'End Game for the LTTE' - Really?
4 May 2009
"True to form, the Co-Chairs and Indian governments
glossed over the slaughter of Tamil civilians for more than
three years in the east and the Vanni, from the start of
hostilities in 2006 up to LTTE�s withdrawal from Kilinochchi
in early 2009. They occasionally mouthed duplicitous bilge �
that there cannot be a military solution � while shovelling
military and financial aid directly or though surrogates to
the Sinhalese regime to execute precisely that solution."
Peace brokers and conflict transformers � generally knows as
peaceniks � in Colombo waved their manicured hands while spewing
forth mind-numbing banalities on �the end game� for the LTTE,
following the Organisation�s withdrawal from Kilinochchi on 2
January 2009. Within a week, a Sinhalese �peace counsellor�
merrily assured the armed forces that �the military and
psychological blow to the LTTE cannot be in doubt� and
expansively invited President Mahinda Rajapakse�s
Sinhalese-supremacist regime to altruistically �rise above
ethnic and political considerations� and build �a bridge to the
estranged Tamils people of Sri Lanka�.
A Tamil �policy analyst� appreciated the military gains
against the LTTE-led Tamil National Movement; but he deeply
worried over �the danger of the regime snatching political
defeat from the jaws of military victory�. With staggering
naivet�, he beseeched the rabidly anti-Tamil Sinhalese-Buddhist
regime to compassionately �search for a political and
constitutional settlement beyond�the unitary state, with
commitment, urgency and a sense of the utmost priority.� To lend
credibility to his ludicrous call, the policy analyst also
slavishly projected the President as a moderate who could rise
above the Sinhalese chauvinism of his own regime; he urged
Rajapakse to �take the lead�and drive the process to a
successful conclusion.�
By the middle of March, peaceniks were distressed because the
Sinhalese army had not carried the battle to its bloody and
decisive end within the deadline, set by Rajapakse, of �two
weeks� from the �fall� of Kilinochchi; they were also startled
by the LTTE�s protracted resistance. The so-called Tamil policy
analyst, no doubt recollecting the deadline fed to gullible
southern masses, feared �the end game is not ending�. He found
comfort that �the Government will deal with the LTTE on the
basis of surrender� but was chagrined because �the LTTE
adamantly refuses to do so�.
About the same time the first signs of alarm surfaced when the
Sinhalese peace counsellor agonised that �international
attention that only a few weeks ago was on the spectacular
advances of the Sri Lankan military� against the LTTE �has now
turned almost completely to the humanitarian crisis� relating to
the genocidal conditions imposed by the regime upon Tamil
civilians in Mullaitivu. He anticipated a rise in international
displeasure towards the Rajapakse regime fuelled by the
deepening �humanitarian crisis� and desperately begged the
Opposition United National Party (UNP) to close ranks with the
regime and present a common front against the International
Community (IC).
One would have thought peaceniks would gladly welcome
humanitarian concerns of the IC, which in effect is represented
by the Co-Chairs (US, EU, Norway and Japan) of the Donor
Consortium in the Sri Lankan context, and would support their
calls for a ceasefire to protect Tamil men, women and children,
the old and the infirm. But peaceniks dread international
pressure may compel the regime to implement a ceasefire, which
their anti-LTTE paranoia deludes them into believing could throw
a lifeline to the Organisation supposedly in its death throes.
Their next demented step is to decry a ceasefire while
�accepting� (acceptable to whom?) the cold blooded massacre of
Tamil civilians as the necessary �price� (paid by whom?) to
destroy the LTTE. In contrast, Sinhalese chauvinists do not
whitewash their anti-Tamil prejudice with sophistry; they are
refreshingly honest in blatantly baying for Tamil blood and
unreservedly condemning all who call for a ceasefire as �Tiger
lovers� bent on rescuing the LTTE under cover of humanitarian
The Tamil people, as always, have a more sophisticated grasp of
the Machiavellian tactics underlying the tear-jerking
humanitarian concern of the Co-Chairs, with India playing second
fiddle. The US, UK and India had not been moved by the wretched
plight of Tamils between 1995 and 2000 when President Chandrika
Kumaratunga�s army barrelled into the Jaffna peninsula and then
fanned out into the Vanni in pursuit of the LTTE; but they
quickly discovered compassion for Tamils following landmark
debacles for the army and floated the 2002 Cease-Fire Agreement
(CFA) to give the military breathing space. True to form, the
Co-Chair and Indian governments glossed over the slaughter of
Tamil civilians for more than three years in the east and the
Vanni, from the start of hostilities in 2006 up to LTTE�s
withdrawal from Kilinochchi in early 2009.
They occasionally mouthed duplicitous bilge � that there
cannot be a military solution � while shovelling military and
financial aid directly or though surrogates to the Sinhalese
regime to execute precisely that solution. The Co-Chairs and
India looked the other way when the regime�s scorched earth
military campaign in 2006/07 in the east drove almost 200,000
Tamils from their homes into refugee camps where they languish
to this day. Nor did they lose any sleep when the Sinhalese war
machine rumbling over the lives and homes of Tamils in Mannar,
Mankulam and Kilinochchi, to name but a few Tamil-majority
towns, during 2007/08.
In fact, to avoid hobbling the Sinhalese military�s drive to
crush the LTTE, the Co-Chairs and India did NOT raise
inconvenient matters such as humanitarian issues, laws of war
and responsibility to protect. Indeed, they knowingly backed and
effectively condoned the Rajapakse regime�s decimation of
thousands of Tamil civilians � who constitute the social
foundation of the LTTE-led Tamil National Movement � as
collective punishment to cow down the Tamil nation and
emasculate its will to resist with arms.
Then, why did the Co-Chairs and India suddenly turn, beginning
around the middle of March, into well springs of human kindness
for the Vanni Tamils? And that too after giving the regime the
green light to unlawfully incarcerate Vanni Tamils virtually
indefinitely in Nazi-style, army-run draconian concentration
A simplistic explanation insinuated by the Co-Chairs is that the
LTTE has been effectively smashed and so, it is time for a
ceasefire, to rescue the civilians, mop up residual cadres and
get on with �post-LTTE� scenarios. But Tamils know if the LTTE
has been annihilated the Co-Chairs would callously move on,
throwing a few �aid� sops and leaving Tamils at the mercy of the
Sinhalese regime.
Therefore, one reason why the Co-Chairs and the UN are stirring
the humanitarian pot could be that the LTTE has survived the
military onslaught. For the Organisation�s guerrilla operations
have been escalating in the so-called �cleared� east from
mid-2008. It is common knowledge in Vanni and Jaffna that
thousands of cadres melted into the Vanni jungles as they
withdrew from Kilinochchi.
In the first week of April, villagers reported sighting about
600 armed LTTE fighters crossing from the Vanni to Trincomalee
district near a river, Paalampottaaru, unchallenged by Sinhalese
home guards who stood idly by, quivering in their rubber
sandals. The villagers put the total number of cadres who
crossed over within a period of 10 days at around 2,000.
A few weeks ago, the quisling Tamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal
(TMVP) abandoned its office in Tharavai (near Thoppigala) citing
�security reasons� � translation: the LTTE is back in
Batticaloa. The Tamil grapevine has it that LTTE allowed the
human avalanche of about 150,000 � 200,000 civilians beginning
on 20 April calculated to overwhelm the army�s holding capacity
and stymie its screening procedures.
The LTTE cadres who also slipped out of Mullaitivu took
advantage of the open and unsecured locations, where the army is
compelled to hold the mass of civilians, and dispersed unnoticed
into the Vanni. Plans to extend train service from Vavuniya to
Omanthai were dropped on 24 April for �security reasons,�
reportedly due to clashes between the guerrillas and the army in
the area.
Recently, there have been a spate of grenade attacks on army
posts in the Jaffna peninsula, and the army has carried out
repeated cordon and search operations to capture LTTE
guerrillas. In Vadamaraadchi and Thenmaraadchi, the army using
loud speakers issued a hilarious order yesterday (3rd of May)
directing LTTE cadres who have infiltrated the peninsula to
surrender. Not surprisingly, none have.
But Rajapakse and his pathetically unimaginative spin doctors
want the world to believe that LTTE�s spreading armed resistance
in the north and east is a bad dream; that supposed �remnants�
of the Organisation�s cadres are bottled up in 3.8 sq km of
Mullaitivu coast and will be eliminated by the day after
tomorrow, the 6th of May!!!
So it should be obvious that humanitarian concerns have popped
up because the military success Rajapakse promised is
evaporating before the eyes of the Co-Chairs and India.
The calls for a �humanitarian ceasefire� from the UK, �an end to
hostilities� from the US (the pace-setter for the Co-Chairs), an
�immediate ceasefire� from Canada and from several other
countries over the past month and half, though clothed in the
garb of newly discovered humanitarianism, are in fact desperate
manoeuvres to contain a resurging LTTE. The Co-Chairs�
two-pronged approach is to arrest the armed resistance through a
�ceasefire� and lock the Organisation into �talks�, as had been
done under the 2002 CFA, in the name of what else but �peace�!
The second reason for the Co-Chairs to don the humanitarian
cloak is a longer term agenda of bringing the Rajapakse regime
to heel. The President and his acolytes may think they have
cleverly played off Iran and China against the US and EU, and
Pakistan against India. There have been short-term gains for the
Rajapakse regime, particularly the reduced dependence on western
aid. And the US and key EU members tolerated Rajapakse cosying
up to Tehran and Beijing while his army was battling the LTTE.
But the naval base Beijing is constructing on the southern coast
at Hambantota directly overlooks the strategic maritime shipping
routes in the Indian Ocean that carry vital energy supplies and
so has sent shivers up the spine in New Delhi and Tokyo. And by
permitting the naval base Colombo is breaching the US
encirclement strategy to contain Chinese expansion.
So, although the task of defeating the LTTE is seemingly not
accomplished, it appears western powers are ratcheting up
pressure on humanitarian grounds and alluding to war crimes to
force the regime to cool its relations with Iran and China.
One wonders whether Rajapakse�s bearded advisors have distilled
the lessons from Russia�s inability to protect its ally �
Serbia�s Slobodan Milosevic � from charges of Crimes Against
Humanity and China abandoning its strategic partner � Sudan�s
Omar al-Bashir � to his fate at the International Criminal
New Delhi is irked for a further reason. The Indian State has
been keeping former north-east Chief Minister Varatharaja
Perumal on ice since he fled Sri Lanka with the Indian army in
March 1990. It is paying for his and his family�s upkeep from
Indian taxpayers� money, not out of kindness but to parachute
him at the opportune moment into the Northern Provincial Council
as India�s cat�s paw. As a senior Indian bureaucrat who may have
a hand in crafting Sri Lanka policy put it to us, �Varatharaja
Perumal is technically still the Chief Minister� because he
never resigned!!! New Delhi extended military assistance and
intelligence cooperation on the understanding that, after the
LTTE is dislodged, Colombo would facilitate Perumal�s return. It
is becoming increasingly clear to New Delhi that Rajapakse�s
military campaign cannot create the conditions for Perumal�s
return and, in any event, that Rajapakse has no intention of
keeping his side of the bargain. In addition, the widespread
pro-LTTE sentiments in Tamil Nadu must be assuaged in this
election year. So New Delhi too is making strident demands for a
But for the Rajapakse regime, a ceasefire now is a virtual kiss
of death. The political consequences could be disastrous for the
regime if delirious expectations of victory it nurtured among
the Sinhalese masses collapse in acute disillusionment. Perhaps
realising this, the LTTE too offered an indefinite ceasefire on
26 April. Rajapakse rejected all requests for a ceasefire,
including the one jointly made by the British Foreign Secretary
and the French Foreign Minister.
The President�s advisors would do well to ponder the fact that
the two European diplomats visited Colombo knowing well in
advance that Rajapakse would reject their elaborate, staged
request for a ceasefire. The drama eerily resembles Colombo�s
intemperate refusal to allow entry for the flotilla of fishing
vessels bringing food from Tamil Nadu for the beleaguered
civilians in the Jaffna peninsular in 1987.