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Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."
Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 

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India & the Struggle for Tamil Eelam

Sri Lanka is fighting India�s war, says Air Marshal Ranasinghe
P.K. Balachandran, Hindustan Times, 26 February 2001

The former commander of the Sri Lankan Air Force, Air Marshal Oliver Ranasinghe, has said the war Sri Lanka is fighting now is not Sri Lanka's but India's.

In an unsolicited four-page submission to the Sri Lankan President, Mrs Chandrika Kuma-ratunga, Ranasinghe says: "At present, we are fighting a war which is not ours but India's. We are fighting it in our country for India."

Ranasinghe did not say more on the Indian angle, but his point was that India was cleverly engaging the LTTE outside its shores in order to prevent the militant group from coming to India. "Like the Americans, we should have fought the war in somebody's else's country such as India, UK, Germany or Canada where funds are being generated for the LTTE," he wrote.

About four years ago, Ranasinghe told an inquiry that tender procedures had to be circumvented for the purchase of Israeli Kfir aircraft because other countries were not willing to sell attack aircraft to Sri Lanka saying India would object.



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