Tamils - a Trans State Nation..

"To us all towns are one, all men our kin.
Life's good comes not from others' gift, nor ill
Man's pains and pains' relief are from within.
Thus have we seen in visions of the wise !."
Tamil Poem in Purananuru, circa 500 B.C

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One Hundred Tamils
of the 20th Century

நாட்டுப்பற்றாளர் Kanagaratnam Jeyaseelan

"Kanagaratnam Jeyaseelan was a young and dedicated journalist who strove untiringly for the cause of liberation even in the face of threats to his life. His death comes as another blow to us in a time when Tamil journalists are being targeted and killed by paramilitary groups guided and assisted by the Sri Lanka government," said Vellinatham Editor Sri Indrakumar paying homage to Jeyaseelan, Sub-Editor Vellinatham, the weekly edition of Eelanatham daily published in Vanni, at an event held Saturday around 11.30 a.m in the Eelanatham office in Kilinochchi presided by Sudarmany of Eelanatham, said sources from Vanni.

Kanagaratnam Jeyaseelan, who died in a motorbike accident Friday in Kilinochchi, was honoured with the title National Patriot (Nattup Patralar) on his demise by The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. "Jeyaseelan had worked unceasingly for more than ten years, even when Eelanatham had to face countless difficulties and crisis. He is a role model for all aspiring young journalists," said Eelantham Chief editor Mr. Jeyaraj.

The remains of Jeayseelan kept at his residence for paying last respects at Anandapuram in Kilinochchi was brought to the Eelanatham office where many journalists, editors, writers and others paid tribute to Jeyaseelan.

Mr. Naresh, Media coordinator lit the Common flame and Jeyseelan's mother Veerangani lit the Sacrificial flame and garlanded her son's remains. S. Thangan, deputy political head of the LTTE began the event offering flowers followed by Eelanatham Head Parthipan, Chief editor Jeyaraj and Jegan from the Media wing.

"Every one of us, in our various fields, is engaged in the struggle for liberation and Jeyaseelan who was known for his selfless dedication to the cause, though no more with us physically, will in spirit, be a force urging us to take our struggle forward," said Thangan in his speech.

Puthuvai Irathinathurai, Head of the organisation for Arts and Culture, Writer Pon. Poolagasingam, journalist Ansalin also spoke. Homage paid to journalist Jeyaseelan in Kilinochchi (Homage paid to journalist Jeyaseelan in Kilinochchi - TamilNet, May 08, 2006)

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