the dilapidated ceasefire agreement is sinking into the blood-drenched quick
sand in Sri Lanka the West is exerting diplomatic pressure on the Indian central
government. India is to �transform� both its foreign policy towards Colombo and
to exert pressure domestically on Karunanidhi�s government in Tamil Nadu.
In consultation with Oslo, the Blair government has signalled unstinting
support to India from Britain. India therefore is expected to change its
tunes towards the Tamil Tigers gradually. Not only that. Sri Lanka
will have to submit to the new peace initiatives of the regional Super
power. Lest we forget, it is only reasonable to view India as the proxy of
the US.
Perhaps Rajiv Gandhi was at the wrong place at the wrong time. It could very
well be that
his moves in regard to the IPKF in the Tamil territories were a sweet
dream turned into a nightmare. The death of Rajiv is of course very much
assassination was wrong, no doubt. However, it is now water under the
bridge. One has to take stock, draw a line and move on� After all, Mr
Gandhi�s dream was �regional� peace.
The rationale of the global prime players now is �how to fish� in calmer
waters. In order for that miracle to happen; India should not only be seen
to be the master of the region but she should be �doing the Norway thing� in
the region. In this new orchestral overture, Norway as a global peace-broker
might play a second-fiddle.
The EU is left with a bad taste in the mouth so to speak, in regard to the
proscription of the Tamil Tigers. When the time is ripe EU-rope is also
expected to align itself to the new Indian initiative.
Is every thing a piece of cake for the Tamils now? Far from it. But the
Tamils are convinced there comes a time one cannot have the cake and eat it.
That is, to put it in
Palacingham lingo: �Tamil Eelam is our mother land while India is
our father land�.
Now the UN and the Western Human Rights industry has realised, later than
sooner; less overtly perhaps, that Sri Lanka indeed is a
Bull in a China shop [putting it mildly] � especially in regard to human
rights. Aha! Will China, Israel and Pakistan continue their Arms-friendship
with Sri Lanka? Not to mention the quintets HR records! One has got to be
reminded that in geo-politics none is a long-term friend or permanent enemy.
Vanni will continue to watch with great amusement, one would think, as to
which way the carrot is swinging. As for the stick, Colombo will have to
choose between a rock and a hard place. Sri Lanka President Rajapaksha finds
himself pressed to the wall and in utter desperation hooking the Tigers to
negotiate directly: between himself and
Talaivar. The problem is that his heart has never been in the
right place.
So, it is in this backdrop one must have a cautionary reading of the
much-publicised �apology for the ill fate�
of Rajiv Gandhi by A.S. Palacingham