[see also
தமிழ் வழி ஆங்கிலம்
- H.K.Arun, Hongkong

"எமது இனம் வெறுமனே அறிவாளிகள் என்று கூறிக்கொள்வதை
விட, அறிவாளிகள் மத்தியில் அறிவாளிகளாகத் திகழ வேண்டும்." - அருண்
English Through Tamil� is a reference and exercise book
specifically prepared for Tamil school pupils. The main
objective of this book is to provide an additional resource so
that Tamil school pupils are able to improve their standard of
English. The word and grammar explanations in Tamil would be
helpful as a majority of the Tamil school pupils are from
Tamil-speaking and low-income families who can read and write
Tamil well, but are unfamiliar with English.
This book
is prepared according to the English language syllabus for
Malaysian Tamil primary schools. It comprises two sets. Set one
contains the syllabus for Year 1 to Year 3 and set two contains
the syllabus for Year 4 to Year 6. Explanations and exercises
are given according to the relevant topics. Answers for the
exercises are provided in the back portion of the book. For more
details please see
�Learning English Through Tamil�