Black July 1983: the Charge is Genocide
It was a plan which required
considerable organisational resources.
Who were the planners who were in a position
to command considerable organisational resources?...
It was plan which required considerable organisational resources.
There was a need to mobilise a large number of goondas to attack
simultaneously in many different parts of the country. The plan
required that lists of names and addresses of Tamils be prepared
from electoral registers in respect of electorates not only in
Colombo but also in Kandy, Badulla, Nuwara Eliya and elsewhere. The
plan required arrangements to be made for the transport of goondas
from outside Colombo. The plan required that the goondas should be
supplied with the implements to commit murder and arson.
Again, it would not have been open to the planners to advertise
in the daily press for the recruits they required to implement a
plan such as the one that they had in mind. Nor was it open to the
planners to set about recruiting large numbers of persons in
advance, to implement a contingent plan. If they had given advance
notice of the plan to the thousands who were required to implement
the plan, the danger of a leak would have increased in proportion to
the number of persons who were made aware of the plan.
A plan which involved murder and arson must be kept secret. But
this was more so, where the plan was a contingent plan and which
must therefore await the happening of a future event, the timing of
which may not be entirely within the control of the planners. It
would not have done, if the world had become aware of the plan
before the time had arrived for its implementation. The best kept
secrets are those that are known to the smallest number. And the
contingent plan that was put into operation on 24 July 1983 was a
secret that was well kept. It was a contingent plan which was known
to a relatively small number - until the contingent event occurred
and the order was given to implement the plan.
At the same time it was necessary that once the plan was made
operational, the planners should have the capacity to mobilise
thousands to do the deed at relatively short notice. But thousands
cannot be mobilised at short notice, unless the thousands belonged
to an existing organisational network. The planners were persons who
were in a position to command and use such an existing network - a
network with knowledge and experience of strong arm methods.
"..Thugs have been an increasingly important part of the Sri
Lankan political scene over the last few years. They are like
storm troopers, employed by right wing politicians and used
freely at election time to intimidate, for example, voters..."
(The New Statesman, 28 August 1983)
The New Statesman may have added, if it had known, that the
largest concentration of 'storm troopers' was to be found in the
trade union wing of the ruling party, the Jathika Sevaya Sangamaya,
appropriately called the J.S.S., for short. The President of the
J.S.S. was Industries Minister, Cyril Mathew and it was not without
significance that the overwhelming majority of the members of the
JSS were employees of government owned Corporations which functioned
under the Industries Minister. In the words of a Dutch Working Group
in its Memorandum of Human Rights Violations and Ethnic Violence in
Sri Lanka in December 1983:
"The use of the police or pro government supporters to
harass, humiliate and intimidate the opposition is not a
phenomenon peculiar to this government... But under the present
government, this phenomenon has assumed an alarmingly new
dimension, in the highly organised and systematic way in which
goondas are made use of for political purposes. These squads are
organised in two ways. UNP parliamentarians are known to have a
permanent squad of vigilantes in their electoral districts, made
up of UNP youth leaguers and well known local thugs. In
addition, vigilante squads drawn from the UNP trade union, the
JSS, have been organised in each government owned corporation.
These squads function as para military units exercising pro
government discipline, and do not hesitate to use violence to
achieve their ends....
When (the Sinhala opposition leader) Mrs.Bandaranaike was
deprived of her civic rights, the government feared that her
supporters would come to Colombo to stage a civil disobedience.
To prevent this, groups of UNP thugs were deployed all over the
city in addition to the armed forces. President Jayawardene
himself stated at a public ceremony in the village of Thopawewa:
'we told the party organisations, trade unions, youth leagues
and women's leagues to protect their villages, not to allow even
a dog to enter the city of Colombo, to ask those who try to
enter why they were coming and to inspect them."
Who were the planners who were in a position to command
considerable organisational resources?
...continued... |