Tamils - a Nation without a State

Soc.Culture.Tamil - Newsgroup
Charter of Society.Culture.Tamil News Group
Tamil Culture and
Tamil language are estimated 5000 years old and Tamil is one of the
living classical languages of the world. Native to South Asia, Tamil is
recognized as one of the national languages in
India, Sri Lanka,
Malaysia and Singapore.
It is also spoken widely in other Indian ocean Islands like
Fiji, as well as in
U. K., U.S.A,
New Zealand, South
Africa etc. Tamil speaking population around the world is about 65
As per the linguistics, Tamil is a member in the Dravidian family of
languages comprising about 21 languages. The earliest Tamil work available
dates back to the pre-Christian era [300 B.C.]. Tamil is very rich in its
classical and modern literary tradition. The highly acclaimed Tamil moral
work `Thirukkural'
by Thiruvalluvar dates back to 50 B.C and indicates the existence of highly
civilized and consolidated society of origin, a few thousand years earlier
to that. What made this culture and language to survive milennium interests
everyone. Also, the Tamil epic poem Manimegalai [200 A.D.] gives a summary
of six systems of philosophy which is interestingly the earliest comparative
account we have of the ancient schools of Hindu philosophy.
What would be the role of Tamil language for the next millennium? Tamils
around the world have a strong desire to establish a newsgroup on the Usenet
to share their views on
Tamil history,
ancient and modern literature, ancient Tamil civilization,
Tamil culture,
religion, art,
drama, philosophy and related topics. The proposed newsgroup is intended to
serve as a niche for the Tamil language and culture in the electronic
communication network.
Activities in the proposed newsgroup
I. Electronic News Magazine.
* Discussions on Ancient Tamil, Literature, Culture, Philosophy, etc....
* Book, Movie, Magazine , Drama reviews, Poems, Stories, Essays , Jokes etc...
* Current news from the Tamil region
* Current news about events of Tamil interest in North America
* Projects pertinent to Tamil interests
* Matters related to investments in Tamil region
* Matters of interest to Tamils born outside the native region.
II. Computer Language Society
* Software announcements, reviews, discussion
* News about Computer Software for Tamil language printing
* Learning Tamil transliteration software
* Joint effort to develop software for on-screen display and editing
* Effort for usage of Tamil language in multimedia
* Development of word processing packages for Tamil
III Cultural and Social forum for Tamils
* SCT will become nerve center for all Tamils who have access to the network all
over the world.
* Meeting place for old friends and acquainting new friends.
* News about concerts, seminars, festivals and other programs
* To seek and help others in education, job or travel.
* Matrimonial discussions
* Discussion on Religion, Religious personalities
* Discussion on philosophy
IV . Tamil Literature Society.
* Translation of Tamil novels ,short stories and poem in English. (Contemporary
literature) 1950 - present
* Translation of Tamil literature of 19 th century and early 20th Century. 1800-
* Translation of Ancient Tamil Literature. 300 B.C to 1800 A.D. |