The Gruesome Threshing Floor in Udubankulam
K.N.Tharmalingam - February 2003, Northeastern Herald
[ see also
Udumbankulam survives mass murder, forced eviction, 19 February 2003]

Twilight over the Udumbankulam Tank. |
Nineteenth February marked the 18th anniversary of the Thangavelayuthapuram
massacre where the security forces murdered 128 persons in cold blood. After
years of wondering and privation, a few families are returning taking
advantage of the Ceasefire Agreement
Thangavelauthapuram, a village in the Thirukkovil Divisional Secretary�s
area, was formally known by the less pretentious name of Udumbankulam. Names
changed in 1969 when an affluent farmer and influential denizen of the area,
Arambai Gnanamuttu, pioneered a settlement in the dense dry zone jungles of
Udumbankulam with people drawn from areas such as Chenaikudy, Natputtimunai,
Central Camp, Chavalakadai and Naavithanveli.
A large number of these settlers were originally from Thuraineelavanai and
Kurumanveli in the southern corner of the Batticaloa district.
Many of them had lost their traditional grazing lands and paddy fields to
state-sponsored, armed Sinhala colonists in 1956. Pollution and silt from
the Gal Oya scheme salinated cultivable land around Thuraineelavanai and
Kurumanveli and killed off many varieties of fish in the lagoon, leading to
rampant unemployment and landlessness. The Kanchikudichiyaaru Scheme, under
which Tamils were offered forestland clearing and cultivation in the late
sixties, was a big boon to families driven to destitution in the southern
parts of Batticaloa due to the direct and indirect consequences of state
sponsored Sinhala colonization in 1956-58.
The late 1960s are well known for the �grow more food� campaign of Prime
Minister Dudley Senanayake�s government, which initiated the programme in
the hope of attaining self-sufficiency in rice production. Victor Unantenne,
government agent, was instrumental in bringing vast areas in the eastern
region under the programme.
Though the environs of Thangavelayuthapuram were alienated for cultivation
only with the restoration of the Kanchikudichiyaaru tank in 1969 as part of
the �grow more food� drive, land in other areas of the present Amparai
District had been a matter of contention between the Tamils and the Muslims
from at least a decade before. M. Mustapha, MP, once a member of the Federal
Party, after crossing over to S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike�s MEP pleaded that
Muslims of the area were landless cultivators exploited by the Tamils and
demanded they be given land of their own.
C. P. De Silva, ever willing to pour fuel into the fire of ethnic rivalry,
agreed to alienate 7000 acres to the Muslims. The Tamils, who perceived the
changes in land ownership in the area as a subtle way of undermining their
traditional economic and demographic status in the region, also demanded
alienation of land for cultivation to counterbalance the recent acquisitions
by the Muslims. In the wake of this, a swathe of 3000 acres including areas
between Akkaraipattu and Pottuvil was alienated to Tamil farmers under the
Land Development Ordinance where each settler got five acres. However,
though they did receive allotments, the Tamil villagers delayed settling
there. The overall rivalry for land between the Tamils and the Muslims has
to be kept in mind if the drama going to unfold is to be correctly
understood. To come back to the newly set up Thangavelayuthapuram, the
village was prospering by 1971. There were 349 families comprising 1326
New settlers from Karaitheevu, Akkaraipattu, Kolavil, Thambattai and
Thambiluvil joined the earlier settlers. In the early days however the
farmers practiced slash and burn (chena) cultivation in the area since the
land that was claimed from the forest was littered by tree-stumps that
created obstacles to drive the plough. The crops cultivated in the first
two-three years were maize, kurakkan, plantain, groundnut and vegetables.
In 1973 an Agrarian Service Centre was set up in Thangavelayuthapuram, which
spearheaded the sinking of wells and the restoration of tanks and other
irrigation works. These efforts, coupled with the soil becoming more
obstacle-free and conducive to the cultivation of rice led to the area
coming under paddy. The industry of the cultivators and the bounty of the
earth resulted in overflowing granaries. The seasons permitted both rain-fed
and irrigation-assisted cultivation.
There was encouragement for domestic paddy production due to the import
substitution philosophy of the SLFP government (1970-1977).
It helped the yield and the farmers. Markets were created for paddy and the
village once produced 40 tons of manioc, a staple in those trying times.
Flowing from the prosperity, a village school and a cooperative society came
Such times were to continue despite the new government that came into office
in 1977 emphasising export promotion rather than domestic agriculture
production, and the 1983 anti-Tamil pogrom, which transformed the Tamils�
peaceful struggle for their rights into an armed conflict that had led to
widespread violence in the northeast. The latter was to however result in
Tamil guerrillas from nearly all the groups setting up training camps in the
remote interiors of the northeast, including the jungles of
Kanchikichchiyaaru, from where limited sorties were launched on the military
and police.
In paddy cultivation it is customary for sowing to take place in October and
harvesting by end January. In the year 1985, farmers began harvesting by 1
February. As is usual agriculture labourers from Batticaloa and Amparai were
engaged for the task; though mostly Tamils, there were among them a
sprinkling of gypsies from Aligambai, a hamlet east of Thirukkovil.
Around 10.00 a.m. in the morning of 19 February a group of soldiers and an
armoured vehicle arrived at Thangavelayuthapuram. Informed sources in
Thirukkovil say that the soldiers were from the Kondawattuwan army camp near
Amparai and that they had trekked through the thick jungles that separate
the Kanchikichchiyaaru region from the Sinhala settlements of Igniygala
scheme. Residents who escaped the massacre, however, believe that the
soldiers were from the Special Task Force (STF) camp in Lahugala near
The military did not ask many questions. It merely rounded up the
agricultural labourers, beat up some, tied their hands and made them sit
huddled on the threshing floor. When the soldiers ran short of rope to tie
up, they pulled off barbed wire from the fences of the paddy fields and
wound up the feet and hands of the victims.
�The soldiers told the women to remain in the huts. They ordered many of
them to lift up their sarees and beat them on their genitals with sticks as
they screamed in pain and begged to be spared of the humilation�, said
Velmurugu Manoharan, 30, who escaped the round up and hid in the jungle. He
was a boy of 13 who had gone to harvest paddy with a relative.
Then the soldiers mercilessly hacked with machetes and beat up with logs the
men of Udumbankulam. Some were knifed to death. Skulls were cracked with
heavy blows from thick logs. The men were helpless, as their hands and feet
had been carefully tied up.
Women who herd the death screams of their men tried to run up to the
threshing floor, shouting for mercy. They were shot at and chased away.
Before returning to camp the marauders set the threshing floor on fire and
left a mangled pile of smouldering human entrails. People in the adjacent
areas were too scared to get close to Udumbankulam.
�One of the boys who fled with me into the jungle recognized his father�s
body in the pile when we returned the following morning. The man�s burnt
hands were still wound up with barbed wire. Later the boy went with the LTTE
and we heard that he became a Black Tiger,� said Manoharan.
The army (and STF possibly) did not come through the jungle unaided. They
needed a guide or a tracker. The survivors identified the guide as Saheed
from the Muslim village of Addalachenai.
One of those killed was Arumugam Nallathambi, a kulak of the area who owned
a tractor. His sons were also in the fields and died with him. Nallathamby�s
daughter-in-law had gone to Karaitheevu on some matter and was returning to
Thangavelayuthapuram when she saw clouds of smoke from the grotesque
�harvest� on the threshing floor hanging in the evening air. Villagers
Thandiyadi told her there had been a massacre and urged her to keep away
from the village. It was through her the Citizens� Committee of Batticaloa
got to know about the incident. They informed the District Coordinating
Officer who was the superintendent of police.
The government initially tried to suppress all information from leaking to
the world outside. One of earliest accounts to appear was in The Hindu of
either of 20 or 21 February 1985. It had referred to around 50 persons
killed that were much less than the actual number � 128.Faced with a
political embarrassment of gigantic proportions and with the United Nations
Human Rights Commission sessions to be held but a month later, the
government assisted by its duplicitous national security minister, Lalith
Athulathmudali, attempted to refute the truth by concocting a story the
essence of which is as follows: EROS had wrested control of a large extent
of land from Muslims of the area and was cultivating cannabis there. The STF
had come to investigate the complaint and had been resisted. In the ensuing
melee 40 terrorists had been killed.
The villagers visited the site of the harrowing ordeal. Among them were
members of the Batticaloa Citizens� Committee including the late Sam
Thambimuttu MP, and the late Chandra Fernando. Rev. Fr. Mariyadas who was
then stationed in Thirukkovil and in charge of Pottuvil and Komari parishes
accompanied them.
Here are extracts from the diary of K. N. Tharmalingam, a well-known human
rights activist in Amparai on the account Dasan Luxmi (20) from Devanagar
(Aligambai) gave him. �I was married to Ramalingam Arulnathan. My son is one
year old. My husband left with seven others from Aligambai including Massan
Paul, Dasappu Selliah, Massan Jeyaraj, Dasappu Samithambi, Dasappu
Sebamalai, Mahalingam and Vengattu Kulatheva.
�I heard on the 19th evening that my spouse had been killed by the STF. On
the following day (20th) we went to Thangavelayuthapuram and found
half-burnt bodies and bones on the choodu (threshing floor). I recognised my
spouse by his clothes. We gathered the limbs and burnt them there.� She went
on to say that the landlord who had hired her husband was also killed and
his tractor burnt. �I have every reason to believe that my spouse was killed
by the STF,� she concludes.
In 2001 Tharmalingam met Luxmi. Her son was 13 years old now. But no
compensation had been paid.
Interestingly, the STF camp in Thirukkovil was set up only a few weeks
previous to the incident. Though they were initially suspected of having a
hand in the massacre, it was later proved the dastardly deed was not the
doing of the STF of Thirukkovil camp.
The Sri Lanka Army appointed a commission consisting three military
officers, but the Tamils boycotted it and refused to give evidence on the
grounds it was biased and the government had deliberately deceived the
public by lying about the roots of the incident. Needless to say nothing
ever came of the commission.
It is believed Saheed�s involvement is due to long-standing disputes between
the Tamils and the Muslims over land. However, informed sources in Ampara,
familiar with the counter insurgency tactics of the STF, insist that Saheed
was a calculated �invention� to further exacerbate tensions between the
Muslims and Tamils in the district. They alluded to the notorious SLA killer
in Batticaloa identified by the Muslim name �Munaz�. Justice Souza as a
Sinhalese called Richard Dias later identified the man. That a Muslim was
responsible for gruesome massacres in Batticaloa enraged many Tamils and led
to incidents that rent sunder and deeply divided society in the east to the
advantage of the Sri Lankan military.
The manner in which the STF instigated Muslim attacks on Tamil villages in
the coastal parts of Ampara 1985 has been documented by independent
observers who investigated the conflagration.
The fact of the matter was that though he could be identified, since the
Tamils were refused to lead evidence or make representations before the
commission he was never punished.
The massacre at Thangavelayuthapuram heralded round after round of
counter-insurgency measures unleashed by the STF and the security forces in
the Amparai District. The repression was so intense that it led to an exodus
not only from Thangavelayuthapuram, but also from many other areas from 1985
onwards reaching its apogee in 1990 when the STF forced people to leave the
region en masse following the resumption of the Eelam War. Villagers were
barred by the STF from returning to their lands or herding their cattle.
Those who dared to break the order were detained, tortured or were shot on
the spot by STF patrols.
With the exodus there disappeared the bountiful harvests too and it is only
now more than dozen years later that people are returning slowly and
cautiously to resettle and begin life again.
survives mass murder, forced eviction
[TamilNet, February 19, 2003 21:30 GMT]
In Udumbankulam, a minor Tamil hamlet in the little known
interior of Sri Lanka�s southeastern coast, the fields are densely green
where 17 years ago on February 19, 1986 the Sri Lankan military hacked and
beat to death 128 farmers on the village�s threshing floor. The area is
being gradually retrieved from the clutches of the jungle. A handful of
intrepid former residents who returned to the village five months ago are
eagerly looking forward to a bumper crop of rice. But Feb 19 remains an
indelibly bitter day for them. As often is the case, the Sri Lankan
government did nothing to investigate the mass murder of Udumbankulam.
Kanapathipillai Sivanesarajah, 58, looks over his field, standing near the
Udumbankulam reservoir's spill.
�I escaped the massacre because I was out on business that day. Everyone was
scared. We were able to get here only the next day. The threshing floor was
full of burnt and half burnt bodies. It was an unbearable sight. A boy who
escaped and hid in the jungle told us that some of the victims were alive
when the soldiers set them on fire. Exactly five months later the military
came here again and shot dead two men from the village, on 19 July 86�, said
Nakamany Kandasamy, 48, the local headman.
Three years after the gruesome massacre, those villagers who dared to remain
in Udumbankulam were driven out en masse by the elite counter insurgency arm
of the Sri Lankan military the Special Task Force (STF).
Krishnan Sivajothy beating a sheaf of paddy on the threshing floor of a
field in Thangavelauthapuram.
�STF commandos burnt our house and shop in 1990. They destroyed the village
school and co-operative society building too. The STF set fire to our
harvested paddy and destroyed 25 thousand manioc plants in our farm which we
had planted for the season. My husband and I barely escaped death. We hid in
the jungles for many days. We have come back here after 12 years. But
starting life all over again is very hard�, says Kumarakulasingham
Thangeswary, 45.
�But worst of all is that the STF blew up the bunds of water reservoirs
here. The reservoirs have remained breached for almost a decade. The Tamil
Eelam Economic Development Organisation (TEEDOR) has helped repair the bund
of the Udumbankulam reservoir. Other the breached bunds of the other minor
tanks (reservoirs) have also been repaired in recent months�, said the
President of the Rural Development Society for the area, Mr. Murugesu
Varatharajan, 33.
He said families are reluctant to resettle on a permanent basis because even
the rudimentary infrastructure needed to sustain human habitation has been
systematically and ruthlessly destroyed in the STF�s counter insurgency
operations in the region.
Nakamany Kandasamy, 48, on his way to Udumbankulam at dusk.
�To many of our people who go about in luxury vehicles, discussing the
reconstruction of our homeland with foreigners, we are just an inconspicuous
dot on the map. Pregnant women have to walk more than eight kilometres from
here to get a bus to Thirukkovil�, he adds bitterly.
�We had to break granite stones for a living. We could not cultivate the
lands here and my family is still sunk in poverty. Three meals a day is a
luxury for my family�, says Krishnan Sivajothy, 38, as she beats with a
stick a sheaf of paddy she and her friends had been allowed to collect from
the floor of a harvested field in Thangavelauthapuram, a village near
�A hard day�s work gets us enough grains of rice to give the children a
square meal�, she said.
Sivajothy and her colleagues are from the village of Thandiady, about 94
kilometers south of Batticaloa, on the main road along the island�s
southeastern coast.
The STF held the village for more than decade, like an open prison, human
rights activists in Batticaloa say.
Indiscriminate arrest, detention, torture and disappearance were rampant
here. No journalist has been to the area since the STF took control more
than 18 years ago.
Thousands of families which were driven out almost overnight as part of the
STF�s counter insurgency strategy designed according to western manuals on
the subject, lived as refugees for more than 12 years in the villages of
Thirukkovil and Thambiluvil, 76 kilometers south of Batticaloa. Many were
driven to destitution and despair as the STF continued to deny access to
their fertile lands and cattle herds.
Those who dared to go back were shot dead by STF patrols in ambush.
However, the STF�s decade long counter insurgency measures, successfully
tested and honed over the years in other parts of the world, neither curbed
the military activities of the Liberation Tigers nor succeeded in scaring
the population away from the Tigers.
Instead, the scorched earth policy which successive government�s tacitly
promoted in the region evolved into a cover to the STF for a perpetuating a
comfortable way of corrupt life, which the terrorized population was forced
to pay dearly for.
�We had to lose a few people. But public protests here since the signing of
the ceasefire have shown the STF that our people cannot be treated like
slaves for ever�, says Vivekanandan, a social activist and journalist in