Maaveerar Naal -
மாவீரர் நாள்
in many lands & across distant seas...
Canada - 27 November 2008 |
Maveerar Naal 2008 Address by Velupillai Pirabakaran,Leader of
Tamil Eelam
"..The Sinhala nation refuses to acknowledge the
historic homeland of the Tamils. In such a situation, how will it offer
a just solution to our people? As the freedom movement of the people of
Tamil Eelam we will never, ever allow Sinhala occupation or Sinhala
domination of our homeland. Whatever challenges confront us, whatever
contingencies we encounter, whatever forces stand on our path, we will
still continue with our struggle for the freedom of the Tamil people. On
the path shown by history, at the command of the circumstances of today,
(வரலாறு விட்ட வழியில், காலம் இட்ட கட்டளைப்படி) we will continue
with our struggle till alien Sinhala occupation of our land is removed.
At this historic juncture, I would request Tamils, in
whatever part of
the globe that they may live, to raise their voices, firmly and with
determination, in support of the
freedom struggle of
their brothers and sisters in Tamil Eelam. I urge them from my heart
to strengthen the hands of our freedom movement and I ask (உரிமையோடு
கேட்டுக்கொள்கிறேன்) that they continue to extend their contribution and
Toronto, 27 November 2008
[see also Usha Sri-Skanda-Rajah -
No force on earth can stop Tamils from honouring their Fallen Freedom
Fighters "Try as they might the Bandula
Jayasekeras and the Mahindas of the world � whether Rajapakse or Gunesekara
cannot stop Canadian Tamils from paying homage to their fallen heroes, the
brave Tamil freedom fighters who died fighting to liberate the Tamil
homeland in the island of Sri Lanka. The mass of people who attended the
Maveerar Remembrance Day event in Canada on 27 November 2008 is once again a
clear signal to all Tamil detractors that their shenanigans won�t work... As
one hears of the mass of people
attending similar events taking place all over the Tamil Diaspora, one
is heartened but not surprised. Such a profound out pouring of emotion and
passion by Tamils unprecedented in terms of any freedom struggles in recent
times is reflective of the Tamil people�s genuine yearning to see their
homeland Tamil Eelam free; a yearning that�s just and reasonable and should
be felt, understood and supported by the rest of the world..."
more ]
Canada Tamil
Youth Organisation Newsletter 27 November 2008

TNS Report By Ruba Xavier
Toronto - Tens of thousands of Tamil Canadians flocked the famous Brampton
Pearson Convention Center on November 27 to commemorate their fallen heroes and
civilians in Eelam. The commemoration events were organized in two sessions to
commemorate the fallen heroes and innocent civilians of Tamil Eelam (TE).
The first session started at 6:30 am and had the packed capacity of the large
venue normally holds 15,000 people and first session reached over the full
capacity of the venue even though it was a working day. Second session started
at 5:00 p.m and more than 30 to 40 thousands people paid garland respects to the
fallen heroes and paid respects.
Middle of the cultural events which followed after the garland tributes to their
fallen heroes more than half of people were asked to leave the venue due to
crowd reached to the level emergency officials team arrived to the venue to
advice on the safety of the large gathering.
In the evening session, it took an hour for those joining the queues to reach
the petals, people said. As in recent years, large quantities of the Tamil
national flower, the karthigaipoo (gloriosa lily) were among the petals piled up
for attendees to pick and place, they said.

