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Sri Lanka's Genocidal War - '95 to '01
Collective Penalties & Systematic State Terrorism
penalties and systematic terrorism are also among the customary prohibitions in
the 1919 List of War Crimes� There are serious allegations and significant
recognitions that both reprisals against and collective punishments of civilian
persons have occurred in Sri Lanka."
"Internment, as such, creates other responsibilities under Geneva Civilian Conventions� There are serious claims and significant recognitions that the government of Sri Lanka does not comply with these norms."
1997 (US State Department) Sri Lanka Country Report
contains numerous statement and recognitions of related violations
of human rights, including political and other extrajudicial
killings and reprisals; disappearances; torture and other cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; arbitrary arrest,
detention, or exile; and denials of freedom of movement, travel and
"The pattern of behavior established by the government�s refusal to allow non-governmental and HRTF investigations, as well as the refusal to adequately investigate denials of human rights, coupled with evidence of government impunity, constitute circumstantial evidence of the policy of denial of rights noted in all three sections of this Essay." (Professor. Jordan J. Paust in an article published in the Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law in May �98)