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Sri Lanka's Genocidal War - '95 to '01
a letter to the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Tamil United Liberation Front
(TULF) leader V Anandasangary says that a Tamil student arrested in Colombo�s
Cinnamon Gardens suburb on 3 April, suffered torture at a police station. It is
alleged that she was burned with cigarettes and a policewoman cut her neck and
hands with a knife.
In April, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture expressed concern over continuing torture in Sri Lanka. The Rapporteur says that persons arrested on suspicion of being a member of the LTTE are being tortured and unauthorised places of detention, specially in Jaffna and Vavuniya, continue to be used.
Prisoners held here are allegedly beaten, administered electric shocks, have petrol poured on their back and lit and are bitten by dogs on their private parts. The Rapporteur further says torture is committed with impunity and despite the enactment of the Torture Act in 1995, no one has been convicted.
A Batticaloa court released Anthony Krishnaveni, 22, in April, following the evidence of the government Judicial Medical Officer (JMO). The confession on which the case against her was based, had been obtained under torture. After her arrest in September 1998, she was repeatedly tortured, which included beating on the head with a cricket bat.
Evidence was also produced that a confession was extracted under torture from another Batticaloa resident T Prabhakaran, 20. According to the JMO, chillie powder applied to his eyes has impaired his sight. His head was covered with a plastic bag dipped in petrol and his toe nails were pulled out..."
(British Refugee Council, Sri Lanka Monitor, April 2000)