Tamil Digital Library Network

Tamil Digital Library Network (TADILNET) is an Internet
based networking group of individuals and institutional
representatives engaged in or interested in building digital Tamil
collections. It is a voluntary forum to share information on the
content of individual collections, location of primary resources,
sharing of experience in Tamil digitization efforts, build common
standards and protocols that lead to efficient comprehensive
catalogue of e-archives, search engines etc.
Currently the TADILNET forum consists of ca. 30
individuals from many of the leading academic institutions
(academicians, librarians in charge of libraries with major Tamil
resource collections and software professionals interested in Tamil
Digital Library development) and they come from India, Sri Lanka,
Singapore, Malaysia, Europe and North America. The group uses
net-based mailing list at Yahoo groups for continuous dialogue.
Subscription is open to anyone interested in Digital Tamil Library
For a listing of webpages currently available please
visit the
for the
List of Participants
Following is the list of persons who have joined together to get
this TADILNET initiative
off the ground (listed regionwise):
- Prof. M. Anandakrishnan (Madras Institute of Development
Studies, Chennai)
- Prof. N. Balakrishnan (SERC, Indian Institute of Science,
- Prof. C.N. Krishnan (Anna Univ-KBC Center for Internet
Research, Chrompet, Chennai)
- Prof. Udaykumar (High Voltage Engg. Dept, Anna Univ,
- Prof. V. Sankaranarayanan (Tamil Virtual University,
- Dr. V. Ponraj (IT Advisor to the President of India, New
- Dr. S. Venkadesan (Central Library, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore)
- Dr. Harish Chandra (Central Library, Indian Inst of
Technology, Madras)
- Mr. G. Sundar (Roja Muthaiah Research Library, Chennai)
- Mr. S. Baskaran (Anna Univ-KBC Center for Internet Research,
Chrompet, Chennai)
- Dr. Samyukta Ravi (Science Library, Univ of Madras, Guindy
- Prof. Jean Lawrence (Institute of Tamil Studies, Taramani,
- Prof. M. Ponnavaiko (Formerly Director, Tamil Virtual
University, Chennai)
- Mr. Maalan Narayanan (Sun TV network, Chennai)
- Prof. S. Rajendran (Tamil University, Tanjore)
- Mr. Vasant Metha (Kanchi Mutt, Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu)
Sri Lanka
- Mr. Jeyatheepan ( Global IT Labs, Colombo, Sri Lanka)
- Mr. Arun Mahizhnan (Inst. for Policy Development, Singapore)
- Prof. S. Thinnappan (South Asia Studies Dept, National Univ
of Singapore)
- Prof. R. Karthigesu (formerly Technical Univ of Malaya,
- Mr. Muthu Nedumaran (Murasu Systems, Kuala Lumpur)
- Dr. Sabapathy (Dept of Tamil Studies, Univ of Malaya, Kuala
- Ms. Gomathy (Librarian, Univ of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur)
- Mr. Paramasivam (Univ of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur)
- Dr. K. Kalyanasundaram (Swiss Federal Inst. of Technology,
- Ms. Nalini Persad (British Library, London, UK)
- Dr. Jean-Luc Chevillard (CNRS, Paris, France)
- Ms. Subashini Kanagasunaram (Hewlett-Packard, Boeblingen,
- Dr. Vasu Renganathan (Penn Language Center, Univ of
Pennsylvania, PA)
- Dr. Naga Ganesan (NASA Research Center, Houston, TX)
South-east Asia
- Dr. N. Kannan, Korea