International Relations
in the Age of Empire
Arundhati Roy - Confronting Empire
"Remember this: We be many and they be few. They need us more than we need them.
Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."
Arundhati Roy -A site by Jon:
- life, works and controversy.
Roy - A Life full of Beginnings and no Endings
Annina's Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy at South Asian Womens Network
Arundhati Roy - Books
Selected Writings & Speeches |
The silent horror of the war in Sri Lanka,
31 March 2009 |
The monster in the mirror,
12 December 2008
'It�s outright war and both sides are choosing their weapons',
March 2007
" Many of us are in a position where we are beginning to
align ourselves on the side of those who we know have no place for
us in their religious or ideological imagination. It�s true that
everybody changes radically when they come to power � look at
Mandela�s ANC. Corrupt, capitalist, bowing to the IMF, driving the
poor out of their homes � honouring Suharto, the killer of hundreds
of thousands of Indonesian Communists, with South Africa�s highest
civilian award. Who would have thought it could happen? But does
this mean South Africans should have backed away from the struggle
against apartheid? Or that they should regret it now? Does it mean
Algeria should have remained a French colony, that Kashmiris, Iraqis
and Palestinians should accept military occupation? That people
whose dignity is being assaulted should give up the fight because
they can�t find saints to lead them into battle?.."
On Intellectual Engagement,
November 2005
"..The facts are there in the world today. People like Chomsky have
made a huge contribution to that. But what does information
mean? What are facts? There is so much information that almost
all becomes meaningless and disempowering. Where has it all
gone? What does the World Social Forum mean today? They are big
questions now. Ultimately, millions of people marched against
the war in Iraq. But the war was prosecuted, the occupation is
in full stride. I do not for a moment want to undermine the fact
that unveiling the facts has meant a huge swing of public
opinion against the occupation of Iraq, it has meant that
America�s secret history is now street talk, but what next? To
expose things is quite different from being able to effectively
resist things... I don�t agree with the term, Intellectual.
Anybody with skills and intelligence can be intellectual. A cobbler is
an intellectual.
I don�t really want to work out the definitions. It�s just the
opposite of what novelists do. They really try to free their
thinking from such definitions."
Opening Statement on Behalf of the Jury of
Concience of the World Tribunal on Iraq, June 2005
"The assault on Iraq is an assault on all of us: on our
dignity, our intelligence, and our future."
Tide or Ivory Snow? Public Power in the Age of
Empire, August 2004
"...No government's condemnation of terrorism is
credible if it cannot show itself to be open to change by non violent
dissent...But instead .. any kind of mass political mobilization or
organization is being bought off, or broken, or simply ignored.
Meanwhile, governments and the corporate media.. lavish their time,
attention, technology, research, and admiration on war and terrorism.
Violence has been deified. The message this sends is disturbing and
dangerous: If you seek to air a public grievance, violence is more
effective than non violence...It's time to recognize that no amount of
nuclear weapons or full-spectrum dominance or daisy cutters or spurious
governing councils and loyal jirgas can buy peace at the cost of
justice. The urge for hegemony and preponderance by some will be matched
with greater intensity by the longing for dignity and justice by others.
The New American Century, January 2004
" In January 2003 thousands
of us from across the world gathered in Porto Alegre in Brazil and
declared--reiterated--that "Another World Is Possible." A few thousand miles
north, in Washington, George W. Bush and his aides were thinking the same thing.
Our project was the World Social Forum. Theirs--to further what many call the
Project for the New American Century. ..In the great cities of Europe and
America, where a few years ago these things would only have been whispered, now
people are openly talking about the good side of imperialism and the need for a
strong empire to police an unruly world. The new missionaries want order at the
cost of justice. Discipline at the cost of dignity. And ascendancy at any price.
Occasionally some of us are invited to "debate" the issue on "neutral" platforms
provided by the corporate media. Debating imperialism is a bit like debating
the pros and cons of rape. What can we say? That we really miss it? "
Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy (Buy One, Get One Free),
May 2003 |
Empire, January 2003
"Remember this: We be many and they be few. They need
us more than we need them. Another world is not only possible, she is on her
way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."
Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates - Arundhati Roy in the
Guardian , April 2003
"...When invading American soldiers (from the
army "that's only here to help") are taken prisoner and shown on Iraqi TV,
George Bush says it violates the Geneva convention and "exposes the evil at
the heart of the regime". But it is entirely acceptable for US television
stations to show the hundreds of prisoners being held by the US government
in Guantanamo Bay, kneeling on the ground with their hands tied behind their
backs, blinded with opaque goggles and with earphones clamped on their ears,
to ensure complete visual and aural deprivation. When questioned about the
treatment of these prisoners, US Government officials don't deny that
they're being being ill-treated. They deny that they're "prisoners of war".."
Arundhati Roy Interview with Michael Alpert, July, 2003
"Those asking
after our alternative to neo-liberal globalization, actually expect an
answer as violent and totalitarian as the one we reject. We are not looking
for one answer. We only ask for the current brutality to stop, to create new
space for thousands of possible answers.�
September - Arundhati Roy and Howard Zimm in Conversation, September 2002
"...there are many Americans who would be mortified to be associated
with their government's policies. The most scholarly, scathing,
incisive, hilarious critiques of the hypocrisy and the contradictions in
U.S. government policy come from American citizens. When the rest of the
world wants to know what the U.S. government is up to, we turn to Noam
Chomsky, Edward Said, Howard Zinn, Ed Herman, Amy Goodman, Michael
Albert, Chalmers Johnson, William Blum and Anthony Arnove to tell us
what's really going on..."
The algebra of infinite justice
- Arundhati Roy in the Guardian, September 2001
"..In 1996, Madeleine
Albright, then the US secretary of state, was asked on national television
what she felt about the fact that 500,000 Iraqi children had died as a
result of US economic sanctions. She replied that it was "a very hard
choice", but that, all things considered, "we think the price is worth
So here we have it. The equivocating distinction between civilisation and
savagery, between the "massacre of innocent people" ...and "collateral
damage". The sophistry and fastidious algebra of infinite justice. How many
dead Iraqis will it take to make the world a better place? How many dead
Afghans for every dead American? How many dead women and children for every
dead man? How many dead mojahedin for each dead investment banker?.."

Books by Arundhati Roy |
Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers,
2009 |
Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire,
"..The project of corporate
globalization has cracked the code of democracy. Free
elections, a free press and an independent judiciary
mean little when the free market has reduced them to
commodities on sale to the highest bidder..." |
*The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile:
Conversations with Arundhati Roy, 2004
*Come September
(audio), 2004 |
Imperial Democracy : Two Talks with Howard Zinn [abridged], Audio CD, 2004 |
*For Reasons of State
Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy, 2003 |
*War Talk 2003 |
*Power Politics,2002
*Algebra of Infinite Justice (Revised and Updated) 2002 |
Greater Common Good 1999 |
*The Cost of Living,
1999 |
*The God of Small Things,
1998, - 1997 Booker Prize Winner |