 April 2007 |
UK : �there can
be no military solution alone to the conflict�
14 March 2007 |
British Tamils call for urgent international action - 28
November 2006
British Tamils call for urgent international action as Sri
Lankan Government closes humanitarian aid supply route and attacks against
civilians continue.
The Government of Sri Lanka has now kept the main arterial land route, the
A9 highway, closed for more than 3 months, denying free movement, and
blocking the transportation of food, medicine and other essential supplies
to around 600,000 Tamil civilians who live in the North of the island. It is
reported that 60,000 Sri Lankan military personnel have effectively cordoned
off the entire Northern Jaffna peninsula. According to UNHCR (The UN Refugee
Agency) supplies of food and water are "alarmingly low" in some areas.
Reports also indicate that there are severe shortages of food and other
essentials in Vakarai (Eastern Sri Lanka). The International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC) has deplored the tragic loss of lives (at least 45
refugees including 6 children) and the injuries to hundreds of civilians
resulting from the recent shelling of Vakarai (Eastern Sri Lanka), where
several thousand internally displaced people had sought shelter. Amnesty
International's Asia Pacific Director Purna Sen says: "It is appalling that
the military should attack a camp for displaced people - these are civilians
who have already been forced from their homes because of the conflict." -
Full Text of
Remembering Black
July 1983, Mass Rally at Hyde Park, London, 25 July 2006 |

Protest: Flying Elephant in Trafalgar Square, 19 June 2006 |
Hunger Strike - Thaya Idaikadar
, 2 June 2006 |
Tamils Demonstrate in
London , 29 May 2006 |
LTTE included in
Order of Organisations to be Proscribed under UK Terrorism Act 2000, 28 February
2001 |
British Parliament approves proscription of LTTE , 14 March 2001 |
Federation of Tamil Associations, UK writes to Prime Minister
Blair on LTTE proscription, 14 February 2001 |
Federation of Tamil Associations in New Zealand writes to UK Home
Minister on proposed ban on LTTE , 11 February 2001 |
International Tamil Foundation writes to UK Government on
proposed proscription of LTTE, 7 February 2001 |
Parliament Proceedings on Sri Lanka - June 2000 |
UK Tamils Rally & Conference: Tamil Eelam - Towards Independence, 25
April 1999 |
Letter to UK Prime Minister,
Rt.Hon. Tony Blair from United Kingdom Federation of Tamil Associations
- 1 February 1998 |
Reply from British Foreign &
Commonwealth Office to Dr.Ilanko - 12 August 1997 |
Letter to UK Prime
Minister, Rt.Hon. Tony Blair from the Tamil diaspora sent through Dr.Ilanko,
New Zealand - 10 June 1997 |
International Federation of Tamils
to UK Prime Minister Rt.Hon John Major , 18 November 1995 |

Mass Tamil Rally in London Calls
for Recognition of LTTE as True Representatives of the People of Tamil Eelam,
9 September 1995 |

Tamils in
London Demonstrate Against Genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka, 1995 |
UK Prime Minister,
Rt.Hon. John Major to the International Federation of Tamils , 9 August
1993 |
International Federation of Tamils
to UK Prime Minister Rt.Hon. John Major , 24 July 1993
An Analysis of
the Sri Lanka Situation attributed to British sources
- August 1991 |