Tamils - a Trans State Nation..

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."
Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C 

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  • List of Writings - Peter Schalk

1. "Man b�r inte blanda ihop religion och politik".[One should not Mix Religion and Politics (in Sri Lanka)]. Rapport fr�n SIDA 8 (1980), pp. 24-27.

2. "Rapport fr�n the World Fellowship of Buddhism." [Report from the WFB]. Svensk Religionshistorisk �skrift, 1(1985), pp. 133-135.

3. "Politisk buddhism i Sri Lanka." [Political Buddhism in Sri Lanka]. Svensk Religionshistorisk �rsskrift 1 (1985), pp. 74-85.

4. "Lejonet och tigern. Kampen med symboler i Sri Lanka". [The Lion and the Tiger. The Fight with Symbols in Sri Lanka]. Svensk Religionshistorisk Tidskrift 2 (1986), pp. 45-76.

5. "Landets s�ner. Om nutida buddhistisk historietolkning och konflikten mellan singhaleser och tamiler i Sri Lanka." [The sons of the Soil. On Contemporary Interpretation of History and the Conflict between Sinhala and Tamilar in Sri Lanka]. H�ften f�r kritiska studier, 1, 19 (1986), pp. 24-41.

6. �vers�ttning fr�n Sinhala och kommentar av dikten 'Krishnadevi' av munken K Ananda".[Translation from Sihala and comment on the poem 'Krisnadevi' by the monk K Ananda].Sydasien 3 (1986).

7. "Munkar k�mpar f�r fred".[Monks fight for peace].Sydasien 3 (1986).

8. "Buddhistische Kampfgruppen in Sri Lanka". [Buddhist militarist groups in Sri Lanka]. Asien. Deutsche Zeitschrift f�r Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur. Nr. 21. Oktober 1986. S. 30-62.

9. "Buddhistiska och hinduiska uttryck f�r konflikten mellan singhaleser och tamiler i Sri Lanka". [Buddhist and Hindu expressions in the conflict between Sinhala and Tamilar]. Religionen som Samh�llsfaktor i ett internationellt perspektiv. Material fr�n en harpsundskonferens med forskningsberedningen. Stockholm: Regeringskansliet: 1987, pp. 53-62.

10. "Recension av G Obeyesekere, A Meditation on Conscience. [Review of G Obeyesekere, "A Mediatation on Conscience"]. Lanka 1 (1988), pp. 69-71.

11. "Recension av A J Wilson, The Break-up of Sri Lanka. The Sinhalese-Tamil Conflict. [Review of A J Wilson, The Break-up of Sri Lanka]. Lanka, 1 (1988), pp.66-69.

12. "Inledning till Sri Lankas kultur". [Introduction to 'The Culture of Sri Lanka'] Lanka 1 (1988), pp 1-8.

13. "En myt av v�ddas om sitt ursprung". [A myth by the v�ddas about their origin]. Lanka,1 (1988), pp. 23-56.

14. Recension av K M de Silva, Religion, Nationalism and the State in Modern Sri Lanka. [Review of K M de Silva, Religion, Nationalism and the State in Modern Sri Lanka].Lanka 1(1988), 65-66.

15. "Rapport fr�n en konferens till st�d f�r Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam". [Report from a Conference supportive of the LTTE]. Lanka 1(1988), pp. 72-81.

16. "Till minne av K Kandhasamy, Birgitta Wolff och Newton Gunasinghe". [Commemorating K Kandhasamy, Birgitta Wolff and Newton Gunasinghe]. Lanka 1(1988), pp. 88-89.

17. "Rapport fr�n ett samtal anordnat av International Alert". [Report from a Conversation with International Alert]. Lanka 1(1988), pp. 82-83).

18. "Buddhisters Vesakfirande p� Lanka". [Buddhist (Political) Vesak celebrations in Lanka]. Lanka, 1 (1988), pp. 9-22.

19. pautta cinkala inaveri tiviravatam. cennai: ponni, 1988. 55 pages. [Tamil].

20. "'Unity' and Sovereignty'. Key Concepts of Militant Buddhist Organisation in the Present Conflict in Sri Lanka ". Temenos, 24 (1988), pp. 55-87.

21. "Sri Lankas befrielsetigrar - vad vill de?" [The Liberation Tigers of  Sri Lanka - What Do They Want?". Sydasien, 2, (1988), pp. 28-32.

22. "Den fosterl�ndske Vijevira. Singhalesisk nationalism mot tamiler".[The patriotic Vijevira. Sihala nationalism against Tamilar]. Sydasien, 3, (1989), pp. 4-11.

23. "N�gra politiska teckningar". [Some political drawings]. Lanka 3(1989), pp. 94-95.

24. "Amnesty Internationals semininarier om Lanka i Uppsala". [AI's seminars about Lanka in Uppsala]. Lanka 2(March 1988).

25. "Articles 9 and 18 of the Constitution of Lanka as Obstacles to Peace". Lanka 5, (December 1990), pp. 276-296.

26. "The Lankan Mahasangha's Concept of a Dharmacracy and Society". Radical Conservatism. Buddhism in the Contemporary World. Articles in Honour of Bhikkhu Buddhadas's 84th Birthday Anniversary. Bangkok: International
Network of Engaged Buddhism, (1990), pp. 354-359.

27. "Introduction" (with H Beach. Lanka 5 (December 1990), pp. 224-226.

28. "Some Reflections on the Situation of Exiled Tamils in Europe". Lanka 5 (December 1990), pp. 382-386.

29. "The Concept of Concord in President Ransinghe Premadasa's Buddhist-Political Discourse". Lanka, 4 (March 1990), pp. 22-92.

30. "Agreement between Yalppanam and Uppsala University". Lanka 4 (March 1990), pp. 153-157.

31. "The Sinhala Concept of a 'Dharmacracy' as an Obstacle to Peace in a Crisis of the State". Asian Societies in a Comparative Prespective.The Seventh Conference of the Nordic Association for Southeast Asian Studies, in Co-opretaion with the Nordic Intsitute of Asian Studies and Scandinavian South and East Asian Researchers. Paperes for the Conference. Danland, Klinholm, Moen, Denmark, September 30 - October 3, 1990. 27 pages.

32. "The Concept of Martyrdom and Resistance of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)". First Nordic Conference for South Asian Studies Organised by NASA. Background Material Including Papers, 2 (1991), pp. 1-29.

33. "Tamilerna i Sydindiens och Ilams(Lankas) historia". [The Tamilar in the History of South India and Ilam]. Svart Vitt. Ung M�ngkulturell Tidskrift 4 (1991), pp. 11-15.

34. "Sri Lanka 1991 - en konflikth�rjad �". [Sri Lanka 1991 - an Island in Conflict"]. Svart Vitt. Ung M�ngkulturell Tidskrift 4 (1991), pp. 24-27.

35. Review of H Bechert, "Buddhismus, Staat und Gesellschaft in den L�ndern des Theravada-Buddhismus". Lanka 6(1981), pp. 42-45.

36. " 'Birds of Independence'. On the Participation of Tamil Women in Armed Struggle". Lanka 7 (1992), pp. 44-142.

37. "Review. Tambiah, S J, Buddhism Betrayed".Temenos, 29 (1993), pp. 183-189.

38. "Professor Carlo Fonseka on peace in Sri Lanka". Lanka 7 (1992), pp. 143-148.

39. "Projects at the Department of the History of Religions 1983-1993". Lanka 7 (1992), pp. 180-185.

40. "Summary of Two Seminars in Tamil Martial Traditions". Lanka 7 (1992), pp. 186-188.

41. Hoping against Hope. Appeals for Help to the President of Sri Lanka and other Dignitaries, by the Citizens Committee, Yalppanam(Jaffna), Sri Lanka, 1990-1992. With a Preface, an Introduction, and an Index by Peter Schalk. Edited and Published by Peter Schalk. Uppsala: Peter Schalk, 1994. 181 pages.

42. "Women Fighters of the Liberation Tigers in Ilam. The Martial Feminism of Atel Palacinkam.South Asia Research, (SOAS) 14, 2 (1994), pp. 1-22.

43. "Mot en s�ker d�d". [Death assured]. Sydasien, 1(1994), (1994), pp.18-19.

44. "The Vallipuram Buddha Image. 'Rediscovered'". Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies. Vol 12, no.9 (Septemeber 1994), pp. 115-121.

45. "Religions among Tamils. Academic Program in Uppsala, 17-22 May 1995". Uppsala: Uppsala University, Religious Studies, 1995. 8 p.

46. "Introduction". Studies in the Tamil Cultural Heritage of Yalppanam, Ilam, (Lanka). Uppsala Studies in the History of Religions 2(1995), pp. 1-3.

47. "Buddhistmunken fr�n Dimbulagala hetsade till krig". [The Buddhist monk from Dimbulagala incited for war]. Sydasien 3(1995), pp. 27-28.

48. War and Peace in Sri Lanka, July, 1995. Speech made by Professor Peter Schalk on 29th July, at 5.30 PM at Conway Hall, London, on Invitation by the World Peace Organisation. 9 pages. Published and distributed by the World Peace Organisation, London, 1995.

49. "F�rr�darst�mplen �r borta. �nnu lever 'Netaji' - den v�rdade ledaren". [The Image of a Traitor is Gone. 'Netaji' is still living]. Sydasien 2, 1996, s. 24-25.

50. "Inte bara tigern gemensam. Total h�ngivenhet och martyrkult f�rbinder Tigrarna med Netjajis ideal". [Not only the Tiger is sin Common: Complete Dedication and the Cult of Martyrs Connects the Tigers with the Ideal of   Netaji". Sydasien 2, 1996, 26-28.

51. "The Vallipuram Buddha Image Rediscovered". Symposion on Religious Art, Dance and Music. Based on Papers Read at the Symposium on Dance, Music, and Art in Religions Held at �bo, Finland, on the 16th-18th August 1994. Edited by Tore Ahlb�ck. �bo: The Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History, �bo Findland, 1996, s. 295-312. [Longer version than 51].

52. Academic Exchange between Yalppanam and Uppsala, 1988-1996. Uppsala Studies in the History of Religions 3 (1996). 84 pages. Editors: Jan Bergman, Anders Hultg�rd, Peter Schalk. Uppsala: Uppsala University, Studies of Religions, 1996.

53. "A J Wilson on Tantai Celva. A Review". Acta Orientalia 57 (1996), pp. 105-115.

54. "Kette ohne Anfang und Ende. Die Welt der Fundamentalisten in Sri Lanka ist hermetisch gegen Kritik versiegelt". [The Chain without Beginning and End. The World of the Fundamentalists in Sri Lanka is Completely Immune against Criticism]. Der �berblick. Zeitschrift f�r �kumenische Begegnung und internationale Zusammenarbeit. 33. Jahrgang. M�rz 1997, pp. 83-88.

55. "Revival of Martyr Cults among Ilattamilar", Temenos 33, 1997, pp. 1-39.

56."Concepts of Martyrdom and Resistance of the LTTE". Martyrdom and Political Resistance. Ed. Joyce Pettigrew. Centre of Asian Studies Amsterdam. Amsterdam: VU Press, 1997, pp. 61-82.

57. P Schalk, "Historisation of the Martial Ideology of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Ealam(LTTE)". South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies(Australia), vol 20, no. 2, December 1997, pp. 35-72.



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